Happy Goddamn New Years
Talk about a whacky year. Bikernet grew almost 200 percent in 2004,and we had a blast putting it together, although it became like publishing adaily. In the middle of the night we worked on articles, on Sundays, betweenfootball games, while we worked on bikes or dealt with the cops. It becameour mission to cover everything. Sin bitched at me for not documenting aproject in the garage, including my oil tank installation on the SturgisChopper Project. Hell, sometimes the welder’s buzzing, the grinder’sscreaming and I’m trying to plan an installation, make measurements, holdone part while I tack another and forget the digital camera. There’s timeswhen I’m covered in grease and run into her office to grab the camera andthere’s no memory card in it or the batteries are dead. I should wear abandelero of AA batteries constantly.
The site has grown thanks to all the readers and a number ofdedicated contributors I would like to mention including Rogue, FrankKaisler, Jose, Stealthman, Ken Miller, John Covington, George Fleming, RFR,Al Mroz, Bob & Chris Tronolone, Skooter, Jaqhama , Josh Griffith, Krylon John, Buster, Marilyn Bragg, Crazy Horse, Katmandu, Kevin Baas, the crew at Lucky Devils in Austin, Texas and many more I?ll think of after I?ve launched the news. There were dedicatedreaders such as Johnny, George Lamb (Thanks George), Concrete Pete, Fritz, Hiwayman, Art Parry, Uncle Monkey … Ofcourse we couldn’t launch articles in a timely fashion without the technicalassistance of the Digital Gangster and Brian Hale, our web server guy. Andwithout my babe, Layla, and her girlfriends, well you know. It just wouldn’t beworth while.
So it’s been nuts this year with our growth, Monster Garage, and nowthis Hot Bike gig. I’m writing this from my walled in office in a high risenext to Disneyland and the Anaheim Stadium. We can watch baseball games fromthe windows and fight the Anaheim pond traffic to reach the office. It’s adifferent world here from the LA port industrial enclave and the ricketyBikernet headquarters. Let’s hit the news then I’ll tell you about my plansfor 2005.
COUNT?S KUSTOMS SIGNS ON AS THE TITLE SPONSOR OF VEGAS SPRING RUN POKERWEEKEND 2005– $250,000 Poker Run WeekendDecember 24th, 2004 Las Vegas, Nevada – Count?s Kustoms of Las Vegas has signed on as the titlesponsor for ?Vegas Spring Run? ? to be held April 22 &23, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Count?s Kustomsand the famous Golden Nugget casino are the players of the event. ?We?ve been given no guidelines, norules, and no direction by the Las Vegas BikeFest Partnership and we intend to break all boundaries. LasVegas is ?our city? and we can?t think of a better relationship to build than the Vegas Spring Run?, saysDanny Koker, better known as ?The Count? and Owner of Count?s Kustoms.
?We are very excited about the support of Count?s Kustoms and their plans to build the giveaway custombike?, stated Harry Schwartz, President, Full Throttle Events, a member of the Las Vegas BikeFest
Partnership, producers of Vegas Spring Run. The Count added, ?This is going to be a kick-ass bike that fitsthe lifestyle of the high-rollers that will be participating in the Vegas Spring Run?. The bike expects to befitted with The Count?s signature chopper style, which in the past has attracted owners such as Vince Neilof Motley Crue, Ozzy Osbourne and Ultimate Fighter Matt Hughes.
Vegas Spring Run will be a two-day high-rollers? Poker Run unlike any event ever produced before. Inaddition to the chance to win $250,000, participants will enjoy a unique event that includes VIP parties,high-roller treatment, entertainment, custom motorcycle giveaway and some awesome Spring riding in theLas Vegas area.
The Count, owner and founder of Count?s Kustoms, is well known by the Las Vegas community as CountCool Rider, the ?eternally cool? vampire-host for Saturday Fright at the Movies on the WB network, whichhe hosted for 10 years. The 23,000 square foot facility in Las Vegas offers frame-up builds, paint, body andupholstery and houses a merchandise shop. In 2004, the shop has been featured in numerous magazinesworldwide such as Street Chopper and the Robb Report, as well as in television appearances on the SpeedNetwork and MTV.
For more information about Count?s Kustoms or learn more about the bike build, contact Count?s Kustomsat (702) 733.6216, http://www.countskustoms.com, or info@countskustoms.com
For more information about Vegas Spring Run, go to http://www.vegasspringrun.com, or emailpschwartz@schwartzeventgroup.com or call toll free (866) 245.3337. Vegas Spring Run is produced by theLas Vegas Bike Fest Partnership made up of ConvExx and Full Throttle Events.
For information about the Golden Nugget, please contact Sylke Neal-Finnegan at (702) 386.8107,http://www,goldennugget.com, or sfinnegan@goldennugget.com
Jeff O
Count?s Kustoms
2714 Highland Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
(702) 733.6216http://www.countskustoms.com
Media Relations
Albert Ochosa
Rising Sun Media
1052 South 950 East #36
Provo, UT 84606
(415) 577.9394http://www.risingsunmedia.com

