THE CYCLE OF HOPE!–There are people you meet who persevere no matter what circumstances life throws at them. Phil Starky is one of those people. Phil, an avid motorcycle enthusiast since the age of 8, had one dream; to one day build a custom motorcycle. And he set out to accomplish that dream when tragedy suddenly struck.
Phil was diagnosed last year with a very rare prostate cancer known as Neo Endocrine Small Cell Cancer. This particular cancer is extremely aggressive and in Phil?s case, inoperable. In fact, the doctors told him he wasn?t going to make it to Thanksgiving. This is the kind of news that would devastate most people, and it would have been easy to just give up on life altogether. But not Phil, he had a dream and continued to work on his 1996 Harley Softail motorcycle. Each week, he would save up his strength to make the trip to LifeStyle Cycles and pick up a few parts for his bike. Sadly, it got to the point where Phil no longer had the energy to complete his bike.
Mark ?Junior? Skolnick, owner of LifeStyle Cycles heard what was going on with Phil and decided to finish the motorcycle project for him. LifeStyle Cycles donated the rest of the parts needed for the build, all of the LifeStyle mechanics donated their time to get the bike done, Buck Wild Painting donated a beautiful custom paint job (in one weekend, no less) and High End Seats donated a custom made leather seat to round out Phil?s bike.
Phil?s dream was realized Thursday, December 9th at 3:00 in the afternoon in the showroom of LifeStyle Cycles. With family, friends and the CBS TV news crew watching, LifeStyle Cycles presented Phil with his completed motorcycle, which Phil calls, ?The Cycle of Hope.? Although too weak to actually ride his new motorcycle, Phil came back to LifeStyle Cycles the following Saturday and rode it around the parking lot several times. The Cycle of Hope and Phil keep rolling on.
For more information please contact Dan Leadbetter at (714) 490-0155.

?Don?t Just Get A Motorcycle ? Get A LifeStyle!?
LifeStyle Custom Cycles
1534 N. State College Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92806
714- 490-0155
A CHINATOWN QUANDRY– A guy is walking through Chinatown in New York. He is fascinated by all the Chinese restaurants, the shops, the signs and banners on all the buildings. He is having the greatest time just walking and looking around. He turns a corner and sees a building with a sign that says, “Ole Olson’s Laundry.”
“Ole Olson?” he thinks. “How in the world does that fit in here?”
So, he walks into the shop and sees an old Chinese gentleman sitting in the corner. The visitor asks, “How in the world did this place get a name like Ole Olson’s Laundry?”
The old man says, “Is name of owner.”
The visitor asks, “Who is the owner?”
“I am he,” answers the old man.
“You? How did you get a name like Ole Olson?”
The old man replies: “Many years ago, when come to this country, I standing in line at immigration office. Man in front was big Norwegian. Lady look at him and say ‘What your name?’ and he say ‘Ole Olson.’ Next, she look at me — ‘What your name?’ I say ‘Saim Ting.'”

ARIZONA MOTORCYCLE EXPO–Bandit,Here’s a shot of the crowds at the Arizona Motorcycle Expo from lastweekend. Big group of fun people, and perfect weather. Spring in December.We had Bree there autographing our new “Built to Ride” posters. I’ll sendyou one. She’s awesome! What is the release date of the Hot Bike with her?

Also, I’m attaching a press release for a deal that I’m doing with PetroStopping Centers benefiting the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Let me knowif Bikernet or Hot Bike would like to get involved somehow. This is goingto be a big deal for Steeds this coming year. We’re building 3 bikes forthem and they’re going to raffle them off for the kids. They have 40 truckstops coast to coast. They’re planning an interstate billboard campaign,models of the bikes and tons of clothing merchandise for their centers. PlusSt. Jude’s will be assisting with the promotion nationally.
Talk to you soon,

