
Yesterday I met with one of my insurance agents in Sturgis. Life is complicated and insurance is nuts, but I suppose you must deal with it. Then we met with my shop building contractor for the final rundown on the bid.

I know a couple of other teams like lowbrow who are building shops. I’m excited about the prospect, but when it’s -7 degrees outside, progress is plodding. Wait, yesterday afternoon as the fleeting sun was beginning to set and the fresh factor outside dipped to -13 a large flatbed pulled up to deliver lumber from Knecht’s, amazing.

This week coming up is going to warm and shop progress will fly. Looking forward to it.

Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

NEW FROM THE LOWBROW CREW–Now, even more MOON & Rat Fink gear in stock!

Lowbrow has carried a selection of Mooneyes motorcycle parts and other gear for many years.

Mooneyes was started in Santa Fe Springs, California in the 1950s and is still in operation there.

The name and logo is known the world over by aficionados of the internal combustion engine.

Pay homage to your gearhead roots!

Spun aluminum rear wheel discs custom made by Mooneyes in Sante Fe Springs, California. (Note the Mooneyes logo on the chin spoiler and Lowbrow Customs script on the oil tank.)

Lowbrow Customs has sponsored racer Alp Sungertekin since 2011. Alp built this 1948, nitro-burning Vincent 666 (engine cases are #666) in 2020, his first Vincent.. Top speed at it’s debut race event, Bonneville World Finals in October 2020, was 182 mph.

In September 2021 Alp beat his own record in the 1000cc A-VF class on this bike at 193.621mph.

NINO 925 Jewelry Handcrafted in The USA!–What do you get when you combine an independent spirit, a unique sense of style and superior craftsmanship in the form of biker jewelry – Nino925 by Frank Zubieta.

For over 20 years, Frank Zubieta has been entrenched in biker jewelry lifestyle personally attending and creating biker jewelry for rallies around the country and worldwide in cities including Sturgis, Daytona Beach, Reno, Hollister, Las Vegas, New York City, and internationally attended by distribution, London, Barcelona, Italy, Germany, Portugal and many others.

Zubieta combines his love for biker jewelry handcrafted in sterling silver, yellow, rose, white gold, and platinum with precious and semiprecious stones to create wearable masterpieces that not only reflect the lifestyle of their owners, but can also be passed down for generations. That’s because Zubieta creates biker jewelry with a lifetime warranty.

Zubieta’s Biker jewelry is worn by men and women across the globe, with a certified distributor headquartered in Barcelona, Spain. Los Angeles based Nino925 biker jewelry is a known and respected brand in the jewelry industry and has been featured in multiple lifestyle magazines and on national television shows..

NEW AEROSTICH Custom Motorcycles Calendar–Stunning photography presented in a substantial 17”×11.5” format on luxurious art paper, worthy of framing, or at least pinning up to the garage wall. $18.00


Save an Extra 15% on All Sale Items

Additional 15% discount will be automatically applied once sale item is added to the cart. These are all top-quality that are discounted because of discontinued merchandise, irregulars, returns, closeouts, special purchases, samples, etc. Inventory rotates quickly so check these deals often!


When people learn the truth about the environment and crime, everything changes–Over the last 30 years, liberals and progressives have operated under a very specific set of assumptions about how to address environmental and social problems, including climate change and crime. Climate change was the most important problem in the world, many came to believe, and would be addressed by moving away from fossil fuels and nuclear to renewables.

Crime and homelessness would be addressed by reducing the size of the criminal justice system, decriminalizing drugs, and giving mentally ill and drug-addicted homeless people their own apartments and equipment with which to reduce the harms of addiction like HIV-AIDS.

Today, those assumptions are in serious question. Progressive efforts to expand renewables and shut down nuclear plants and natural gas production created global energy shortages, a return to coal, and rising emissions, raising questions about the sincerity of their concern for climate change.

Efforts to defund and demonize the police caused police withdrawal, officer shortages, and criminal emboldenment contributing to record-high homicides in 2021. And efforts to provide housing, drug equipment, and other services to, without requiring anything in return from, mentally ill and drug-addicted homeless people, contributed to record high (~100,000 in 2021) drug overdose and poisoning deaths.

Many and perhaps most progressives still do not recognize the implications of real-world events for their policy agendas. Most progressives and the mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the role their policies and advocacy played in creating the global energy crisis and return to coal, while Germany and Belgium are going forward with nuclear plant closures.

And few progressives or mainstream journalists have properly reported on how progressive policies enabling and subsidizing hard drug use, including through the provision of free housing and equipment, and the elimination of tough love/carrot-and-stick policies, including bans on public camping, contributed to the spread of open drug scenes in major American cities, not just ones on the left coast.