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–Well it is New Year’s Eve, eve. For me personally I am glad to see ?o4 come to an end. It has been a tough year for “Meanest” and me. With that I am ready to say good bye to ?04 and hello to ?05.
The weather here has been in the mid 60’s and we are planning a ride for New Year’s day. What better way to ring in the New Year, so if you have a chance get on your bike and burn some asphalt.
I got a good job lead today and I am hoping it pans out. It is in the motorcycle industry and that is where I want to stay.
Looking back on ?04 it seems to have been a tough year for a lot of us in the biker community. We lost Indian Larry and Dave Mann. They would both want us to carry on the biker life style and to celebrate the way they lived.
As for ?05 there are a lot of events planned here in the Charlotte area. January 24th and 25th the Easyriders bike show comes to town. February 19th and 20th the Carolina Super Swap and Bike Show comes to town. June 24th and 25th the Horse Smoke-out comes to town. July 24th , it is time for the 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” It seems that their is a lot coming up for ?05!
It has been a blast here on Bikernet this past year. Thank you Mr. Bandit for allowing me to be a part of it!
Happy New Year to all the staff at Bikernet and to all of the Readers of Bikernet.
Until next time, RIDE!

The Best and Worst of ’04–With 2004 on the way out, we thought we’d take a look back at the best and worst of the year that was, with the first annual AMADirectlink end-of-the-year awards. Not that anyone who wins will actually receive anything, we just thought it would be fun to give accolades or blame to some of the most memorable events in motorcycling over the last year.So without further ado, here are the winners, in no particular order.

The Trademark Lawyer Award for Most Overused Logo–Orange County Choppers takes this hands-down by virtue of having a weekly TV show, commercial endorsements, toys, a video game, coffee, the obligatory assorted apparel, cologne for men, and because Paul, Sr. said so.

The Chopper Builders Without a Publicist Award–With OCC taking so much of the spotlight, you?ve got to give a hand to the hundreds of other bike builders out there making do without the benefit of a TV show. Our local favorite is Bruce Mullins, who continually creates works of art by combining the old-school look with new and inventive styling.

The Austin Powers Award for Restored Mojo–The Triumph Thruxton, with a retro look that actually works really well, too. You can even race it in AHRMA.
The Don’t You Guys Have Anything Better To Do Award–The U.N. declares that traffic deaths and injuries worldwide are an epidemic that needs to be treated as a disease.
The Daffy Duck Revoltin’ Development Award–Scumbags overseas are trying to rip off American motorcyclists over the internet by buying bikes with phony checks, or offering for sale motorcycles that don’t exist.

