This is a true story of an Angel on two wheels traveling to Hell and back.Elena, the presenter of this non-fiction piece has ridden her motorcycle through the Dead Zone of the nuclear hell that is Chernobyl today.
I read her story in the first few months that she had it online.Since then over 15 million people have visited it. She has done more to bring the awful disaster of the Russian nuclear meltdown into the open than anyone before or since. Russian authorities will tell you her story is a fake; experts and advisers will tell you the same.However they have never been prepared to back up their accusations with hard data.

The death toll for the Chernobyl disaster is unknown, can only be guessed at.Elena has never been interviewed, never written a book, has done nothing to make money from her story.Her site has no pop-up ads that make the site money.She has recently asked for donations to the site in order to keep it up and running. I think that’s fair enough.Don’t rush when you read this story. It is best appreciated if it’s taken in slowly and digested. The picture Elena’s words and data and detail conjure up are awesome, the photos that go with the story are more so.She has ridden and walked where few of us would dare to tread.Into the very heart of darkness, a place that was manufactured by human beings in their arrogance and ignorance.

I have read Ghost Town many times; it never fails to chill me to the bone.There are two links for Elena and her story, please find them below.

It is worth noting that the second link is the 2005 into 2006 updated news.Read the archive section. It’s quite incredible, the Russian Government AND the UN are trying to convince the rest of the world that Chernobyl is not that big a deal.Even I, who know very little about the events following a nuclear disaster, can see that they are lying through their teeth.
Authors note: Now if Bikernet readers read Elena’s story, write in and tell Bandit and Jaqhama what you all think.
It’s my opinion that Elena is extremely brave, there must be a lot of powerful people both inside and outside of her country who would like to see her and her website disappear forever.
The more of us who read her site and continue to question the official version of events, both before and after the disaster, the better it will be for Elena.
FTSL and FT UN and their reports as well!
Sydney, January 2006.