But a growing number of more moderate liberals in the United States and around the world are waking up to the trouble with progressive policies on the environment and crime, and responding appropriately. Senator Joe Manchin recently killed President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better omnibus legislation in part because it doubled down on unreliable renewables and undermined reliable sources of energy, while France, Japan, Britain, and The Netherlands have all announced a return to nuclear power.

And a growing number of moderate liberals and Democrats, including New York Mayor-Elect Eric Adams and San Francisco Mayor London Breed, are pushing back against dogmatically Woke policies on drugs, crime, and homelessness.

As the policymakers change course, the news media are changing their tune. The Washington Post published an article pointing out that the vitriol progressive Democrats directed to Sen. Manchin after he opposed Build Back Better is self-destructive. It has become the consensus view of mainstream energy and environment reporters that Germany’s closure of nuclear plants, particularly during Europe’s electricity shortages, is irrational.

And Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle yesterday argued that progressives more than others should care about reducing crime since so much of their agenda depends on safe cities, while the day before that the newspaper published a long feature on the growing conflict among Democrats over record homicides in Philadelphia.

Environmental Progress and I are happy to have contributed to these policy shifts and public debates. Our work on energy and the environment is bearing fruit in many ways, including in greater support for nuclear, and greater skepticism of renewables.

And our work on drugs, crime, and homelessness has similarly resulted in policymakers, journalists, and influencers rethinking their prior assumptions.

–Michael Shellenberger
President and Founder
Environmental Progress

THE LATEST FROM BURMA SHAVE–She said “Let’s do the doggy /
“And because you’re such a devil /
“I’m gonna let you visit /
“The room at the upper level.” / burma shave
–J.J. Solari

After a long hiatus, the Great Donstradamus is back making his OHV recreation predictions for 2022. Actually it is our Advocacy Editor Don Amador calling the shots for what the New Year will see on the land use front.

10 – The COVID-related explosion in public land recreation and resultant sales increase in OHVs inspires state and federal land agencies to devote more resources to manage roads, trails, and facilities for both casual use and permitted competition events.

9 – Firefighting agencies will add recreation and trail specialists to their interdisciplinary teams to help them better identify ingress and egress routes that can be used by firefighters and resource professionals to manage wildfires in the West.

8- Federal land agencies address challenges created by both the growing popularity of electric Adventure motorcycles with limited range and the lack of recharging stations in remote backcountry areas by installing solar powered charging stations in campgrounds and decommissioned work stations or lookouts.

7- Environmental groups join forces with off-road organizations to halt wind and solar farms proposed for installation on sensitive habitat, scenic areas, or lands used for multiple-use recreation.

6- The CA Air Resources Board reverses current effort to ban fossil fuel powered outdoor equipment such as generators, chainsaws, and OHVs after an articulate and passionate presentation given to them by rural powersports dealers, mom and pop gas station owners, RV industry, OHV consultants, and forest/grassland pre and post wildfire mitigation experts.

5- Tech giant and international businessman, Elon Musk, assigns a team of engineers and scientists to research and once-and-for-all solve the infamous “jeep death wobble” after reading about numerous complaints on various 4-wheel drive blogs. Musk states this task might be his most difficult challenge and he is committed to finding a solution.

4- Off-road racing champion partners with Kim Kardashian to create a new body spray that captures the scent of sweat, chain lube and forest loam for use by customers who don’t have time to ride but want to smell like they did. Sales soar with Generation Z and Generation Alpha customers.

3- A software company hires a number of OHV advocates to create a video game where participants pretend to champion OHV issues in the following venues; state legislatures, land agencies, Congress, counties, and social media. The gamer is considered a winner if they score a victory in any of the venues.

2- States that ended their reciprocity related to OHV registration/decals do an about face when they receive angry complaints by their residents who now have to pay for out-of-state permits in states with reciprocity requirements. States with reciprocity enjoy marked increase in permit revenue.

1-Electric bicycle riders in large cities rejoice when major state and regional parks in California authorize their widespread use of nearby designated non-paved single-track trail systems. The S.F Bay Area sees the largest celebrations.


As we begin this new year, we wanted to recap 2021 for those who may have missed some of the new releases.

Any successes (or fun) that we have is because of you, and we sincerely appreciate it! Happy New Year to all! Greg


“Bounty Hunter”
New series! Second one will be released by March 2022.


Due to the various lock downs and changing event requirements, our show schedule was still a bit limited last year. But we did take the traveling gallery to Daytona, Oshkosh (EAA), Sturgis and, for the first time ever, Laconia.

Thanks for your time, and we look forward to seeing you at a future event!

