
I attended the Meeting of the minds last weekend in Denver, which was made up of over 300 leaders in the Motorcycle Rights Movement. In a time when we should be riding comfortably free, the Man is still coming at us.

Sure, it’s bullshit, but control freaks can’t ever give up. They have a mantra, save everything or die trying. They don’t understand the code is not to eliminate all risk or fun. The big picture is freedom and happiness. What is life without risk, excitement and the rush of accomplishment?

So, in 2019 the DOT will be pushing for mandatory ABS brakes on all new motorcycles and stabilizing technology. More states will push for mandatory helmet laws. The MRF will fight profiling and for better motorcycle friendly infrastructure.

We need to watch out for more stringent rules from California, which will eliminate all aftermarket parts, performance parts and enforce anti-tampering (you can’t work on your motorcycle anymore). Distracted drivers will be a major MRF effort. They will continue to work on motorcycle training programs and education is the key to saving lives. These are the major reasons I ask you to join your local motorcycle rights group or the MRF constantly.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

THE PERFECT REPORT–“I packed your parachute”

Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands.

He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience!

One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, ‘ You’re Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!

‘How in the world did you know that?’ asked Plumb.

‘I packed your parachute,’ the man replied.

Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude.
The man pumped his hand and said, ‘I guess it worked!’

Plumb assured him, ‘It sure did. If your chute hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t be here today.’

Plumb couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, ‘I kept wondering what he had looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat; a bib in the back; and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said ‘Good morning, how are you?’ or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor.’

Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent at a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn’t know.

Now, Plumb asks his audience, ‘Who’s packing your parachute?’ Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day. He also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy territory – he needed his physical parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety.

Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important. We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason. As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize people who pack your parachutes.

So, my friend, next time when you get a joke, don’t think that you’ve been sent just another forwarded joke, but that you’ve been thought of today and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send you a smile, just helping you pack your parachute.
Many Blessings to you for being in my life


Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Orange County–

‘The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride’ returns as stylishly dressed motorcyclists take to the streets in over 650 cities across 95 countries in the support of men’s health on Sunday September 30th. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33s2nxUErLc

Participants will ride thier classic and vintage styled motorcycles to raise funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and men’s mental health. Having already raised over $13M USD for charity since 2013, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is on a quest to raise another $6M.

9:30-10:30am: Meet at Triumph/Ducati Newport Beach
11:30am -12:30pm: Vans Corporate in Costa Mesa

2:00pm Arrive at Monarch Beach Resort

2:00pm -5pm: Monarch Beach Resort event

To sign up for Orange County ride:



I’m back, broken right hand and all. Been a very “trying” few weeks missing the use of one hand. I have one finger sticking out on my right hand, so that will have to do for now.

This gallery is simply a photo view of the Buffalo Chip Campgrounds. With many more galleries to follow, this is just the start of the Sturgis rally footage, so I’m all over the next gallery for next week.

–Jack McIntryre
Supreme Cantina Gallery Editor
Bandit’s Cantina

The 2018 Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Run is over. At least for most. A small group of dedicated riders have chosen a route to the coast of Oregon and will continue on with their own unofficial Cannonball for an additional 179 miles today, proving that the road does go on forever and the party never ends. For the rest of the Cannonballers, the road home offers the opportunity to reflect and digest the great, historical adventure they’ve just accomplished.

Last nights celebratory banquet and awards ceremony was enlightening as Director of Operations, Jason Sims and his wife Lee Ann honored the group while filling the Cannonball family of riders in on details of life experiences on the road over the past two weeks.

A record setting 50 riders achieved perfect scores during the course of their 16 day journey across this great nation and, for the first time, first place was won by a single cylinder machine that is more than 100 years old. Dean Bordgioni, four-time Cannonball rider #13, took home the Jeff Decker original bronze for his perfect score on the simple 1914 Harley-Davidson motorcycle that chugged its way across 3,441 miles of American back roads.

By comparison, rider #19, Mike Gontesky, was awarded a “Frequent Flyer” award by the sweep crew for his equally impressive 905 miles over 6 days spent on the sweep truck.

The evening was topped off by 23-year old rider #47, Aaron Loveless, taking a knee at the podium to propose to his fiancé, Madalyn Price.

“I guess the next Cannonball we’ll be having a wedding,” Sims quipped as he announced that the 2020 Motorcycle Cannonball is already in the planning stages. Stay tuned race fans, the excitement continues….

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Select Risk Factors Associated with Causes of Motorcycle Crashes


Also, it is always good to remember that everyone in a car, be he driver or passenger, wants everyone he sees on a motorcycle to die a fiery death, preferably at the hands of the person observing the motorcyclist.

It’s called “something that just is.” therefore, the wise motorcyclist will always keep at the forefront of his mind that every non-professional driver on the road, and this excludes truck drivers, is, when he is behind the wheel, an impotent loser feeling his oats. This is why he turns left in front of you.

Because he knows he will win at the end of the crash results. This is why he does not turn in front of a semi. Getting auto drivers “to be aware of motorcyclists” is folly. They are aware of motorcyclists, and they don’t like them.

Save yourselves. Don’t try and convert the enemy. The enemy never will see things your way. Thank you.

— jj solari
Arcadia, ca

MASSIVE CAR SHOW–2500 cars One. Day. Cruise around the fairgrounds. Prostate cancer fundraiser.

–Art Hall
Esteemed Bikernet International Editor in the Homeland

The govt. strategies in roadway governance of usage mimic physics ‘path of least resistance’ to add strength to any arguments that they decree.

This is further strengthened by ‘might is right’. The ABS and Traction Control Device are coping mechanisms or false flag fixes for unskilled operators, inept politicians, and armed, government enforcers that are hell-bent on serving a bullshit banquet.

Ultimately, if you operate your motorcycle correctly, you are probably breaking a law. We, as motorcyclists, are challenged on all fronts just to stay alive while enjoying two- wheel mobility.

–Mike Greenwald

Boston’s “VISION ZERO” Exposed: Lowering the speed limit increases speeding ticket revenue by 47%:

All across the country, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is hard at work convincing cities to lower their speed limits to 25 MPH.

The national effort to lower speed limits in cities is a fundamental tenet of a movement known as “Vision Zero.”

To date, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Safety Council and the IIHS have convinced more than thirty cities to lower their speed limits.

Last month the IIHS published a controversial report titled “Lowering the speed limit from 30 to 25 mph in Boston: effects on vehicle speeds.” (To learn more about Boston’s Vision Zero program, click here.)

Why is it controversial? NMA President Gary Biller said recently:

“By lowering the posted limit from 30 to 25 mph which resulted in no discernible change to actual traffic speeds or safety statistics, the City of Boston succeeded only in making many more safe drivers “violators” to be fined as involuntary contributors to the city’s coffers.”

TheNewspaper.com pointed out how the IIHS cherry-picked data to convince the public that lowering the speed limit 5 MPH saves lives.

“IIHS researchers produced the figures after gathering off-peak speed data from October through December 2016 to serve as “before” data. This was compared with data from September through November 2017, the “after” period. In Boston, the mean speed of traffic when the speed limit signs read 30 MPH was 24.8 MPH. After Boston installed 25 MPH signs, mean speeds remained 24.8 MPH. Likewise, the 85th percentile speed (the speed that the vast majority, 85 percent were traveling), remained 31 MPH. Mean speeds increased by just 0.1 MPH in the “after” period in Providence, Rhode Island, that IIHS used as a control group because the speed limits did not change in that city.”

In the report the IIHS admits that the “average and 85th percentile speeds did not change meaningfully.”

If lowering the speed limit 5 MPH doesn’t change the 85th percentile meaningfully then why do it?

As NMA Foundation Executive Director James C. Walker said “Only the IIHS could take those facts and claim that anything meaningful happened relative to safety or anything else.”

Why is the mainstream media silent, as cities find new ways to scam the public? Because cities and towns are cash-strapped and need to come up with novel ways to increase revenue.

Vision Zero increases ticket revenue by 47%

Cities like Boston who have lowered their speed limit 5 MPH have seen a huge increase in speeding ticket revenue.

According to TheNewspaper.com article, Boston Police have issued 47% more speeding tickets since lowering the speed limit.

“Because the speed limit was lowered, however, “speeding” increased to 47 percent of traffic, compared to just 18 percent before the change in speed limit.”

Three reasons not to trust the IIHS.

1.) Insurance executives from across the gamut control the IIHS Board of Directors. For example, the current chair, William Windsor, Jr. is Associate VP, office of Consumer Safety for Nationwide Insurance. The chair-elect is Angela Spark, VP for State Farm Insurance Companies. Insurance companies absolutely have a vested interest in the IIHS both financially and any messaging on speed limits and Vision Zero.

2.) The IIHS staff regularly write and promote pro-insurance company reports and IIHS officials testify before Congress to further the nonprofit’s goals of reducing speed to increase tickets and points on licenses.

3.) In 2016, the IIHS admitted to secretly using facial recognition cameras to spy on motorists and passengers for three years.

“Why precisely the insurance industry advocates felt the need to capture facial images of drivers and compare that to personal data in DMV records is a mystery,” NMA president Gary Biller told TheNewspaper.com. “Identifying drivers isn’t germane to the horsepower versus speed question.”

