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MASTERMIND TECH QUESTION–I just ran across a barn job that I think you’ll get a kick out of: I pulledthe point cover off a friend’s old FLH, and noticed the breaker plate screwslooked wierd. You know, the ones that hold the plate, and the cover screwsgo inside them… Anyway, somebody stripped the holes in the cam cover out,so they cut an inch of threads off a couple of old spokes, screwed themhalfway into the spoke adjuster nuts (the ones that go through the rim),glued ’em in, re-tapped the holes, and used the slot at the top to tightenthem against the breaker plate. Then they just used bigger cover platescrews. Been less work to change the fuckin’ cover, which I now have to do!

HOLIDAYS DOES STRANGE THINGS TO PEOPLE–Bandit,You know how Mike always wants to be like you? Well, now he is after another of your records — he presented me with a diamond engagement ring today at work. I know you must be brokenhearted that I’m off the market, after what we have meant to each other, but you’ll get over it in time!
We wanted to share our news with you!!!!
Love and kisses,
I don’t know how many times Mike has been married, but I would bet he will need to meet a couple more divorce attorneys before he’s in my league.–Bandit

ANOTHER 2003 MODEL IN THE BIKERNET FAMILY–Here is my?new bike. I just picked up last week. We scored this bike because my wife won a 883 H-D on Labor day and this is what we upgraded it to. This FLH is pretty unreal when you talk about comfort. By the way your Road King look’s great…
–Chris Tronolone

A BIKERNET FIRST, THE PARKING LOT BIKE FEATURE–We’ve rattled some stange cages on Bikernet, but here’s a first. This bike is so wild and innovative that Rigid Frame Richard stopped dead in the lumbering tracks at an event to shoot a complete feature of it and chase down the owner.
“Here is one of the bikes that were at the toy run yesterday. It isdifferent I’d say. Estimated 1,200 bikes atthe toy run and I had great day.
“This year it was at least warmer but still very wet. You should have seenall the fair weather folks yesterday they sure weren’t out there last week when the Toy Run was rained on!”–RFR
Watch for all of RFR’s images in the bike feature area coming soon. This bike is too strange to concieve.

Pigeon beach in Antigua and a shot from Shirley Heights, atop English Harbour….
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Today is a day I would give everything I have to be able to be in Antigua, English Harbour to be more exact, at the hill, in a small cabana looking over Fallmouth . No phones, no computer, no TV, nothing, nada, zip… Just the wind and the cobalt sea, the sailboat’s halyards beating against the spars, the semi arid hills as a back drop, and the sound of the reggae, calypso and steel drums heard from afar. The trade winds instead of AC, the music of the tropical afternoon rain hitting the metal roof….. If any of you have ever been there you know what I’m talking about…..If you don’t, you will never know what you are missing….. Man I wish I was there……