The First Annual Bill Janklow Award for Incredible Arrogance?Goes to former South Dakota governor and congressman Bill Janklow. Not only did Janklow brag about his speeding while governor, but after serving 100 days in jail for speeding through a stop sign in a Cadillac and killing a motorcyclist, he’s asking the courts to overturn his conviction. Plus, since he was a congressman at the time of the crash, taxpayers will pick up the tab for any civil damages in a wrongful-death lawsuit.
The Miss Clio Award for easy predictions–Whatever happened to Miss Clio, anyway? No matter, since even the infamous TV “psychic” could have picked the champions of several AMA Pro Racing disciplines. Hats off to a trio of racers who have gotten so good they make the difficult task of taking a national title look easy: Mat Mladin in AMA Superbike; Chris Carr (below) in AMA Progressive Insurance Flat Track; and Ricky Carmichael in AMA motocross (despite a knee injury that kept him out of Supercross).
The Saturday Night Live’s Emily Litella “Oh. Never mind.” Award, Part I–After hearing from upset motorcyclists, a California assemblyman sponsoring a helmet-law repeal bill withdrew an amendment to the bill that could have forced motorcyclists to become organ donors against their will. The amendment said that anyone who chose not to wear a helmet “is deemed to have consented to the making of an anatomical gift under this act?”
The Saturday Night Live’s Emily Litella “Oh. Never mind.” Award, Part II–A Chicago Sun-times columnist characterized motorcyclists as organ donors. Motorcyclists weren’t amused, and let him know. As a result, a week later he later wrote: “Every once in a while, in my endearing, oblivious fashion, I swing my journalistic bat and hit a wasp’s nest,” and “As much as I believe that everybody should sign up to be an organ donor?I do and have?it has to be voluntary. We don’t want the government seizing people’s organs against their will.”
The Saturday Night Live’s Emily Litella “Oh. Never mind.” Award, Part III–Thanks to a new mayor who rides a motorcycle, and a revamped City Council, motorcycles are now allowed in Thompson Park in East Liverpool, Ohio, which had a bike ban for many years. Motorcyclists today “are not yesterday’s rebels with or without a cause,” a new councilwoman notes.

The Best State to hold an AMA Supermoto Race Award–Hands down, it’s got to be Nevada. The Silver State played host to not one, but two Supermoto races in ’04, and both were absolutely killer. The Reno round was held right in the middle of downtown, with the racecourse going right in front of the courthouse. And the people lining the track all the way around were the friendliest locals you’ll ever meet at a racetrack. Then there was the Las Vegas finale, held at Bally’s. The glitz of Vegas is the perfect backdrop for the spectacle of Supermoto. Two thumbs up.
The Ponch and Jon Award for the Best Use of Cable TV–Never before have there been so many shows dedicated to motorcycling. Because of that, or due to that, America?s living rooms have discovered what we?ve known all along?motorcycles are cool.

Rockers and Mods Award for Finding a Middle Ground–In 1960s England, we’re told by movies like “Quadrophenia” and “The Leather Boys,” two-wheeled teens fell into two distinct camps?mods rode Vespas and Lambrettas, and rockers rode actual motorcycles. Naturally, for no good reason, the two groups were sworn enemies. Fast forward a few decades to today, and the line between the two types of two-wheeled transport has blurred considerably. This year, we saw scooter giant Piaggio buy up such well-known motorcycle marques as Moto Guzzi and Aprilia, while proper motorcycle companies like Suzuki and Honda are bringing out large scooters like the Burgman and the Silver Wing. It gets harder and harder to find the line between scooters and motorcycles when they keep moving it all the time.

The Close But No Cigar-Shaped Streamliner Award–Sam Wheeler’s E-Z Hook motorcycle streamliner may be the fastest two-wheeler on the planet, with two recorded runs at more than 334 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats, but thanks to tricky winds at the first International Motorcycle Speed Trials sponsored by Bub in September, the easy-going Wheeler wasn’t able to put in the required second run that would have made that speed an official world record in the eyes of the Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme. He was so close, though. So close. Expect to see the record fall for sure in ’05’s second edition. We’re pulling for you, Sam!
The “Use the Force, Luke” Award–Actors Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, two motorcycle nuts who used their connections to equip themselves for their around-the-world trip with a cameraman, two support trucks carrying two producers, a doctor, and a native language-speaking “fixer” in each country to handle problems?all of which led 50 percent of the motorcycling television audience to say, “That’s not an around-the-world tour, it’s a parade!”
The Best Use of Obi-Wan Kenobi Starpower Award–Also goes to McGregor and Boorman, who got the film of their journey, “Long Way Round,” on the Bravo channel?leading the other 50 percent to proclaim their gratitude for a motorcycle show on TV that wasn’t about choppers or dysfunctional families dedicated to bolting on chrome accessories.