Vision Zero appears to be nothing more than a scam to pad city budgets and increase auto insurance companies’ profits by raising customers’ rates for anyone caught speeding.

–by Joe Cadillic of the MassPrivatel Blog

NMA Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author.

Trump Sends A POWERFUL Message To Veterans– “You Backed Me And I Back You.”

The brave men and women who put their lives on the line received a powerful message from their commander and chief. “You backed me and I back you. That’s the way it works,” Trump said Friday as he signed the Veterans Administration’s 2019 budget into law.

Trump announced major changes coming down the line for veterans and their care.

“To every veteran here today: We are eternally grateful for your noble service to our nation,” Trump said Friday at the signing event, according to a White House media pool report.

“And we’re fighting to make sure that you get the care that you so richly earned. And today’s legislation is one more promise that the Trump administration is keeping. And we’ve done a lot of promises, and we’ve kept them all. And this is another one for the veterans.

“With this funding bill, we’ve increased the VAs budget to the largest ever. We are delivering the resources needed to fully implement crucial VA reforms … and to deliver for our great veterans, just the way I said I would constantly on the campaign trail. You backed me, and I back you. That’s the way it works, right? That’s the way it’s supposed to work in life,” Trump said.

“So I want to thank the dedicated Veterans Affairs doctors, nurses, and staff members who join us. Now, we’re finally rewarding the many great people at the VA, while also ensuring that those who mistreat our veterans — we had people that really mistreated our veterans — they are now being held accountable. That’s why it’s called the VA Accountability Act. And they are being held, seriously, accountable. Right, Mr. Secretary? He’s had a lot of fun. (Laughter.) He’s had a lot of fun.

We take care of our good ones, and the others are held accountable. Right? And there was no way you could hold them accountable. They could be sadists. You had some of them, too. It doesn’t sound nice. They could be thieves. They could rob you blind. They could steal money, and you couldn’t do anything about it. Now you can do whatever you want. Now you do what’s right. And you have a Secretary that’s doing what’s right. He’s tough and he’s smart. (Applause.) It’s true.”

–from Rogue
Esteemed Bikernet Baggers Editor

Made by bikers, for bikers

Bucking the Hollywood system, executive producer Dennis Sanfilippo and biker Blues musician Charlie Brechtel created a feature-length biker movie last year called Rebel on the Highway.

Made by bikers, for bikers, the film tells the story of a down-on-his-luck musician who makes a deal with the Devil for overnight stardom. The movie was an instant hit at regional theaters, motorcycle dealerships and bike shops where “biker movie nights” have sprung up around the country to show the film and sell merchandise.

?Now the same team is in pre-production on a new film, Rough Boys. When bike shop owner and Bluesman Slim Dixon passes away, he leaves instructions to get the rough boys he mentored back together for a motorcycle sojourn through the south to deliver his ashes to the “Home of the Blues” in Clarksdale, Mississippi.

But along the way, the legend of a long lost golden motorcycle and a buried treasure throws a wrench in the works. In a brilliant marketing move, the film Rough Boys is filled with clues to an actual treasure in which lucky viewers can win a $30,000 custom motorcycle by Denver’s Choppers as well as $10,000 in cash!

HUNTZINGER’S NEW DAILY RIDER–Something for putting’ around town, a rare Excelsior-Henderson four.

–Markus Cuff
Officially Certified feature Photographer
American Iron Magazine

Cycle Source Magazine

ALL MONKED UP!– 5-Ball Leather Pit Crew Vest Saved My Ass!

I motorcycles the Himalayas and stayed at the world’s highest monastery at the base of Mt Everest. It was freakin’ cold and the 5-Ball Pit Crew, ballistic nylon vest with cotton lining was the perfect layer to keep my upper body warm and protected. Thanks to Keith and 5-Ball Pit Crew Vest.

Koz Mraz www.kozmoto.com


HANOI motorbike ban by 2030–Hà N?i plans to limit the use of personal vehicles in the inner city by 2030.

HÀ N?I — The Hà N?i People’s Council has voted overwhelmingly to limit the use of personal vehicles in the inner city by 2030 to ease traffic jams.

“Some 70 per cent of traffic accidents are related to motorbikes, which proves that motorbike drivers are those at the highest risk of road accidents,” said deputy Nguy?n Ti?n Minh.

Vu Van Vi?n, director of the city’s Department of Transport, said the department would take into consideration all the opinions voiced by members of the People’s Council to improve the proposal.

The proposal sets out three phases. During the first phase (2017-18), the city will review all personal vehicles and put them under a coordinated management plan. The second phase (2017-20) will focus on developing multimodal public transportation to serve the demands of 50-55 per cent of citizens in the inner city by 2030.

The use of motorbikes in some areas of the city will be gradually limited in the third phase (2017-30), and banned in the inner districts by the end of 2030.

Some 84 per cent of residents in the inner city agreed to limiting the number of personal vehicles, according to results of a survey jointly conducted by the municipal People’s Committee and the city’s police among 15,300 households across 30 districts last month.

An overwhelming 90.3 per cent of the survey’s respondents agreed to the proposal of banning motorbikes and limiting the use of personal vehicles, provided that public transport is able to pick up the slack. — VNS

– VNA/VNS Photo
–Viet Nam News

–from Rogue

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Select Risk Factors Associated with Causes of Motorcycle Crashes


I believe the major cause of most crashes is FUCKIN ASSHOLE car drivers. They won’t watch anything but their phones or mirror. WHADDAFUGG, over…

Also, STUPIDITY, to a large but lesser degree, is another cause for crashes.

As Clint Eastwood said, ‘A man’s got to know his limitations…’

I was coming home from work the other day and was almost hit three times from idiots taking up my lane in a curve.

Have a lovely fall season. The leaves are starting to change here…

— Cap’n Bill

Are there other groups who could be considered in this matrix. How about pedestrians? How about bicyclists and miles traveled to accident and injury rates. Because 10 people are killed annually and their miles traveled compared to cars makes them a higher risk, do we really need to regulate them more?

Am I nuts?

You bring up validation for pedestrian and non-motorized usage of roadways. The points are valid in a historical perspective. Possibly, exposure of the additional data will provide an easier pathway to conflation. Ultimately, motorcycles and motorcycling could be forbidden.

That approach, certainly, reduces the quantity of injuries and deaths of motorcyclists. It becomes flawed when the logic of the abortion or gun control arguments are used. It is reducing the divorce rate by prohibiting marriage.

If motorcyclists are roadway combatants, what tools or weapons are available to equalize the motorcyclist in battle against the government and other roadway users? The courts don’t work, regulators and law enforcement don’t work, and legislators don’t or won’t work.

–Mike Greenwald

[page break]



Don’t miss this major art exhibition celebrating Ascot Raceway and the Agajanians, who made it all, happen. It is open now and runs until October 13, 2018. The Gallery hours are noon to 4pm, Monday through Saturday, and noon to 8pm on Thursday. It is located at the California State University Northridge Art Galleries.
18111 Nordhoff St.,
Northridge, CA 91330-8299 www.csun.edu/artgalleries

(818) 677 2156


Cindy Cowell, long time Director of AHRMA Road Racing and Membership passed away from a sudden heart attack. She started as a volunteer and corner worker in the early 90’s. Thank you, Cindy, for all your hard work and dedication. You will be greatly missed.


Dale Stricklin was born July 3, 1930 in Harrisburg, Illinois. He died September 1, 2018 in Southern California. In the 1950s he opened a muffler shop in Hollydale, Ca & helped Doug Thorley start his header business. He worked for Long Beach Honda in the early 1960s and then BSA motorcycles as district manager. In 1971 he went to work for Kawasaki Motors as district manager but left to open another muffler shop. Dale and his family moved to Grants Pass, Oregon and opened a Goodyear tire shop and then went back into the muffler business and clothing line in his enormous garage at home.

His wife Barbara died in 1999 and he moved back to California where he temporarily rented a room from Pat Gallagher. They went on Americruise (a month long classic car road trip) in a 48 Chevy and a love connection was made. He leaves four son’s Steve, Rick, Randy and Keith, 6 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren and many friends. Condolences to all. Memorial on Sunday, September 30th, 11am at Tom Farms. 23900 Temescal Canyon Road, Temescal Valley, CA (South of Corona off the #55 Freeway)


Registration is already open for the Elsinore Grand Prix. If you want to sign up early to scoot in and around Elsinore on your dirt bike, get on line at www.elsinoregrandprix.com. If you aren’t ready to sign up, at least put it on your calendar.

The event starts on Thursday, November 8th with Military Day. It will be a Vintage & Veterans Main St. Take Over. There will be military and veterans booths and vintage bike motorcade and displays. 243 S. Main St., Lake Elsinore.


