Bike Features

Redneck Vincent

Damn, Bandit was blamed for another custom. “It’s the truth,” Mike Marquart said during our interview. “Bandit put together an article in VQ Magazine about Vincent history and styling and it inflamed my memory of the first Vincent Black Shadow I saw in ’76. I had to find one.”Mike has a long history in the

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Red Radio Flyer

“Hell yes, I’m headed to the Smoke Out West in a couple of weeks,” said Kyle Kurkman. I spoke to him about his Radio Flyer bike, built for his 12-year-old son, this last year. He won best of show at Rips Bad Ride in Socal, so I fortunately had the opportunity to see this sharp

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Classic 48

Why a 1948 Panhead? Well, why a blonde, brunette or a redhead? Because when something catches your eye and you just can’t live without it, you don’t give up until it’s yours. We’ve all, “been there and done that.” It’s 1971, I’m sitting in a Winchell’s donut shop eating a dozen peanut-covered donut holes like

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