Dresser Gas Caps From Aeromach

Electra Glide owners have a very unique gas cap on their bikes. The bike is designed with a locking gas cap that swings up on a hinge. The original idea works, but it can be a royal pain in the ass when you are out riding and remember your keys are sitting on the desk where you threw them after calling your wife every dirty name you could muster before storming out the door! Luckily, Aeromach Manufacturing and Al’s Modifieds have combined arms to distribute the solution to all your Bagger gas cap woes. They designed a screw on gas cap that is clean, stylish, and most of all, easy to install.

Cap as it appears in the package
Cap in it’s shrink-wrapped glory from Al’s Modifieds. The package came with the cap, two set screws, and a no nonsense set of instructions. Pretty hard to fuck it up!

I received a cap in the mail from Al at Al’s Modifieds. The guy is kicking butt with some beautiful add on parts to your stock Harley that will make it stand out in the crowd. Give Al a call @ (619) 749-4093. He would be happy to assist you in your customization needs. The cap I received came with a letter from Al and direct instructions not to fuck up a simple operation like installing a gas cap. I immediately called my buddy Mike for his assistance.

Mike and I have been friends for over ten years. I met him at my wedding and hated his guts. I mean, he was actually ok, but he was a teetotaler. You know, he walked the line and turned his nose up in the air at every stinking thing I did. Now I was no angel. I mean, I had the nerve to drive my truck to church with a huge “Don’t be a Pussy” sticker emblazoned across the back windshield. Yeah, I was an asshole, but I was an asshole to everyone. Mike was just a dick to me. Somehow, we became friends and hopefully will remain that way for life; brothers in arms.

Mike and I in Sturgis '05.
Mike and I agreed to meet up in Sturgis in ’05. Amazing how you can ride halfway across the country and still meet up with someone who lives down the road from you.

I took the gas cap to Mike’s house and we immediately started the day with beer and bullshit. For those new to bikerdom, these are essential tools to the building or modification process. As we delved into our lying and continued false bravado, our women decided they had heard enough and left us for the elegant giant margarita’s the Cantina served up the road. So we were alone with our beer, our stories, and the simple task of putting on a gas cap.

I took the gas cap to Mike’s house and we immediately started the day with beer and bullshit. For those new to bikerdom, these are essential tools to the building or modification process. As we delved into our lying and continued false bravado, our women decided they had heard enough and left us for the elegant giant margarita’s the Cantina served up the road. So we were alone with our beer, our stories, and the simple task of putting on a gas cap.

First necessary tool of the day.
Of course we had to start with the first necessary tool of the day…beer.

You will need a tape measure, Allen set, 11-32 drill bit, and of course a drill.

Other necessities.
Other required tools you will need for this technical job. The kit comes with a clear set of instructions, the cap, and the two set screws; very simple. We took off Mike’s stock cap and pulled the plastic cap out of its top. Although the top is metal, the actual gas cap is a cheesy plastic piece that can be pulled apart very easily.

The next step is to measure where your two holes will be drilled exactly 11/16 apart.

First measurement

Always measure twice, cut once.
Be sure to measure twice, so you don’t screw this up.

Drill the holes and go have more beer.

Drilling. Watch the toes.
Mike drilling the holes while listening to me call him all sorts of names for wearing faggot sandals while drilling.

We stood around swapping bullshit stories for a while and remembering how we slept in a cornfield in Kansas last year on the way back from Sturgis.

Funny story; we set down for the night in a cornfield behind a gas station. We had left Sturgis early that morning and rode like banshees through South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Half the night we were driving through rain. Between dodging deer, rain, wind, and eighteen wheelers, we were wiped out by 11 pm. We just parked our bikes and threw out our sleeping bags and crashed. We weren’t down for more than a few minutes when I looked over my shoulder and my heart froze! The shadow of someone was standing directly over me! Holy shit! After a few seconds of my heart flip flopping, I realized it was just my helmet and rain suit perched atop my apehangers. We still laugh about that one today.

Test fitting the cap and hole placement.
Set Screw Installation
Just snap the cap into the new cover and align the holes. Insert the two set screws and tighten.

After the holes are drilled and you have consumed at least two more beers, install the set screws attaching the plastic gas cap to the new Chrome piece. Pop the gas cap and new chrome cap (now one piece) back onto the screw in plastic base. That’s it!

Final Placement

Ta Da!
You see, any idiot can do it. No problems. Screw it on the tank and you have a nice and clean gas cap that you can just screw off and on without a problem. It looks great and it’s functional.

Finished and Clean!!
Finished and clean! Very nice looking cap that can now be removed without fumbling with your keys after a night at the bar.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Take care everyone, and you can get these gas caps through Aeromach.com. Just look it up on the web and see for yourself. Don’t forget to tell them Bikernet.com sent ya! See Ya!

Three amigos ready for a ride!!
Mike, his father-in-law Travis, and Johnny proud as peacocks after making this modification without hurting themselves or eachother.

Women returning from Margarita time at local Cantina!
Our women decided we were too much to handle and came back just as we finished.

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