Friday, November 9th Kids & Team Races ½ Course

Saturday, November 10th Big bike motorcycle races, Harvey Mushman race, Vintage, Full Course

Sunday, November 11th UTV, MC, ATC & ATV Full Course Closing Ceremonies



Don’t miss the exciting Endurocross on Saturday, followed by the eMTB Challenge series on Sunday. The public will be welcomed to demo a wide variety of electric mountain bikes on both days at a purpose built track during the schedule race weekend www.endurocross.com


Only two more races ahead, Saturday, September 29th is the Minnesota Mile and Saturday, October 26 the Meadowland Mile in New Jersey. Of course we already know that Jared Mees wrapped up the 2018 season with his 5th Grand National Championship. He won 10 Grand National races this year and there are two more races to go. He has a career 40 wins.The AFT is holding their 2018 Grand Awards party in Manhattan on Sunday, October 7th in Manhattan at the Classic Car Club located at the Hudson River Park’s Pier 76. Pretty classy with upscale snacks, videos, surprises and a great time. Limited tickets available for more info — http://www.americanflattrack.com/news/view/american-flat-track-2018-grand-awards-party-be-held-manhattan-oct-7



The weekend of December 7th through 9th Includes an Open House on Saturday, December 8th from 9am to 5pm at the at the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickering, Ohio. The induction ceremony will be at 1pm and followed by the 2018 AMA Champion Banquet in the evening. The deserving Inductees are Terry Cunningham, Gary Davis, Skip Eaken, Nicky Hayden, Clifford “Corky” Keener and Trailblazer Hall of Famer, Mary McGee. Also taking place on the weekend is the AMA Congress, where AMA Racing Commissions will meet to discuss rules governing amateur racing. (614) 949 5771 for more info –https://www.americanmotorcyclist.com/Riding/Story/2018-ama-motorcycle-hall-of-fame-induction-ceremony


Sent by Jess Thomas

There are six Land Speed Record events per year at El Mirage dry lake. They are sponsored by the Southern California Timing Association. There are usually at least 50 motorcycles competing in many different classes. Some of which run over 200 mph on a 1.3 mile dirt surface that gives better traction than Bonneville.

The final events this season are on October 21 and a 2 day race on November 10-11. More information at www.landracing.com www.scta.com Southern California Timing Asso.


16 years after Don Vesco passed, the Vesco team used the same vehicle, Turbinator ll, to break his Worlds Record for wheel driven vehicles. From what I can figure out, the Turbinator ll sped down the Salt Flats at 455.106 MPH on August 14. Only jet cars have run faster. Dave Spangler was the pilot who set the fastest record at Speedweek 2018. Next year 500 MPH? www.scta-bni.org


The new facility, located in the Silicon Valley are, will support its future product portfolio, including its first complete line of electric vehicles. The first electric HD, LiveWire, due in 2019 and different models through 2022. Harley plans to create electric motorcycles that are lighter and smaller to inspire new riders with new ways to ride.

Harley Davidson celebrated its 115th year with a big party in Milwaukee. There was an estimated 150,000 people and the estimate of revenue brought into the city was $95 Million.


Grand Prix rider, 22 year old Romano Fenati’s , career may be over. During the San Marino Moto2 race on September 9th he reached out and grabbed the front brake lever of rival Stefano Manzi. Manzi had pushed Fenati off the track after misjudging an overtake. Fenati has now lost his current ride and MV Agusta cancelled his contract to ride for them next year on MV Agusta’s return to Grand Prix racing. Apologies’ don’t seem to be working.


Northwest TB Chapter annual dinner is on Friday, October 26th at 6pm. If you want to bring a bike to display, be there by 5:30pm with an almost empty tank and a drip pan. The event will be at the World of Speed, 2740 SW 95th Ave. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070. Please RSVP by October 1st to: P.O. Box 728 Beaverton, Oregon 97075 Attn: Lyndsey Lanphere. $25.00 per person (503) 643 5577


Check out this one at El Camino Community College. The BSA Club will have a booth there. Buy or sell Antique and Vintage motorcycle/parts/items 30 years and older. 16007 Crenshaw, Torrance, CA., at the far west upper parking lot. No overnight camping on Friday. (800) 7629785 www.elcaminoshow.com


Issue 36 Larry Lawrence wrote about the Yamaha V-Twin Flat Tracker. It was 1981.

Issue 37 The Original SuperBike. Built by Glen Curtiss (of airplane fame too) The Curtiss V-8, 400cc reached 136 MPH. The Land Speed record at the time was 87 MPH held by Henri Cissic in Blackpool England. You can see an exact replica engine in the Glen Curtiss Museum in Hammersport N.Y.


Mike Patrick won the Shamrocks California State Championship Hare and Hound on a Norton. Mert Lawwill won the 11 Mile National Flat Track in Salinas. Race photo at first Salinas National with Mert Lawwill, Gene Romero, Fred Nix and Chuck Palmgren. Freddie Nix broke two track-lap records and won the Sacramento Mile. Freddie won all four of the Mile races in 1968. Chuck Minert won the motocross at Saddleback. Promoter, Wes Cooley, had added a surprise. A straight down steep hill right after the first turn.


Bob Hannah on cover at the Motocross des Nations in Germany. Hannah, Chuck Sun, Tommy Croft and Rick Burgett gave Team USA fourth place. Russia took home the gold. Kenny Roberts won the F750 World Championship round at Laguna Seca. Photo of race at Laguna Seca with Steve Baker, Mike Baldwin, Kenny Roberts and Gene Romero. Team USA brought home 27 gold medals from the ISDT in Sweden. Frank Gallo, top finishing American was on cover. Bob Hannah donated his $10,000 to the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation after winning the International Motorcycle Olympiad ll at Saddleback.


Eddie Lawson on cover after winning the 1988 FIM Road Race World Championship at the Czech Grand Prix. Scott Parker won the Springfield Mile. Rick Burgett was the Vet Pro winner at the AMA 125cc National MX. Dan Ingram won his first ever national at the Syracuse Mile. Sam Ermolenko finished fourth at World Championship Individual Speedway Final in Denmark.


Saturday, September 22. Gates open at 5:30pm, Racing at 7:30pm www.costamesaspeedway.net


Saturday, September 29 is Knobby – That means Speedway and Dirt Bikes

Saturday, October 6th is the 50th U.S. National Speedway Championship

Saturday, October 13th – Harley Night Finals and the Sidecar National


Sunday, October 7 BSAOCSC MT. BALDY STREET RIDE. Meet at Buchanan’s Spoke and Rim, 805 W. 8th St. Azusa, CA at 9:30 am, ride at 10:30am. (951) 440 3521 or (310) 398 6406

October 7 “RIDER ROUNDUP AT THE RANCH” Calendar Bike Building Championship. Paramount Ranch State Park, Agoura, CA. Old western town movie set at Paramount, near Rock Store on Mulholland. Vendors, exhibits, live music, food trucks, BBQ & draft beer. http://www.cyclesource.com/rider-roundup-at-the-ranch/ jgdesign@fastdates.com

October 8 – 11 “SOCAL NORTON CLUB ARIZONA ADVENTURE” 4 days in scenic southeastern Az. Starts in Tucson, then Bisbee, Hannagan Meadow, Pinetop and more before returning to Tucson. Vintage bikes, especially Norton’s, encouraged. info@socalnortonclub.com

Saturday, October 13 “MINI MADNESS” at Perris Raceway for the 2nd round of Mini Madness. Classes for all Mini’s and Ages, Prizes, Dash for Cash, Custom Awards, Raffle, Giveaways and Team racing. Sign up 1-3. Riders meeting 3-3:30. Practice 3:30 – 4:15pm and 1st moto at 4:30. www.tbparts.com

Saturday, Sunday, October 13-14 MELLOW VELO RALLY “The Place” in Ventucopa Tim Kenny (805) 646 9982

October 13 – 14 HOOLIGNAS AT BOLSA CHICA, CA Moto Beach Classic

Sunday, October 21 BSAOCSC “AFTER THE GOLD RUSH” Dual Sport Ride in California City. Vintage British motorcycles only, with street registration and spark arrestors (760 365 9191 or (310) 292 8997

Sunday, October 28, 8am to 3:30pm “47th ANNUAL BINGHAM SIDECAR RALLEY” at the William S. Hart Regional Park in Newhall. Camping is available as early as Friday, October 26. No motorhomes or house trailers. $10. Entry for sidecars, but solo bikes and spectators are free. 24151 Newhall Ave. Info: Alex Wienberg (818) 388 5662 Russ Smith (818) 519 2934 russ216norton@yahoo.com


September 21 – 23 MotoAmerica Final Round Barber Motorsports Park Alabama

Saturday, Sept 22 Ventura Raceway Flat Track/Speedway/ Quads

Saturday, Sept 22 SCFTA Perris Practice 4-9pm www.scftaracing.com

Saturday, Sept 22 Lodi Cycle Bowl 100 National & Toby Jorgensen Memorial TT

Saturday, Sept 22 Lucas Oil Pro MX Series Round 4 replay 1 & 3 pm ET www.mavtv.com

October 6 & 7 Motoclimb Super Series last round IRC Carnegie Classic, Tracy, California

October 6 & 7 Motocross of Nations RedBud in Buchanan, Michigan


Sat. Sept 22 Lucas Off – Road Series

Sun. Sept 23 MX Practice

Sat. Sept 29 REM MX/MX Practice

Sun. Sept 30 SRA GP

Sat. Oct 6 REM MX/ MX Practice UTV Series #3

Sun. Oct 7 UTV Series #3 ARX (REM Track) / MX Practice

Sat./ Sun Oct 13-14 JBC 24 Hour Endurance Race

FROM THE WHITE HOUSE–President Trump to UN: “We Commit to Fighting the Drug Epidemic Together.”

