Feb 25, 2000


That’s right, Rip passed on to the great chromed-asphalt-strip in the sky February 18. He was the on-the-road reporter for Easyriders for 20 years. A member of the Diablos motorcycle club for some 30 years, they allowed him to retire to persue his journalistic career with the magazine so he could ride with any group. Rip fought a valiant battle against diabetes related cancer for over three years, which ended Friday morning. Rip died in his sleep while his family stood by.

In September, Rip was nominated to the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame. Just hours after his passing, his family received the call. Rip will be inducted Aug. 9, 2000 into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame. “I’ll never forget how humble and proud he was to be included as even a nominee,” said a family member.

Rip’s family is having a small intimate funeral service. It was his wish that bikers who knew and enjoyed his work support Rip’s Bad Ride as a showing of respect for him. The 3rd Annual BAD (Bikers Against Diabetes) Ride will be held June 11, 2000 in Los Angeles. East Coast events are being planned now. Rip’s family hopes for a banner year in Rip’s memory. If you can’t make it, his family asks that remembrances be sent to the American Diabetes Association, Attn: Laurie Stevens, 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90048. Cards for Rip’s family can be sent to April Eberly, 1816 Capri Avenue, Mentone, CA 92359.

On With the News

I spent the weekend battling the Chicago snowstorms on my way to Indy for the 32nd annual Dealer Expo. The Indy Dealer Show is all about sharing info about new products and service for bikers of all sorts. One of the problems with the historic Indy extravaganza is that there are booths and displays throughout the various floors of this building, in the halls, back rooms, conference rooms and closets. If you’re a bike dealer/shop owner, you need to come with your fast-walking tennis shoes on to cover the expansive grounds. The Harley aftermarket is spread all over the goddamn place. But here are some highlights:

Saturday morning I finally caught a jet with the balls to fly out of snowbound Chicago to Indy and stumbled into the show in the early afternoon. Custom Chrome is now building a performance engine and we should have an article on it in the next couple of weeks. Their design is to build an affordable engine for the market. I found out during the day that Patrick Racing, who builds a line of performance engines, only builds 200 a year. They are pure billet aluminum and he’s currently building a very different looking 113-inch monster. These monsters are built entirely in America and if you have a Patrick mill in your scoot, you know it from the way it runs–to the looks. Patrick is now making a very sharp exhaust system to match. The most crucial aspect of tuning for performance is the exhaust, ’cause usually it’s fixed, making its element of the ignition/carburetion/exhaust formula impossible to tune. If you don’t choose the right exhaust, you’re fucked. I suppose I could have soft-pedaled that, but fuck it. For information on Patrick’s line of motors call him at (714) 554-Race. Oh, as a point of reference Patrick makes 200 mills a year, TP Engineering builds 1,500-2,000 and S&S builds 20,000 engines a year. That’s a rolling fireball of aftermarket power.

Hold on–AVON tyres is fabricating a 250 series tire. Before long we’ll be able to ride on water.

Here’s a hot one. Custom Cycle Engineering, the manufacturer of the hottest, most comfortable, coolest risers on the planet, has now come out with an equally chopperized starter motor switch. It bolts directly to the starter and looks as if it’s apart of it. This way you get an absolutely direct connection to the solenoid and there is no wiring, no remote starter button, no bad connections, and no smoked wires. Call ’em for info on their dogbone risers or this new starter switch, which I plan to buy for my Jesse James Chopper for the ride to Sturgis (keep it simple damnit!). Ask for Rick (800) 472-9253.

When it comes to down-home shit and wild apparel the company that seems to be rockin’ the world is Chrome Specialties owned by Custom Chrome, Inc. Hell, they even have the balls to carry the entire line of West Coast Choppers digs and a line of Prison Blues. When you buy Prison Blues threads, a donation goes to the prison system. For the dope on it, check out www.chromespecialties.com.

Have you ever seen big Mike Griffin play guitar? He is the biker-blues Jimmy Hendrix. He’s unbelievable. You can catch the big man if you’re puttin’ to Myrtle Beach this year, May 18,19, and 20th, at the 2001 nightclub. Don’t miss Big Mike live in concert. www.BigMikeGriffin.com.