STEFY SIGNATURE HELMET–Tallahassee, FL ? ?So it?s happening? exult Stefy Bau regarding one of her last accomplishment. Stefy became officially the first women motorcycle rider in the history of motorcycles racing to have a signature helmet. M2R leader company on the production of helmet world wide (riders like Travis Pastrana and Grant Langston have an M2R replica helmet) choose the Italian star to pursue the ever growing women market.
?I?m stocked about this deal. It?s the first time that a helmet company takes a chance promoting a women rider. I?m really happy to be associated with M2R and I would do everything possible to push this helmet world wide? Stefy says, ?It?s one of the biggest opportunity for the female side of the sport to show that we matter.?
Look for the Bau replica M2R helmet at your local dealer soon. Retail price is $299.00. Visit M2R website at www.m2rhelmets.com.
THE SOUTH MISSISSIPPI BIKE RALLY– is sponsored by the Misfits Motorcycle Club to help Injured motorcyclist, Terminally ill people Children Hospital and Law Enforcement.It is only (3) months and (8) day to the South Mississippi Bike Rally. Our rally will start March 30, 2005 and end April 03, 2005. It will be held at the Forrest County Multi-Purpose Center, 962 Sullivan Road, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. We are looking for a great rally this year. Our special guest will be Confederate Railroad who will play Friday night April 01, 2005 & Saturday night April 02, 2005. Go to our website at www.southmississippibikerally.com to pre-register and receive a 2003 or 2004 t-shirt.
We plan on having the biggest biker party ever held in the state of Mississippi. Plan to come join with us for a great time.
With Love, Loyalty & Respect

BIKERNET MUSIC LESSON–Greetings,Please consider our band for a performance at your Special Event.We are a very successful musical group in Brevard and Volusia Counties.I am sure that we can entertain your customers in a big way.
Dave Songerhttp://www.theozoneband.com
phone 321-543-3531

Christmas gift for blondes.
BIKERNET BLIND AND BLONDE MOMENT–A blind man enters a lesbian bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender in a loud voice, “Hey bartender, you wanna hear a dumb blonde joke?” The bar immediately falls deathly quiet.
In a deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,”Before you tell that joke, sir, I think it is just fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things . . .
One: The bartender is a blonde woman.
Two: The bouncer is a blonde woman.
Three: The woman sitting next to me is blonde and is a professional boxer.
Four: The lady to your right is a blonde and is a professional wrestler.
Five: I’m a 6-foot, 200 pound blonde woman with a Ph.D., a black belt in karate, and a very bad attitude!
Now, think about it seriously, mister. Do you still want to tell that joke?”
The blind man thinks for a second, shakes his head and says:”Nah. Not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.”

STILL IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS–We are offering some incentives for those last minute shoppers (like myself) to make that final purchase for Christmas. What better gift can you give that hard to buy for loved one than a work of art. Viewed admiringly everyday for a lifetime, these beautifully framed, signed, limited artworks depict what you are passionate about.HARLEYS. Call now for Holiday Specials. Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
Kindest Regards,
Ron Copple
Artists Riding Together
866-985-9989 ext.2

RFR?S BEEN COPYRIGHTED–Hey There! Need some images? If they have a copyright don’t worry they will all start coming that way, not that y’all do not give me props. But twice this month I have found my images on the homepage of someone else’s website. Then found out yesterday a smaller rag is using one to promote a bike show and builder. So I figure it is time to start taking some preemptive actions.

BOB KAY KICK STARTS HIS NEW ENTERPRISE: BIKER PROS– Southlake, Texas ? December 14, 2004 ? Biker Pros, a service and product company serving the American motorcycle builder, has been formed by Bob Kay to provide resources to motorcycle builders. Products and services include high-quality subassemblies like the new Roadmax 6-speed transmissions, operational consulting and exclusive cutting-edge custom parts.
Bob Kay is utilizing over 30 years of motorcycle industry knowledge from his most recent tenures at American IronHorse and Biker?s Choice to begin a new chapter in his career. ?The market today isn’t just about performance: It’s a combination of performance, style, and service,” explained Kay. ?We are building Biker Pros into a firm that delivers value to each of these three functions for the American builder.?
A significant share of the custom bike market wants and needs bigger engines, more horsepower, bigger tires and right-side transmissions. The Roadmax transmissions that Biker Pros are supplying to the marketplace have been thoroughly tested and have past a rigourous pre-delivery inspection. Biker Pros are supplying these products through distribution firms and high-volume builders.