President Donald Trump in his address at a high-level meeting on the ‘Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem,’ said that the United States is committed to ‘fighting the drug epidemic together,’” CBS News reports this morning.

“The call is simple,” the President said. “Reduce drug demand, cut off the supply of illicit drugs, expand treatment and straighten international cooperation. If we take these steps together, we can save the lives of countless people in all corners of the world.”

In the New York Post, Jonathan Tobin writes that President Trump’s Iran sanctions are working—something the establishment critics once again got wrong. “The success of oil sanctions should not only encourage the United States to push Tehran harder. It’s also one more reason to ignore the so-called experts’ contempt for Trump’s unconventional but clearly spot-on approach to the region.”

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reaffirmed Friday that the Trump administration is committed to religious liberty, both at home and abroad,” Fred Lucas writes in The Daily Signal. “We are assuring human dignity by advancing one of our most cherished, indispensable liberties, enshrined in the First Amendment. It is our religious liberty,” Secretary Pompeo said.

This weekend, President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence laid out the case for how their Administration has revived the American economy, Allison Elyse Gualtieri reports for the Washington Examiner. “This economy isn’t booming because of President Obama’s policies — it’s booming because we’ve been rolling back the failed policies of his administration since day one,” the Vice President tweeted.

Join us for our biggest party of the year!

The Petersen Automotive Museum celebrates 24 years and honors 70 years of the Porsche marque. Dr. Wolfgang Porsche, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Porsche Automobil Holding SE, is our guest of honor, and Jay Leno brings his passion for automobiles and his trademark wit as the host for the evening.

An elegant multi-course meal designed by the Drago Brothers will be served, with entertainment by the incomparable Chuck Wansley Band to follow.

Guests are invited to participate in our live auction with one-of-a-kind items, including a Porsche racing experience at Leipzig, Germany and a week away at a world-renowned castle in Scotland.

Don’t miss out on this sensational evening!


24th Annual Gala Supported by

Events are better with friends! Click here to share this email.

Museum of the Year
Named Museum of the Year by the
International Historic Motoring Awards



A couple hours later while sitting close together she looked at me and asked.. “What color are my eyes?”..

Apparently 34C was not a good answer..

–from Rogue


Fans Experience The Best Of Off-Road With Interactive Demos, Ride Alongs, Celebrity Athlete Autograph Sessions and Hundreds of Exhibitors, Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 29 & 30.

The 2018 Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo powered by General Tire brings all things off-road to Fairplex in Pomona, Calif., September 29 & 30. Off-Road Expo will feature the hottest off-road vehicles, products and accessories, as well as racing demos, off-road ride alongs, celebrity athlete autograph signings and more.

With hundreds of aftermarket performance vendors and thousands of hardcore off-road enthusiasts, Off-Road Expo is “Where The Off-Road Nation Comes Together.” Full Release HERE.

Off-Road Expo Series Sizzle Reel

In addition to the line-up of customized trucks, prerunners, Jeeps, UTVs and official race vehicles from the hottest races in the industry today, the expo will come to life with exciting features and entertainment including:

Rubicon Experience Off-Road Ride Alongs presented by 4-Wheel Parts
SCORE Baja 1000 Exhibit
Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing & Modified Kart Demos
Red Bull Straight Rhythm Demos
Dirt Alliance & Terra Crew Demos
Professional Off-Road Racers and Celebrities
Off-Road Performance Marketplace
Yokohama BMX & Skate Demos

Saturday, Sept. 29 | 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 30 | 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

1101 W. McKinley Avenue
Pomona, Calif.

Discount tickets are available at O’Reilly Auto Parts for $16 adults and $6 children (ages 6-12). Kids 5 and under are free. Tickets may also be purchased online at OffRoadExpo.com or on-site for $20 adults and $6 children.

Visit OffRoadExpo.com. For social media updates, follow @offroadexpo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and @off-roadexpo on Snapchat. #offroadexpo


It was always important to Mr. Jack to stay in touch with his friends. That’s why we wanted to reach out to our Squires first to let them know about a very special release celebrating the whiskey-making traditions of the Jack Daniel Distillery and the barrel-making expertise of our Cooperage, the Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Heritage Barrel.

Each heritage barrel is slowly heated to achieve a deeper, richer toasted layer before being charred and then matured in the uppermost reaches of one of our highest elevated barrelhouses. The result is a finished product that has warm notes of vanilla and sweet baking spices with a lingering finish of rich oak. Master Distiller Jeff Arnett and his team of whiskey- makers selected fewer than 200 barrels for this special release.

Our 750 ml Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Heritage release will be available in stores in the US including the White Rabbit Bottle Shop later this fall while supplies last. It is 100 proof. We hope you’ll look for it and that you’ll let us know what you think once you have a chance to try it.

–Your Friends at Jack Daniel’s

THE BIKERNET BAD COP FILE–Prisoners arrested by fired deputy released
Wester accused of planting drugs during traffic stops.

A judge vacated sentences of at least eight people in state prisons and correctional facilities who were arrested by a former Jackson County deputy accused of ginning up traffic stops and planting drugs on unsuspecting drivers.

Circuit Judge Christopher Patterson entered the orders Wednesday in the Jackson County Courthouse in Marianna, about an hour’s drive west of Tallahassee. State Attorney Glenn Hess also announced in court documents that charges would be dropped in the cases, all of which involved former Deputy Zachary Wester.

“(An) investigation conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office into the professional conduct of Deputy Zach Wester has revealed facts that undermine the state’s confidence in the case,” Hess wrote in documents filed in each of the cases.
Patterson also ordered Jackson County Sheriff Lou Roberts to take custody of at least five of the inmates, transport them back to the county and release them immediately.

The inmates, all of whom were convicted on methamphetamine and other drug charges, were being held at correctional facilities from Quincy to Lake City. One of the inmates had been arrested twice by Wester, according to court records.

Meanwhile, the State Attorney’s Office said charges have been dropped against 32 other defendants who were arrested between 2016 and 2018, when Wester worked as a patrol deputy for the Sheriff’s Office. One of the defendants was a juvenile.

Hess on Wednesday said his office is reviewing a total of 263 cases involving Wester dating back two years.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement opened an investigation into Wester on Aug. 1 at the request of the Sheriff’s Office. The case is open and ongoing, and no charges have been filed against him. Wester, 26, of Marianna, was fired Sept. 10.

No one answered the door at Wester’s home off Highway 71 in Marianna after a reporter knocked on Wednesday afternoon. His attorney, Steve Meadows of Panama City, told reporters he would not comment on the pending case.

Hess told the Tallahassee Democrat on Wednesday that he lost confidence in Wester after seeing the deputy’s body camera video from a Feb. 15 arrest of an Alford woman, Teresa Odom, on charges of possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
In the video, Wester can be seen holding something in his left hand before he begins searching the woman’s pickup truck and finding a similar-looking item, presumably the meth.

The Democrat obtained a copy of the video on Wednesday; the State Attorney’s Office released it to media outlets on Thursday.
Wester went to work for the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office in May 2016. Before that, he worked about nine months as a deputy for the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office. He worked under the previous Liberty County sheriff, Nick Finch, and members of the command staff under Sheriff Joe White were unfamiliar with him until news broke on Wednesday.
“We are fully prepared to work with FDLE and the State Attorney’s Office if they wish to conduct a review of any case files or case records,” said Liberty County Capt. John Summers.

–Jeff Burlew
Tallahassee Democrat USA TODAY NETWORK – FLORIDA

–from Rogue

LATEST FROM LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST– October 11-14, 2018, Sound Off Competition
Saturday, October 13 – 2:00PM
Bike Show Area

Check out this NEW competition where you can show off your rides rockin’ sound system!

Lightweight Class
8 speakers (No Subs)
Middleweight Class
9-16 Speakers & 2-8″ Subs, 1-10″ Subs
Heavyweight Class
Everything goes, unlimited count speakers & subs
Heavyweight participants must play crowd favorites such as: rock, country, rap, etc.

$500 Cash Prize for 1st Place in Heavyweight Class

Interested? Sign-up at 1:00pm on Saturday
?Óat the Install Gates on 3rd and Bridger!

Nightly Parties
Sponsored by Tito’s Vodka

Every night during the rally we are throwing a party and you don’t want to miss out!

Thursday, we start the rally off with our Rev It Up Kick-Off Party. All Party, Ultimate, and VIP pass registrants will receive a FREE snack and FREE drink*.

The parties continue Friday and Saturday by giving all Party, Ultimate, and VIP pass registrants more FREE drinks*.

*One FREE drink for Party & Ultimate, Two FREE drinks for VIP

Show Ticket Offers

Indigo Tickets is giving Vegas BikeFest registrants exclusive ticket offers for shows on the strip!
Check out the all the ticket offers

Grab your passes today!
Prices increase on-site!

Use promo code: LVB505 for $5 off a
Party or Ultimate Pass.

30 Photos Show a Different Side to History than you may Already Know–
Military Motorcycles for sale, 1946

Tanks, submarines, and fighter planes often get more recognition, but the motorcycle played an important role during World War II.

