Editor’s Note: Get ready for the Bikernet 2006 Florida Bike Week Reports. We’re going to run these bastards in a flurry of blithering complaints and jealous babbling. Hell, I could snivel ‘cause I wasn’t there, while the next guy will make me feel worse ‘cause he did attend and the weather was terrific. I don’t know if the reports will be long or short, terrific or promotional bullshit, but I’ll deliver them to you as fast as I can. This year we’re fortunate to bring you new takes, new photos and new angles. Hang on.

The Motorcycle Industry Prospective

by Maxwell Smart
Patrick Cusse Photography

Here is my take on what I saw in Daytona from anindustry perspective. Sorry this took, myhardrive got smoked today, so I am working off afriends computer.

One word that sticks out when I look back on the stateof the V-Twin industry in Daytona is television. Itseems that everyone is trying to get a TV show goingor is going to be on one or knows someone who is goingto be on one. All it shows me is that the industry isgoing more mainstream.

However, there was definitelysome recognition at the V-Twin Bikers Ball for someserious innovators. This included Roland Sands beingrecognized as trend setter of the year, Mike Puglieseand “Knucklesandwich” being recognized as bestfabricated bike, Bruce Mullins of Skunkworks beingrecognized for best custom bike and Ron Finch gettingthe lifetime achievement award. None of these arecookie cutter bikes and it just shows that there arepeople out there on the cutting edge still trying topush the envelope.

As far as traffic goes in Daytonait seemed like there were more people than ever andthat Destination Daytona definitely drew a crowd. Ichecked out the new Hardrock bikes and they were allequally amazing. Hats off to those guys!

When I talked with everyone about sales it seemed likeeveryone was down for the year and they were hoping tomake up for it over the next few months. Even some bigname builders seemed to be struggling but themanufacturers have really stepped up their game andare proffering great financing and some killer bikes tothe consumer, so it's hard to justify the custom bikeprice. There were lots of rumors…but I will leavethose up the knitting circles.