
About the time I think I might back off on politics and the major attack against our lifestyle, it comes back.

For some reason the notion of Climate Change is strong right now. And we have a lot of news on the subject. Hang on, this news will be rocking. Plus, by tomorrow we will have Kirk Willard’s speech from the Sturgis Hall of Fame Breakfast where he outlines the government attack on motorcyclists.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.


Interesting CARB has been trying to export their programs to other states for years with few takers due to the cost to implement. Md. and Delaware have recently adopted the CARB VOC program

The author of this doc lied stating no economic cost is impacted by adopting this.

The new products are pretty bad, only difference we don’t yet have the ARB enforcement program.

Interesting years ago I was on break during a CARB workshop and caught up with the mobile source chief. I could not help myself to ask what was the # 1 source of emissions in California. She said without any hesitation with no close 2nd, “the fires!”


· Ca has 33 million acres of forests that are too dense
· Too many trees leads to many dead trees
· Clear Cutting banned
· Intense fire suppression because of environmental concerns

This will be a titanic battle, likely in Trumps next term.

We need new leaders!


Knowing The Right Person For The Job
I am not aware about how much you know about an issue from back in the time we were at Easyriders.

When I moved to Florida and opened Space Coast Custom Motorcycle Shop (Jammer Sponsored) I received a phone call from Gary Winn who was with the AMA at the time. He asked if I was planning on going to the races at Talladega. I informed him I had not planned on it and asked why he was interested.

He told me the prior year that Gloria Carter Spann (sister of President Jimmy Carter) had gone to the races and members of a motorcycle club had thrown her Honda motorcycle into the water making statements about women riding motorcycles. They also told her they would continue to do it should she come back with another motorcycle.

Gloria and her husband were planning on going again that year and she was now riding a Harley and had concerns of the same thing happening. I had met Gloria and Walter at a helmet law protest prior to this and we started being friends so I told Gary I would see what I could do.

Shortly after that I received a phone call from Lou Kimzey, the boss of Easyriders Magazine, asking me if I would go to Talladega to cover the races.

Well I went the club guys showed up and I had a come to Jesus meeting with them. An interesting story for another time, But they decided to see things my way and there was no incident.

I later went on to provide private security for Gloria and Walter. With that came a concealed Federal Carry License, but more important a direct phone line to Jack Watson at the White House. Jack was very helpful in solving some motorcycle issues. I also did a eulogy at Gloria’s funeral and did an article on it for Easyriders’ BIKER publication.

Okay the point of all of this we had a friend in the Whitehouse and things that benefited us got done.

We have not had that in a long time and now we have Donald Trump and Bikers For Trump.

Chris Cox is running that and both Dmac and myself are moderators for the organization web site in Florida. We see Chris on a regular basis and have his e-mail and personal cell phone number.

He meets with President Trump and his staff on a regular basis and we are working to make some changes in State and Federal Laws that affect motorcycles.

While we are working on that it is important to get the right people elected that will work with us.

One of the ways we do that is to let people know who is working with us and who we support.

In Florida one of the people is Ron DeSantis. Bikers For Trump will have a booth at Tropical Tattoo again this year during Biketoberfest supporting him, so that motorcycle people in Florida can get information and hopefully he becomes Governor.

I am working on EPA and some other issues with Chris Cox and other people in the organization.

Getting the right people elected is going to make a Big Difference in getting good results for the issues that motorcyclist are facing.

Supreme Leader Editor
Bikernet™ Baggers

Chapter events are only better when two chapters get together. Then throw in a mix of AMCA members from coast to coast and you have Pandemonium. Look for full coverage in a future newsletter and in The Antique Motorcycle.

This month’s Chapter coverage is from Americade.

AMCA Again Hosts Vintage Garage at Americade, 2018
By Peter MacMurray #13336

To many motorcyclists early June represents the annual return of Americade. Begun in 1983 as a meet for touring riders, and held in Lake George, New York, this week-long event has grown to one of the largest and most widely known motorcycling gatherings of the year and attracts 60,000-80,000 attendees annually. From its modest inception in 2016 the featured Americade Vintage Garage has seen steady growth from the 18 antique bikes displayed that year to the 30+ machines featured in this year’s exhibit.

These motorcycles were brought to Lake George by 14 AMCA member volunteers from across the Northeast region. Additionally, as circumstances had it, we were joined by AMCA member and artist Makoto Eno whose tent was directly across from the Vintage Garage. In short order, we had arranged for Edo to paint in a corner of the Vintage Garage tent and we had filled the modest courtyard lawn between our sites with a rotation of antique bikes to draw in the passersby.

Furthermore, we were treated to a series of extraordinarily fine days after some dampness on Tuesday, June 5th, the opening day of the Rally. Over the course of the week we easily hosted over 10,000 visitors to the Garage and passed out in excess of 3000 flyers for the Yankee Chapter National Meet in August in Terryville, CT.

Make sure to check out all the Local Chapter Events below and enjoy the summer.

Are you looking for a new AMCA Chapter in your area? If you don’t see on one on the AMCA Chapter Map, make sure to click on the “Read More” link below to see a list of all the new areas of the country in the process of starting a chapter.



I just received my new membership card.–Bandit

QUICK, New BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!– IT’S A WRAP SUNDAY POST for August 12th, 2018

Hey AJ in Deland, re: your comment about Polaris being Canadian. That is a popular misconception. I think it’s because they make and sell snowmobiles. It is a USA company and has been since 1954. Victory riders used to get that jab all the time.

— Paul
Charlotte, NC

NEW FROM S&S – Quickee Pushrod Tube Kits in Black

S&S Cycle’s Quickee pushrod tube kits are a fundamental part of any v-twin cam install and have saved thousands of hours of service time since they launched years ago. Cut the stock pushrods, install the Quickee pushrods and adjust to length, no need to pull off the top end of the motor.

Their latest version includes gloss black powder coated tubes designed to complete the blacked out look of a well appointed motor while still adding subtle contrast against the matte finish of the cylinders. Available for the 1999-2017 big twins as well as 2017-2018 M8 applications as complete kits with Quickee pushrods or just blacked out covers.

Check out the details at

I’m retired soldier with over 20 years in the Army. I have a vision to make fabrication an affordable option for the DIY builder buy solving problems for the customer. I appreciate your business and understand your passion. I am located in Magnolia, Texas.

Monkey Fab is my own little business I do on the side, but I take great care to get orders out quickly and accurately. You can always reach me on Facebook or my Cell 910-584-1918.

I appreciate Txt messages as i’m probably working and will get back to you as soon as I can.

Trump: Harley-Davidson boycott would be ‘great’–By Mark Moore

President Trump said a planned boycott of iconic American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson for wanting to move some of its operations outside the United States would be “great.”

“Many @harleydavidson owners plan to boycott the company if manufacturing moves overseas.

Great!,” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday. “Most other companies are coming in our direction, including Harley competitors. A really bad move! U.S. will soon have a level playing field, or better.”

Trump sent the tweet from his golf resort in Bedminster, N.J., where he hosted members of “Bikers for Trump” on Saturday afternoon.

Harley-Davidson executives said in June that they were planning to shift production of motorcycles being sold in European markets to overseas factories.

They said it was in response to retaliatory tariffs the European Union slapped on imported hogs after Trump imposed levies on steel and aluminum imports from Europe.

Harley-Davidson said the EU’s tariffs would increase the cost of one of its bikes by $2,200.

Some owners told the New York Times that the decision would end their decades-old relationship with the Wisconsin-based company. The plan to move started way before the President suggested tariffs.

“I’m riding my last Harley,” Gary Rathbun, a 67-year-old retired truck driver attending the legendary Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in North Dakota, told the newspaper. “It was American made, and that’s why we stood behind them.”


AEROMACH BOSS ATTENDS STURGIS MUSEUM HALL OF FAME BREAKFAST--Valerie invited me to be at her table for the HOF induction. Quite an honor.

There were a shitload of Hamsters there for their induction.

I test rode the Triumph Bobber. It is only the second bike I’ve tested I wouldn’t buy. The first was the new Yamaha touring bike rolled out last year.

