General Posts

October, 23 Part 1

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–BIKETOBERFEST MEETS HALLOWEEN Biketoberfest shot from Roque.Biketoberfest is a wrap, and we have the story thanks mostly to Rogue our Florida imbedded moto-journalist for over 30 years. We’re hitting the news hard this morning. We made a pre-dawn run to the Sacred Grounds for a pot of 92 Octane coffee. We dropped the

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Dayroll Comes Alive

Bandit’s Dayroll is available for purchase in Bandit’s Gift Shop On a toasty Sunday afternoon, I was called from my tiny digs in the sizzling valley to the salt air breezes on the coast by a petite blonde with a hankerin’ for sun-settin’ delights before and after dinner. I couldn’t resist and with only a

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