The motorcycle offered a quick and easy way for scouts and messengers to maneuver through the battlefields. Both sides, the Axis and the Allied forces, made use of motorcycles in every arena of war.

Motorcycles were used to escort convoys and motorcades, transport the wounded, and deliver supplies. The conclusion of the war did not end some soldiers love of the motorcycle. When they returned home, many of them bought a surplus military motorcycle, like the ones seen hear, to ride on the open road.

Source: Reddit

VINTAGE BIKE OF THE WEEK FOR SALE, 1948 WHIZZER–“This 1948 Whizzer Motor Bike has been completely rebuilt and the engine restored. The J model engine runs great and starts easy. I’m including a box of spare parts I’ve collected during the project. $1,800 firm. (Vintage ad shown in images isn’t part of the sale, just a cool ad for this bike!)”

–Joe Jorgenson, President – Robin Technologies, Inc.
670 Lakeview Plaza Blvd., Suite J | Worthington, OH 43085
Cell: 614.940.3226
joe@robintek.com | www.robintek.com

[page break]

LATEST FROM SULLEN—Sergey Shanko is back with Soliloquy. Sergey Shanko is BACK! His style is unforgettable and has been catching people’s attention for years now with his blend of color realism and fantasy.

Check out his Instagram for inspiring art @sergey_shanko You can pick Sergey’s new tee now in our web store.

Our mailing address is:
Sullen Clothing LLC.
1779 Apollo Court
Seal Beach, Ca 90740

THE BIKERS FOR TRUMP REPORT–We are working on it.

I have made arrangements with Willie at Tropical Tattoo for Bikers For Trump to have a booth there during Biketoberfest.

The fact that Ron DeSantis won the Republican Primary (in Florida) who we supported along with Trump is a strong indication on how strong the Biker Vote is.
I am currently one of the moderators for the Bikers For Trump web site in Florida and we are actively getting people information as we sign up more people all the time.

This is going on in every state.
We need to continue to remind all motorcyclist how important it is to VOTE.

If DeSantis wins Florida good things will happen here. If he does not we are screwed.
If we get the right people in office we will be able to get many of the issues we do not agree with changed.

It is going to be important who we send to Washington so that Trump can get some of the things changed we are asking for instead of spending so much time with the petty stuff the political parties seem to be spending so much time arguing over like children.

Supreme Commanding Editor
Bikernet Baggers

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY OPEN FOR LUNCH– I read that 4,153,237 people were married last year. Not to cause anytrouble….but shouldn’t that be an even number?

–from SideHack Jerry

Lot 177O
1928 Windhoff 746cc Four
Frame no. 902 Engine no. 902
US$ 100,000 – 150,000
£ 76,000 – 110,000

Collectors’ Motorcycles at the Barber Museum

6 Oct 2018, 13:00 CDT

Birmingham, Barber Motorsports Museum
1928 Windhoff 746cc Four
Frame no. 902
Engine no. 902
• One of the most innovative 4 Cylinder designs created
• Deemed the most unique, progressive and beautiful motorcycle ever made
• Complete and total restoration undertaken in 2007/8

Although both expensive and exclusive, four-cylinder motorcycles were not unknown in pre-war days – Henderson, Indian, Ariel and Nimbus being among the most successful – but few were as technologically advanced – or as imposing – as the German Windhoff.

Introduced at the Berlin Show in 1927, the Windhoff Four must have seemed an unlikely departure for a firm hitherto associated mainly with two-stroke lightweights. Hans Windhoff’s company was already established as a manufacturer of radiators for the automobile and aviation industries when it introduced its first motorcycle in 1924.

The first Windhoffs were powered by an advanced Bekamo water-cooled two-stroke engine that incorporated a pumping cylinder, an arrangement used successfully by DKW throughout the 1930s. This efficient and powerful engine went into a straight-tube frame, somewhat reminiscent of a contemporary Francis-Barnett, and the range expanded to include models of 500cc and bigger.

Then came the sensational Four designed by Ing. Dauben, an automobile engineer who would later go on to work for Mercedes-Benz. Arguably the most advanced motorcycle design yet seen, the Windhoff Four bristled with innovation, for not only was its overhead-camshaft engine oil cooled, it also functioned as the motorcycle’s frame.

The crankcase and cylinder block were combined in a monumental alloy casting, to which the steering head was directly bolted, while four straight tubes supported the rear wheel. The latter was driven by shaft while the front was mounted in a leaf-sprung, trailing-link fork.

Smoothly styled, with all its oil lines internal, Dauben’s engine was an over-square design of 63x60mm bore/stroke that produced its maximum output of 22bhp at 4,000rpm. The unit was renowned for its smoothness and flexibility, enabling the Windhoff to be ridden at speeds as low as 6mph without snatch.

Such a complex motorcycle was necessarily expensive – the Windhoff was more costly than BMW’s top-of-the-range 750cc twin – and at a time of economic depression was never likely to sell well. Taking a leaf out of his rival’s book, Hans Windhoff introduced a BMW-like 996cc flat twin but that too was a casualty of those economically strained times.

Admitting defeat, Windhoff turned his back on the exotic and returned to making two-stroke lightweights, but this time using Villiers engines built under license. Sadly, this venture too was unsuccessful and Windhoff gave up motorcycle manufacture entirely in 1933.

Although ultimately a failure, Hans Windhoff’s ambitious attempt to establish himself as a major motorcycle manufacturer resulted in one of the most remarkable motorcycles of the inter-war period. The wonderful example we offer thus represents a possibly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire what, according to Erwin Tragatch, is the most unique, progressive and beautiful motorcycle ever made. The customary safety checks and re-commissioning are recommended before use.


As with all Lots in the Sale, this Lot is sold ‘as is/where is’ and Bidders must satisfy themselves as to the provenance, condition, age, completeness and originality prior to bidding.

Craig Mallery
Specialist – Motorcycles
Los Angeles, United States
Tel: +1 323 436 5470

AMERICAN DRESSER THE MOVIE– Sprockefeller Pictures

John, a widower still trying to cope with the death of his wife and the fractured relationship with his family, and his best friend Charlie, who has been battling his own demons, embark on a cross-country trek on vintage motorcycles to meet John’s newly-discovered adult son. They both discover more about themselves in the process.
Production Partner Ryan Johnson
Starring Tom Berenger, Penelope Ann Miller, Gina Gershon, Bruce Dern, Keith David, Jaff Fahey.


When a man discovers he has a child he’s never met, he and his best friend get on their motorcycles to drive across America.

Release date: September 21, 2018 (USA)
Director: Carmine Cangialosi
Screenplay: Carmine Cangialosi
Music composed by: Marc Vanocur
Cinematography: Jesse Brunt
Producers: Martin Sprock, Ryan R. Johnson, Carmine Cangialosi

See the Wayfarer’s review tomorrow on Bikernet.–Bandit

QUOTE OF THE WEEK—After I meditated for the first time, on the way home all the lights were green.—Clayton King

TEXAS JURY Says Its Illegal for Any Bandido To Possess A Weapon–
A jury in El Paso, Texas decided Friday that it is illegal for a member of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club to possess a weapon in the state.

DT, a member of the BMC in El Paso, was arrested October 16th, 2017 on his way to work for Unlawful Carrying Of A Weapon. Although it was conceded by all sides that DT had no felony record and was not a convicted criminal, the prosecution argued, and the jury agreed, that merely being a member of the Bandidos was enough to consider an individual a gang member prohibited from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

DT’s case is just one in a long list of similar incidents. The MPP believes that successful convictions such as DT’s further embolden law enforcement across Texas and other states to continue their campaign to disarm the Bandidos and other motorcycle clubs and their members based solely on association.

DT’s case represents only one case in a lower court. The legality of motorcycle club members in Texas possessing weapons will ultimately depend upon successful judicial opinions at the court of appeals level or higher, setting precedent against what the MPP believes is an unconstitutional application of Texas law.

The attempt to disarm individuals because they belong to an organization in which other members have committed crimes, regardless of personal guilt, is an extremely dangerous slippery slope that could ultimately impact many sectors of society far beyond motorcycle clubs.

DT’s Story

DT was on his way to work last October when he was pulled over for a traffic infraction. When the El Paso officer asked whether he was carrying a weapon, he indicated he was legally transporting an unloaded firearm. DT does ranch work, and ranchers often carry firearms to defend against predators and snakes threatening livestock.

DT was informed that it was illegal for a member of the Bandidos to possess a weapon in the state of Texas because they were considered a criminal street gang. He was charged under Texas Penal Code Sec. 46.02, UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. He paid a $1,500 bond and was released.

Until this incident, DT had no criminal record – other than a DUI a decade ago. He is a combat veteran, serving in the Army, 1st Calvary Division for 5&1/2 years, 2 of them in Iraq.

DT went to trial last Thursday, September 20th. The argument on both sides was fairly straightforward. He explained to the MPP, “The state is trying to just simply say me being a member of the Bandidos MC is enough to justify me being a gang member. My defense is saying they have to show me specifically [involved] in acts to prove me…a gang member.”

The next day, the jury deliberated and agreed with the prosecution. In this jury’s opinion, being a Bandido is enough to prohibit an individual from legally possessing a weapon in the state of Texas, even if the individual has no criminal record.