The number of Indians on the road is impressive. If only Victory made that much impact in such a short time. I was hoping to see the new FTR street bike but nothing. Same with H-D, no peeks of the new bikes they’ve teased.

Do you really want to be there full time? It is beautiful now but in the winter, screw that! Maybe a tiny house like Marilyn got at the Chip? Tiny house with a giant garage!

–Paul Aiken
Aeromach USA, LLC
10015 Metromont Ind. Blvd, Ste F
Charlotte, NC 28269
800-990-9392 orders
704-599-1333 office

Highway Hawk is a product of Motolux


anything that relieves distress or pain: The music was an anodyne to his grief.

a medicine that relieves or allays pain.

… he realized that then, and now, work had been an anodyne of sorts. It had occupied his mind.

— Patrick Taylor, An Irish Country Courtship, 2010

Anodyne has a surprising etymology. Its Greek original, an?dynos “painless,” breaks down to the elements an-, ?d-, -yn-, -os-. The first element, an- “not,” is from the same Proto-Indo-European source as Latin in- and Germanic (English) un-. The second to last element -yn- is from the noun suffix -ýne; the last element, -os, is an adjective ending. The main element odýne “pain” (édyna in the Aeolic dialect) consists of ?d-, a derivative of the Greek root ed-, od- from the Proto-Indo-European root ed-, od- “to eat” (source of Latin edere, Germanic (Old English) etan, Hittite et-, Homeric Greek édmenai, all meaning “eat, to eat.”) In Greek odýne is something that eats you (cf. colloquial English, “What’s eating you?”).

The Germanic languages also have the compound verb fra-etan “to eat up, devour,” which becomes in German fressen “devour, gorge, corrode,” and in Old English fretan “to devour,” English fret, which nowadays usually has only its extended sense “feel worry or pain.” Anodyne entered English in the 16th century.

MPP ALERT–New Mexico Motorcyclists Confront Sheriff Over Motorcycle Profiling

According to data collected by the New Mexico Motorcyclists Rights Organization (NMMRO), motorcyclists in New Mexico have been increasingly experiencing profiling stops at the hands of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. But instead of merely collecting data, the NMMRO recently confronted Sheriff Manuel Gonzales requesting that all department policies and procedures be reviewed, and that all deputies be properly trained and educated so that they understand that profiling and selective enforcement of the law are simply unacceptable.

Motorcycle profiling deprives individuals of basic constitutional guarantees and should therefore be a concern to all Americans. The 1st Amendment irrefutably protects the rights of association and expression and judicial precedent has specifically applied these rights in the context of motorcycle clubs, including clubs that law enforcement labels a gang. Being in a motorcycle club is not justification for a traffic stop. And even when a traffic pretext is provided in an attempt to justify the stop, the 14th Amendment prohibits selective enforcement of the law.

The Motorcycle Profiling Project (MPP) commends the NMMRO’s proactive grassroots efforts. The MPP joins the NMMRO in the request to the Bernalillo Sheriff’s Department to properly educate and train deputies to cease the common practice of motorcycle profiling. Furthermore, the MPP believes that the Bernalillo Sheriff’s department should confirm a commitment in a public statement condemning the practice.

Finally, please take the time to fill out the National Motorcycle Profiling Survey 2018 (http:// and assist the MPP and motorcycle rights organizations nationwide in the effort to end motorcycle profiling and discrimination.

NMMRO’s Official Request To Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department


About the Author–David “Double D” Devereaux is the Spokesperson for the Washington State Council of Clubs, Founder of the Motorcycle Profiling Project, and works with motorcyclists at the national level.


GUN NUT REVIEW OF THE WEEK-– Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade .45 ACP Pistol

I remember as a high school kid standing in front of the magazine stand and seeing a couple of firearm magazines on the shelf. Back then I had no interest in guns, so I didn’t flip through them. I didn’t know what a 1911 was and have never heard of the name GLOCK.

One particular magazine had a pistol on it, and I thought its grips with the starburst pattern was really unique looking, the only other thing I remember from that magazine cover were the words “Wilson Combat.” It wasn’t for another decade until I wanted to get into firearms, and I started off with the new age polymer wonder guns in 9mm just like pretty much everybody else.

When a buddy suggested I should get a 1911, my exact words were, “Nobody in their right mind would spend over a thousand dollars on a pistol.” Boy, how things has changed.

Gun Review: Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade .45 ACP Pistol

The Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade in .45 ACP is the second Wilson I own, which retails for $5,045. People who aren’t short on money or patience can still pay even more and wait for months to get one exactly the way they want it. This model is available in .45 ACP, 9mm, .40S&W, 10mm, and .38 Super.

The standard offering has many practical features along with bulletproof parts throughout, which are machined from bar stock instead of casted metal. Some of the features include a flush-cut and reverse-crowned match grade barrel, 30 LPI top serrations, 30 LPI front strap checking, 40 LPI checking on the rear of the slide, tritium front sight with U-notch Battle sight on the rear, and 3.5lb to 4.5lb trigger pull from the factory.

The beavertail grip safety, ambi thumb safety, the one-piece mag well/mainspring housing, and mag release are all bulletproof parts. The gun comes with six 8-round magazines, 19 lb recoil spring installed, and a spare 12 lb recoil spring.

The Tactical Supergrade I’m reviewing is a base model with the only exception being it doesn’t have front cocking serrations. Instead, mine has carry cuts without the ball end mill cut, which is my favorite look on a 1911.

In addition, this is not a T&E gun that I only got to put a couple hundred rounds through. It’s not a safe queen. It’s not part of a rotation that I take to the range from time to time, and it’s not my carry gun. This is a single-purpose gun that I use to compete in USPSA Single Stack, that I have put over 10,000 rounds through.

By the look of the mag well, you can see that I have practiced with it once or twice. At the time of this writing, I have trained with this gun every day for the past 245 days; live fire, dry fire, and some days both.

With it being a competition gun, I swapped out the night sight with a fiber optic front with 0.04? rod, and also running a 15lb recoil spring with 18lb hammer spring, which lowered the smoothed out trigger pull weight down to around 2.75lb.

Speaking of which, everyone who has ever tried the trigger is amazed at how good a 1911 trigger can be, and raised their expectation of what a 1911 trigger should be. There is a “proper” amount of pre travel, then it’s stopped at a very noticeable wall. It breaks crisp and clean once you apply about 60% of the pressure you assumed it would take for the hammer to fall. Wide eyes and wider smile usually follows for anyone who pulled the trigger for the first time.

The fit and craftsmanship is also equally impressive. The slide to frame fit is not loose, as nothing rattles if you shake the gun. It’s also not overly tight where you’d need considerable strength to rack the slide. The only way I can describe the slide to frame fit would be “precise,” where the rails are mated perfectly and glides back and forth on a complete straight path.

Running a finger on the back of the slide, you can see where the slide and frame meets, you just can’t feel it. It’s so perfectly blended to the point where two separate pieces of metal feels like one. The back of the extractor is blended the same way with the back of the slide, and so is the mag well with the frame of the gun. You can see the seam, but can’t feel the gap.

When the grip safety is engaged, the part that meets the web of the hand is completely flush with the frame, it’s smooth with no gaps and no edges. The ambi safety clicks on and off with just the right amount of pressure, and it’s extremely positive with no play at all. The left one also has a notch on the inside by the frame, which makes taking the gun apart quicker.

Since most matches are outdoors, I do detailed cleaning every time it gets rained on. Ambi safeties tend to work themselves loose over time, and this one is no exception. But given how much I have trained with this gun, it was definitely expected. After drawing from a Kydex holster thousands of times, the Armor Tuff finish is wearing off on the contact points as well. But I wouldn’t have competed with this gun had I worried about damaging the finish.

The barrel lock up is rock-solid. There is absolutely zero movement when pushing down on the barrel. The barrel and bushing fit is done to the same level of precision as the slide and frame, not overly tight, but exactly how it should be.

Therefore it’s no surprise how accurate this gun is, as demonstrated by the test target. I usually start my range session by putting up five half to 3/4? diameter target pasters at 5 to 7 yards, and it’s a great feeling to see the pasters fly off with my first five shots.

