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HOOKER MURDERS CUSTOMERS AT LAST RESORT BAR– It would be a stretch to say that The Last Resort biker bar and its gregarious, gray-bearded proprietor, Al Bulling, have gone Hollywood.
Truth is, the self-proclaimed ?world famous? drinking establishment Bulling opened on U.S. 1 nearly 25 years ago has lost none of its gritty, ramshackle ambiance.
It continues to cater to an unpretentious crowd, including throngs of motorcyclists who flocked there even before The Last Resort became known as the last hangout of notorious serial killer Aileen Wuornos ? the place where she was arrested on Jan. 9, 1991.
But after more than a decade of being in the semi-limelight ? descended upon by the media when Wuornos was executed in October 2002, and sought after for various projects, including a Japanese documentary that year ? Bulling and his bar have made it to the big time ? featured in the critically acclaimed movie ?Monster.?
Bulling, 63, plays a bartender in a nonspeaking role. The Last Resort plays itself. And Charlize Theron, a beautiful blond actress who never looked so bad or acted so good, according to the critics, plays Wuornos ? the hard-bitten, low-rent, highway prostitute who murdered seven middle-aged men before she was coerced into confessing by her female former lover.
Theron won a Golden Globe for her portrayal and is nominated for a best actress Oscar. The movie also was named one of the top 10 films of 2003 by the American Film Institute.
But Bulling, who considers the 28-year-old actress ?one hell of a lady? and a good friend, said he was most impressed with the way she captured the essence of The Last Resort?s most infamous regular.
?Charlize did such a great job,? said Bulling, who attended the New York premiere and after-theater party last month. ?In the movie it was Aileen, the way she smoked a cigarette, the whole attitude, it was Aileen,? he said on a recent afternoon.
He leaned against the pool table in the dark and smoky bar, where $15 souvenir Wuornos T-shirts and $5 bottles of ?Crazed Killer Hot Sauce? are on sale.
Of course, during the time Wuornos hung out at Bulling?s establishment, no one at the bar knew that the scruffy hooker was routinely killing her johns with a .22-caliber gun she kept in her purse.
She stayed in a cheap motel down the road when she had the money, and slept on an old car seat in back of The Last Resort when she didn?t, including the night before she was arrested. It was cold and ?you can?t put people on the street,? the proprietor said.
?She never propositioned anyone in the bar, and she paid for her own drinks,? adds Bulling, who?s kept the car seat at his house as a souvenir, and still has the bra Wuornos gave him to display along with all the other donated women?s undergarments that decorated his business until recently. Held together with safety pins and a Band-Aid, he now keeps it in a dated plastic Ziploc bag.
?Probably one-quarter (of the movie) is The Last Resort,? estimates Bulling, who first met Theron and writer-director Patty Jenkins when they spent several days at his bar in December 2002 to get a feel for the place. They and a film crew came back in February. The rest of the movie was shot in other parts of Florida, including the courthouse in Sanford.
And there?s also a scene focusing on the ?Welcome to Daytona Beach? sign on the International Speedway Boulevard overpass, according to Bulling. But don?t expect a flattering travelogue. ?The Last Resort is an institution. … It has its reputation and its followers, and (the movie) probably will draw a few more,? he said. ?I?m not sure it has anything to do with why people come to visit or live in your community.?
Associated Press Port Orange.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Hey guys, another week goes by and even closer to Daytona Bike Week, so hell’s heat is full on.As you might know, or not, the Discovery Channel Biker Build off’s are full on, two of them are already done. I know this might spoil a bit of the surprise at the end but I’m between my duty as the one that brings the latest news and “ruining the end of the movie”. So I have decided to let the cat out. Chica and Hank Young went against each other in a ride to the Louisville Kentucky Easyriders Show. I respect both builders (and friends) a lot so I was kind of disappointed when I found out they were going against each other, knowing that only one of them can be victorious and both building kick ass chops in the old school way. It was going to be tough. The people chose Chica’s bike over Hanks. I bet it was a hard decision to make since both were really cool bikes.