What Does DT’s Case Mean For Everyone Else?

Independent of the personal impact on DT, his case has implications for others. His trial does not set precedent for others because it’s a lower court decision. If the case is appealed, however, the outcome of that trial would set precedent for others in the El Paso court’s jurisdiction.

But even if this trial doesn’t set precedent, this conviction is likely to embolden law enforcement to further embrace this tactic in El Paso and across the state of Texas. As reported directly to the MPP from victims of blatant and obvious mass profiling, the same day the jury in El Paso handed down a guilty verdict, members of another 1% club having a gathering at the Stockyards in Fort Worth were warned that it was illegal for members of motorcycle clubs to possess weapons in Texas even if those members held valid CWP’s.

Indeed, the Motorcycle Profiling Project has repeatedly reported on the rising trend in some states to revoke the Second Amendment rights of MC members, and how MC members are being arrested for unlawful carry without legitimate cause. The MPP has even issued a travel advisory warning all motorcycle club members of what the MPP believes is an unconstitutional application of Texas law.

Why The MPP Thinks Texas Statute is Unconstitutional “As Applied.”

This statute as it is being applied violates fundamental 1st Amendment liberties and the doctrine of personal guilt. To permit the government to impose restrictions on any person “who wears the insignia of [a motorcycle club], without regard to or knowledge of that individual’s specific intent to engage in the alleged violent activities committed by other members, is antithetical to the basic principles enshrined in the First Amendment and repugnant to the fundamental doctrine of personal guilt that is a hallmark of American jurisprudence.” see Coles v. Carlini 162 F.Supp.3d 380 (2015)

But that is exactly what is happening in Texas. The idea that the government can impose a restriction such as prohibiting the right to posses a weapon in a shall issue state, based solely on association, is completely inconsistent with constitutional principles.

Properly applied, wouldn’t the state have to show that an individual specifically participated in the criminal acts referenced? This interpretation of Texas Penal Code Sec. 46.02 would both preserve the 1st Amendment right to associate and the doctrine of personal guilt.

Why This Could Mean The End of Clubs As We Know Them?

If this trend continues in Texas, California, and New York, how long before it spreads to other states? If gang laws themselves are any indication, the tactic could spread coast- to-coast.

According to the National Motorcycle Profiling Survey 2017, 99%+ of MC members strongly support the 2nd Amendment and only 2% of the members of even 1% clubs have a felony record. How many individuals that currently have a legal right to posses weapons would knowingly sign away those rights to join a motorcycle club?

And the potential implications extend far beyond the MC community. Every American should pay attention and be extremely concerned. “In a very real way, the fate of motorcyclists will serve as a blue print for other groups in the future. Disarming bikers, even those associated that have no criminal records of any kind, is a strategy to cripple the rights base of one of the most visible and active grassroots social and political movements in America.“

If you’re in a motorcycle club this does not sound far-fetched because it’s happening now. If you’re not in a motorcycle club, do you know someone who is? That’d make you an associate. And even if you don’t associate with MC members, it’s important to understand that protecting the most subversive speech and associations is the highest constitutional priority on which all other expression and associational rights depend upon.

Justice Black explains in Yates v. United States, 354 U.S. 298 (1957):

“Doubtlessly, dictators have to stamp out causes and beliefs which they deem subversive to their evil regimes. But governmental suppression of causes and beliefs seems to me to be the very antithesis of what our Constitution stands for. The choice expressed in the First Amendment in favor of free expression was made against a turbulent background by men such as Jefferson, Madison, and Mason – men who believed that loyalty to the provisions of this Amendment was the best way to assure a long life for this new nation and its Government…. The First Amendment provides the only kind of security system that can preserve a free government – one that leaves the way wide open for people to favor, discuss, advocate, or incite causes and doctrines however obnoxious and antagonistic such views may be to the rest of us.”

–By David “Double D” Devereaux Spokesperson for the Washington State Council of Clubs
Founder of the Motorcycle Profiling Project

Every day in America, thousands of law-abiding gun owners use firearms to protect themselves from violent criminals and save their own lives.

But that hasn’t stopped Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi from pushing for massive new restrictions on our Second Amendment rights – including outright bans on many of the most popular self-defense firearms in America.

At a time when hate-filled extremists are trying to drown out our voices with lies and intimidation tactics, it’s only your courage and commitment that keeps NRA strong and fighting every day.

And to thank you for your dedication to NRA and our freedom, I want to offer you a chance to be a BIG WINNER in our NRA Banned Guns Giveaway!

That’s right. While Schumer and Pelosi are fighting tooth and nail to ban your guns, NRA is giving guns away!

You’ll find all the details at NRAGunGiveaway.org. Take a look at the guns you could win in this extraordinary giveaway, and I think you’ll agree that every one of these firearms would be a great addition to any collection.

Plus, we’ve selected some fantastic optics, cases, gift certificates and more as SPECIAL BONUS PRIZES to be given away with each of our 12 gun prizes!

Just visit NRAGunGiveaway.org and choose the guns you’d like to win. You can enter to win just one gun, two guns, or even all 12 of these great guns – the choice is yours.

Entering is fast and easy. But please hurry. The deadline to enter this giveaway is October 15th at 11:59 p.m.


And with the Second Amendment under attack like never before in our lives, I hope you’ll strongly consider a contribution to NRA of just $5 per entry.

No contribution is required to enter or win, and a contribution will not improve your chances of winning a prize.

But the truth is, there’s no point in winning these guns if you have to line up and turn them in to a government bureaucrat just a few months later.

And we can’t stop the tidal wave of gun-ban legislation that’s headed our way in the months ahead without YOUR help.

That’s why – even though it’s not required and won’t improve your chances of winning – I’m asking you to make a contribution of $5 to NRA for each of your entries. Every dollar you can send will make a difference.

Please don’t wait. Enter before our 11:59 PM Eastern Time deadline on October 15th for your chance to win. And thanks in advance for helping NRA save FREEDOM!

–Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President
National Rifle Association of America

TATTOO OF THE WEEK FROM MY SON—This just in from Frank Ball, who has been slinging ink for 20 years and studied under Mark Mahoney and is currently working in Jack Rudy’s shop in Los Angeles.

“It’s Odin the father of Thor and Loki man,” Frank said, as he started his next magnificent creation.

For more info, or to set up an appointment, drop him a line to:
Frank Ball

NEW FREEDOM FIGHTERS HALL OF FAME–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation announces the 2018 Freedom Fighter Hall of Fame Inductees

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to release the names of the class of 2018 Inductees to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame (MRF HOF). These were presented in Denver at the annual Meeting of the Minds conference.

To include deserving activists from the motorcyclists’ rights community that have already been recognized elsewhere, the class of 2018 Legacy Inductees are: Keith “Bandit” Ball, Mark Buckner, Wayne Curtin, Michael “Balls” Farabaugh, “Still” Ray Fitzgerald, Richard Gray, Bob Illingworth, Nathan “Buck” Kittredge, Ed Netterberg, Sherman Packard, Todd Vandermyde, Paul Vestal, Penny Walker and Ed Youngblood.

The first new inductee into the MRF HOF is President of ABATE of Michigan, Vince Consiglio.

Vince joined ABATE of Michigan in 1975, and almost immediately was elected to the Board of Directors. He had spent almost four decades fighting against the mandatory helmet law in his home state before the victory finally became a reality in 2012. Vince has been a Chief Instructor since 1980 and has managed rider training ever since. He is also the current President of ABATE of Michigan and has held that position for over two decades.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is proud to welcome this inaugural class and wishes to thank all the Freedom Fighters that work so hard to ensure that future generations can enjoy the freedom of the road through motorcycling.

THIS JUST IN FROM FLORIDA–Amendment 4 would help felons be good citizens.

Restoring voting right to Amendment 4 Will Save Taxpayers Money and Give Felons a Second Chance Florida’s 13 million voters have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help convicted felons who have paid their debt to society earn the right to vote, and to a second chance.

Called the “Voting Restoration Amendment,” a proposed constitutional amendment will grant most of the 1.7 million convicted felons the right to vote and help select their leaders for local, state and federal offices. That is a good thing. It makes sense.

To be eligible, these felons must complete “all terms of sentence including parole or probation.“ That means they would have paid restitution, court costs and fees, and completed community service, house arrest, jail and/or prison sentences, plus any other special conditions of parole or probation. Felons convicted of murder or a felony sex crime would not be eligible and would have to go through the regular executive clemency process.

Why is Amendment 4 on the Nov. 6 general election ballot? Because almost 850,000 Florida voters and taxpayers across the state signed a citizen’s initiative petition to give all voters this good choice. Those who signed span Florida’s political spectrum — not just registered Republicans and Democrats but also Independents, members of one of the smaller parties, or “non-party affiliated“ voters (NPAs). So clearly Amendment 4 has strong bipartisan and non-partisan support. That is a good thing. It makes sense.

Amendment 4 is good public policy and smart justice. Here’s why: 1. Data from
the Florida Commission on Offender Review proves that the vast majority of felons who get their voting and other civil rights back do not commit new crimes. They have learned their lesson and are trying to earn the second chance they have been given.