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director
David Uhl Fine Art
Uhl Studios


There are a bunch of pieces available on David’s web site. If you go there make sure to tell him or Greg that you came from the vast and unrelenting Bikernet kingdom. Thanks, –Bandit


Where Does The Name “Winter” Come From? It’s easy to tell when winter is coming in the parts of the world that feel the full force of the four seasons. The leaves have all come and gone from the trees, the air regularly has a distinct bite to it, and people don’t leave the house without their winter caps (and the mountains put on their winter snow caps, too).

In the Northern Hemisphere, winter falls in the months of December, January, and February, while the season spans June, July, and August in the Southern Hemisphere. Regardless of when winter comes, however, it always gets the same name in English. Yet if you look at where that name comes from, it’s not always the best description of what it’s like outside.

When did winter get its name?

Winter is not only the coldest part of the year in snowy locales, but it’s also often the wettest. That’s a defining characteristic that in part gave winter its name: the word winter, is recorded in Old English and is related to the words wet and water. Winter, wet, and water have many cognates in Germanic and other Indo-European languages. The word’s longevity is a hint to its importance. The Anglo-Saxons counted their years by how many winters had passed.

What about the season also known as fall? Learn about the many names of autumn.

When winter doesn’t feel like winter
Of course, despite the name, winter is not a universally wet season. In fact, in some parts of the world it’s the dry season.

Places close to the equator don’t see the same winter, spring, summer, and fall seasons as other parts of the world. Instead, there’s a rainy season and a dry season. India sees its rainy monsoon season from July to November, while Florida is hit with its rainy season from May through October.

So yes, the name winter itself may have an origin story that suggests a wet time of year, but sometimes the opposite is true.

When does winter start?
The seasons are based around four celestial events: the two equinoxes and the two solstices. Winter starts with a solstice.

The winter solstice is when the sun is at the southernmost point from Earth’s equator. The exact day varies, but the winter solstice typically lands around December 22. That day, which is astronomically the first day of winter, is also the shortest day of the year.

From an astrological standpoint, winter ends as soon as spring begins. That date is around March 21 during the spring equinox, which is also called the vernal equinox or the March equinox.

Of course, if you’re staring out of your window at a blizzard on December 16, it can certainly feel like winter even before the winter solstice comes and goes. On the other side of the season, a warm and sunny early March day certainly doesn’t feel like winter despite the start of spring still waiting for the equinox to pass.


MORE CLIMATE DOOM RESTRICTIONS–More than 100 Oceano Dunes Acres Now Closed to OHVs

The California Coastal Commission, without deliberation, unanimously voted in late December to further restrict OHV use at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, immediately shutting down 108 acres of riding and driving area. Commission staff cited dust control and dune restoration as reasons to propose the shutdown, despite evidence that dust in the area is primarily caused by the wind and dunes themselves, not any human activities.

“The Coastal Commission rammed the closure through during the holidays with minimal public notice,” said Scott Schloegel, MIC senior vice president of government relations. “This will further diminish the recreational experience and access for the millions of visitors to Oceano Dunes each year.”

The MIC sent a letter to the CCC in December noting that claims about dust from OHVs have been debunked in two separate reports authored by Dr. Lynn Russell of the University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. And the MIC’s Mario Mairena, senior manager, federal affairs, spoke at the commission meeting opposing closure during the public comment period.

“Throughout the public works plan process, we submitted comments and testified at public hearings suggesting ways to responsibly and safely preserve OHV access and resources at ODSVRA,” stated the letter, signed by Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the MIC, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association. “We repeatedly offered to partner with State Parks to enhance safety, training, and awareness of sensitive areas at ODSVRA.”


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LATEST FROM THE DAMON EMPIRE–HyperFighter Unleashed–And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Introducing the HyperFighter Colossus.

Colossus is a fierce, muscular stripped-down demon of a bike that is not for the faint of heart. In addition to our revolutionary technology, this urban assault motorcycle is equipped with top-of-the-line wheels, Brembo brakes, Ohlins suspension, and a premium bodykit.

So you can fight traffic, fight status quo, and fight compromise.

But that’s not all.

Joining Colossus are HyperFighter Unlimited 20 & 15 — Damon’s line of electric streetfighters built for a new generation of urban riders.

The HyperFighter family pays homage to the streetfighters of yesterday, while looking to the future with the unparalleled safety and performance – including CoPilot™ & Shift™ – found in every Damon motorcycle.

QUICK, KEEP THE BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE WIDE OPEN— For 2 years a man was having an affair with an Italian woman.

One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant.

Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he paid her a large sum of money if she would go to Italy and secretly have the child.

If she stayed in Italy to raise the child, he would also provide child support until the child turned 18.

She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born.

To keep it discrete, he told her to simply mail him a post card, and write ‘Spaghetti’ on the back.

