Happy Holidays, goddamnit,
This is a week of great news, plans, giving with gusto and redheads. I’m not sure where to start. First we’re canceling our adventure to Alaska and that’s good news, because 2008 will be the year of the Veteran on Bikernet. Our efforts will be directed toward helping and supporting Veterans.
We are going to refine the World’s Fastest Panhead, run it at the Maxton Mile and tour the country, selling raffle tickets. We will fly the winner to Bonneville in 2009 to be apart of the 5-Ball racing team and hopefully to set another record.
We are tentatively working with the Fisher Foundation, an esteemed veterans’ charity organization, Easyriders Bike Shows, Carrie Repp of Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouses and a couple of magazines to support the effort. It’s exciting and we hope to do a tremendous amount to raise funds and support for our fighting men and women. Let’s hit the news:

Q&A WITH DAVE RASH OF D&D ON FUEL INJECTION– Question:I get this question often, “When I change to a more free-flowing exhaust system and add a performance air cleaner, do I need to make additional modifications to my system?”
Answer:We often see enthusiasts upgrading a number of things at once including a performance pipe, cam and high-flow air cleaner. In current fuel injected Harley applications you will need a tuner for the bike. We recommend the ThunderMax Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Controller with the AutoTune Module. This module actually learns how to tune your bike without the need of a dynamometer. It is plug and play so you snap it in and you are good to go. If you make another change to the performance of your motor, it learns again. I’ve placed a motorcycle on our dyno and watched the system learn, amazing!
–Dave Rash, The Pope of Pipe
D&D Exhaust

BANDIT’S BEDROLL HITS THE ROAD–I packed light, no tour-packs, just what I could squeeze in one of Bandit’s bedroll bags. I planted it on the front-end nacelle as a windbreak and strapped it to the black low-rise handlebars with velcro.
Just me and the wind heading down to FLA for some warmth. Checkout Bandit’s luggage selection.
THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT BEGINS TO ROLL WITH A WEEWEECHU–One beautiful December evening Pedro and hisgirlfriend Rosita were sitting by the side of the ocean.It was a romantic full moon, when Pedro said,”Hey, mamacita, let’s do Weeweechu.”
Oh no, not now, let’s look at the moon!” said Rosita.
Oh, c’mon baby, let’s you and I do Weeweechu.I love you and it’s the perfect time,” Pedro begged.”But I wanna just hold your hand and watch themoon.” replied Rosita.
Please, corazoncito, just once, do Weeweechu with me.”
Rosita looked at Pedro and said, “OK, one time,we’ll do Weeweechu.”
Pedro grabbed his guitar and they both sang….. “Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.”
–from Jim Savage

JIMS BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK–JIMS, a manufacturer of performance parts and specialty tools for use onHarley-Davidsons. The fork tube compressor tool (P/N 1776), a must-have foranyone overhauling or doing a re-valve on their cartridge style forks.Thistool is manufactured from square tubing with a precision CNC machined springperch and robust hardware.

Another innovative tool is the fork tube holder(P/N 2251), a padded aluminum vise fixture which frees up your hands whileyou work in a secure and easy fashion.

JIMS has also released a fork springretainer tool (P/N 1170), for removing pre-1973 fork spring retainerswithout damaging the retainer or housing.
Visit JIMS on the web at,www.jimsusa.com
Suggested Retail Price:
P/N 1776 $299.00
P/N 2251 $90.85
P/N 1170 $15.90
–JT Lepien

MACHINIST POCKET REFERENCE BOOK MENTIONED IN BONNEVILLE 2007–Ispent $10 on the “pocket ref” book. Lot of info. It’s in stock at harbor freight tools in the ‘home section.’
–Bill franey
Salt wheels racing