In the sport of USPSA where you are wasting time with anything more than “acceptable” sight picture, the gun has proven to be very accurate. I’m still trying to get better at calling my shots, and whether it’s a hit or miss, the bullet always ends up exactly where the front sight was on the target right before lift off from the recoil. When I’m at a match, I always joke that I’m doing the best I can to not make the gun look bad.

Wilson Combat test fires their 1911s with various types of ammo before it leaves the shop. But even though the test target was shot with 200 grain lead semi wadcutters at 1.250? overall length, I had trouble getting that to run reliably in this gun. For every eight-round mag, one or two rounds would fail to chamber.

I had tried loading it to 1.20?, 1.250?, and everything in between with no luck. Not all 200 grain LSWCs have the exact same shape, and I have yet to find the right length for it to feed reliably. The gun had zero issues with round nose bullets and hollow points.

My competition load is 230 grain coated round nose bullet going about 740 FPS, and it runs without any issue. Even though the SWCs make a more clean cut on paper targets, I still prefer the recoil of a heavier, slower bullet rather than the snappier feel of a lighter bullet at a higher speed.

While many guns at half this price are adequate for competition from the accuracy, fit, and reliability standpoint, I have just never seen anyone ask to handle someone’s Springfield. Thinking back to all those years ago when I knew nothing about guns, to now owning not one, but two Wilson Combat 1911s, my perspective has certainly changed. I have come to appreciate the people who don’t just assemble parts at a factory, but actually take the time and go the extra mile to build the best guns they can build.

I highly doubt that anyone would go out and buy a Supergrade after reading this review, and if people were to only put up a target and shoot for groups, un-timed at five yards, then of course any other gun is just as good. Someone once said 1911s are always a crapshoot, but if you hit the jackpot, the payout is priceless.

I have spent hours researching and reading the forums on whether the Supergrade really is better than Wilson’s standard models, and whether or not it’s worth the extra money. After handling both extensively, I can honestly say the Supergarde makes the standard model look like it’s nothing special. There’s no comparison. And as far as if it’s worth the extra money, when I first picked up this gun, I racked the slide once, and never looked back.

Specifications: Wilson Combat Tactical Supergrade

Caliber: .45acp
Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
Barrel Length: 5? Match Grade
Overall Length: 8.7
Sight Radius: 6.6
Height: 5.6
Width: 1.3
Weight Empty: 36.6 oz.
Weight Loaded: 45 oz.
Grips: G10 Black starburst
Sights: Battlesight with tritium front
MSRP: $5,045

Ratings (out of five stars):

Appearance and Style * * * *
The standard offering is Armor Tuff black slide with gray frame, but other colors and finishes are also available, stainless, blued, and color case hardened.

Reliability * * * *
Runs great with just about everything except certain profile of SWCs.

Accuracy * * * * *
The test target shows a 5/8? group at 15 yards. It’s one of the most accurate 1911s I own.

Overall * * * * *
A superbly fitted pistol where you can see and feel the quality and expertise of the gunsmiths who built it. There are not a lot of 1911s left that are worth getting once you own a Wilson Combat Supergrade.

–By Ang Li:

[page break]

CLIMATE DEPOT VIDEO GOES VIRAL WITH 7.4 MILLION VIEWS —warmists-try-to-ban-all-climate-deniers-attack-zuckerberg/

Morano’s skeptical Facebook video goes viral with 7.5 million views – Prompts warmists try to ban ‘climate deniers’ & attack Zuckerberg
Morano’s Facebook video debunking climate change claims for the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal has gone viral on Facebook, garnering more than 7.5 million views and over 128,000 shares.

Watch Facebook video here:

It’s easy and direct. –Bandit

MILWAUKEE ATTACKS MOTORCYCLIST JUST PRIOR TO THE 115TH–Here’s a photo of the actual streetcar tracks in Milwaukee that have caused at least two motorcycle crashes and one near-crash.

On the public comments section of a newspaper article, some weirdos actually suggested that bikers should walk their motorcycles over the tracks like any sensible bicyclist would do, and one guy suggested banning two-wheeled traffic on roads with the tracks.

Nice advice from the motorcycle friendly city of Milwaukee. And of course, no comment from Harley-Davidson and the city suggested motorcycles follow the same safety techniques as cars since they’re more like cars than bicycles. Not sure what in the hell that’s supposed to all mean.

–Tony Sanfelipo
Motorcycle Marketing Specialist

PS. You’re supposed to cross tracks at 90 degree angle or close to it, but these tracks run parallel to direction of travel, and these guys were moving over one lane to turn at the corner and the tire caught the track. There are some wide-sweeping curves in the tracks too, which are hard to cross at a proper angle when cars are creeping into your lane. Don’t forget, these tracks are in an already congested tw- lane traffic pattern, so not much room to maneuver or swerve to cross the tracks at an angle.

–Tony Sanfelipo

Read the full report on Bikernet:

at the Kustom Kulture Artisan Show
September 7 – 9, 2018

The Kustom Kulture Artisan Show presents the Cherokee AMD Showdown is the show to qualify for the AMD Championship in Germany.

The 3-day event is scheduled for September 7th – 9th in the North Carolina mountains and promises Great Riding, Great Music and 18,000+ in prizes. Details –
We’ve Been Supporting Championship
?_Builders for over 8 Years

Over 18,000+ in awards – The Kustom Kulture Artisan Show presents the Cherokee AMD Showdown is hosted at the Cherokee Fairgrounds Display Hall where competitors are competing in 3 classes.

Let’s Go to Germany to the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP – The FreeStyle winner receives a full ride to Germany for the AMD World Championship.

To enter the Artisan Show, or for more info on being part of Grease & Gears, builders need to log on to


My favorite Sandwich and Cannoli have been found at J.P. Graziano Grocery! They are located on Randolph Street. Order the Mr. G Sandwich, it will blow your mind!

Every bite is an explosion of flavor! The crunch of the bread, meat and cheese ratio perfection,marinated artichokes and the truffle-mustard vinaigrette take this sandwich to the #1 spot! Oh their Cannoli! I have been thinking about it every day since my last bite!

Your taste buds won’t even know what to do! Also order their Muffuletta sandwich, it is awesome! Get there now!



Garrett rode his Shovelhead to the Lowbrow Getdown back in July. Mikey met up with him later on to get the skinny on his bike, which used to be his dad’s, and get some more photos. Enjoy the article here!


TAKE A VINTAGE RIDE–Today we propose to explore a little-known region with few western tourists: Uttarakhand.

Vintage Rides takes you on a ride across the mountains with a hypnotizing backdrop in the northern horizon, the Great Himalayan peaks.


 The mesmerizing roads of Uttarkhand wind through a sumptuous setting: Picturesque little villages, Hindu temples, pine forests, terraced crops, and unbeatable views of the mountains. On the road, we visit the holy cities of Haridwar and Rishikesh, where encounters take on a special atmosphere
and a sense of spirituality is present everywhere.

Are you ready to discover the most beautiful routes in the Himalayan foothills?
Let yourself be carried away along twisting roads on cliff faces and amid pine forests.


Photo credits: Johann Rousselot / Danny Kretz / Géraldine Shandilya / Vintage Rides

–Vintage Rides
At Tendance Roadster
(by appointment only)
98 rue Baudin
+339 70 44 01 30?

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Good for Milwaukee. More city’s and towns should be returning too trolly cars, not self driving anything. If you choose too ride on less than 4 wheels you know the risks.

My problem is there are too damn many layers. He fell off his bicycle. Get over it, and yes I have been injured and badly a few times on my Harley. Never felt the need too sue anyone for my choice to ride.

Deland, FL

BIKERNET BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–The Daily Rituals Of Famous Writers

Mornings: you groggily emerge from your bleary-eyed state, fumbling for the snooze button while steering well clear of that drool patch on the pillow. Then after downing your first coffee of the day, you proceed to type the final chapter to one of the best-selling novels ever written.

Okay, so perhaps you play Angry Birds instead. But whatever your reason for not penning a masterpiece, you can be sure that your own daily habits don’t stray too far from those used by famous authors – past and present – to trigger their creative spark.

For new book Rituals: How Great Minds Make Time, Find Inspiration, And Get To Work, New York-based author Mason Curry has listed 161 famous names and the 161 very different ways they approached their work. You might even be surprised by a few.

