Easyriders Saloon Legal Update

Friday, July 27, 2012 the US Federal District Court issued a preliminary injunction against the owners of the Easyriders Saloon in Sturgis, SD in favor of Paisano Publications.

     Paisano Publications, owner and publisher of Easyriders Magazine, announced today that the US Federal District Court issued a preliminary injunction Friday in favor of Paisano and against the owners of the Easyriders Saloon in Sturgis, South Dakota.  The Saloon owners had attempted to change the name of the Saloon, but the court found that they were contractually obligated to retain the name “Easyriders Saloon” throughout the pendency of the litigation between the parties.   Joe Teresi, the owner of Paisano who founded the Easyriders’ franchise over 40 years ago, stated: “We are grateful the court recognized our position in the lawsuit and that the Easyriders name will again be prominent for the 2012 Sturgis Rally.  We are hopeful that this ruling will allow Easyriders and the owners of the Easyriders Saloon to move forward together to continue to make the Easyriders Saloon the best spot in town to enjoy the Rally.  I look forward to seeing everyone else who is attending.”

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