The Most Impressive Uphill Struggle Award–Chad Disbennett takes this by winning the 2004 AMA Hillclimb Championship presented by Pace American with incredible perseverance, admitted luck and a well-tuned 70s-era 800cc Triumph.
Best Post-Orbit Debriefing Plan–After exploring the final frontier, astronaut and AMA Life Member Duane ?Digger? Carey wins for his plans to explore the planet he floated around. Carey hopes to tour the United States, and eventually the world, by motorcycle.
? 2004, American Motorcyclist Association

Damm, it was cold this morning…I think my face is going to fall off…
Storm out there brewing…And I got the week off…
Bob T
GOT ANY PLANS IN MAY?–Hey Bandit, After doing my homework, I came up with the following events that will take place in May ’05. As you can see, May 13-22 is the Myrtle Beach rally and we should not schedule anything during that rally. I propose that we have the party on either May 7, 8, 28, or the 29th. Please let me know your thoughts.
May ’05 Motorcycle Events
May 01 – May 01 2005 Biker Blessing Tionesta PA USA
May 01 – May 01 2005 Plymouth Bike Blessing Plymouth MN USA
May 07 – May 07 2005 Steve Bartlett Memorial Ride Fayetteville TN USA
May 07 – May 08 2005 The Thundersprint Northwich England
May 12 – May 14 2005 Thunder on the River North Little Rock AR USA
May 13 – May 22 2005 Cruisin’ The Coast Spring Rally Myrtle Beach SC USA
May 13 – May 15 2005 Hawg Holler Bike Fest Atwood TN USA
May 13 – May 15 2005 May Daze Oklahoma City OK USA
May 13 – May 13 2005 Friday the 13th Port Dover ON Canada
May 14 – Sep 14 2005 Wind Blown: American MC Fine Art Marietta GA USA
May 14 – May 14 2005 Cruisin’ with St. Jude’s Conyers GA USA
May 15 – May 15 2005 Ride For Kids(r) Torrance CA USA
May 17 – May 23 2005 Indian Rally at Indian Point Branson MO USA
May 19 – May 22 2005 AspenCash Ruidoso NM USA
May 19 – May 22 2005 Branson Motorcycle Rally Branson MO USA
May 20 – May 23 2005 Wakin’ the Dragon Biker Rally Maryville TN USA
May 20 – May 21 2005 Spring Bike Show Milwaukee WI USA
May 20 – May 22 2005 All American Motorcycle Madness Santa Maria CA USA
May 20 – May 22 2005 Blessing of Bike Festival – 33rd Baldwin MI USA
May 21 – May 21 2005 Blanco Lions Poker Run Blanco TX USA
May 21 – May 21 2005 Wind Blown: March of Dimes Ride Marietta GA USA
May 22 – May 22 2005 Ride for Life Sussex NJ USA
May 26 – May 29 2005 NABB 2K5 2-Wheel Urban Expo Myrtle Beach SC USA
May 27 – May 30 2005 Mid America Freedom Rally Buckhorn/Waynesville MO USA
May 27 – May 30 2005 Fire Up ThundR Out VI La Plata MD USA
May 27 – May 30 2005 Harley Memorial Day Blowout 23rd Gulfport MS USA
May 27 – May 29 2005 Memorial to Veterans Biker Bash North Anson ME USA
May 27 – May 29 2005 Run-A-Mucca Motorcycle Rally Winnemucca NV USA
May 28 – May 28 2005 Thunder Heart II – Poker Run La Plata MD USA
May 28 – May 28 2005 Motorcycles 4 Myelin 2nd Annual Port Perry ON Canada
May 29 – May 29 2005 Rolling Thunder(r) XVIII Washington DC USA

2004 Cocoa Beach Biker Bash– On Nov. 20, 2004, on a pleasant Florida Saturday night, as they have been for the past seven years, the Warlocks of Brevard County, Florida threw their Cocoa Beach Biker Bash. The hurricanes were past, the pressure was off…it was time to party!

Over 800 bros and sisters; patch holders and independents, mixed in with a few yuppies, gathered at Capt. J?s in Cocoa Beach – right ON the beach – to party, and all for a good cause…Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Brevard County, and organization which hooks up with troubled young people, one on one, to help them over the rough spots and assure them a decent start in life.

This year, the sum of $13,100 was realized as a result of the generosity of all the guests and the many sponsors who helped. Live bands, plenty to eat and drink, a beautiful ocean-side setting…all the makin?s of a good party…and it was!! Keep this one in mind for 2005.
Wanna know more…?
Miserable George
Continued On Page 2