REACHING OUT FOR THE GREAT AMERICAN BUILDER–We would DEFINITELY like your help. The big challenge now is getting the word out to builders and getting them motivated to enter. If they go to We also encourage people to add us as a friend at This is a really exciting project. We’re so encouraged by all the help and interest from everyone! –Siobhan Murphy VETERAN’S SUPPORT INVESTIGATION–Great talking to you yesterday. I took a few minutes to look at the Fisher House and the Fisher House Foundation, both of which appear to be highly rated charities (in terms of efficiency). They are responsible for some great programs where I personally know of people who were helped by those programs, and yet, I was not aware that the Fisher House Foundation was behind the effort. For example, there is a scholarship program for military dependents that my daughter is applying for (which is administered through the commissary). I did not realize the connection. I guess I need to work on my gratitude. I also looked at Wounded Warrior’s Program which appears to be on offshoot of the United Spinal Association. However, there was limited data on the Wounded Warrior’s as a separate entity from the United Spinal Association because the break was in the last three years. The United Spinal Association did not rate well as a charity. I am definitely on-board with supporting your charity- bike- raffle- fund- raiser to raise money for the Fisher House or the Fisher House Foundation. Thanks for including me. BELT DRIVES QUESTION–I’m doing some winter projects with my bike and have a question regarding belt drives. I like the Indian Larry (I.L. Legacy) bikes belt drives, do you know the manufacturer? Also, I’ve attached two pics of my bike. As you can see I have a blacked out look going, but I do use some chrome for accents. I’m thinking of doing the same with the belt drive, having everything black, but having a chrome clutch plate cover and such. How would you go about doing this? Also, I really like the look of the Ultima Street Style unit, but I can’t find any info saying it would fit a 2000 H-D Softail. Any ideas? **Oh, one more thing… I’m having the pipes Jet-Hot Coated flat black. I want to have chrome heat shields with that perforated hot-rod look. There’s a Sucker Punch bike that has this look on their website. Know anyone that makes custom heat shields? –Jim Your bike looks good. Check with Paul Yaffe about the heat shields with holes. I dig around and find used stock stuff and modify it, drill it, whatever. Then you can rechrome. I always use BDL stuff for belt drives. I like them and they work. You might check their new narrow belt systems with full covers. I would order and set up the new BDL system that I liked. Then I would take it apart and send the pieces out that I wanted powder coated or anodized. I’ll send this to by BDL connection, in case he has other thoughts. Send me another shot when you finish your bike. Let me know if you need anything else.–Bandit NEW WEB SITE FROM DOUG KEIM–PLEASE take a moment to check out our newest web site. –Doug Keim We will post some of Doug’s video techs in our Bikernet Studio, where televison segments and radio interviews are posted.–Bandit WHO IS JERRY?Jerry Southworth was born in San Francisco, California to the Maniscalco family of Potrero Hill. After High school Jerry worked just about every job imaginable from driving trucks, to cleaning sewers for the City or Ronhert Park. In 1991 Jerry Opened American Powerwash Deck and Fence Restoration, he ran a very successful business for the next 13 years. Being a seasonal business worked out perfectly, this gave Jerry plenty of time to pursue his photography hobby. Jerry has two websites www.PhotosByJDS.com is where you can find his commercial work. Within the last year the demand for his artistic nude, playboy style photography has become so popular that he had to build a website dedicated to that specific style of work. Take a look when you get a chance, www.UniqueExposure.net Aside from everything else, Jerry is now working with Good Time Charlie Brechtel, Legendary blues/biker musician. I’m sure you know who he is but if not, visit his website to read all about him! www.big7productions.com Charlie has created STURGIS RIDER LIVE www.sturgisriderlive.com “A MUST JOIN WEBSITE” Jerry is doing most of the Photography, graphic designs/art and managing the Sturgis Rider Live Girls. As of right now we have a total of five very hot girls (group photo coming soon) We started with the soon to be famous Precious Cox, yes that’s her real name! Shortly after we brought in Kristin and Sarah our two stunning brunettes. The latest addition to the family as of this week is Carla, Carla will be joining jerry In Long Beach next moth as the model for Keith Ball’s bike shoot, wait until you see these photos! THE VETERAN’S ISSUE OF HOT BIKE SUPPORTS BIKERNET’S SPS BUILD FOR VETERAN–Hey Bandit, how’s it going? Did you send Santa your Christmas list yet? Sin Wusays you’ve been a bad boy??? Check it out, here is the cover to the latest issue Vol.40 No.2, should beon newsstands any day now. I’m happy with this one, even though wedidn’t plan it this way originally, things just fell in place perfectly forus to turn it into a Salute to our Troops special Military themed issue. Andit all started with a collaboration with Ken Conte,HB, Donny and Jeff fromSucker Punch Sally, Johnny White and Bikernet.com. This issue features the firstinstallment of Johnny’s SPS build for his brother, a currently serving USMarine. From there we head out to Jacksonville NC to Camp Lejeune where wewatched as Kuryakyn along with PM, Ness and some other key players in theindustry pimp out Sgt. Nick Chaplin’s bagger with 10G’s worth of P&A. Thecover bike is from former Marine turned bike builder/Commercial air linespilot Ralph Randolph of Knockout Motorcycles. The bike is a ’07 heritage thathe turned into a tribute to the WWII fighter the P-51 Mustang Warbird. Forthe Commemorative Air Force. It’s a bad ass bike. We also have a tributebike for a father who lost his son in Iraq, and our Pick of the Pen bikecame from a soldier who had just returned from his latest tour of duty andimmediately tore into his Fat Boy. Oh yeah, we also have the latest from theNess legacy, Arlen’s version of Victory’s new Vision bagger. Arlen cut theneck, raked it, slammed it, and had the body panels engraved. Prettyexciting issue. –Eric Ellis Continued On Page 2 Or Go To Page 3 Or To Page 4
KMLA film
BEST WAY TO REACH ME: siobhan@kmlafilm.com
Greg “Edge”
Smoke Out Motorcycle Rally Promoter
Doug Keim Creative Cycles
Executive Editor
Hot Bike Magazine
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