
December 14, 2001 Part 1

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–EXCELSIOR-HENDERSON STRUCK DOWN AGAINA Note From Sin—As I sit here at my computer trying to put together some sort of news for you, my mind drifts between fantasy and reality as I know many people do daily. Just from talking to different Bikernet readers, many wonder what?s real and what?s bullshit on this

December 14, 2001 Part 1 Read More »

December 6, 2001 Part 3

News Flash – Doobies Rock And Bandit Reports In! Continued From Page 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Party At Bikernet!—Hey Bandit,Where the fuk are you exactly? Was a huge party at the Bikernet headquarters last night … kinda weird Layla said it was a make bandit fly home and fuk me party? We all donated $15 bucks, there was

December 6, 2001 Part 3 Read More »

December 6, 2001 Part 2

News Flash – Doobies Rock And Bandit Reports In! Continued From Page 1 Cool Chopper!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bikernet Caribbean Report—After endless delays, lines and numerous securtity checks, we finally madeit back from Phoenix. No wonder the airlines are close to flopping, theyare a disaster! A flight that normally takes six hours took us more than12. Anyway, we just

December 6, 2001 Part 2 Read More »

December 6, 2001 Part 1

New Flash – Doobies Rock And Bandit Reports In!Hey out there, all you thin-lipped, slim-hipped, tight-assed women who may frequent San Pedro’s The Spot on Pacific Avenue, this is Snake talkin’ to ya. I’ll be there next Friday night. I just got paid and I’ve got $10 more than I’m gonna keep. I don’t know

December 6, 2001 Part 1 Read More »

November 29, 2001 Part 2

NEWS FLASH —- BANDIT LOST AT SEA (CONTINUED) Continued From Page 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Have you heard the news? They found bin Ladin!They dumped Viagra all over Afghanistan and that little prick just poppedright up! Don’t know how true this is, but it gives one pause.You know, it’s funny. I remember very vividly the Oliver North hearings, butdid

November 29, 2001 Part 2 Read More »

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