One World Studios Presents the Sinners
This film has already won International film awards: The “Best Documentary” at the Temecula ValleyInternational Film Festival. It’s the best film so far relating to the brotherhood of the bobber. Without badgering the rapidly expanding American custom industry, it shines a positive light on a relative young group of rock and rollers, in Southern Califa, who love ‘60s choppers and lowered cars, The Sinners.
The bikes are old school, the film work captures the build, the heart and the romance of their street lifestyle. The story line stays true without long-winded editorials and philosophical rantings.

It’s not the most entertaining biker flick I’ve ever seen, by a long shot, but it’s a straight forward account of the life and times of the Socal Sinners, from building Bobbers to playing rock, to skateboard antics and slam dancing turned fist fight. The guys let it all hang out from automatic weapons to fucking with citizens.
It was well-done, well shot and edited. Is it entertaining or purely social justification documentary? You be the judge. As an explanatory film making a case for the society of the bobber it works. Check it out.