So take a look at the 10 literary examples we’ve exclusively taken from the new book, below, and marvel at how some of your finest books were forged…

Jane Austen

Austen rose early, before the other women were up, and played the piano. At 9:00 she organised the family breakfast, her one major piece of household work. Then she settled down to write in the sitting room, often with her mother and sister sewing quietly nearby. If visitors showed up, she would hide her papers and join in the sewing. Dinner, the main meal of the day, was served between 3:00 and 4:00. Afterward there was conversation, card games, and tea. The evening was spent reading aloud from novels, and during this time Austen would read her work-in-progress to her family.

Victor Hugo

Hugo wrote each morning, standing at a small desk in front of a mirror.

He rose at dawn, awakened by the daily gunshot from a nearby fort, and received a pot of freshly brewed coffee and his morning letter from Juliette Drouet, his mistress, who he had installed on Guernsey just nine doors down. After reading the passionate words of “Juju” to her “beloved Christ,” Hugo swallowed two raw eggs, enclosed himself in his lookout, and then wrote until 11:00 A.M.

Mark Twain

His routine was simple: he would go to the study in the morning after a hearty breakfast and stat there until dinner at about 5:00. Since he skipped lunch, and since his family would not venture near the study – they would blow a horn if they needed him – he could usually work uninterruptedly for several hours. “On hot days” he wrote to a friend, “I spread the study wide open, anchor my papers down with brickbats, and write in the midst of the hurricane, clothed in the same linen we make shirts of.”

Stephen King

King writes every day of the year, including his birthday and holidays, and he almost never lets himself quit before he reaches his daily quota of two thousand words. He works in the mornings, starting around 8:00 or 8:30. Some days he finishes up as early as 11.30, but more often it takes him until about 1:30 to meet his goal. Then he has the afternoons and evenings free for naps, letters, reading, family, and Red Sox games on TV.

Franz Kafka

In 1908, Kafka landed a position at the Worker’s Accident Insurance Institute in Prague, where he was fortunate to be on the coveted “single shift” system.

[He] was living with his family in a cramped apartment, where he could muster the concentration to write only late at night, when everyone else was asleep. As Kafka wrote to Felice Bauer in 1912, “time is short, my strength is limited, the office is a horror, the apartment is noisy, and if a pleasant, straight forward life is not possible then one must try to wriggle through by subtle maneuvers. In the same letter he goes on to describe his timetable: “…at 10.30 (but often not till 11.30) I sit down to write, and I go on, depending on my strength, inclination, and luck, until 1, 2 or 3 o’clock, once even till 6 in the morning.”

Leo Tolstoy

“I must write each day without fail, not so much for the success of the work, as in order not to get out of my routine.” This is Tolstoy in one of the relatively few diary entries he made during the mid-1860s, when he was deep into the writing of War and Peace.

According to Sergei [his son], Tolstoy worked in isolation – no one was allowed to enter his study, and the doors to the adjoining rooms were locked to ensure that he would not be interrupted.

Charles Dickens

First, he needed absolute quiet; at one of his houses, an extra door had to be installed to his study to block out noise.

And his study had to be precisely arranged, with his writing desk placed in front of a window and, on the desk itself, his writing materials – goose-quill pens and blue ink – laid out alongside several ornaments: a small vase of fresh flowers, a large paper knife, a gilt leaf with a rabbit perched upon it, and two bronze statuettes (one depicting a pair of fat toads duelling, the other a gentleman swarmed with puppies).

George Orwell

The post at Booklovers’ Corner [a London second-hand bookshop where he was a part-time assistant] proved an ideal fit for the thirty-one-year-old bachelor. Waking at 7:00, Orwell went to open the shop at 8.45 and stayed there for an hour. Then he had free time until 2:00, when he would return to the shop and work until 6.30. This left him almost four and a half hours of writing time in the morning and early afternoon, which conveniently, were the times that he was most mentally alert.

Haruki Murakami

When he is writing a novel, Murakami wakes at 4:00 A.M. and works for five to six hours straight. In the afternoons he runs or swims (or does both), runs errands, reads, and listens to music; bedtime is 9:00. “I keep to this routine every day without variation,” he told The Paris Review in 2004. “The repetition itself becomes the most important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind.”

The one drawback to this self-made schedule, Murakami admitted in a 2008 essay, is that it doesn’t allow for much of a social life.

Simone De Beauvoir

Although Beauvoir’s work came first, her daily schedule also revolved around her relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre, which lasted from 1929 until his death in 1980. (Theirs was an intellectual sponsored_longform with a somewhat creepy sexual component; according to a pact proposed by Sartre at the outset of their relationship, both partners could take lovers, but they were required to tell each other everything.) Generally, Beauvoir worked by herself in the morning, then joined Sartre for lunch. In the afternoon they worked together in silence at Sartre’s apartment. In the evening, they went to whatever political or social event was on Sartre’s schedule, or else went to the movies or drank Scotch and listened to the radio at Beauvoir’s apartment.

Daily Rituals is published by Picador US $ 9 for paperback at


The demise of this rare and deadly disease by my brother Chris has given way to a suggested foundation in his name to raise funds for further research.

This picture depicts him wearing his two decorated bravery medals whilst serving the Queensland police force for 50 years.

–Ray Russell

NMA ALERT OF THE WEEK–The Not-So-Hidden Cost of Vision Zero

The implementation of Vision Zero programs, with the goal of eliminating all traffic fatalities through various means including reducing vehicle speed and movement, is spreading to many U.S. cities seemingly without concern for cost.

If Vision Zero had a goal of minimizing road deaths rather than the unrealistic plan to eliminate them all (as if we can make life totally risk-free at whatever the cost), if it recognized that all road users – drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians – have a personal responsibility for their own safety as well as those around them, and if it didn’t automatically demonize drivers and motorized traffic, we could offer our support.

But as Vision Zero initiatives make clear, there is no middle ground. So we will keep on pointing out the fallacies of the singular focus against motorists (while others ignore the contributory errors made by pedestrians and bicyclists) and continue to fight road diets, speed cameras, and all other artificial devices designed to get cars and trucks – primary engines of our economy – off of the road.

The taxpayer cost of instituting Vision Zero is staggering. A few examples of current program annual budgets:

San Diego $18.0 million
Boston $18.9 million
Los Angeles $37.0 million

Of course, the king of all-in is New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio where Vision Zero expenditures of $1.6 billion are scheduled through 2021.

But are even these significant budget amounts a realistic estimate of the total cost of Vision Zero? NMA members participating in a recent discussion thread on the topic think not. Excerpts from their exchange:

VZ is a lovely policy idea but in implementation will justify just about any measure, no matter how extreme. Add the local block that wants cars off their street, or a speed hump, or a cam, and it’s bad for actual engineering but good for cash and politics.

The anti-car forces forget that cars aren’t the only traffic on the streets. When you slow down traffic, you make a direct subtraction from the economic productivity of all kinds of businesses. Say a repairman now makes four calls a day, charging $100 each. If you slow down the trip between calls enough so that he can only make three, the cost to unclog your drain or fix your washing machine just rose by 33 per cent.

They completely ignore economic realities AND they ignore the negative results of diversion of some frustrated drivers onto smaller less-safe parallel streets when the collectors and arterials get too clogged up with improper changes that engineers should never make.

There were a few articles in our local (NYC) papers about how, on a few VZ re-striped streets, trucks unloading were now causing backups. Pre VZ, they went from two travel lanes with a truck unloading on each side, to one travel lane with trucks, and if there’s a truck on each side plus any sort of misalignment or other vehicle issue (with hard bike lanes now) that one lane is European tight.

The result is not to blame the VZ nonsense, but to restrict times of delivery for the trucks. This made the local merchants quite unhappy, and the bonus in NYC is that no store keeps a lot of stock due to limited inventory space so frequent visits are needed. The cost of out-of-hours delivery is more, of course, and this hidden cost will get passed along to the Manhattan consumer. The VZ lobby views this road design as a success.

