CLIMATE DEBATE CONFIRMED—We confirmed our answers. Okay, let’s see if we can make the Climate Debate simple:

Alarmist: Watch out for Global Warming!
Facts: Oops, sorry it’s not warming but actually cooling slightly. And no, we are not going to face an ice age tomorrow because of something man made.

Alarmist: CO2 is destroying the planet!
Facts: Oops, it’s not. CO2 levels are the lowest they’ve been in centuries. Every plant on the earth needs CO2.

Alarmist: Most of the CO2 comes from mobile sources like cars and trucks!
Facts: Oops, sorry, maybe less than 10 percent. Cows produce more than 50 percent.

Alarmist: The seas are rising!
Facts: Oops, sorry, centuries ago they rose 10 inches a century. Now they are rising only 7 inches every 100 years.

Alarmist: We can blame every storm and quirky weather pattern on man.
Facts: Oops, sorry. The weather has been much worse before man came along. If it wasn’t for climate change Earth wouldn’t exist. Nothing to do with man.

Alarmist: All the scientists agree, man is the bad guy.
Facts: Oops sorry. They made that up so they can control every aspect of your life. Watch out. Actually, because of man we are safer and healthier than ever before.

Does that make it easy?

We asked the boss of the Climate debate, Marc Morano, to check our assumptions and he made one correction.

Thanks. Very well said. Only one correction: “CO2 levels are the lowest they’ve been in centuries.”

It should read lower now than the entire past history of the Earth.

— Marc Morano

Join your local or a national motorcycle rights group and ride free forever. We aren’t the bad guys.

And if you’re up for it, read Marc’s book for the entire scam exposed.—Bandit

Help by Marc Morano and Bob T.

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