This will begin the ongoing bike build for Kevin Baas’s 2005 Class Build here on Bikernet.com. I’ll be posting updates from Kevin so check back periodically for the progress and help out if you can by donating any old parts.

The Kennedy Manufacturing Technology students atKennedy High school in Bloomington Minnesota areembarking on the latest chopper build which willincorporate a bike made up of donated parts to beauctioned off in the spring as a fund raiser for theclass.

Instructor Kevin Baas had a vision ofmaking his classes self sufficient due to the schoolscontinued budget cuts and the threat that when moneygets too tight the shop classes get dropped. Thisproject will be the first in a yearly series that willincorporate a bike built entirely in class with thestudents to be sold as 100% fund raiser for theclasses. This will eliminate the districts need toworry about funding us and ultimately give us a “getout of jail free” card when they decide which programsneed to be cut. This not only is great for theprogram but for the kids involved the experience willforever be remembered.

After last years 1957 Panhead class project thingshave been crazy here. We are getting many regularorders from many builders for custom parts, signs andother steel fabricated items as well as many companiesstepping up and becoming partners with us on thisproject. George Counes from Spartan Frame Works(http://spartanframeworks.com)is currently making us a bad ass custom Ford Radiussingle down tube gooseneck frame for the project aswell as donating one of his unique and truly awesomecustom springer front ends.. THANKS GEORGE!! Jefffrom Sucker Punch Sally's will be on board as welldonating things that we need to help get the projectcompleted as well as Paul Cox, and many other garagebuilders who have extra parts lying around.

Any extraparts we receive will be kept and used on the futureprojects as we will be building at least one bike ayear, so please anything and everything is greatlyappreciated. A weekly update will be posted as we getnew parts and new sponsors.

Anyone interested inhelping out can e-mail Kevin Baas at: baasmetalcraft@yahoo.comor can call him at the school at 952-681-5224or through his websitehttp://www.baasmetalcraft.com