Add to that the removal of parking spaces, short-time parking meters that force cars to keep moving around and enforcement that raises a lot of money for the City and you have a perfect VZ storm. They have no idea how much that bike ride costs everyone else….they complain about the auto subsidy but it serves everyone!!!! And what about the bike subsidy? They pay nothing as bikers and have all of that pavement to use, FOR FREE!!!

City planners occasionally rediscover “goods movement” or “urban freight.” They have to be reminded that trucks exist and serve a purpose. I never thought about the “bike subsidy” as such, but the ratio of investment and the distribution of congestion costs on a bike-laned street amounts to an extreme subsidy.

As many of our truly great metropolitan areas rush headlong to adopt Vision Zero and all that it entails, we have yet to see a clear-eyed analysis of the true cost of implementation including the impact of longer commute times on worker productivity. Almost as certain as death and taxes, the law of unintended consequences can rarely be avoided.


I met a magical fairy yesterday who said she would grant me one wish

“I wish to live forever,” I said.

“Sorry,” said the fairy, “I’m not
allowed to grant that particular wish.”

“Fine,” I said, “then I want
to die the day after Congress is filled with honest, hard-working,
bipartisan men and women who act only in the people’s best interests!”

“You crafty bastard,” replied the fairy.

–from Sidehack Jerry

New Bikernet BMC Reader Comment!–
Mid 2007 BMC Report

“I” had a 2003 BMC bobber 88. Best bike “I” ever owned..was bought at Iron Horse Dallas TX and shipped to Hanford, CA, where “I” got it From My Nephew with only 3.336 miles on it.

But the story on the Bike,was a good one. The ride from CA to Duncan, OK.,toured AZ on the BMC was the best times of my life. I put over 30.000 miles in 3 months time, when “I” got back to Duncan ..but the point of it all..sad thing..what happen to that Great motorcycle. I got back to work at Ace Hardware for John Gallaway…I’m a Plumber/ Truck Driver /Home-renovator / was painting a House for a friend.,just finished Nov.27th 2016.

Only back on the job almost 3 months back from CA…when it happened, after painting the House for Kenny. I was going to my RV, south part of town. I stoped at a quick-mart to fill up tank and get a pack of smokes. The last red light going to RV, “I” caught the red light. I was waiting for the light to change, and then it happened. A SUV rear-ended Me at the light.

“I” remember waking up on the right side of motorcycle. She was on the cell phone. She didn’t even see the red light much less me /with the –LED lights on. The Bike was done t frame bent, it landed on the right side..messed it up. Motor was the only thing worth keeping.

But the bike /wow, what a piece of Art work..miss it bad. After 22months of trying to get health back. I ended up with messed up Neck and spine, left shoulder, arm, legs knees, right wrist.

But that bike was the best thing ever happen to Me..thanks to My–Nephew Brian..who is a Fire Fighter in BIG CREEK CA.

And thanks for to BMC for building a great Motorcycle. Wished “I” had that ONE Back. Thank you for making a great ride.

your friend always,

—- Darel Lee Kilcrease/ Lee
Duncan, OK

P.S. Have a good guy’s made mine good…wow what a ride.


We have announcements coming your way!
Stay tuned for our weekly updates.
Saturday Poker Run*

Enjoy a ride to Pahrump while you draw the best poker hand you can! Visit stops like the Famous Chicken Ranch and Sanders Family Winery.

Best Hand: $3,000
2nd: $1,000
3rd: $250
4th: $250
Worst Hand: $500

*Must be registered with an Ultimate or VIP Pass



Doing much better. All systems functioning normally and reliably since Wednesday (ER procedure was on Tuesday). Nothing found in any blood tests or other tests. Just “lucky” me.

Spirits are also much better. Shit happens. At least I never ever had to visit a Doctor due to riding motorcycles since 2003 till present on roads which can be used by NASA for test driving their Rover Mars vehicle for free.

I haven’t been hospitalized much in life since childhood birth. One humerus bone right arm fracture in office wheeled chair in 2007 working long hours / late hours. One clinical depression related hospitalization in 2010.

The old school advice is best medicine – “man up” or “keep your chin up” or as Johnny Walker Scotch says “Keep Walking”. (Scotch spells “Whisky” and rest of world spells it “Whiskey”).

“Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can – A gentleman will walk but never run”
– from a song by Sting named Englishman in New York.

–Ujjwal Dey
News Bureau Chief
Bikernet India News Department

[page break]


BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–Trump Era July NICS Continues Trend of 2018 as Second Highest Gun Sales Year on Record

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) continued to record near-record numbers in July. During the 2016 election cycle, the fear of a Clinton presidency pushed gun sales and, correspondingly, NICS background checks to an all-time record high.

Many people thought sales and NICS checks would crater once President Trump was elected. But both sales and NICS numbers only fell back a small amount. 2017 was the second-highest year on record for NICS checks.

Over half way through 2018, the 2018 NICS checks are trending higher than 2017. July, 2018 NICS checks totaled 1,835,318. In 2017, year-to-date NICS checks through July were 14,343,658. For the same period in 2018 NICS checks totaled 15,128,636. In the all-time record year of 2016, NICS checks through July were 16,026,660.

The 2018 total is 94% of the 2016 total.

These near-record NICS checks numbers don’t necessarily reflect near record gun sales. More and more NICS checks are being used for carry permits and permit renewals.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has been able to subtract out checks done for carry permits and carry permit re-checks. Using that information, checks done for firearm sales are down 9.5% from the 2017 figures.

The NSSF adjusted chart shows adjusted NICS checks for July close to 2012 – 2014 levels.

The NICS checks have historically indicated about one NICS check for about .6 firearms added to the private stock in the United States. NICS checks are also done for sales of used firearms. And, one NICS check can be done for multiple firearms purchased at the same time. In addition, in half the states, once a person receives a carry permit, the permit can serve in lieu of another NICS check.

The number of carry permit holders in the United States is currently over 16 million people. This can be seen in the rising number of permit checks and permit re-checks done in the NICS system. Again, many of those permit holders don’t have to undergo a NICS check for gun purchases.

If the .6 number holds, the number of guns added to the private stock in July would have been about 1.1 million. That would bring the total private stock in the US to about 427 million firearms. If the trend continues, there will be about 432 million firearms in private hands by the end of the year.

Truth About Guns


Well said. I have been doing all my own work and have a couple of these items. After reading your article I will stop being cheap and spring for the rest of the tools mentioned.

–Doug Yeast
Summerland , BC, Canada

TEA PARTY GETS REVENGE– against IRS as judge approves $3.5 million payout

A judge late Wednesday signed off on the settlement between the IRS and hundreds of tea party groups, closing out the last major legal battle over what all sides now agree was unwarranted and illegal targeting for political purposes.

The IRS agreed to pay $3.5 million to groups that were wronged by the intrusive inspections, and insists it’s made changes so that political targeting can’t occur in the future.

A few issues are still being fought over in the courts — including whether former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner will be allowed to forever shield her deposition explaining her behavior from public view, and whether the IRS should pay attorney fees — but this week’s decision closes out five years of litigation over the targeting itself.

“It shows that when a government agency desires to target citizens based on their viewpoints, a price will be paid,” said Edward Greim, the lawyer who led the class action case in federal court in Cincinnati.

The $3.5 million closely approximates the fines the IRS would have had to pay in damages for each intrusive scrutiny of tea party groups, had the agency been found in violation of the law. The money will be split with half going to the lawyers who argued the case and the other half to more than 100 tea party groups, which will get a cut of about $17,000 each.

By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times –



TRUMP is destroying the local Arizona economies. Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands.

They are showing their outrage with Donald Trump’s pardon of sheriff Joe Arpaio and his rescinding of Obama’s unconstitutional executive order known as DACA.

In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ, south of Phoenix, Manuel Renaldo is one of those who are vowing to punish Arizona by leaving. As he loaded his stolen car with his taxpayer-furnished belongings and family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter: “It’s a matter of principle; I refuse to be supported by a state that treats me like a criminal!”

The effects of the exodus are already being felt by some Arizona retailers, who are reporting dwindling thefts & sales of beer, tequila, spray paint, and ammunition. Also hit hard are the state hospitals, which have reported a dramatic decline in births and emergency room visits of non-revenue patients!

