This is the first of a series or Bikernet reports on Bike Week 2004 in Daytona. Hang on. Frank Kaisler is handling the best custom bikes and hottest babes. Rogue is handling the inside scoop and the not-so-hot broads. Jose will cover the old school aspects and even more girls. And Crazy Horse didn't make it. We'll miss the babes side of the story. Ah, but Stealth will investigate Harley-Davidson and report in. Here's the first taste of Bike Week 2004 from Rogue.
I have been in and out of Daytona Beach and the surrounding area since the 63rd Bike Week started. I like it, though I am not sure everyone else is.
The crowds are definitely down perhaps by a third according to Frank Kaisler. You can get around town easy. Yeah, there are some traffic tie-ups, but it looks more like Biketoberfest than Daytona Bike Week.

Vendors on Beach Street reported a slow down around 6-6:30 for chow. Many shops close at 7:00pm. After supper it's the bar scene and they're packed. Froggys was jumping and other bars on Main Street were busy too. You could still ride down the street and find a parking spot, though.
There is action in all the out-lying areas and Orlando is doing it up big time. Going into Daytona on Monday morning traveling I-95 north I only saw seven motorcycles heading in, and I stopped counting at 100 of those heading south. Most were still loaded indicating they hadn't reached their destination.
Calls to South Florida friends indicate more Bikers there than usual.The Harley Show comes to town on Wednesday and so do a lot of other acts, contests and shows. The people working Bike Week are hoping it will bring more people and money.

At this point it looks like the Bikers are opting to stay out of the area and day trip into town. The cops are mellow so far but are busy giving out traffic tickets on US1 in Ormond up around the Iron Horse and Broken Spoke Saloons. They're in force on Rt 44 in front of the Club by the same name. The motorcycle cops were pulling bikes over one after another as they crossed the river from International Speedway Boulevard.
I will heading back Wednesday and through the weekend. There is still a lot I want to see and do, people to meet and Party with and just generally enjoy the weather which has been in the 70s. Those that have come down out of the cold country are riding around in t shirts while the locals seem to be wearing long sleeve shirts.

Oh yeah, before I forget. You do NOT need to wear a helmet in Florida if you have medical insurance. The cops are busy with other stuff and said they just do not have the time to pull riders over to check for insurance.
BUT Florida does have a headlight on law and you will get pulled over if you do not have it on. I am bringing this up as I noticed a lot of bikes without the headlights blaring.
I will continue to report. There is so much to do, no one can hit all the action, but we can have one hell of a time trying.

Find me and buy me a beer. Force me to take your picture, and if you're a female. Oh Well, pretty much what ever you want.

WEDNESDAY– I am headed back up to downtown Daytona this afternoon. I'll do Main Street and other fun spots. Reports continue to fly in that the Police are Ticketing for every thing possible. The most reports are about North US1 in Ormond Beach.

That's the location of some of the real good places. The Cops are Taking Advantage of the numbers of people headed in that direction.
If attendee numbers down, then it will take a higher percentage to get the money they usually rake in. Reports from outside the area are slim to none.

BIKE WEEK HOT ITEM– I like going to Bike Week and checking out all the new stuff on the market. Some of it is practical while others are not or expensive.
Well my friends Buddy and Tona are in from Arkansas and they are set up in a little shop on Beach Street that sells trikes. It's between the Trike Shop and the Car dealership. Yeah, I know that sounds confusing but that is it.

Well they got this multifunctional headwear, called HAD, that can be used a dozen ways from do rags to bandanas, head warmers, to head bands. More designs and colors than I want to count. Shit for $20.00 it is my item of choice this year.
If you miss them you can always check them out at HYPERLINK “http://www.hadsales.com” www.hadsales.com . Tell them Rogue sent ya.

PARADE REPORT–According to the 2004 Bike Week calendar posted at What's Bike Week without the parade which starts at Bellaire Plaza and ends at Daytona International Speedway? Let's rally enough supporters to call the Chamber of Commerce at (386) 255-0981 to keep the parade, even without Harley Davidson's participation. Who cares whether Harley has a parade or not. What would they do it we just all showed up Sunday morning and had one without them. There's no Harley in the race anyway, so who cares about Harley? Exactly my point, Red! It would be interesting to find out from the Chamber who paid for the police escort each year … Harley Davidson? We shouldn't let a Daytona tradition die due to lack of corporate sponsorship. Isn't there an old saying: “What if they had a parade and nobody showed up?” Well, let's turn it into: “What if they cancelled a parade and EVERYBODY showed up?” –from Rogue FRIDAY'S STRANGE NEWS HEADLINE–(HOLLY HILL, FL) Stan Hughes, an Oklahoman whose riding skills apparantlyneed a little work, jumped off his shiny brand new Kannon V-8 Chopper (sic)when the throttle stuck open. Yow! (Note to Stan: find the kill switch.Better yet, if you want to ride a bike, buy a bike, not a tree chipper.) That smooth move didn't slow the bike down, though. No. It barreled merrilyalong it's way for another four blocks, before finally running into a Pepsitruck going the opposite direction and then whacking biker Kevin Moyer andhis passenger, whose bad luck it was to be following the truck. –jksiebenthaler@earthlink.net Past fatalitiesProbably because inclement weather kept Bike Week 2003 attendance low, only one motorcyclist lost his life in a traffic accident during the 10-day event last year. Thomas “Chops” Stiffey, 55, of Pennsylvania was killed March 1 when he struck a utility pole just outside New Smyrna Beach after running a stop sign, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Motorcycle traffic fatalities in Volusia and Flagler counties during previous Bike Weeks: 1999: 5 2000: 15 2001: 6 2002: 10 Bike Week 2000 was the deadliest in the past 14 years. The previous record was nine deaths in 1991. News-Journal research, By LYDA LONGA,Staff Writer –from Rogue BIKERNET REPORTER SITED–Bad news from Daytona. Mike “The Stealth” Pullin was busted this afternoon for a handlebar infraction. Apparently the Daytona cops are cool, but as soon as you leave the city limits you can count on being hassled. He was pulled over and the cop wrote a ticket because Skeletor's handle bars were too high. The law says nothing over 15 inches and even though Skeletor measured a whopping 29 inches, Mike insisted on a measurement before he would accept the ticket. Skeletor had the last laugh, though. He (and Mike) received an honorable mention and a plaque from Willie G. at the Harley bike show. As Mike received his plaque he gave Willie G. one of his business cards with his new “Design Consultant” title on it. Last night as Mike sat innocently (his story) on Main Street with Skeletor someone tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to face a TV reporter and camera. He was his usual witty and charming self and turned up on the local Daytona news. What a ham! He has already seen your son Jose, Kevin the fabricator (who made me something special), Billy Lane, Mr. Waugh (Waugh's H-D in Mike's home town) and many more. He's had a $17 pork chop, his favorite orange “creamsicle” ice cream, and my personal favorite, a $2.00 bloody mary. God I miss Daytona!!! Unless I have to bail him out of jail, he will be home on Sunday with lots of stories. –Meanest