He would then arrange for the child support payments to begin.

One day, about 9 months later, he came home to his confused wife.

‘Honey!’ she said, ‘you received a very strange post card today.’

Oh, just give it to me and I’ll explain it later,’ he said.

The wife watched as her husband read the card. He turned white, and fainted.

On the card was written:

“Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti. Three with meatballs, two without. Send extra sauce.”

–El Waggs

NEWS FROM THE BUCKLE GUY–See How to Use Pete’s Tape for Prepping Leather

Prepping leather can save a lot of time in the end. By adhering leather together in the proper position before sewing, riveting, punching, or other process, you free up your hands to be able to focus on these tasks.

Pete’s Tape is a new alternative to our popular Ted’s Tape double-sided tape or traditional adhesives like glue or cement.

What makes the transfer tape useful is it conforms to any shape. When you apply pressure to the back of the tape, the adhesive permanently “transfers” to the leather, allowing you to position and stick it however you need.

–The Buckleguy Team

GOOD NEWS FROM THE VA–Increase in VA Disability Compensation

VA disability payments are going up in 2022. Watch this edition of the SITREP with Marine Corps Veteran Paul Corbett and learn about the changes in compensation. For additional details and to see what your new monetary compensation will be in 2022, be sure to visit the links in the YouTube video description.


2021 UPDATE FROM THE CO2 Coalition–One of the primary goals for the CO2 Coalition in 2021 was to upgrade our outreach to the public while continuing to research and present the science that disputes man-made catastrophic warming.

We were highly successful in doing so, with more than 400 interviews on podcasts, radio and television that reached tens of millions of people around the globe.

Our new website has been widely praised as highly informational. One of the most popular pages is the Climate Quiz where a person can test their knowledge about our changing climate.

Check it out!

HAL ROBINSON LIVES—I had a strange series of phone calls the other day. I was speaking with Hal Robinson’s ex and my phone started to beep, it was David Mann’s wife Jacquie Mann. I thought, “What the hell?”

I’ve worked with Hal’s ex for a while and recently her designer friend took a piece of Hal’s art and modified it onto a bandana. We have a few and if you order one of his shirts or a piece of art you will receive one of these cool bandanas absolutely free, no extra charge.


J.J. SOLARI ON A ROLLRe: the goddamn fucking polar bears: The World Wildlife Fund is spending a ton of money on commie TV to announce that the polar bears have nowhere to go.

They’re gonna be here a lot longer than humanity, is my guess, but the WWF is worried about critters that could shred a WWF employee to confetti in ABOUT two seconds.

But here’s what we can do: we can send money to the World Wildlife Fund……and APPARENTLY the ice will return. You know, if a polar bear doesn’t have ice…..we will all die.

It is important for polar bears to have ice. It’s SO important….that only you sending money to the World Wildlife Fund will……and we don’t know that part. Because the WWF never actually says HOW sending them money……will make more ice.

YOUR money….going to THEM……will make more ice. I guess. APPARENTLY more ice is the solution to the polar bears remaining in existence. Apparently polar bears EAT ice. Hell, Jeff Besos sent them 100 million.

I live in Southern California and the mountains RIGHT OVER THERE….are covered in ice at the moment. But at the North Pole?…….no fucking ice. No ice means no polar bears. And we don’t want to fucking run out of polar bears. Holy shit, no polar bears?

I’d rather abort ten trillion human babies than have no polar bears. I bet if humans were gestating polar bears and decided to abort the hairy little fuckers the WWF would be right there, pronto, saying WHOA-HO NELLIE!! HOLD ON THERE BUB! YOU NEED TO REALLY THINK ABOUT WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO!!! THAT’S A POLAR BEAR YOU’RE KILLING!!

You know what will happen if there actually is no ice because no one sent the WWF money? Polar bears will move onto actual terrain. They’ll become land bears. Not polar bears. That’s what will happen. They’ll turn fucking brown.

And who in their right mind gives a fucking shit if a goddamn fucking polar bear changes color. Great Thunberg. Maybe. And possibly her IQ soul mate goddamn brain-dead Ocasio.

Thank you. God bless.

–J.J. Solari

5-BALL RACING IS COOKING WITH GAS (or Fossil Fuels)—Frank Ball Jr. is creating new shirt art and new photo sessions for 5-Ball Racing leathers.



An old physician, Doctor Gordon Geezer, became very bored in retirement so he decided to reopen his medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that read: “Dr. Geezer’s Clinic – Get your treatment for $500 – if not cured, get back $1,000.”

Doctor Digger Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000 so he made a visit to Dr. Geezer’s clinic.

Dr. Young: “Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?”

Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young’s mouth.”

Dr. Young: ‘Aaagh! — This is gasoline!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your taste back. That will be $500.”

Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days, figuring to recover his money.

Dr. Young: “I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything.”

Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient’s mouth.”

Dr. Young: “Oh, no you don’t — that is gasoline!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your memory back. That will be $500.”

Dr. Young (after having lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days.
Dr. Young: “My eyesight has become weak. I can hardly see a thing!”

Dr. Geezer: “Well, I don’t have any medicine for that so here’s your $1000 back” (giving him a $10 bill).

Dr. Young: “But this is only $10!”

Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500.”

Moral of the story: Just because you’re “Young” doesn’t mean that you can outsmart an old “Geezer”.

Remember: Don’t make old people mad. We don’t like being old in the first place, so it doesn’t take much to piss us off.


–Mr. Wonderful

NEW NEWS FROM DIME BAG LEATHERS–Warren Lane handmade Harley-Davidson Panhead chopper with our custom leather seat “Contraband” made especially for Ray lLanes, paint by Mos Image Customs next to a LEGEND in the newest issue of Outlaw Biker Magazine

Follow Like and Share on social media.


–Adam Croft
Dime Bag Leathers

EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM STAFF MEMBER— I to believe this year will be better.

As for riding free. We have never been so free. Remember when you couldn’t pass a cop without being pulled over and checked for equipment violations. California had some exceptions for old bikes but as a rule you had to have front fender, two mirrors at least 3 inches wide and mufflers.

Now cops are so worried about gangbangers and terrorists they don’t even bother with us. Straight pipes are everywhere even on baggers. Handlebars go clear to the sky, and they don’t care. They will let you run anything here in Tennessee with no inspection whatsoever.

I’m not sure if this is good, because a lot of these dummies are riding bikes that are unsafe. I haven’t been checked for anything since around 1971. I have never ran turn signals on anything I built.

Many of the riders are cops. They love bikers these days. I think it is because they know we are true Americans. It sure is different than 1969. I see Deadwood finally cooled off.

Ride forever,

–Bill May


Is your Milwaukee-Eight or Twin Cam sumping oil? Are the tappets noisy at startup? Are you experiencing excessive heat in the top end?

All these conditions can easily be diagnosed incorrectly, which can lead to wasted time, money and effort – or, worse yet, an expensive engine failure.

Stock piston jets sometimes fail, this is a fact. The check valve inside can be open at idle, adding too much oil to the crankcase resulting in a sumping condition. Or, worse yet, the top end of the engine can be oil starved causing heat and pre-mature damage or engine failure.

JIMS has now updated the piston jet test stand to include BOTH applications – Milwaukee-Eight and Twin Cam. Before you spend time, money and effort chasing a problem in the wrong direction – be sure that your piston jets are functioning properly.

For more quick and concise information on piston jet failure rates and how this test stand works … check out Baxters Garage “JIMS Piston Jet Test Stand” video on youtube

For additional product information please contact JIMS at (805) 482-6913, email us at, or visit

–Paul Platts
JIMS Machine

GUN NUT REPORT–As we move into what is already shaping up to be a busy year, I wanted to be the first to announce that we are launching an online NRA-ILA Action Center.

This Action Center will feature our most pressing legislative priorities at both the state and federal level, as well as ways you can get involved and take action. The information will be constantly updated throughout the year. You can access this new Action Center (and bookmark it) by clicking the button below.

Action Center

We are facing unprecedented challenges, and will need all Second Amendment supporters fighting together if we are going to be victorious. As a Frontlines volunteer, you are among the NRA’s most dedicated grassroots activists, who are ready at a moment’s notice to get involved in the legislative and political fight to defend our Second Amendment Rights.

If you would like to get involved in volunteer opportunities this year, please let me know by replying to this email.

Yours in Freedom,

–Ken Lan
NRA-ILA Grassroots

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT CLASS–Government is the perverse opposite of an insurance company: you pay them so they can harm you. The perversity gets worse: their “customers” are convinced this is a good idea.

–Professor J.J. Solari
Bikernet University
Malibu, California

LEATHER TECH PRODUCT OF THE WEEK—We plan to sample and review the Fix N Zip – perfect for instantly fixing the zipper on your biker essentials (including jackets, bike covers, boots and more).

The brand even has a partnership with a number of Harley-Davidson dealerships around the U.S. – as its proving to be the “go-to” for BIKE ENTHUSIASTS.

Amazon Link: FixnZip Instant Zipper Replacement, Medium, Black Nickel. The product is also sold in Michael’s Stores.
This product slides over any broken zipper and instantly replaces it as a new zipper – it’s also perfect for any wardrobe malfunctions! FixnZip is available for purchase at and price points start at $10.99.