State welfare agencies are preparing to lay off staffs that distribute food stamps and unemployment benefits. Tattoo parlors are in an absolute state of panic!

Renaldo told a reporter, through an interpreter, that he and his family are moving to the sanctuary state of California, with a Liberal government under Democrats and Governor Jerry Brown, new higher taxes and hardworking people who will better able to support him and his growing family with dignity!

Kinda brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?

–Sidehack Jerry

New BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!–IT’S A WRAP SUNDAY POST for August 12th, 2018

Polaris is a U.S. company. Maybe AJ is thinking of Bombardier.



Lots of construction. Mostly Chinese condos.

The Chinese are taking over the country. Locals not happy.

Local curry dish. Very good.

One party like North Korea. Opposition party dissolved. Opponents jailed for treason and leader assasinated Then United Nations recognizes new govt. !!

New construction everywhere. Mostly Chinese. Lotsa American franchise joints. Ruins the culture.

Ho Sen has been in power for thirty years or more. Quashes any opposition. Public not happy.

–Art Hall
Esteemed International Correspondent™

NEW SPORTBIKE MAGAZINE AVAILABLE--Read the entire issue for FREE online at

There is no need to log in… Just click the cover on the home page and enjoy SBI in its entirety.

#SBINATION… Ride with us. You know we got it!


Now that the date is set, April 6, 2019, and our honoree’s selected, it is time to get to work on the program. It may seem like we have a lot of time, but it goes so fast. Tickets won’t go on sale until after January 1. Watch the newsletter for exact date.

If you need information or pay dues, contact Judy at (909) 226 6038 cell, (951) 780 1978 home or

Trailblazers Web Site

Bios for all the Inductees will be added to the website in the next couple of months.

You can see past Hall of Fame videos at:


August 27 – October 13

Reception: Saturday, September 8, 2-8pm

Curator’s Talk: Monday, September 10, 10am

The California State University, Northridge Art Galleries presents this fine exhibition of Ascot Park Raceway. Ascot was located in Gardena, California and was ranked behind only the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Daytona International Speedway as the best-known racing facility in the country. For 33 years, Ascot was the busiest racing venue in the world. Gallery open noon to 4pm, Monday through Saturday and noon to 8pm on Thursdays. CSUN Art Galleries, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91330-8299


Jane was born on February 27, 1936 and died in the arms of her husband, Neil, on August 6th, 2018. She was a graduate of USC Dental School and was a dental hygienist for 40 years. She was a Master Gardener, dietician, Master Chef, expert swimmer, expert skier (on snow and water ) a certified SCUBA diver. Jane and Neil, married 42 years, rode thousands of miles on antique motorcycles. Jane loved her family and was a loyal friend to all who knew her.

Celebration of Life on October 13th, 2018 at Parkside Church 1- 3pm. 3885 Richardson Drive, Auburn, CA 95602


Hurley Wilvert died in a road accident on Monday. He was a top road racer in the early 1970’s. He started his career as a mechanic but was soon riding instead of wrenching. In 1974 he had a podium finish at Daytona with Giacomo Agostini and Kenny Roberts Sr. Condolences to his wife, Brenda, and family. God speed Hurley.


Cody Kurtz, 17, a talented off-road and motocross racer, lost his life at Glen Helen. He started his racing career young & competed in motocross, becoming a Pee Wee champion. Then he and his sister, Caitlyn turned their skills into off-road racing. They competed in the AMA National Hare & Hound, AMA West Hare Scramble, USDR and AMA Big 6 GP Series. In 2015 Kurtz was presented with the Rich and Kurt Caselli Sportsman award. He leaves his father, Kyle, mother, Jessica and sister, Caitlyn. He is mourned by all whose lives he touched. He lived a full life, but much too short. God Bless you, your family, and friends.


Joe, 73, owned motorcycle shops in the Bay Area, before joining Yamaha, and then Kawasaki. He owned a Karting company before retiring. He leaves behind his wife, Kerry, daughter Shay and son, Joe Jr. Joe was Charismatic, Creative, Loved people and a Party. May the party never end Big Joe.

Services will be on Friday, September 7 at 1pm at the Riverside National Cemetery.

22495 Van Buren Blvd. Riverside, CA

It will be followed by a Celebration of Life at the Ayers Hotel and Spa. There will be a bar……

12631 Memorial Way, Moreno Valley, CA


The AMA will induct six into the Class of 2018 on December 7th at the Hilton Columbus/Polaris in Columbus, Ohio. Congratulations to all.

Terry Cunningham Four time National Enduro Champion

Gary Davis Stunt Rider]

Skip Eaken Flat Track and Road Racing Tuner

Nicky Hayden MotoGP World Champion

Clifford “Corky” Keener Flat Track Racer

Mary McGee pioneering motorcyclist.


Mary has a lot of wonderful stories to tell and she is doing it on WordPress. What a life! What a career!


Find the results, stories and photos of many races online. Recent additions are from the Speedway races in Auburn “Fast Fridays”, A.J. Herrera Memorial Event, Speedway from New York. SCFTA at Perris, Speedway Racing at Industry and the AMA National Speedway Championships.


Continental Tires will give you some answers in Issue # 30 of Cycle News. They give the advantages and disadvantages. Cycle News is free online.


A memorial will be held for Pat and Howard on August 25, 2018 at 2pm. It will be at the Legion in Carbondale, Colorado. 97n. 3rd St. Howard passed away several years ago and Pat died in April. They were a staple at Ascot, supplying Barnes Wheels and Sprockets, and traveling the Flat Track Circuit often.


Saturday, August 18th at the Lyon Air Museum from 9 -1. Bike show judging 10 – 11. Bike show winner takes flight in a WWII T6 Texan. 19300 Ike Jones Road, Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714) 210 4585


Sunday, September 2 “Remember and Honor Ride”. Meet at Triumph Classic Motorcycles, 1281 Logan Ave. Suite F, Costa Mesa, CA 92629 Contact them for time and route. (714) 556 0170

If you would like try a British bike, they will rent you one.


Sent by Ernie Aragon


Brad was seriously injured in practice at the XGames. He has had surgery on his spine, but has a long way to go. He is working hard towards recovery. You can check in on his progress on Facebook. The Class of 79 and Friends, with your help, have provided funds that will be used to cover expenses above and beyond medical insurance and support provided by Indian Motorcycle, his sponsors and existing additional support. Memorabilia is being donated to raise funds and Jared Mees has paid for the production of special-edition Brad Baker number plates that will be available online or at upcoming AFT races. Also coming are specially designed t-shirts. For more information:


The AMA has chosen the team that will represent the U.S on October 6-7. Aaron Plessinger will race the MX2 Class, Justin Barcia will race the Open Class and Eli Tomac will race the MXGP Class. Roger DeCoster will manage the team. The U.S. team has won the Motocross of Nations 22 times, all-time leader in FIM MX of Nations. All the victories under the direction of Roger DeCoster. Our team hasn’t won since 2011. We were 9th in 2017. All are excited to be racing in the USA in front of friends and fans.


Travis Pastrana is coming out of retirement to represent Puerto Rico, the birth place of his grandfather, in the MotoCross of Nations. The all veteran (over 30) team will consist of Travis, Ronnie Mac, Ryan Sipes and team coach, Ricky Johnson. Pastrana will race the Open Class, Sipes in the MX2 Class and Mac in the MXGP Class. Pastrana agreed to ride if the team would raise funds to give back to Puerto Rico during their time of need.


Skip Van Leeuwen won wire-to-wire at the Ascot 50 lap National. Freddie Nix won 10 Mile National at Santa Rosa. Pacific Coasters Motorcycle Club’s 3rd Annual Mickey Mouse Tour. Don McCarley won the expert Sunday MX races at Miramar, Ca. Cal Rayborn on cover after winning the AMA National Road Race at Indianapolis. John DeSoto, Tom Rapp and Lars Larson were some that were at Carlsbad Raceway. Dusty Coppage broke Skip’s winning streak at the TT at Ascot. Muskegon Natl. Hillclimb on cover. 10,000 fans and a couple hundred competitors. Mike Patrick won the Nevada State Championship Hare Scrambles. Evel Knievel received an honorary lifetime membership in the Salt Lake Motorcycle Club.