In one of the massive showrooms the engineers of this rolling nighmare put most of the clone manufacturers. I spoke to Roger Borget who, with his ambitious wife at his side, can’t build enough bikes. If you’re familar with his low slung monsters, you’ll know what a genius this guy is, and what a unique bike he produces. He is now making short front end versions of his bikes and they look pure low, wide and bad. Roger is located in Phoenix. I also spoke to Nick, “The Knife,” the president of Big Dog. He just slurred his words and dared me to start one of his bikes and ride it around the stadium. Oscar, the president of Pure Steel, told me all about his arrangement with Penthouse magazine. Titan has the Playboy contract and now Oscar worked out a deal with Penthouse to make a line of clothing for the slinky magazine and a line of limited edition bikes for the upcoming anniversary of the magazine. Whereas Big Dog has the fine reputation of building the most reliable, best cared for custom, Pure Steel has the rep for building the most tightly designed, best detailed manufactured customs on the market. These bikes look like a custom in every sense of the word. Check Pure Steel at www.pure-steel.com, and I’ll bet Big Dog is at www.bigdog.com. You may see some Big Dogs on Bikernet before too long. If your interests lie in a fast, very fast, reliable custom, ride a 107-inch Big Dog. You won’t be disappointed.

Here’s a couple of companies to keep up on. Baker Drivetrain houses the young man who developed the first 6-speed transmission. This was Bert’s second year in Indy. The first was a year of fear and trepidation. He’s a young man with a new product coming to the mountain, but the response was phenomenal and he’s back this year with a resounding success story. Check him out at bakerdrivetrain.aol.com. Another source for performance clutches and go-fast parts for 20 years has always been the proven Rivera Engineering. Now an old buddy of the industry works with the main man Mel. Ben Kudon is there to see that you get what you want, when you want it. Check www.primoproducts.com.

All right, it’s time to get to the news, but first I’ll mention a couple more companies. First Victory motorcycles. If you want to watch a company grow, watch the Victory company. In fact I would like to see Victory sponsor the Victor McLaglen Motor Corp. We’ll be putting those two groups together shortly. I spoke to Harry Fisher about the motor corp yesterday. This group of riders has been around since 1937 entertaining crowds at bike event and in parades ever since. Harry became a member in 1962 and undoubtly they will be performing at the Love Ride in November. They are finally going to allow a coporate sponsor on board to see them into the new millenium. Hell, they’ll be at every major event in the country puttin’ around with some 22 team members on one bike in a world-record stunt. Perhaps we’ll see if a Victory can hold up under the pressure.

I met with Billy from Choppers Inc. in Melbourne, Florida. He and Jesse James are the new bucks in the chopper world and they love every minute of it. In fact Bikernet is working with these guys to build two rigids for the ride to Sturgis this year. Agent Zebra and I will fight from coast to coast for votes to see who has the coolest chop on the globe this August. You’ll see the whole tamale take place as my step-son Jesse James launches his grizzled old dad to the Badlands for the 13th time. It’ll be the ride of a lifetime. You can find the wildness of Bikernet East at www.choppersinc.com. We’ll be featuring one of Billy’s bike shortly, if I can sober up the Agent long enough to write the story.

Oh, I want to thank Ron Bender for the go-cart competition on Saturday night in Indy. Ron owns Bender Cycle somewhere in the Mideast. We had a helluva time competing with the Custom Chrome gang, the evil bastards of Mid USA, the panty pirates from Nempco, and the guys in white from Biker’s Choice. I’m still getting over the 40 mph bruises.

All right, all right, one final thought. If you just feel nasty, hungover, and pissed off, send the man responsible for many of the fine Custom Chrome designs, John Reed, an e-mail. He doesn’t like friends, the industry, or people in general. I’m not sure if his wife even talks to him. He’s the nastiest man on two wheels and he’s proud of it. He’s like a strong bloody mary after a long night at the bar. He’s like menudo after the dry heaves. He’s worse than agent Zebra even on a bad night. Write him, will ya, auga@ix.netcom.com. You won’t have to say much. It doesn’t matter. He won’t like it. Oh, he designed the entire Mirage line for CCI. Give ’em hell. Now the news:

Lessons To Be Learned In February, Santiago Alvarado, 24, was killed in Lompoc, CA, as he fell face-first through the ceiling of a bicycle shop he was burglarizing. Death was caused when the long flashlight he had placed in his mouth (to keep his hands free) rammed into the base of his skull as he hit the floor.

