Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET MILITARY DEPARTMENT– An officer in the U.S. Naval reserve was attending a conference that included admirals from both the U.S.Navy and the French Navy. At a cocktail reception, he found himself in a small group that included personnel from both navies. The French admiral started complaining that whereas Europeans learned many languages, Americans learned only English.
He then asked: “Why is it that we have to speak English in these Conferences rather than you speak French?”
Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied: “Maybe it’s because we arranged it so you did not have to speak German.”
–from Jay Hodge

Bill Bish author and freedom fighter.
SENATOR CAMPBELL EXPRESSES CONCERNS TO NHTSA — U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, a longtime motorcyclist and champion of bikers’ rights, has sent a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration expressing concern over NHTSA’s recent actions in regards to motorcycling issues.
In particular, Campbell’s December 10 letter is critical of the federal agency’s attempt to promote helmet laws through the United Nations, and the rewarding of a contract to complete a study of “Characteristics of Motorcycle Operators” which was improperly awarded six months prior to a public comment period requesting input on the study.
Campbell is one of several lawmakers who serve on the National Coalition of Motorcyclists Legislative Task Force (NCOM-LTF), and he has always stepped up to bat on important issues affecting America’s motorcycle riders.
BIKERS CHALLENGE CANADA’S “ANTI-GANG” LAW– Lawyers representing two Hells Angels MC members charged with extortion want Canada’s new “anti-gang” legislation struck from the Criminal Code. The law violates the Charter of Rights because it is too vague, defense lawyer Paul Burnstein told the Toronto Sun on November 29. He said this is the first constitutional challenge of the 2002 legislation.
Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists
For the full Coast To Coast news stories check the Bikernet Rights Department.
THE FRANK KAISLER PAPERS–I was just cruising through the “Your Shot” letters and read the one about the 4-speed transmission blowing oil out of the rachet top.
You are correct about the vent screw on the right side of the top, the correct location for this vent screw is the screw hole closest to the dowel pin on the right side of the trans.
4-speeds are a little more sensitive to over-filling of oil, especially if the bike leans over farther on the kickstand than stock.
Oil level should be checked with the bike vertical.
–Frank Kaisler

THE GREAT DISCOVERY BIKER BUILD-OFF SHOW HAWAII —February 15th, 2004,Hardrock Cafe, Honolulu Hawaii.The bike build-off will challengeArlen Ness against his son and partner Cory Ness.There will also be a Bike show as well featuring localfavorites.
Any questions, please contactDeacon (808) 371-5170
For Travel arrangements, please contact:Joerline Tronolone,Carefree Tours & Travel
(808) 638-8550
(808) 330-2917 Cell

What Do I Say?
Where Do I Start?
These Poetic Words
Are Special
They Come Straight
From This Biker’s Heart
I’ve Been Hurt
Way Too Much
In These Decades
Almost Thirty Years
I Have Nightmares
Of The Things
These Ancient Eyes
Have Seen
I Wouldn’t Wish
These Visions
On My Worst Enemy
Old Beyond My Years
I’ve Lived My Life
By A Forgotten Code
Diamonds Surround Me
I Can Pick And Choose
I’ll Stay Independent
I’ve Payed My Dues
This Biker Can
Not Be Bought Or Sold
This Biker You
Will Not Own
Love & Respect
Is Something You Earn
If You Give It
It’ll Be Returned
Talk Is Cheap
Actions Speak
Louder Then
Any And All Words
Some Say
I’m A Living Legend
Doing My Own Thing
In My Own TimeThat Don’t Concern Me
I’m Just Liven My Life
Rhyming My Rhymes
Written By Panhead Josh Of Outlaws World

Sorry no news, no report
Stop. Way too busy with the new place
Stop. Promise to make it up for next week
Stop. Is it fucking Christmas yet ?
Stop. I really don’t even know what day it is
Stop. Just in case happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all our readers and friends.
Stop.This is getting silly

Stop. I guess the telegraph was done way too many years ago
Stop. Insanity is the proper name, three days and a whole 5 thousand sq/ft demolished and already painting.
Stop. Send more paint, Iron beams and any materials, Brass pole for the shop more than welcome, strippers optional.
Stop. Neon signs, plaques and anything else welcome.
Roger, over ,out 10-4 and everything else.
Jose ? In The Land Of Kaos–
CHRISTMAS STEALTH REPORT–Since I will be on the road next week visiting my family and some old riding buddies up in Virginia, I thought I would send out my Christmas wishes this week. To all the readers of Bikernet, a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. To Mr. Bandit and all the staff at Bikernet headquarters, I wish you a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May Bikernet continue to grow.
As I take time to reflect on the past year, it was pretty good for me and “THE MEANEST.” We went to bike week in Daytona, Las Vegas for the H-D dealer show and to the Custom Chrome dealer show near San Francisco. If we all take a few minutes to think about it, we all have something to be thankful for. It is not always measured in money. Your health, your family and the people who are closest to you and the freedom to go out and blister the pavement with your bike when ever you feel like it. That brings me to another point, take time this year to think of the ones fighting to preserve that freedom, we owe them a lot!
As the new year approaches there is a lot to look forward to. We will start the planning of the 6th Annual Run For Breath “IN MEMORY of JUSTIN PULLIN” by the end of January. I have heard rumors that Mr. Bandit already has an idea for the “best of show” trophy. It will be hard to top what he did last year, but I know he will pull it off! We have a couple of new ideas being kicked around for the event. Oh I almost forgot, “THE MEANEST” had to have one Christmas present early, a digital camera. It has been driving her nuts all week, but as soon as all the kinks are worked out, there will be a lot more pictures coming this way! Stay tuned to this site for future details!
Ride safe!
Merry Christmas!
–The Stealth

ROGUE REPORTS FROM THE STREETS–Bad Cop: Fired cop sentenced for rape of man in Kansas – A former Kansas City, Kan., police officer has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for sexually assaulting a man while on duty.
Brian Dupree, 37, pleaded no contest in August to aggravated sexual battery, aggravated assault and attempted aggravated criminal sodomy.
The Police Department fired Dupree, a six-year veteran, after he pleaded no contest to the charges.
Prosecutors said Dupree drove up in an unmarked police car, displayed a handgun and twice ordered the 21-year-old perform a sex act. He was refused. The incident lasted about 35 minutes.
The incident was recorded by outdoor surveillance cameras, prosecutors said.
Bad Cop… No Doughnut!
–from Rogue
Continued On Page 4