FixnZip® ( is a new way to solve that annoying problem with effortless zipper repair sans needles, threads and tools. We would love to send you as much product that you need for a possible feature.

Easy to use and eco-friendly, FixnZip is reusable and can be taken off one item and used for another. The slider parts are made of nickel plated zinc die cast and the spring and thumbscrew of stainless steel.

The FixnZip comes in three sizes: small, medium and large. Its design enables each to fit a range of sizes as well as universally apply to teeth or coil zippers, metal or plastic.

Product highlights:
· Zipper repair without tools or sewing
· Easy to apply
· Repairs tooth and coil, metal and plastic zippers
· Each fits a range of sizes
· Can be started anywhere on the zipper
· Comes in attractive bright nickel or black nickel finishes
· Non-corrosive surface
· Durable
· Promotes recycling and sustainability
· Can be re-used
· Full website and online instructional support
· Online store for ease of ordering
· Made in the USA
· Assembled and packaged by Exceed Enterprises, an employer of the disabled

It can be used on open ended (such as a jacket) or closed ended zippers and can be started anywhere on the zipper. In the case of a zipper that may be missing some teeth, the FixnZip glides over these and realigns the remaining teeth thus restoring the functionality of the zipper.


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BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–HAPPY NEW YEARS BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for December 30, 2021

Bandit, I’ve been following you for years and have completely enjoyed the content. I’m an independent voter and believe that the extreme beliefs on both sides are just as bad as each other.

It seems that I can’t read an article on here that isn’t completely hard-core right wing. People are so far right and so far left that they are now touching butts.

We need to ride more and bitch less. Us in Colorado just had a horrible fire that burned a thousand houses, people were putting comments in the news saying it’s gods way of punishing the liberials.

I was thinking of the tornadoes out south wondering if god was also punishing the conservatives. Can’t we just ride, this is all bullshit and it’s tiring.

— William Gilstrap
firestone, CO

I appreciate and take your comments to heart. I try to stay away from most of the issues, including many of the far-left policies with the Homelessness, destroying cities, CRT, etc. My only major focus is on Climate Doom for several reasons. I don’t want motorcycles to be outlawed. I don’t want your mom to feel bad because she drives an SUV. I don’t want your kids to feel threatened every day, when they should be going to school and having a blast.

If that makes me far-right that’s too bad. I just want us to be able to ride and enjoy life. Hell, we are living in the best of times, except for Covid. But some folks want it to be the worst of times. I’ll fight for freedom forever.



Understanding Engineers #1

Two engineering students were biking across a university campus when one said, “Where did you get such a great bike?” The second engineer replied, “Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, “Take what you want.”

The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, “Good choice: The clothes probably wouldn’t have fit you anyway.”

Understanding Engineers #2

To the optimist, the glass is half-full. To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Understanding Engineers #3

A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, “What’s with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes!”
The doctor chimed in, “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen such inept golf!”

The priest said, “Here comes the greens-keeper. Let’s have a word with him.”

He said, “Hello George, What’s wrong with that group ahead of us? They’re rather slow, aren’t they?”

The greens-keeper replied, “Oh, yes. That’s a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime!”

The group fell silent for a moment. The priest said, “That’s so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight.” The doctor said, “Good idea. I’m going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there’s anything she can do for them.” The engineer said, “Why can’t they play at night?”

Understanding Engineers #4

What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers? Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.

Understanding Engineers #5

The graduate with a science degree asks, “Why does it work?” The graduate with an engineering degree asks, “How does it work?” The graduate with an accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?” The graduate with an arts degree asks, “Do you want fries with that?”

Understanding Engineers #6

Three engineering students were gathered together discussing who must have designed the human body. One said, “It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints.”

Another said, “No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections.”

The last one said, “No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?”

Understanding Engineers #7

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Understanding Engineers #8

An engineer was crossing a road one day, when a frog called out to him and said, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.”

He bent over, picked up the frog, and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn back into a beautiful princess and stay with you for one week.”

The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I’ll stay with you for one week and do anything you want.”

Again, the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, “What is the matter? I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess and that I’ll stay with you for one week and do anything you want. Why won’t you kiss me?”

The engineer said, “Look, I’m an engineer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog – now that’s cool.”

Understanding Engineers #9

Two engineers were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking at its top. A woman walked by and asked what they were doing.

“We’re supposed to find the height of this flagpole,” one of them said , “but we don’t have a ladder.”

The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a couple of bolts, and laid the pole down on the ground. Then she took a tape measure from her pocketbook, took a measurement and announced, “Twenty one feet, six inches,” and walked away.

One engineer shook his head and laughed, “A lot of good that does us. We ask for the height and she gives us the length!”

Both engineers have since quit their engineering jobs and are currently serving in the United States Congress .