According to police in Dahlonega, GA, ROTC cadet Nick Berrena, 20, was stabbed to death in January by fellow cadet Jeffrey Hoffman, 23, who was trying to prove that a knife could not penetrate the flak vest that Berrena was wearing.

Sylvester Briddell, Jr., 26, was killed in February in Selbyville, Del. as he won a bet with friends who said he would not put a revolver loaded with four bullets into his mouth and pull the trigger.

BROTHERS LOOKOUT, THEY’RE INTRODUCING THE CADDYPAC What is a CaddyPac? It is the first and only golf bag specifically designed for players who love the freedom of riding and the game of golf.

This new bag has a sleek design, holds a full set of clubs, and has plenty of storage space for shoes, balls, and tees. So what’s so great about this bag you’re wondering? This is the first and only golf bag that can travel from home to the course on your motorcycle.

Their special design allows for full safety, mobility, and balance as you ride with the wind in your face to your favorite course. And once you arrive, the CaddyPac can stay right where it is-on your back-for those of you who like to walk the miles of fairways and greens. But for the rest of you, take the bag off your shoulder, lock it into place, load it on your cart and it’s tee time.

Want to learn more about the Caddypac? Visit their Web site www.caddypac.com and for wholesale ordering log onto www.caddypac.comwholesale.htm

PLUG FOR TROCK TOOLS Bandit, In your Tech Tips section dealing with cam installation, Wordman could have used The Trock tools: valve travel checker and cam end play tool, which is new by the way. They are very affordable and easy to use.

Hangover Recovery Method #3333331385605937 When I used to work at Glaxo-the big pharmaceutical company-it was widely known amongst the employees that our big ulcer drug, Zantac, when taken before and after a drinking session, would absolutely eliminate a hangover…been there and done it too many times not to deny it-and now it is over the counter in half-doses…just take two…..researchers found that out when the ulcer test subjects-mostly drinkers-reported it as the #1 side benefit-they all said, “Fuck the ulcer, gimme more to keep my hangovers to a minimum!


ZEBRA TO HEADQUARTERS…This is Zebra, come in America. Am marooned in Far East. Requesting helicopter extraction ASAP. Low on rations. Lower on money. No scoots except for strange Desepls and NiSaps. Where’s all the tit you promised me? You lying bastard. I come to South Korea to establish Bikernet Far East and this is what I get? Jesus, man, it’s 40 below zero over here! You said it would be warm, “balmy” was the word you used. You call frozen anti-freeze balmy?! A man needs mittens on his nutsack just to get over the Kahn Bridge and I haven’t even started for the DMZ. You can establish North Korea yourself. My sources in Seoul tell me those fuckers are eating each other up there, things are so bad. Cannibalism man!

For God’s sake, where’s that chopper? This is a real mess you’ve landed me in this time, you sorry cocksucker. Yeah, I got your photos. And I’ll be putting them up your ass if I can smuggle them out of this distant Mongol outpost. The people who developed my shots from the party last night told me I could be “shot for subversive material” and then closed their doors and locked me out. Swine! Nobody ever said anything about all these commie rules! You lied to me, you evil bastard.

You said it was free Korean pussy and cheap island whiskey. The women here fear me. They call me Dimsum, which means “too big for life,” I think. Anyway, they ain’t putting out and I’m taking the first junk out of port. And just in case you need verification of my position in South Korea, I’m switching this keyboard over to its native language to let you have a look for yourself. Imagine trying to ride a Daewoo scoot in this fuckin’ madman traffic with street signs that look like this: ?*?*?????=???????”???*?????*?????????*?*????! There, what do you think of that? That’s the Korean alphabet and you can stick up your lying ass.

Balmy, I’ll show you balmy when I get back to the States. Balmy will be when your dump shed is burning down around your lying ass, that’ll be balmy all right. Oh and by the way, ???????*??! *?**?*??! That’s Korean for “You swim with the fishes.”