AT DuQuoin, Hank Scott won his 2nd Mile within 9 days. Marty Tripes won the 250cc USGP at Unadilla. Jimmy Ellis and Bob Hannah were the moto winners. Bernie Schreiber won the World Trials round in Italy. Bruce Ogilvie won the 250cc Expert class at Cal City. Steve Eklund won the Santa Fe Short Track. Chuck Joyner won the Peoria TT. Warren Reid and Rick Burgett won the National MX round in Rhode Island. Barry Sheene won the Swedish Grand Prix. Mike Baldwin on cover after winning at Pocono., round 20 of the AMA GNC/ Camel Pro Series. Brock Glover won final round and the 125cc title at St. Joseph, Missouri. Rex Staten won his first-ever national win in the 500cc class. Rick Burgett had already won the 500cc title. Interview motocrosser Mark Barnett.


Rick Johnson on cover and podium at the 250cc USGP at Unadilla. Bob Hannah 2nd and Micky Dymond 3rd. Bubba Shobert set new one lap record (34.344 seconds) in mile racing at DuQuoin. Jeff Ward and Ron Lechein on cover at Troy, Ohio. Lechien won. AMA Amateur/Youth Grand Nationals in Washington State. Winners were Larry Pegram, Georgie Price, Johnny Murphree, Kenny Coolbeth, Kevin Varnes and Jake Zemke. Kevin Atherton won the AMA 600cc Parkersburg Half Mile. Bubba Shobert won the AMA Camel Pro/Superbike Series in Mid-Ohio. Billie Liles won the 500cc MXGP in San Marino. Kevin McGee and Wayne Rainey won Suzuki 8 Hour. Kenny Roberts was the team manager.


Saturday, August 25th in Prescott Valley Arizona the 1st of six events this season. It will be held at the Prescott Valley Event Center. Stick around for Sunday’s special attraction, the eMTB Challenge Series. These are pedal-assist electric mountain bikes. They will be competing with the motorcycles and also be available on Saturday and Sunday for test rides. Check out the ebikes at Prescott Valley, Reno in September, Denver in October and Nampa Idaho in November.


In Issue #30 go down memory lane with MotoCross 1978.

In Issue #31, “Criville’s Place in MotoGP History”. Criville was the 1999 250cc GP Champion. At the time, Mick Doohan, Valentino Rossi and Kenny Roberts were dominating so he was overlooked.

In Issue #32, “Seeing Indians’s History” Larry visited the Indian MotoCycle Museum (with no R), on the site of the Old Indian factory in Springfield, Massachusetts. The Esta Manthos Indian Motocycle Museum has the largest collection of Indian cycles and memorabilia in the world.


Round 6 was canceled because of smoke from the Holy Jim fire. It has been rescheduled for August 18th .

Round 7 will be on Saturday, September 8. Gates 12:00, Practice 3:30. Racing to follow.


Round 11 will be on Saturday, August 18th 1pm ET. Watch it “Live” from Budds Creek Motorcycle Park in Mechanicsville, MD. MavTV will air “Opening” 450cc & 250cc Class motos starting on Saturday August 18 with re air at 4pm ET.

The final race of the season will be the Ironman National in Crawfordsville, In. on August 25th


Practice on August 18 & 24th from 4-8pm. Racing August 25th. Spectator gate opens at 6pm and racing starts at 7:30pm. $5000.00 purse.


Costa Mesa Saturday, August 18 Harley Night #2/Speedway and Sidecars

Saturday, Sept. 8 Speedway/ Sidecars/ Juniors

Gates open 6pm, Racing 7:30p Orange County Fairgrounds

Industry Racing Wednesday, August 22 JR Kurtz Memorial Cup Speedway/Sidecars

Saturday, August 25 43rd Annual AMA California State Championship

16200 Temple Ave. City of Industry Race 7:30

Fast Fridays/Auburn Friday, August 17 Speedway plus Hooligans (race your own VTwin)

No races on August 24 or 31

Friday, September 1 Speedway Final points + Sidecars Grand Final

1273 High St. Auburn, CA (530) 878 7223


Friday, September 7th. This promises to be the wildest event of the year. Combine Super Hooligans and the World Surfing League. What? The WSL is bringing a round of their international surf competition to Surf Ranch at Lemoore. Roland Sands Design is bringing the Super Hooligans. And WFT brings its series show and makes it all happen. It should be a helluva hullabaloo. 801 S. 10th, Hanford . Please confirm before you make the drive (415) 320 7889 After party at the County Courthouse lawn.


Hurry and reserve you airline ticket if you want to see one of the greatest motorcycle shows and vintage races on the planet. September 7-9. It all takes place on the Duke of Richmond’s elegant country estate in southern England. A must.


Saturday, August 18th there is going to be Super Hooligan Flat Track Racing at Pier 32 in San Francisco. There will be Police finals, Stunt Show, Bike & art Show, Moto Vendors, Cops vs Hooligans Gymkhana, Food, Beer and lots of Music. August 1 – 18 is the Rever City Moto Scrounge (I have no idea what this is, but it is free. August 16i-18 is the International Police Motor Skills Competition. A lot going on.


Sunday, August 19 is the BSAOCSC Malibu mountain street ride. Start at Freedom Park parking lot, 275 E. Pleasant Valley Road in Camarillo. >From Hwy 101 on Las Posas Road. Right on Pleasant Valley Rd, then straight thru 2 signal intersections, then right turn of Eubanks. (818) 384 4074

Sunday, August 26 is the Long Beach Motorcycle Swap-meet.

Sunday, Sept 9 is the BSAOCSC Big Bear Dual Sport Ride. Meet at Big Bear Airport Parking Lot. 501 W. Valley Rd. Big Bear City. For vintage British motorcycles only, with street registration and spark arrestors. (310) 292 8997 or (760) 365 9191.

September 20-23 is the California BSA Clubs “North/South” Rally at Morro Bay.


Saturday, August 18 Round 14 TT Peoria, Ill

Sunday, September 2 Round 15 Mile Springfield, Ill

Saturday, September 8 Round 16 ½ Mechanicsburg, PA


Saturday, September 22 is Flat Track/ Speedway and Quads. Gates open at 3pm, Racing at 5:30pm. (805) 648 7223 track (805) 985 5433


Saturday, August 18 MX Practice

Sunday, August 19th TWMX (2 Tracks) / Scrambles

Saturday, August 25th REM MX / MX Practice

Sunday, August 26th SRA GP

On-Line info: (909) 880 3090


August 17-19 Battle on the Bay (Pier 32) San Francisco

September 7 Hurley Surf & Turf – Lemoore, Ca

September 22 Costa Mesa Speedway

October 13 -14 Moto Beach Classic – Bolsa Chica (562) 493 5297


September 7 – 9 High Sierras. We will gather in Mariposa on Friday afternoon, leave on Saturday morning for Bridgeport, and back into Mariposa by Sunday afternoon. The Miner’s Inn in Mariposa is the club headquarters for Friday night and the Walker River Lodge in Bridgeport for Saturday night, however, feel free to stay anywhere you like in the area. We will meet on Saturday morning at the Miner’s Inn parking lot, located at 5181 Hwy 49 in Mariposa. Ride departs at 9am sharp. Ride maps will be posted here soon.


El Camino Vintage Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet Saturday, October 13 at the Camino College in Torrance

Las Vegas BikeFest October 11- 14

MINI MADNESS at the Perris Raceway Mini MotoCross Saturday, October 13th

47th Annual Bingham Side Car Rally Sunday, October 28th is tentative. Check Facebook

Round up at the Ranch Sunday, October 7 Calendar Bike Building Championship

Motoclimb Super Series October 6-7 in Tracy, California. Last round of the Motoclimb Series, the IRC Carnegie Classic. Hill Climb’s only coast-to-coast series.

[page break]

MRF President Kirk Willard inducted into Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame

On August 8, 2018, MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard received the coveted Freedom Fighter award during his induction into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame during the 78th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

I AM BEGINNING TO QUESTION ANYTHING A POLITICIAN SAYS—Recently three times I’ve heard Congressfolks say, “Mobil sources bring about the most CO2.”