–EL Waggs

If you drive, you likely have a physical license indicating you passed a test and can legally drive on the nation’s roadways. After the September 11th attack 20 years ago, driver’s licenses became a primary form of identification if you wanted to fly domestically.

Now, a driver’s license is once again being asked to do more—as a digital product that can be used on your smartphone. In September, Apple announced that it would soon have a product to store your driver’s license and other valid government IDs on your iPhone. The Transportation Security Administration subsequently announced that it is already preparing its systems to accept valid digital documents from Apple Wallet for domestic flights.

Not only that, the Secure Technology Alliance issued a December 2021 press release noting that mobile-device-based digital driver’s licenses have gained traction in at least 30 US states. It proclaimed that “the progress exemplifies that the transition from physical driver’s licenses is well underway, and the future of identification documents is digital.” The pace of adoption by states has tripled in 2021.

Three states (Arizona-Delaware-Oklahoma) have implemented digital driver’s licenses. Five states (Florida-Iowa-Maryland-Utah-Virginia) are currently running pilot programs. Legislatures in 16 other states (California-Georgia-Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky-Michigan-Minnesota-Missouri-Mississippi-New Jersey-New York-North Dakota-Pennsylvania-Tennessee-Texas-Wyoming) are studying the ramifications of using the smartphone for individual identification. Colorado also has some jurisdictional specific implementation of phone licenses.

Christine Nizer, who runs the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration and serves as chair of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators International Board, observed:

“Smartphones carry everything, from payment cards to precious photos. It is only natural that the devices are becoming a platform for storing identity credentials too. The success of mobile driver’s licenses depends on stakeholders and relying on parties banding together to create an mDL environment that is convenient and secure for the end-user.”

Of course, it is more convenient to have your driver’s license and ID information on your phone, but should we?

With so many states (and mobile phone users) jumping on the digital ID bandwagon, what could go wrong?

Experts say that mobile digital licenses (mDL) will offer enhanced security by requiring a cryptographic protocol that provides assurances the IDs were issued by a trusted authority, such as a state Department of Motor Vehicles. Individuals as the phone would. They can point their phone toward a receiver using a QR (Quick Response) code; the information is captured instantly. The cryptography protocols will theoretically prevent alteration or counterfeiting.

Apple is not a member of the Secure Technology Alliance, and it is unclear how or if it will store the encrypted driver’s license and ID information of iPhone users. It should be noted that police enforcement agencies are also not members of the Alliance.

You can bet, though, that a digital license will be more convenient for the police during traffic stops. A scan of the driver’s QR code can provide instantaneous access to his/her history. Information from the stop (including drone or body cam video) can be scanned in, becoming a permanent entry to the driver’s record. The officer then instantly sends a ticket via the police handheld device back to the driver’s phone without creating a paper trail.

Picture this: The officer who stops you offers a discount of the traffic fine by a single screen tap or code scan. No muss, no fuss!

That would be convenient, but for whom?


BRAT STYLE TEAM SPOTTED AT WILMINGTON, CA GAS STATION–Saw your friend and his lady at Chevron today, they were heading to Walker’s Cafe.


Last we heard Walker’s Café is closed. Maybe it’s been reopened. –Bandit


On top of the many benefits that fossils fuels provide, including the ability to use machines to amplify our productivity and improve our lives, we have yet another set of benefits.

Our hydrocarbon world

Using oil and gas, the hydrocarbon industry also produces a caliber of synthetic materials that cannot be matched by any other industry. Oil and gas are used to create artificial hearts, bullet-proof vests, insulation, carpet, golf balls, ink, and countless other products.

Where did these materials come from? Let’s take something as seemingly unrelated to oil as paper. You might say, “I know where paper comes from. Paper comes from trees.” But if you notice, there’s a coating on the paper that makes it a lot easier to write on.

With paper and with all the products around us, it’s worth asking: “Where does it come from? Does it come from a rock, does it come from a plant, does it come from metal? Glass? Sand?”

If you ask that question, you’ll find that the answer often is that it comes from oil or from natural gas. It’s amazing how much in our life is made from hydrocarbons.

Another question you should ask yourself is, “How frequently do I use oil-based materials?” You may be surprised to find that it’s nearly impossible to get through an entire day without coming into contact with dozens of oil-based products that improve your life. (When I say oil-based, I include natural gas-based products too.)

An oil walk

Let’s try this: let’s go through your day and spot all of the things made possible by oil. Say you wake up and hit snooze on your alarm clock. It’s an electric device so why aren’t you worried about potentially getting electrocuted? Well, there’s a cord that insulates the electricity and protects you from that. What’s it made of? It’s made of oil, which means that some brilliant engineers figured out how to take this hydrocarbon and turn it into a cord, and do it very affordably.