Zebra, Bikernet.com Far EastSeoul, Korea02.21.00

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES TWO-FOR-ONE STOCK SPLIT AND QUARTERLY DIVIDEND: The Board of Directors today announced that it approved a two-for-one split of Harley-Davidson’s stock effective for shareholders of record on March 22 and payable on April 7. The Board of Directors also approved a quarterly cash dividend of 4.5 cents per share for shareholders of record on March 15 and payable on March 27.

Let’s celebrate. The sun is shinning, the stock is up, it’s time to ride.

A STORY ABOUT GRANDMA BANDIT Ol’ grandma Bandit wanted to join a biker club. She knocked on the door of a local biker club and a big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers the door. She proclaims, “I want to join your biker club.”

The guy was amused and told her that she needed to meet certain biker requirements before she was allowed to join. So they biker asks her, “You have a bike?”

The little old lady says, “Yeah, that’s my Harley over there” and points to a Harley parked in the driveway.

The biker asks her “Do you smoke?” The little old lady says

“Yea, I smoke. I smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day and a couple of cigars while I’m shooting pool.”

The biker is impressed and asks “Well, have you ever been picked up by the Fuzz?”

The little old lady says “No, I’ve never been picked up by the fuzz, but I’ve been swung around by my nipples a few times.”

H-D VR 1000 Superbike Team Tests New Components Milwaukee (Feb. 22, 2000), The Harley-Davidson VR 1000 Superbike Team tested several new components at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey, California, on Tuesday, February 15.

“The VR team continually designs, develops and tests new engine, chassis, suspension, electrical and drivetrain components,” said Team Manager Steve Scheibe. “We’ve had a busy off-season with an aggressive development schedule that enabled us to test several significant new parts before Daytona.”

The most visible of the new parts tested by the VR team at Laguna Seca was an all-new swingarm, which also required the modification of several key components, including the exhaust system, rear shock linkage, and bellypan. Riders Pascal Picotte and Scott Russell each tested VRs fitted with the new swingarm.

“We suspected we had a problem with the swingarm last season, which was particularly troublesome to Scott at certain tracks,” said Team Manager Steve Scheibe. “With his feedback, we redesigned the swingarm. Both riders reported improved handling with the new set up we tested last week.”

“The new setups we tested at Laguna were really, really good,” said Picotte. “The new swingarm and linkage improve traction and give better feedback.”

“I’m happy with the results of the test and happy with the new swingarm,” said Russell.

The Harley-Davidson VR 1000 Superbike Team will be testing today at Roebling Road Raceway in Savannah, Georgia.


1. We know stuff about tanks

2. A 5-day trip requires only one suitcase

3. We can open all our own jars

4. We can go to the bathroom without a support group

5. We don’t have to learn to spell a new last name

6. We can leave a motel bed unmade

7. We can kill our own food

8. We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness

9. Wedding plans take care of themselves

10. If someone forgets to invite us to something they can still be our friend

11. Underwear is $10 a three-pack

12. If you are 34 and single nobody notices

13. Everything on our face stays the original color

14. Three pair of shoes are more than enough

15. We don’t have to clean the house if the meter reader is coming

16. Car mechanics tell us the truth

17. We can sit quietly and watch a game with a friend for hours without thinking “He must be mad at me.”

18. Same work-more pay

19. Gray hair and wrinkles only add character

20. We can drop by and see a friend without having to bring a little gift

MICROSOFT AND HARLEY-DAVIDSON SET TO MERGE– The Board of Directors of the Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest computer software provider, and the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the world’s largest producer of V-Twin motorcycles [with push-rod engines, that go “Potato-Potato”], have voted to approve a merger that will create one of the world’s largest multi-national corporations.

“When you think about it, it only makes sense,” said Harley-Davidson Director of Communications Steve Piehl. “We both share the same fundamental design philosophies: Our products are large, antiquated, slow, full of bugs and break down at the most unexpected moments. We like to think of this natural marriage as synergy. Or syzygy. We’re not certain yet.”

Microsoft representatives declined to comment, pending a Justice Department review. However, incriminating e-mails will be available soon. There are rumors that senior executives see the merger as “One up the ass for that bastard Jobs.”

