December 07, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

helmet hog

HELMET ?HOG IN LONG BEACH DEC. 8-10–Works like a bungee, fits like a bra!Helmet-Hog will be at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show, December 8-10 at the Long Beach Convention Center. Stop by our booth and check out a useful and functional accessory for your motorcycle- at a special show price.

helmet hog banner

Whether you need to carry a spare, or need a way to secure your helmet when traveling the states, Helmet-Hog is the perfect solution. Also we have our new limited edition ?Helmet Laws Suck? screen print. See our review in the December issues of Hot Bike Werks and Thunder Press magazines.Ride Hard, Ride Free, Carry A Spare Helmet. Order online at Long Beach, CA –Scott HeamesHelmet-Gear, Inc–


TWO-WHEELERS PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–2 Wheelers has the connections for all the coolest items, from dicey gear shift knobs, to classic skulls. Check out their Denver shop.


BAD NEWS JOKE OF THE WEEK–Sixty + is the worst age to be,” said the 60+ year-old man. “You alwaysfeel like you have to pee and most of the time you stand there andnothing comes out.”

“Ah that’s nothin,” said the 70-year-old. “When you’re seventy, youdon’t have a bowel movement any more. You take laxatives, eat bran, siton the toilet all day and nothin’ comes out!”

“Actually,” said the 80-year-old, “eighty is the worst age of all.”

“Do you have trouble peeing, too?”

“No, I pee every morning at 6:00. I pee like a racehorse on a flat rock;no problem at all.”

“So, do you have a problem with your bowel movement?”

“No, I have one every morning at 6:30.”

Exasperated, the 60-year-old said, “You pee every morning at 6:00 andcrap every morning at 6:30; what’s so bad about that?”

“I don’t wake up until 7:00.”

–from Nick Roberts


BIKERNET MYSTERY OF THE WEEK–Several readers have contacted us regarding Willie G. Davidson. They want to know what G. stands for? I’ve contacted Paul James at the factory and he said, “WG is actually a pretty private public person. He doesn’t say what it stands for.”

First Paul should know that saying, “Pretty,” is against the code of the west. He’s either private or he isn’t. There’s nothing pretty about Willie G. The investigation continues.

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BONNEVILLE LEARNING FROM THE MASTER–We are studying what will pass land speed record rules and Wink Eller, of BDL, has been very helpful. This is one of his bikes. We learned the rear fender must show the wheel to a verticle line from the axle. “I kind of thought we were pushing it,” said Chris Kallas, the Bikernet Concept illustrator and member of 5-Ball racing team. “But, what about under the seat where a oil tank normally goes ,the area in front of the fender and above the tranny?


wreaths at arlington

SPECIAL ESCORT TO ARLINGTON– Every December for the past 15 years, Morrill Worcester the owner of Worchester Wreath’s in Maine, has been donating 5000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery.

This year he has decided to make two changes. He has started Wreaths Across America, where he will be donating wreath’s to National Cemetery’s in all 50 states. We, the Patriot Guard Riders are heavily involved in making his vision a reality.

Mr. Morrill has also asked that the wreaths, bound for Arlington, be escorted from his warehouse in Maine, to the National Cemetery in Arlington by the Patriot Guard Riders. If you are interested in participating in this escort in any capacity please check the Arlington Mission’s under the thread title, Special Escort to Arlington, for the route, dates, times, and meeting locations in each State.Thanks again for being there for our Brothers and Sisters in Arms.

–Scott W. Deal
USMC 1979-1985
New England Regional Captain
Patriot Guard Riders

toy run dog in coat

Photo from RFR

HOLIDAY TRADITION BY ABATE OF FLORIDA SOUTHWEST CHAPTER–A heartfelt holiday tradition continues with the Southwest Chapter of ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Towards Education) of Florida, Inc.’s 26th Annual Christmas Run to the Gulf Coast Center in Buckingham, Florida.

The event was created when Southwest’s members learned most of the developmental delayed residents at the facility were often forgotten by their community when events were conducted to celebrate the season.

Gifts were collected and a small group of motorcyclists traveled to the Center in a true expression of brotherhood. Over the years that followed, the Run grew to become one of the premiere holiday events in southwest Florida bringing literally hundreds of riders together to show their kindness and generosity at a very special time of year.

This year marks the 26th Run and promises to draw the largest group of riders ever. Opened in the early 1960’s, the Gulf Coast Center is currently home to more than 250 full-time residents whose average age is 45. The future of the center and its residents is uncertain with plans to relocate residents to group homes throughout the state over the next few years. Until the last person leaves the facility, the Southwest Chapter is committed to bringing the true spirit of the holidays to the Center.

Residents look forward to the sound and sight of motorcycles festooned with decorations and lights. They enjoy meeting the riders and sharing fellowship with their special friends. The Run is supported by local law enforcements agencies and is escorted by members of the Lee County Sheriff’s Department and the Fort Myers Police Department.

Event sponsors include: Associates & Bruce L. Scheiner and Harley Davidson of Fort Myers and Naples.