How does that work? Basically, hydrocarbon molecules have a potential to be very versatile, but you need human ingenuity to figure out how to break them down into “monamers,” which are very small hydrocarbon molecules. Then, the brilliant engineers figure out how to make the monamers into “polymers,” which are these different combinations of the hydrocarbon molecules that can serve any purpose.

Next, say you don’t want to get out of bed because it’s so comfortable and you think, “Gosh, I love this Tempur-Pedic bed, it feels so good.” Where does Tempur-Pedic come from?

This is oil, too. You might think, “Well, this isn’t relevant to me because I have a Sleep Number bed, and that’s high gauge plastic, not just foam.” Wait. The oil industry makes that, too.

You can’t even get out of bed in this exercise, because there are so many things about your bed that are made from oil.

When you do get up, what’s the first thing your feet touch? The floor and very likely a rug or carpet. What’s that carpet made from? It’s made from oil. And why are you warm? It’s not just because of the natural gas-based heating you may have, but also because of the oil-based insulation in the walls. “What about the paint on the walls?” That too, is from oil.

And as you get dressed, you’ll find that your plastic eyeglass lenses, your nylon socks, and your rubber-soled shoes all come from oil, too.

Oil is literally everywhere.

What if hydrocarbons were more expensive?

Here’s the question to ask. What would happen to these materials if oil and gas were more expensive? The products that use those materials are made that way because the oil-based materials enable them to be higher quality, less expensive, or both. And sometimes those products can’t be replicated with other materials: absent oil and gas, they wouldn’t exist.

If oil and gas are more expensive then products would be lower quality, more expensive, or non-existent.

Only fossil fuels can give billions access to energy

To recap what we’ve covered so far:

Energy is fundamental

Energy needs to be cheap, plentiful, and reliable

The process for creating energy also needs to be cheap, plentiful, and reliable

The fossil fuel industry is the only industry that can provide cheap, plentiful, and reliable energy for billions of people

And that brings us to the conclusion that without the hydrocarbon industry’s unique efficiency, vital energy and materials would not be affordable or available to billions of people.

Fossil fuels = access to energy

Simply put, using fossil fuels means more people have more access to energy. Which means, all things being equal, more years of life added on to billions of people’s lives.

And thus, every fossil fuel discussion should incorporate the context that the fossil fuel industry is the only industry that can produce cheap, plentiful, reliable energy for billions of people.

–Alex Epstein
Center for Industrial Progress

CLASSIC EASYRIDERS MAGAZINE WOES CONTINUE–On 30-Dec-2021 the Classic Easyriders Marketing head sent an email with a Link and Process to access the Complete Digital Collection on their website at No Extra Charge to customers who had bought the USB Flash Drive in pre-sale.
This was due to the delay in shipping the USB Flash Drive containing the collection  – all of it is stuck at port in LA.

He mentioned that while all 50 years of PDF versions are available, they only display correctly in single page mode.

They plan to change this online PDF Viewer to resolve this problem. So, the woes of both the fans and this new team seems to continue.

– Bee

Irish Rich picked up the latest at the newsstand. If you grabbed a copy let us know what you think. –Bandit

2017 Harley-Davidson® FXDLS – Low Rider® S for $21,995.00


2017 Vivid Black Harley-Davidson DYNA LOW RIDER S 117-INCH

ONLY 14483.00 Miles !!!!!

This bike is one nice Dyna S upgraded SCREAMING EAGLE 117 SUPER CLEAN AND FAST!!!!!!

Some of the features/Add-ons on this bike

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* 6-Speed trans
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* Thunder header
* Big Breather air intake
* Saddleman seat
* T-Bars
* Relocated gauges
* MX pegs

Just $21,995.00

Plus, license, and a $85.00 documentation fee and your local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like dealers, we have no reconditioning or prep fees.

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety and mechanical/structural inspection.

You can fill out an online application with EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available to purchase!!! and you can ride today!

Lifestyle Cycles located at 1510 State College Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92806


Call today (714) 490-0155. **Open 7 days a week**

ROCK AND ROLL—Okay, we are scrambling on so many fronts. Building the shop is one. Preparing to build another classic is another and Adam Croft volunteered to create some concept sketches to keep us motivated.

Neighbor caught a deer hanging out in Deadwood.

Remember this Paughco frame. I bought from a Hamster brother who bought it from a guy who bought it from Paughco and never used it. Well another Hamster steered me to a guy who lost his shop and his home in a fire and needed to unload this engine and primary drive. I couldn’t resist trying to help a brother get back on his feet.

Shits beginning to line up for the shop. Come back next week and see how we do with the construction.



In the meantime, ride fast and free forever.


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