I immediately started to look around. Here are some facts from the documentary Cowspiracy:


Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, more than the combined exhaust from all transportation. [i]

“Livestock’s Long Shadow: environmental issues and options”. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome 2006

Transportation exhaust is responsible for 13% of all greenhouse gas emissions. [.i]

Greenhouse gas emissions from this sector primarily involve fossil fuels burned for road, rail, air, and marine transportation.

“Livestock’s Long Shadow: environmental issues and options”. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome 2006

Environmental Protection Agency. “Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data”.

Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.

Goodland, R Anhang, J. “Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change were pigs, chickens and cows?”

Goodland, Robert & Anhang, Jeff. “Livestock and Climate Change: What if the key actors in climate change are…cows, pigs and chickens?”. WorldWatch. November/December 2009

Hickman, Martin. “Study claims meat creates half of all greenhouse gases”. Independent. November 2009

Hyner, Christopher. “A Leading Cause of Everything: One Industry That Is Destroying Our Planet and Our Ability to Thrive on It”. Georgetown Environmental Law Review. October 23, 2015. (New)

Methane is 25-100 times more destructive than CO2 on a 20-year time frame.

Shindell, Drew T, et al. “Improved Attribution of Climate Forcing to Emissions”. Science. 326, 716 (2009)

Vaidyanathan, Sayathri. “How Bad of a Greenhouse Gas is Methane? The global warming potential of the gaseous fossil fuel may be consistently underestimated”. Scientific American. December 22, 2015.

“IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007. 2.10.2 Direct Global Warming Potential”. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (New)

Methane has a global warming potential 86 times that of CO2 on a 20 year time frame.

Shindell, Drew T, et al. “Improved Attribution of Climate Forcing to Emissions”. Science. 326, 716 (2009)

“IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007. 2.10.2. Direct Global Warming Potentials”. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (new)

Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas with 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years.

“Livestock’ Long Shadow: environmental issues and options”. FAO. Rome. 2006

“Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States”. U.S. Energy Information Administration. March 31, 2011

Emissions for agriculture projected to increase 80% by 2050.

Tilman, David & Clark, Michael. “Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health”. Nature. Vol. 515. 27 November 2014

Energy related emissions expected to increase 20% by 2040.

“Carbon Dioxide Emissions to 2040”. Energy Global. 06 January 2015

“World Energy Outlook 2014 Factsheet”. International Energy Agency.

“International Energy Outlook 2016”. U.S. Energy Information. May 11, 2016

Oops, and I still don’t have an overall graph about CO2. But I’m still hunting.

From the Politically Incorrect guide to Climate Change

Here’s what an Ivy League4 geologist Robert giegangack, former chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania said about “natural interplay” between temperature. “For most of the Earth’s history, the globe has been warmer than it has been for the last 200 years. It has rarely been cooler.”

“I’m impressed by the fact that the present climate, from the perspective of a geologist, is very close to the coldest it’s ever been.” He also said, “The concentration Co2 in the atmosphere today is close to the lowest it has ever been.”

Greenpeace co-founder and ecologist Patrick Moore testified in front of the Senate, “we had both higher temps and an ice age at a time when CO2 emmissions were 10 times higher than they are today. There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years…The fact that we had both higher temperatures and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today fundamentally contradicts the certainty that human-caused CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming…

These quotes came from Marc Morano’s recent book, “Climate Change, the Politically Incorrect Guide to…

I’m still digging. –Bandit

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN—Speaking of Climate and the Weather: Thinking back a few years, living in Florida, I remember Hurricane Matthew. I was ready for it but my wife was not.

When the wind reached a screaming pitch with the trees snapping and threshing, the horizontal streaming rain, flying roofing iron and destroyed fences as well as the unnerving sound-levels, my wife was rooted to the spot.

She stared and stared through the glass of the window. Immovable, with her nose pressed to the windowpane, the stark fear in her eyes will stay with me forever.

Fortunately, as the eye of the storm arrived and the winds temporarily lessened, I was able to open the door and let her in.

–from “SIDEHACK” Jerry


BUYING AND SELLING BIKES–RumbleOn Revs Up Ease and Efficiency For Online Powersport Buying and Selling
Disruptive e-commerce platform launches new mobile application and website, ensuring clarity trust and transparency throughout the customer journey

RumbleOn (NASDAQ: RMBL), the only 100 percent online powersports marketplace, today announced a new mobile application for both iOS and Android, alongside a revitalized website experience. RumbleOn is transforming the way pre-owned powersports vehicles are bought and sold by providing users with the most efficient, timely, transparent and trustworthy acquisition and distribution experience.

The new RumbleOn website and mobile app include significant enhancements to user experience, as well as the delivery of cash offers and inventory pricing. Additionally, the platform will include an all-new lifestyle and educational content experience. The simplified, mobile-first platform allows users to easily switch between social-focused tasks like finding nearby biker bars and hangouts, to a consumer-centric list of recommended motorcycles to buy. With these new platform developments, consumers will have a faster, safer and easier buying and selling experience, along with access to easily-digestible and shareable content.

RumbleOn provides consumers and dealers instant cash offers for vehicles and guarantees fast payment and free pick up. If the seller owes on the vehicle, RumbleOn will cover the cost for the seller within the same day. Equally as convenient for buyers, every certified motorcycle in the huge RumbleOn inventory includes free shipping to 48 states, no dealer fees, a 90-day guarantee and more.

“What consumers really want is an experience that removes risk, emphasizes efficiency, and fosters trust for buyers and sellers. With RumbleOn, we offer a no dealership, no salespeople, but offer value pricing and a friction-free process delivered on the latest digital technology,” said Marshall Chesrown, CEO of RumbleOn. “With a digital platform, RumbleOn customers have all of the control. No one is coerced into taking a deal that is unsatisfactory, and the ease with which customers can get paid, trade, or buy the powersport vehicle of their dreams faster and safer than ever.”

Recent research from eMarketer forecasts that mobile-commerce sales, “will account for 39.6% of total e-commerce in 2018, growing at a rate of 33% annually, and will represent the majority of e-commerce spending by 2021.” With an all-new, easily accessible and robust digital platform, RumbleOn aims to address consumer buying preferences head-on.

For more information visit or download the mobile application for iOS and Android.

NEW FROM MOTION PRO--Standard 4 Stroke Leak Down Tester

– Designed to check the amount of combustion chamber leakage in a 4-stroke engine

– Speeds up troubleshooting & helps to isolate bad components

– Gauge accurately displays the total percentage of leakage past the rings, head gasket,
intake and exhaust valves

– Tests at 80 psi cylinder pressure; minimum air source of 90 psi required

– Includes 1/4 inch male industrial quick connector

– Meets FAA leak down test specifications for cylinders below 5.00 in. (127 mm)
bore diameter

– Hose and adapter fits 10, 12, and 14 mm spark plug threads

– Includes high-quality regulator and gauge

– Includes convenient molded tray

– Instructions included

COO: China
Part# 08-0678
MSRP $99.99

WAIT, THERE’S MORE—Actually, I hope that’s enough.

Okay, let’s see if we can make the Climate Debate simple:

Alarmist: Watch out for Global Warming!
Oops, sorry it’s not warm but actually cooling slightly.

Alarmist: CO2 is destroying the planet!
Oops, it’s not. CO2 levels are the lowest they’ve been in centuries. Every plant on the planet needs CO2

Alarmist: Most of the CO2 comes from mobil sources like cars and trucks!
Oops, sorry, maybe less than 10 percent. Cows produce more than 50 percent.

Alarmist: The seas are rising!
Oops, sorry, centuries ago they rose 10 inches a century. Now they are rising only 7 inches every 100 years.

Does that make it easy?

I’m working on a two-part Cantina Episode about Sin Wu’s Vegas problems. Check it out.

I’m working Russell Mitchell of Exile on a story about his survival in this industry and his future growth, which includes the event above.

Looking for Rhonda’s trike story from the Chip in the new town of Buffalo Chip.

These belong to Urban and are place at his Spearfish digs in the Badlands, sorta. Jim Waggaman painted them. Not bad, custom yard art.

Okay, so have a helluva weekend and of course:

Ride Free Forever,


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