The participants register for the Run at the Harley Davidson of Fort Myers located on Colonial Boulevard beginning at 9:30AM on Sunday, December 10th with the escorted Run to the Center commencing at 12:30PM. There is also the opportunity to sign up for a special Christmas Poker Run for $15.00 which includes your poker hand and an event t-shirt. Participants bring unwrapped gifts requested by Gulf Coast Center personnel for the residents including: toiletries, slippers, socks, pajamas, personal CD players and radios, purses, wallets, CDs, DVDs, batteries and board games. The staff asks please, no stuffed animals be donated as center regulations prohibit their distribution.

More information and event flyers are available by calling Frank Kennedy, President of ABATE of Florida, Inc. Southwest Chapter at 239-849-9065. You may also email:


BIKE BUILDER JESSE JAMES HIRES HOMELESS–LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 2 (UPI) — The motorcycle-riding host of “Monster Garage” says he will help homeless people out by offering jobs at his Long Beach, Calif., custom bike shop.

People magazine reports this week that Jesse James, husband of actress Sandra Bullock, has found a new passion in helping out the homeless with solid paying positions at his motorcycle shop, West Coast Choppers.

People says he hired his first new employer, Richard Sihock, a former warehouse worker who fell on hard times and had been homeless for about a year. He’s earning $8.50 an hour, $1.75 over California’s minimum wage level, but has the prospect of a raise. He is now able to afford a one-bedroom apartment for himself and his wife, the report said.

James, 37, says he decided to reach out to help the homeless when he became aware of Project Achieve, an overnight emergency shelter, opened up across the street from his business. He’s looking for his next hire.

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BIKERS PLAY SANTA WITH TOY RUN–A stream of bikers cruised through Central Brevard on Sunday afternoon on a mission from Santa. For almost two hours they formed an unbroken chain of roaring metal and flashing chrome, tying up traffic on U.S. 1 from Cocoa to Melbourne as they delivered thousands of toys for needy kids to Wickham Park Pavilion, which is behind Brevard Community College’s Melbourne campus.

While some stalled drivers sat fuming at intersections, other specatators stood or sat along the road and cheered the bikers on.

In the end, ABATE of Florida estimated 10,000 bikers and passengers collected $4,000 and several truckloads of toys on their 25th annual Toy Run.

Only two injuries were reported – a volunteer overheated at the pavilion and a passenger on a motorcycle got banged up when the bike took a spill on the Merritt Island Causeway.

Bikers began gathering while many other Brevard County residents were still sleeping, reading the morning newspaper or getting ready for church. They rode up U.S. 1 with teddy bears strapped to their seats, saddle bags and handlebars. They rendezvoused at gas station and convenience store parking lots.


–from Rogue

skeleton bike

SKELETON BIKE–And you thought your ride was cool…

–from Kendra Roth

stealth santa n helpers

STEALTH HOLIDAY REPORT FROM NC–On Sunday Dec. 3rd, The Concerned Bikers Association of Charlotte held it’s annual Toys for Tots Toy Run. The day started out great with sunny skies and the temps around 50 degrees. At 1p.m. sharp 450-500 bikes pulled out, loaded with toys and headed for Freedom Park in downtown Charlotte. The ride was police escorted. Upon arrival the toys were handed over to the United States Marine Corps. The truck was full in a matter of minutes. On the way back the skies turned dark and the temps dipped, but somehow it didn’t seem that cold. I guess helping others out has a way of warming your soul!

stealth bike w toys

This Saturday Dec. 9th the Vietnam Veterans of the Carolinas are sponsoring a Toy Run that benefits the Thompson Child and Family Focus Center and The Bethlehem Children Center. Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are haveing a ride leave the shop at 12 noon to attend the Toy Run.

Anyone interested in riding with us can give us a call at 704-882-0889. The line up for the ride starts at 1:30 pm at 3154 Freedom Drive. For info on this you can give Rory a call at 980-721-6994. This ride is also police escorted.

There is a lot going on right now with Christmas just around the corner. I am sure that no matter where you live, there are local Toy Runs to attend. Get out and help some people out. Without our help there will be no Christmas for them. Don’t let the cold weather stop you, the feeling you get from making a kids face light up will warm your heart. It is also a great way to show the public thatBIKERS have always had the biggest HEARTS!

Until next week, RIDE!

grandeur cycle banner

BIKERNET WORKING WITH THE MASTER OF AUTO CLUTCH SYSTEMS GRANDEUR CYCLE–You are right..if you wick the throttle the bike goes…if one wants to rev at a light, they can by pulling in the clutch as you would normally do.. Also we highly suggest that a neutral starter switch be use with the Auto Clutch to prevent starting in gear.

Doing an install would be great….let me know what we need to do..