Today it’s all going to be short and sweet. If I were Santa Claus, and that would be really far fetched, just imagine a Santa in the tropics, bermuda shorts, flip flops, t-shirt, skinny and tanned.., nope, it would not work out, I would give all of you this… And here’s my list of presents for all our readers, the ones that like my stuff and the ones who don’t, so here we go.
The precious commodity of being Happy
Health to you and your loved ones
An open mind
And last but not least, Humility.
I wish everyone here a very, very Merry Christmas, a cool chopper under every tree, and the fortune of being able to share it all.Like someone told me this year… People like us will live forever…..Again this and a lot more are my sincere wishes to all of you.
–Jose Bikernet Caribbean Report.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES DAYTONA ?BIKE WEEK? SCHEDULE–Milwaukee, WI (Dec. 18, 2002) – Harley-Davidson Motor Company brings the excitement of its 100th Anniversary to one of the best motorcycle events of the year. The Harley-Davidson schedule of events are now complete for the 62nd annual ?Bike week? at Daytona Beach, Fl. February 28 to March 9, 2003.Harley-Davidson events will run from March 3-9. Highlights include: Harley-Davidson and Buell demo rides, Harley-Davidson Traveling Museum, Ford Vehicle display, MDA Auction and Raffle, and the Ride-In Show Contest.?I?m looking forward to next year?s event,? said Stephanie Schaefer, Manager of Event Marketing for Harley-Davidson Motor Company. ?With our company?s 100th Anniversary right around the corner, this is sure to be the best ?Bike Week? yet.?The public is invited to enter their Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the Ride-In Show Contest on March 5th. The $10 entry fee will be donated to Muscular Dystrophy Association, and each participant will receive a special edition commemorative plaque designed by Willie G. Davidson. Best of Show winners will receive $200 dollars cash and $500 dollars will be awarded to the top Sportster and Big Twin motorcycles adorned with Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. Registration will be held at Ocean Center from 8-11am.
*Information subject to change.*
Monday, March 3
H-D and Buell Demos International Speedway
H.O.G. & BRAG New Product Reception 5PM-8PM Ocean Center Arena
*Open to H.O.G. members and one guest only.*
Tuesday, March 4
H-D and Buell Demos 9AM-3PM Daytona
International Speedway
Indoor Show 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Traveling Museum 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Outside East
Free Bike Wash 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Outside South
The Harley Store 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Willie G. T-Shirt Sales 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. & Co. 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. Hospitality 10AM-5PM Ocean Center 2nd floor
Ford Vehicle display ??????? 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Seminar TBA Ocean Center
Wednesday, March 5
Ride-in Show Registration 8AM-11AM Ocean Center East Side
H-D and Buell Demos 9AM-3PM Daytona International Speedway
Indoor Show 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Free Bike Wash 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Outside South
Traveling Museum 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Outside East
The Harley Store 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Willie G. T-Shirt Sales 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. & Co. 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. Hospitality 10AM-5PM Ocean Center 2nd floor
Ford Vehicle display ??????? 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Seminar TBA Ocean Center
Ride-In Show Judging 11AM-3:30PM Ocean Center East Side (new location)
Ride-in Show Awards (CASH PRIZES) 4:00PM Ocean Center East Side (new location)
Thursday, March 6
H-D and Buell Demos 9AM-3PM Daytona International Speedway
Indoor Show 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Free Bike Wash 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Outside South
Traveling Museum 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Outside East
The Harley Store 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Willie G. T-Shirt Sales 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. & Co. 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. Hospitality 10AM-5PM Ocean Center 2nd floor
Ford Vehicle display ??????? 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Seminar TBA Ocean Center
Friday, March 7
H-D and Buell Demos 9AM-3PM Daytona International Speedway
Indoor Show 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Free Bike Wash 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Outside South
Traveling Museum 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Outside East
The Harley Store 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Willie G. T-Shirt Sales 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. & Co. 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. Hospitality 10AM-5PM Ocean Center 2nd floor
Ford Vehicle display ??????? 10AM-5PM Ocean Center Arena
Seminar TBA Ocean Center
Saturday, March 8??????
H-D and Buell Demos 9AM-3PM Daytona International Speedway
Indoor Show 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Arena
Free Bike Wash 10AM-2PM Ocean Center Outside South
Traveling Museum 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Outside East
The Harley Store 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Arena
Willie G. T-Shirt Sales 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. & Co. 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Arena
H.O.G. Hospitality 10AM-4PM Ocean Center 2nd floor
Ford Vehicle display ??????? 10AM-4PM Ocean Center Arena
MDA Auction & Bike raffle Noon Ocean Center Arena
AMA Short Track National 7PM Municipal Stadium?????
Sunday, March 9
Parade Formation 8:30AM-9:30AM Bellair Plaza
Harley Heaven 9AM Daytona International Speedway
Daytona 200 1PM Daytona International Speedway
ALERT! EASYRIDERS SHOW CANCELED–The Pomona, California Easyriders Bike Show scheduled for the first weekend in January has been canceled. We’ll let you know when we find out more about the ER schedule.
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