2. Commission reported to the Board of Executive Clemency (made up of the governor and Florida Cabinet) on July 1 that of the 992 felons who were granted restoration of civil rights in fiscal years 2016 and 2017, only one person was convicted of a new felony. (Yes, literally one out of almost 1,000 people.) If you consider data from the last seven fiscal years, a total of 5,344 felons were granted clemency restoration of civil rights and only 12 people were convicted of new felonies requiring state prison. Now that is smart justice.

3. The reduction in the number of re-offending felons will have a positive $365 million economic impact, according to an economic study completed by the Washington Economics Group based in Coral Gables. How? By leading to fewer prisons and more jobs and positive economic activity.

4. Reduced prison construction and staffing costs will save $223 million. Florida taxpayers currently fund 56 major state prisons, numerous state prison annexes, camps and work release centers, 10 federal prisons and 67 county jails.

5. Increased job earnings, taxes paid and economic investments by the felons themselves will generate another $142 million.

6. Many of the affected individuals are our family members, neighbors, co-workers, high school classmates, church friends and mutual acquaintances of people we know. Except for their status of felons, they are regular Floridians.

Under Florida’s constitution,
getting voting and other civil rights restored currently requires a grant of mercy, and the process simply takes too long. A five-or-seven-year waiting period must pass before you can even apply. Some felons seeking voting and other civil rights can be approved without a hearing, but most must wait several years to get a hearing and a decision because there are approximately 23,000 pending applications for all types of executive clemency.

Proposed constitutional amendments require a super-majority of 60 percent approval to be adopted. So please vote yes on Amendment 4 and save taxpayers money and help felons earn a second chance.

Reggie Garcia is a Florida lawyer and the author of two books on executive clemency: “How to Leave Prison Early” and “Second Chances- Florida Pardons, Restoration of Civil Rights, Gun Rights and More.” He can be reached at reggiegarcialaw@ icloud.com.




EPIC Deli Owner Tyler takes you on a massive FLAVOR and COLOR adventure just like Willy Wonka, but with Subs and Sandwiches!!

The Pandamonium Sub!! Pulled Pork, Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Pepper Jack Cheese, Bacon, Ranch Cheese Spread and topped with COOL Ranch Doritos!!

AWESOME! Also featured are The EPIC Rueben and The Lobo! The LOBO has a full sized Pizza Puff inside! Get here now! They are located in Mchenry, IL.

Subscribe to my You Tube Channel here,youtube.com/c/ABikerDude

[page break]

2012 Harley-Davidson XL1200N – Sportster Nightster
Selling Price -$6,995.00


2012 Harley-Davidson Sportster
The 2012 Harley-Davidson Sportster Nightster XL1200N has a unique Dark Custom style. From front to back, this bike has a vintage motorcycle look. This Dark Custom has several custom styling features that all add up to a stripped down, minimalist, vintage motorcycle look.

Medium gray 1200cc engine with polished rocker covers. Black belt guard with lightning holes. Black front forks with gators. Black headlamp body and visor. And black cast aluminum wheels that shoot into the modern rebel culture and keeps the rebellious fire burning with plenty of freedom for customization.

Learn more about the Harley Sportster Nightster XL1200N vintage looking custom style. If this style isn’t what you have in mind take a look at another Harley-Davidson Sportster.


The Nightster model is decked in black and gray from front to back with a defiant attitude that embraces the pure essence of riding. Medium gray 1200cc engine with polished rocker covers. Black belt guard with lightning holes. Black front forks with gators add an old-school look. Black headlamp body and visor. And black cast aluminum wheels that shoot the Nightster™ into the modern rebel culture and keeps the rebellious fire burning with plenty of freedom for customization.


As one of the defining features of the Harley-Davidson® Sportster® models for decades, the classic 3.3 gallon tapered peanut fuel tank still holds strong today with its traditional styling and modern attitude. Following the line of the bike from front to back, the peanut tank angles down just right into the solo Sportster® seat. Attitude and looks all balled up into one.

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN–Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, and then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller?

Betty was lying in bed one night. Art was falling asleep but Betty was in a romantic mood and wanted to talk. She said: “You used to hold my hand when we were courting….”

Wearily he reached across, held her hand for a second and tried to get back to sleep. you used to kiss me….”

Mildly irritated, he reached across gave her a peck on the cheek and settled down to sleep. Thirty seconds later she said: “Then you used to bite my neck….”

Angrily, Art threw back the bed clothes and got out of bed. “Where are you going?” Betty asked. “To get my teeth!”

–from Sidehack Jerry

“The Guiding Light”

This new product has it all. Superior functionality, easily installed, and reasonably priced. If you’re selling this product, your customer will love you. If you are the end user, you’ll love the product.

¨Daytona Biketoberfest 2018 is coming up fast.

Don’t be left in the dark

While in Daytona, the Cyron Product Display can be seen on board the Tucker V-Twin Mobile Showroom that will be located at Destination Daytona. Let the representatives show you the advantage of Cyron Motors.

SPECIAL REPORT, THE LABOR WORLD MARKET REPORT–So Americans wants things to be manufactured in USA again. But being a Democracy there is never a good happy ending to giving jobs and wages to anyone.

Workers at India Yamaha Motor, Eicher Motors who manufacture Enfield motorcycles and others on strike

About 140 workers at another automotive component maker Myoung Shin Automotive India Pvt Ltd (MSI) are striking work for recognition of their union.

Chennai: About 750 workers at the Japanese two wheeler maker India Yamaha Motor’s plant near here are on strike protesting the dismissal of two office bearers of their union, said an official of the Centre for Indian Trade Unions (CITU) here.

“Two months back workers at the two wheeler factory had formed an Union-India Yamaha Motor Thozhilalar Sangam (IYMTS)- which was resented by the management. A complaint was made to the Labour Commissioner office in Kanchipuram District. The management never turned up for the conciliation meetings,” S. Kannan, District President, Kanchipuram, CITU told IANS on Monday.

The IYMTS is affiliated to CITU. He said two office bearers of the union who had applied for leave to attend a union meeting while in the factory were handed their dismissal orders when they reached the factory gates.

They were not able to enter the factory later as the machine where the two workers had to key in their data did not accept their credentials.

According to Kannan, a conciliation meeting has been called on September 26 and it has to be seen whether the management representatives would attend it.

He said the India Yamaha Motor factory has about 2,500 workers consisting of contract workers, apprentices and others.

Kannan said 117 workers at Dongsan Automotive India are also protesting against the manner in which they were sent out and non-payment of wages for the past seven months.

According to Kannan, about 140 workers at another automotive component maker Myoung Shin Automotive India Pvt Ltd (MSI) are striking work for recognition of their union.

Meanwhile about 3,000 workers (permanent, contract, apprentice and others) at Eicher Motors Ltd’s factory at Oragadam near here rolling out Enfield Bullet and other motorcycles are on strike from Monday onwards.

“We had given strike notice on Aug 18, 2018 and workers are on strike since Monday morning. The Labour Department had called for an emergency conciliation meeting in the afternoon. While we were there, the management did not turn up,” R. Sampath, Vice President, Royal Enfield Employees Union told IANS.

He said the workers formed the union last year, which was not liked by the management.

“Bonus was not paid for the past three years and there was no wage revision,” Sampath added.


Facing labour trouble, Yamaha moves court for police protection 

Yamaha in its petition sought police protection for “ingress and aggress of vehicles and people from in and out of the factory premises and to further vacate the trespassing workmen .

The factory inaugurated in 2015, has drawn investments up to Rs 1,500 crore and boasts capacity of over 600,000 motorcycles a year.


People who never had any jobs, no college education and were unemployed indefinitely got jobs at factories of Yamaha and Enfield because of the huge expense of building a modern factory with modern equipment.

This is what awaits any Democracy that wants to keep manufacturing and employ blue-collar jobs in their own nation including countries such as Brazil or Thailand. This is why illegal immigrants and seasonal immigrants get jobs in India or USA from local companies.

HOWEVER, a nation like China has no such problems at all. That is why iPhone is still manufactured in China where the labor can go back to their unemployed life in a village if they don’t like their factory job and pay-scale. The iPhone factory in China has nets in their building so that laborers trying to commit suicide on factory premises don’t die during business hours at business premises.

They would be so grateful to get the minimum US wage to flip burgers for 8 hours and do nothing else.

Do you wonder why Silicon Valley is huge and has products from Apple and Tesla, which sell at ridiculous premium prices?

Best Wishes,

You Should OPPOSE AMENDMENT 13 in the General Election

Amendment 13 to the Florida Constitution is being characterized as an amendment to end wagering (betting) on greyhound races in Florida, but it goes much further than that.

If Amendment 13 is passed, extreme animal rights organizations will have a new constitutional standard to challenge any and all activities they find objectionable. In short, many suspect their first action will be to immediately begin work to ban all hunting and fishing.

Amendment 13 includes the phrase:
“The humane treatment of animals is a fundamental value of the people of the State of Florida.” That language will not appear on the ballot BUT IT IS IN THE AMENDMENT.

Since reasonable people don’t want animals treated inhumanely, at first blush many Floridians would agree with that statement in general terms. However, there is a vast difference between what the public believes is “inhumane” and what animal rights extremists groups and their supporters would call “inhumane.”