The new company will be known as Micro-Davidson and based neither in Redmond, Washington, nor Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but somewhere in between. Company representatives have been scouting sites along the Wyoming/South Dakota border. Instead of moving to an existing township, the cash-rich conglomerate plans to build its own. Micro-Davidson reps denied a rumor that they plan to petition Congress for statehood, but told Motorcycle on-line that buying a few counties is not out of the question. The Vatican City has expressed interest.

Currently in the works is an entirely new motorcycle model, the first from the new M-D. Named the MicroHog, the new cruiser will be powered by a brand new engine, the Twin Cam 95.1 – an air-cooled, push rod V-Twin containing an Intel Pentium III processor that will automatically load Internet Explorer 4.0 upon thumbing the starter button and overwrite all competing browsers while disabling most non-genuine Harley-Davidson parts.

Following Microsoft’s example, MicroHogs will not be owned outright by the purchaser, but rather licensed for personal use. Upgrades will be available, the price of which depends on the market. When upgraded, the bike will lose about 10mph off its top speed, unless you fit a new, much larger, gas tank.

HOG spokesman, Larry “Lardarse” McBigButt, said of the merger: “Y’all [incomprehensible] [distorted] [unprintable] [unintelligible], round heah, Boy!”

M-D’s software side will receive some pointers from the former Motor Company as well. “Instead of that soft, shrill squeak you hear when you boot your computer or open a new program, you will now hear a loud rumble and your keyboard will vibrate,” said Piehl. “And, of course, there will be a waiting list for the most popular programs.” It will now be possible to classify bugs as “character” and charge a premium for them. However, the moment you install your new software, you will be able to call in Screaming Eagle, who will fine tune it – by fitting an IMMENSE 300watt soundcard and BIG speakers.

You will have to work at your M-D workstation with your right leg cocked out at a ridiculous, child bearing angle, to clear the air intake for the CPU fan.

Fears have risen regarding the formation of the proposed high-low tech monolith. Software developers and aftermarket providers claim that the MicroHog’s design will not run competing programs or aftermarket accessories, effectively creating a monopoly in both personal computer operating systems and heavyweight cruiser motorcycles and accessories.

GREAT SITE We were recently in Florida serving food at festivals and different events. We had the opportunity to have as a patron at one of our festival sites, a biker from Ocala, FL. He and his lady enjoyed our food and asked us to cook for a bike run and 50th birthday bash for him. We did and I had a chance to meet some of the most patriotic Americans I have ever met in my 52 years on this planet!

Thanks, George Fry “Aunt Mamie’s BBQ” “Aunt Mamie’s Cajun Cuisine”

The Light Side Why don’t bunnies make noise when they make love? Because they have cotton balls.

Mom’s have Mother’s Day, Father’s have Father’s Day. What do single guys have? Palm Sunday

What does a 75-year-old woman have between her breasts? Her navel.

What’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? The porcupine has pricks on the outside.

What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant? “Are you sure it’s mine?”

Son of famed stuntman Evel Knievel– jumped a moving locomotive Wednesday in a 200-foot, ramp-to-ramp motorcycle stunt on live television.

An estimated 10,000 people gathered along the eastern Texas tracks to watch as Robbie Knievel took off on a motorcycle just before a Texas State Railroad locomotive plowed into the wooden ramp.

Knievel landed safely on the other side, then ran to the top of the ramp to wave to the crowd. “That was close,” he said, smiling and out of breath.

In a state that leads the nation in vehicle-railroad collisions, the stuntman offered several disclaimers before the jump. “Anybody out there that tries this is out of their mind,” the 37-year-old told the Palestine Herald-Press in Wednesday’s editions. Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams asked Fox TV to show public-service announcements about train safety during the program because of fears the jump might trivialize the dangers. The agency says U.S. drivers are 40 times more likely to die in a collision with a train than in a crash with another vehicle.

“Robbie is a professional stuntman and this is not to suggest that anyone should try anything like this at home,” a Fox TV spokeswoman in Los Angeles, who declined to be identified, said Wednesday.

