Looking at my computer screen this morning seems to require more effort than ever before. My life has been turned upside down with job craziness, bike-breakdowns, new-car fever, bitching wife, and ranting editor. It seems every direction I turn is prepping me for a smack in the mouth and the only thing I can do is suck down this stale two-day-old coffee and swallow each rancid, bitter, slug hoping my taste buds eventually become numb to the taste.

I have been up since three this morning to a crying puppy that is fighting me every second of his existence on trying to housetrain. I have never heard of a dog that will openly mess in his or her cage until I purchased this Satan dog from a pet store. Whoever has cleaned the mess of a boxer at three in the morning knows exactly what I am talking about. It seems everything this dog sees and smells comes shooting out of his butt hole shaped as a turd, but still holding enough of it’s origin to make it recognizable. Oh look, another poop shaped pair of my wife’s panties.
So here I sit contemplating murdering the feeblest creature who happens to carry the least threat to my overall problematic life, when I notice several new e-mails from El Bandito.

Great! This guy always knows when to shovel more dirt on top of the man grasping for air and clinging to life by a hair.
I opened the e-mail to find a feature on Cyril Huze’s new creation, a Bombshell decorated bike he describes as a Bobber (His style).
Well, anyone who knows Cyril Huze’s work knows his bikes are worth checking out. He makes a very clean, ride-able, world-class detailed, functional custom motorcycle.

The dog is whimpering in his cage, right now, so I am having to concentrate deeply on typing this sentence instead of shoving my Buck Knife into the side of his neck and bleeding his ass out. I really cannot stand a dog that doesn’t listen, and even worse one that whines.
Time for a tall Styrofoam cup of coffee from the local Exxon gas station.
I’m standing in line at the station holding my coffee in one hand and eating a breakfast sausage in the other, when I notice a rack set up two feet away from the check-out counter. It is labeled “Choppergear”, and is filled with sunglasses, bandanna’s, air fresheners, small replica choppers, and various stickers. The bottom row catches my eye with a sticker that reads:
“Bobbers were the original choppers”
I realize we live in an environment and society that will make money where it can. That has never bothered me, but something about that sticker really made me think about how much the biker world changes with each passing season. To tell you the truth, I could give a fat rat ankle what people classify their bikes as. Be it a chopper, bobber, bar-hopper, or even a damn showstopper, it is still just a motorcycle. Motorcycles are meant to be ridden. So this bike from Cyril is a classically styled machine with all of Cyril’s modern touches and artistic talent on full display.

In Issue Number 34 of The Rodder’s Journal, Chris McCreary describes artists and their work clearer than I have ever seen or heard.
“Artists talk about ‘transference’. It’s a term that’s used when an artist thoroughly and accurately conveys their emotions, impressions, and ideas to an audience through their art. It’s when you feel what the painter was feeling, and when you look at a subject in the same way a sculptor did. Usually transference occurs, thanks to the artist’s technique and their stylistic choices. In a very basic sense, bold reds evoke anger and energy, blues hint at sadness, and so on. But it goes far beyond color. While good artists account for all of this when they work, it’s the artists who best facilitate transference that usually get called great.”
Wow! Is that incredible, or what. That’s exactly what makes Cyril Huze’s “Bombshell” a beautiful piece that we all can understand. He uses all the mediums of art and incorporates them into an actual motorcycle that you can ride. That’s what it’s all about, building bikes that are meant to ride. All the other media glamour and bullshit associated with TV, Merchandising, and Labeling is just that; bullshit. Bikes are made to be ridden, and this one is no exception.

Study these pics and enjoy the “transference” as you feel the spirit of a true artist travel from the screen of your computer straight into your soul.

Here is a small note from the man himself,
“Attached are the pictures, tech sheet and a short intro on a Bobber (my style) called Bombshell.
1- the custom chromed frame (double curved running around the engine cases)
2- the engine is an Evo TP fitted with aftermarket Knucklehead Rocker Boxes.
3- The oil tank
4- The hand tooled left bag with battery inside and cable running inside frame tube.
Hope you like it.
A Pin-Up Goes To War
Airplane nose art: a tradition associated with the warrior’s desire to decorate its instruments of war. As a way to tease the enemy, for good luck and to boost the morale of the crew. And for this, nothing better than a sexy and unabashedly American bombshell. A pin-up goes to war. Pretty deadly for the enemy. A Bombshell on a Bobber. Does it make you tick?

Bombshell Tech Sheet
Owner: Lynn Jones
Designer & Builder: Cyril Huze
Fabrication: Cyril Huze Customs
Assembly: Cyril Huze Customs
Year/Make: 06 Cyril Huze Special Construction.
Chroming: Chromemasters

Builder: Cyril Huze, Chromed.
Type: Rigid 180/200

Year/Model: Special Knucklehead/Evo 2006 TP Eng.
Powdercoating: Sumax
Displacement: 114 CU
Pistons: TP
Cases: TP Polished
Heads: TP Teal Green
Cylinders: TP Teal Green
Lifters: TP
Oil Pump: TP
Carb(s): S&S G Chromed
Pushrods: TP
Motor Mount: Huze
Rocker Boxes: Knucklehead.
Air Cleaner: Huze Spade Velocity Stack

Pipes: PCC/Huze
Type: 6-speed
Design: Cyril Huze
Artwork: Chris Cruz

Mirrors: Just Looking Forward
Risers: Huze
Bars: Huze
Clutch: Hydraulic In Frame
Hand controls & Grips: Rebuffini/Huze
Foot Controls: Rebuffini
Coils Bracket: Huze

Front Fender: None.
Rear Fender: Huze

Gas Tank: Foster Modified Huze.
Oil Tank: SPS/Huze

Headlight: Huze
Taillight: Huze.Spade Sidemount
Primary: BDL 3”

Seat & Bag: Hand Tooled Jeff Phipps

Springer Killer Chopper Narrow Glide
Type: AWW 80-Spoke
Size: 21”
Tire: Avon Venom 80/80H x 21”
Brake: PM 2-Piston
Type: AWW 80-Spoke
Size: 18”
Tire: Avon 180/55VR/18
Brake: HHI Sprockster.
Pictures: Don Rogers
Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-994-2672