?Another component of the Biker Pros business is assisting builders and manufacturers in marketing their products through the motorcycle supply chain,? stated Kay. ?We know the business from the dealership to the distributor through the manufacturer, and Biker Pros can provide the insight and the organization to assist firms making the step to the next level of their business development plan.? Biker Pros is actively seeking relationships with v-twin builders to assist in developing, manufacturing, and marketing exclusive custom parts and accessories for the American motorcycle. Biker Pros is currently completing an agreement with Roger Bourgets on a line of custom products.
Biker Pros is serving the American motorcycle builder with a range of high-value products and services that assist builders in improving motorcycle performance through high quality parts, troubleshooting powersports operations and building and marketing exclusive products by builders for the v-twin marketplace.
Contacts:For further information please contact the Biker Pros Press Office:
Jeffrey Najar: 760-765-4734,
For information on Roadmax transmissions please contact Bob Kay:
(817) 421-1333, bkay@bikerpros.com

MUSCLE STEEDS AND PETRO Stopping Centers? — are celebrating their 30-year anniversary by commissioning John Covington, renowned custom bike builder and founder of Surgical-Steeds? American Motorcycle Co. Inc., to design and build a series of custom motorcycles. The Petro-Steed motorcycle series will include an old-school inspired Bobber style bike (Steed Bronco?), a modern custom Chopper (Steed Thoroughbred?), and a futuristic style custom Pro-Street style machine (Steed Sintaur?). These three Covington one-off custom Pedigreed? Steed bikes symbolize Petro?s early days, current position as the premier travel plaza chain, and Petro?s innovative look towards the future. Petro continues to be ?the choice of America?s drivers??.

A few pics of Steeds new Bobber.
The construction of the Thoroughbred chopper machine is slated to be featured in an upcoming special biker build-off to be telecast on SpeedVision airing in 2005. The ?Bobber? bike will feature Petro Stopping Centers popular ?Truckers Move America? theme. These Steed? bikes will be on display at various Petro Stopping Centers nationwide during 2005. Petro will be merchandising an exclusive limited-edition ?Petro/Steed/Truckers Move America? clothing line. Photo/autograph opportunities with Covington during the promotion are to be scheduled at select locations.

Best of all, Petro Stopping Centers will be raffling the ?Truckers Move America? Steed Bronco bobber style motorcycle benefiting St. Jude?s Children?s Hospital.
Raffle tickets will be available at all Petro Stopping Centers and all proceeds will go to St. Jude?s Children?s charities.

WTF–A couple shots from the “Hawaiian Chopper” photo shoot …. Thanks to all my holmes at the WCC, Billy Lane, Roland, and everyone else who helped me get the bitchenest bike in Hawaii rolling …
(Ernie … I TOLD you should have come over on a “business” trip ..)
That It–Last Monday, Krylon John came by and we changed the sheetmetal on my Sporty. It will be the final episode of ?Samantha Tech? in American Rider in a couple months. We?re having a debate as to what color I should have it striped. I say pink, John says red, Markus black and Bandit says leave it alone. Whatcha think?

Sorry the news is so short, most of the jokes were old so I cut them out and stuck to real stuff. I hope you have a great weekend, and if you have to do much Christmas shopping, take a Valium before you go out. Just kidding. (Not really).
Take care, Layla

This is pretty much how I felt today till we found the bird. Things could be much worse?