Chop N Grind Bonneville Team Report-2

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I know we been missing in action. We’re just trying to work things out. I guess we're our on our own. We haven’t found any sponsors.

Here’s an update.

We are still going strong as we can. No one has stepped up yet. But that's cool, we'll make it. We are building an EVO with a Twin Cam top 100 incher.

The crew dipped from eight to three of us, only the strong survive. Enclosed are a few photos to show where we’re at. We scored an old Bartels race pipe which should work fine. We’re prepping the frame and continue with the mock up.

We are planning our test run at El Mirage in May. I talked to Dave Campos after 30 years and he’s planning to bring the old Easyrider liner to Bonneville this year. He (and Easyriders) still hold the record (321 mph). Dave was the pilot. I know there are a few guys this year who want to break his record.

Bonneville Racer mocked up. We need to mount the Corbin seat and fender.

Older Bartels race pipe mounted. It’s a good, old horse- power pipe.

Larry ground all the tabs off our Midwest Supply ridged frame.

Chop 4
There’s OC Danny installing exhaust insulating wrap. It’s an innovative way to create more horsepower. Wrapping the pipes with exhaust insulating wrap maintains hotter exhaust gases within the pipe, that exit the system faster through decreased density.

Here’s the exhaust insulating wrap done, ready to take the exhaust cone off and send it to be Jet Coated. If you need more about this stuff, check the Wrap Tech in the Bikernet Tech area.

Bob T. hammering off tabs or just fucking around. We’ll take a vote later.

Fuel tank mocked up. Is that cool or what?

We mocked up the tranny and made it ready for making new mounts and battery mounts.

Chop N Grind doing what we know best—dancing on the top of the lift.

All tabs are about gone now. Next, the frame will be set up for making new exhaust tabs.


It was a good day. We started out with a ride, met up with OC Danny on the back side of Big Bear and stopped at Hutchin`s Route 62 diner for some early morning chow and worked the rest of the day on the Chop ‘n’ Grind Bonneville Team Bike.

We need to find some light weight rims. Anyone out there who can help us?

She’s the team mascot. She outta draw a sponsor or two.

Thanks for your Support
Bob Tronolone>

Chop N Grind Racing
High Desert Performance Service
7411 Wamego
Yucca Valley, Cal

Ask for Larry or Bob T

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