Dear Sirs, I would just like to write in and say how informative and interesting your site is. I especially like the tips on how to plant tulip bulbs in early spring. I would also say that you should write something about how to keep Girl Scouts from floating back to the surface when you bury them in the marshy soils of New Orleans. Yours, Martha Stewart

Kid Rock– nominated for Best New Artist and Best Hard Rock Performance, performed live at the 42nd annual Grammy Awards on Wednesday, February 23, and shared the spotlight with a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. After performing his nominated song, “Bawitdada,” and a cover of Grand Funk Railroad’s “We’re An American Band,” Kid Rock left the stage in style aboard a 2000 Harley-Davidson FLHTCUI Ultra Classic Electra Glide with sidecar; http://www.grammy.com/grammycam/549.html Note: While I’d like to say Kid Rock’s Harley sidecar was the talk of the Grammys, sadly, it was not. It was just too hard to top the outstanding performance by Jennifer Lopez.

BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT UPDATE #2: Week two of the making of “Burning Daylight, L.A.” is well under way in Los Angeles and as near as this reporter can tell, nobody has slept since the filming began almost fourteen days ago. As we spoke last week, Zebra was seriously injured when a woman blew a stop sign in an SUV and nailed him as he blasted north on Pacific Coast Highway. The SUV T-boned Zebra at roughly 50 miles an hour and threw him across the highway, where he was then struck again by a truck traveling in the other direction. The Streetstalker was wrapped up in a tow truck sling, its pieces swept into a sack and thrown on the back and dragged off to Bartel’s Harley-Davidson in Marina Del Rey. Zebra was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital and X-rayed for cranial and neck injuries. He was later released with a fractured skull, a fractured elbow and a severe concussion and with orders to remain in bed for at least a week and to check back in with the doctors every day. Of course, Bandit immediately had a new scoot under the at-times incoherrent Zebra and the show went on. After a savage dose of straight jack Daniel’s, Zebra was feeling less like a busted mess and more like a biker again. Zebra also sustained a serious dent where his H&K .45 was rammed into his side sometime during the crash. A few hours after Zebra’s release from the emergency room, Bandit was arrested after a grudge race spawned by Zebra’s chiding during a drinking session at a biker bar in Long Beach. It seemed as if they’d gotten away with the mad run across the harbor, hitting speeds in exess of 120 miles an hour through town, but as they neared Bandit’s hilltop casa, a swarm of heavily armed San Pedro cops and Port Police descneded upon the entire cast and crew. Both ends of the street were quickly filled with nervous cops and sideways squad cars. There was initial talk of taking director, Marko, to jail as well, but with some fancy lying and a solid poker face, the Destroyer was able to keep himself out of the can with a warning for filming without permits. His expired Florida plates on his unregistered ’81 Vette, which he was using to keep up with the hopped-up scoots for filming, didn’t help matters. Bandit got popped for no insurance, expired plates, and a host of other violations, including drag racing, speeding, reckless endangerment, resisting arrest and threatening a police officer (“I’ll feed you your own nuts in your wife’s skull.”) Zebra managed to keep himself out of bracelets by slicing thorugh the oncoming roadblock and blowing off into the hills just as the net closed. Luckily Zebra got away clean and was able to make Bandit’s bail with the money from the nude photo shoot, which he and Bandit had loaned their motorccycles to do earlier in the day. Of course this leaves the lads short for the money to throw the party, but the accounting doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone as they charge ahead through the mud, the blood and the beer. I frankly don’t see them ever living long enough to finish the project, but we’ll keep you posted. Joseph Smithee, film correspondent at large, reporting for Bikernet.com Week Two, “Burnin’ Daylight, L.A.”

IN CLOSING– A storm blew through here last night, knocked all my shit off the deck, had me duckin’ for cover. In the rain Harry Fisher and I discussed the history and the future of the Victor McLaglen Motor Corp in an interview for Hot Rod Bikes magazine. I received a call from Indian, and I may be interviewing one of the new heads of that company. We’ll pry away at their direction and find out what’s going on. I also may be talking chopper lingo and shit with one of the founders of our wild era, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth.

It was good to see the industry smiling in Indy, good to crack a couple of ribs on the go-cart track, good to meet new people and see what’s up. Don’t forget to drop Rip’s family a card, e-mail that sonuvabitch John Reed, and ride like she’s finally waiting for you. When you’re finally at her side, treat her like she’s the only woman on earth.

Ride forever, Bandit

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