–Mike Phillips
Grandeur Cycle
2200 NC Hwy 67
Jonesville, NC 28642

We are working with Mike on an installation tech and a training session on the use of an Auto Clutch.–Bandit


AMA PLEDGES $100,000 TOWARD MOTORCYCLE CRASH STUDY–From a press release issued by American Motorcyclist Association:PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has announced that it has committed $100,000 to help fund a comprehensive nationwide study of motorcycle crashes, and encourages individual motorcyclists, organizations, and businesses in the motorcycle industry to contribute to the effort through the AMA’s new “Fuel the Fund” campaign.

In 2005, Congress approved federal funding to study the causes of motorcycle crashes, the first such research in the U.S. in more than 25 years. The $2.8 million pledged by the government calls for another $2.8 million in matching funds from the American motorcycling community before the entire federal grant will be released.

The AMA, in addition to spearheading the effort to secure federal funding and committing the first matching funds, has launched “Fuel the Fund,” a national campaign allowing individuals and businesses to contribute matching funds necessary to take full advantage of the federal funding.

“After declining for more than a decade, motorcycling fatalities have increased in recent years, prompting much speculation about the reasons why,” said Edward Moreland, AMA Vice President for Government Relations. “Last year, Congress agreed that we need answers, not theories.”

“Now, we’re confident that American motorcyclists, rider groups, motorcycle dealers and industry leaders will come together to raise the matching funds required to get the crash study underway,” said Moreland. “This is about saving lives, and we need the help of everyone in the motorcycling community to ‘Fuel the Fund.'”

Contributions to “Fuel the Fund” can be made online at; or by calling Cathy Brown at 800-AMA-JOIN ext. 1224; or by mail addressed to Fuel the Fund, c/o AMA, 13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington, OH 43147.

Legislation authorizing the funding of the crash study specifies that research grants be provided to the Oklahoma Transportation Center, located at Oklahoma State University. The last comprehensive study of motorcycle crashes, commonly called the “Hurt Report” after University of Southern California researcher Dr. Harry Hurt, was published in the 1970s.


YONGSAN BIKERS CLUB DONATES TO TOYS FOR TOTS– YONGSAN GARRISON, South Korea – Santa wasn’t riding a sleigh when he roared into the post exchange parking lot Saturday. Nope – he was decked out in riding leathers and perched atop a chromed-out Harley-Davidson.

Yongsan Motorcycle Club members on about 25 bikes finished a ride Saturday by donating a gaggle of gifts to the Marines, sailors and soldiers for the Marine Corps’ annual Toys For Tots collection drive.

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Windell Riles, Marine Forces Korea, said he appreciated the club’s donations. He said many other people, including kindergartners at the school and the American Forces Spouses Club, also are collecting toys to donate.

The toys will go to some U.S. military-community families through the “community sharing program,” Riles said. The rest will go to off-base orphanages.

Casey Gerald of the motorcycle club said fellow club members came up with the idea for the ride that would benefit children and allow them to showcase their private organization.

He said he likes that toys will go to orphanages not currently sponsored by the U.S. military.As club members lined up and donated toys, many gave the Army all-purpose greeting of “Hooah!” – only to get the Marines’ “Ooh-rah!” in response.

Riles said it was nice to have the soldiers, and sailors from Commander Naval Forces Korea, on hand to help out.Army Sgt. Yvette Hamilton was there in her dress uniform to assist.

As the representative of the Area II Better Opportunities for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers program, Hamilton said, she’s always is looking for ways to get soldiers involved with the community.

She said some BOSS reps are getting together to make their own donation to the annual drive, adding, “We’re trying to make this a joint effort.”Riles said his Marines will be staffing collection barrels near the Four Seasons store through Dec. 18. Marines also have been collecting toys at Osan Air Base, he said.Anyone wanting to make a donation also can visit the Marine Forces Korea headquarters near Gate 3.


OLD bosssidecar

VETERANS CONCERNED IN TENNESSEE– My name is Johnny Mack Suttles. I am the Director of the American Legion Riders, a non profit Organization that provides support for active and fallen Veterans not only here in the great state of Tennessee but also, Nationally. We are also supporters of our local community. You can only imagine how shocked we were when we were asked to leave from Murphy’s Wings and Ale in the same county that we help support.

Myself and two of my friends and fellow riders entered Murphy’s and we sat down and placed a order, shortly after a manager or waiter approached us and told us that we could not be in his bar wearing the patches that we wear on our Vest. He surely did not know what our patches stand for. Our patches are not Obscene nor do they make any gestures like a lot of common T-shirts of today so often do. Our patches do not depict anything of a graphic nature or contain sexual content. These people are allowed to enter this bar. Our patches stand for every American Veteran that has ever served his or her country. Our patches stand for every Post across the nation that is always supporting, not just Veterans but the Community also.

A Major Injustice has been committed against, not just us three but, all Veterans of Blount County. Roy, the president of the Highlanders has asked me to write a letter of complaint. They also were discriminated against earlier this year. I don’t know how some of you feel about me personally but if you honor our Veterans help us to take a stand against this Injustice.

I will never step foot back in Murphy’s bar and Grill and I am asking all of you to do the same.

–Johnny Mack, Director
American Legion Riders

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Continued On Page 4

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