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), is the lead organization pushing for Amendment 13’s passage. HSUS opposes hundreds of common and traditional activities involving animals because they claim they are “inhumane.”

In fact, the list of activities HSUS and other animal extremist organizations find objectionable is huge and includes hunting, fishing, farming, animal husbandry, marine parks and more. That’s what this is really about.

Those groups even claim that animals shouldn’t be owned as pets because it’s inhumane.

In short, Amendment 13 is not really about greyhound racing, it’s a front for much more.
Clearly the intent is to establish a legal foothold in the Florida Constitution that they can use to go after legitimate activities, like hunting, that they don’t like.

Whether you are voting Absentee, Early Voting or at the Polls on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, please oppose Amendment 13.

–from Rogue


STREET VIBRATIONS NEWS–Street Vibrations Motorcycle Festival is a celebration of music, metal and motorcycles, offering poker runs, live entertainment, ride-in shows, stunt and bike shows and more to more than 50,000 riding enthusiasts. This event is so big, it rocks at several locations throughout the region. Major event venues are planned in downtown Reno, historic Virginia City, at Reno Harley-Davidson and Battle Born Harley-Davidson in Carson City.

Rides to what Mark Twain called “the fairest picture the whole earth affords,” – Lake Tahoe – provide unparalleled natural beauty. Flirt with Lady Luck during poker runs and scavenger hunts. It’s HOG heaven!

Don’t miss the Silver Legacy American Heat Custom Bike Show managed by Mondo Porras of Denver’s Choppers, this year including Chicano Lowriders. And a new feature this year is the Street Vibrations Motorcycle Auction managed by Stremmel Auctions, with some incredible motorcycles up for bid. To register to consign your bike or bid, or enter the bike show (all free!), contact Mondo at 775-813-1994.

Grand Marshal Erik Estrada will head up the Police on Parade and host the Miss Street Vibrations 2018 International Bikini Team competition. Wet your whistle at the bikini bar with bartenders from the International Bikini Team inside the Reno Ballroom and at the Hog Town Bar in the Eldorado Plaza.

Check out the Tattoo Expo for body art extraordinaire with live tattooing available. Swell with pride in your country at the ceremonial flag raising and national anthem. See if you’ve got what it takes to win the Good Vibrations Slow Bike Races or cheer on your favorites, at the Reno Arch.

Enjoy plenty of local and regional bands on 7 outdoor stages throughout the venue. Visit and shop the 250 vendors and many factory rigs selling everything for your motorcycle and more.

You can register as a Street Vibrations® VIP participant at the Roadshows event headquarters in the Reno Ballroom at 4th and Center St. in downtown Reno. For just $70, registered VIP’s get an official t-shirt, ride pin and hog tag, entry to poker runs, scavenger hunts, VIP parties and slow bike races, and secured VIP parking.

The Legends N’ Leather bar crawl starts at 9:00 pm Saturday, Sept. 29th in the Reno Ballroom. 100% of the proceeds from the Legends N’ Leather bar crawl go to support the Child Assault Prevention Project of Washoe County. To participate in the bar crawl, sign up at the Reno Ballroom anytime before the event. The cost to participate is only $10.

Quick Throttle Magazine

WE JUST OPENED THE BAD AGENCY FILE–This goes on all over the country from the cop on the beat all the way to the FBI.
They take bribes from sources other than the media as well.

FBI: Hundreds of Agents Took Bribes From CNN, NY Times, NBC News And More – They’re Flipping!

Here is more via True Pundit: “Access to the FBI is for sale. Concert tickets. Expensive private dinners. NFL tickets. Parties on booze cruises. Discounts on travel.
FBI insiders said more than 60 agents in D.C. alone have been nailed for taking gifts from the news media. Inspector General Michael Horowitz said earlier this week about 50 FBI agents took 300 free gifts from news media.

However, Horowitz failed to stipulate that number is ONLY in Washington D.C. which covers one field office and FBI headquarters. The Inspector General did not examine the FBI’s other field offices, officials said. And the problem of taking free gifts for Intel is rampant, officials said.

New York. Los Angeles. New Haven. Philadelphia. The list goes on in the FBI’s 55 other field offices.

And so does the corruption. Outright bribery.

FBI sources who spoke to True Pundit divulged the names of three media outlets: NY Times, CNN and NBC News as having surfaced in recent external investigations. But there are dozens more, large and small.

FBI Director Christopher Wray wants this the issue of bribery and the FBI to disappear from news headlines, yet he has not launched an internal review nationwide to determine how rampant this problem is inside the FBI, sources said.

Why no national review by the Inspector General’s office?

Wray doesn’t want to go there, officials said.

In fact, high-ranking FBI officials do not want the list of FBI agents and news media divulged publicly either.

Wray and Horowitz are protecting the agents who took bribes, as well as their media enablers.

Just business as usual in The Swamp.

If Wray cared, he would find thousands of bribes and favors changing hands inside the FBI across the country.

But that would likely include FBI brass who may make a nice dime on the side selling access to FBI Intel and policy outright as well. Agents like Robert Hanssen. Or like a deputy director’s wife getting $1.25 million in campaign contributions while her husband was investigating — and clearing — the source of the funds from a criminal investigation. Rigging an investigation for cash. Is that considered a gift? Or is that a new category?

And Wray certainly recognizes that is a place he does not want to venture.


–from Rogue

WHEELS THROUGH TIME SEPTEMBER RAFFLE—For our September Raffle, we are going all out! Anyone who enters in at the “Great Deal” package or higher will have a chance to win a three day, two night expenses paid trip to Maggie Valley, NC to see The Museum That Runs. The cost will cover travel expenses, hotel costs, and free admission to Wheels Through Time for three days. We are getting close to raffle day, and there’s not much time left.

*please read all rules and regulations for full details.*


100% of Raffle proceeds go toward the operating costs and improvement of the Wheels Through Time. The 1936 Knucklehead will be given away at our annual raffle in addition to a 2nd prize of $10K and a 3rd prize of $5k, on Saturday, November 10th, 2018 at 2:00pm Eastern Time!
*You do not have to be present to win.*

–Wheels Through Time
Dale Walksler
62 Vintage Lane
Maggie Valley, NC 28751

ROYAL ENFIELD Twin-Cylinder Motorcycles Available in North American Dealers in
Early 2019–
INT 650 MSRP $5799
Continental GT 650 MSRP $5999

Royal Enfield, the leader in the global middleweight motorcycle segment, has officially announced the North America timing and pricing for the highly anticipated twin motorcycles – the INT 650 and the Continental GT 650. The new models will be available at North American dealers in spring 2019 and will start at MSRP $5799, which will include ABS and a 3-year warranty and roadside assistance.

“The twins are fun, affordable, capable motorcycles and will surely create excitement in the underserved middleweight segment in North America, while marking a significant milestone for the company globally,” said Rod Copes, president, Royal Enfield North America. “They are an integral part of Royal Enfield’s continued growth plan in the United States, Canada and Mexico.”

The first twin-cylinder motorcycles to be produced by Royal Enfield since 1970 – the motorcycles are the first created for the global market leveraging Royal Enfield’s world-class product development and manufacturing capabilities – are built for real-world riding with sufficient power to navigate city traffic or cruise effortlessly on the open road. The offerings will inspire confidence in new riders and satisfy the performance expectations of experienced riders.

The twins combine carefully considered engineering with classic looks and are inspired by the past and designed to remain relevant. Air-cooled to simplify maintenance and ensure lines that are faithful to Royal Enfield’s rich design heritage, the Continental GT 650 and INT 650 are built for real-world riding and feature an exceptionally agile chassis, developed at Royal Enfield’s UK Technology Centre, in conjunction with legendary sports bike frame builder Harris Performance.

INT 650
The INT 650 is reminiscent of the street-scrambler-style motorcycle that emerged in California in the ’60s with a teardrop tank, dual seat and high, braced handlebars for a comfortable and commanding riding position.

Continental GT 650
The Continental GT 650 offers a more committed riding position and features a twin seat, sculpted fuel tank, rear-set footrests and race-style, clip-on handlebars for an optimum blend of steering feel and comfort with no compromise.

Genuine Motorcycle Accessories
Both the Continental GT 650 and the INT 650 will be available in a variety of paint and graphic options. Riders can further customize their motorcycles through a broad collection of genuine motorcycle accessories.

For more information about Royal Enfield North America, please visit www.RoyalEnfield.com/USA.

CLOSING IN ON OCTOBER—Amazing, I’ve been without four-wheels for almost three months. The Governor of California doesn’t like us to spend money on new cars, so I may have stumbled onto an old ’72 F250 long bed pickup.

Peter just shot Micah’s wild chopper for Cycle Source and Bikernet. Micah showed up in his black GMC truck, which must be about the same vintage.

I’m working on a hot Panhead feature. The bike was built by Aki Sakamotoa. You’ll see it next week with the help of Peter Linney and Michael Lichter.
I’m also working on a report with Fred Harrell and Mark Bucknet of the MRF regarding legislative challenges for 2019. 
As I’ve mentioned, we should be having a blast not dodging bans and more restrictions. But the MRF will fight for our freedoms until the end.
Ride Free Forever,

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