At the same time, Russel from Exile Cycles and Eddie Trotta paired at the “Great American Motorcycle show ” in Atlanta where Trotta left with the win. The cool thing about this shows is that, if they even had half the fun we did at the ones we took part on, they had a blast. The show also brings the best in the industry and how they put a bike together in 30 days, no pre-done scripts, no nothing, maybe some editing but what happens, happens. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming airdates.

Keeping on with the Biker Build Off’s, there is going to be an interview, yes here on Bikernet with no other than Hugh King, the creator of this way cool series, coming soon. I for one am eager to see what the man has to say. On the same line, Arlen and Cory Ness are going against each other in Hawaii this coming weekend, so we will expect the results for the upcoming news.
Speaking of Daytona, we will be there across from the Wreck, at the end of the Main Street Bridge. It will be the little Chopper corner with West Coast Choppers across the street, Choppers Inc. Indian Larry, Hank Young, Fabricator Kevin and Caribbean Custom Cycles in the same lot (across from Jesse), Biker Spot magazine and a Horse booth will also be there. Chica will join us now and then. I will also have a couple of the latest frames that Diamond Engineering has done for us, so you can check them out there.
For those of you who are as crazy about Kool Kars as you are of your beloved chopper, I don’t know if you seen the new magazine that is out in the street called Ol’ Skool Rodz. Geno and the team put together one cool rag about Rat Rods and anti high end Kars. Greasers, Cats, Betties and everything else is there. It?s kinda Viva Las Vegas but every month. Check it out at the newsstand or check their site at. Right now it feels like the world is turning really fast and we need it to stop to get off. Daytona insanity, a show, all the deadlines looming and a couple more tech articles for Bikernet are pending. A couple shoots for The Horse are due for next week and we are waiting for our cover shot on our local magazine, “Biker Spot”. Plus we got a new design in the works for Chopper Freak, and needless to say at this point, finish the fucking new shop before heading out to the Shores of Daytona Beach. Gennaro, aka “Chicago Greaser” is cruising around the island with some friends and I’m trying to be a partial tour guide / host. Let’s not even talk about the bikes I have to finish by Tuesday. If you are confused by this paragraph, just imagine how I feel…..???? I just got my new “super secret” frame from Diamond, which I will not share, yet! A couple gas tanks from Twisted Choppers and a couple seats from PDQ upholstering, you gotta see them cause they are all wicked cool. Thanks to all of them, it’s good to have friends. I’m just waiting for a couple more things and, Hey Discovery, I’m ready!!!!! Three more bikes for this year which I’m really excited about…. Anyway, gotta go Joe….. The shop is calling… See you next week, ZERO GRAVITY INVESTIGATION–When NASA first started sending up astronauts, theyquickly discovered that ball-point pens would not workin zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASAscientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing apen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, onalmost any surface including glass and at temperaturesranging from below freezing to over 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. Enjoy paying your taxes–they’re due again –from S&C HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES DAYTONA 2004 BIKE WEEK SCHEDULE–MILWAUKEE (February 10, 2004) – The official Harley-Davidson schedule of events is now complete for the 63rd annual Bike Week at Daytona Beach, Fla. Harley-Davidson events will run from March 1-6. Highlights will include: the Harley-Davidson and Buell indoor show, Harley-Davidson and Buell demo rides, the Harley-Davidson Traveling Museum, the Ford/Harley-Davidson Super Duty Display, MDA Auction and Bike Raffle, motorcycle stunt shows, musical entertainment and the Ride-In Show Contest. Harley-Davidson enthusiasts are invited to enter their Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the Ride-In Show Contest on Wednesday, March 3. The $10 entry fee will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and each participant will receive a special edition commemorative plaque designed by Willie G. ?Best of Show? winners will receive a $200 cash prize and a trophy. In addition, $500 cash prizes will be awarded to the top Sportster and top Big Twin motorcycles adorned with Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. Registration will be held at the Ocean Center East Side from 8-11a.m. For a complete listing of Harley-Davidson events, please visit the following link located on our public web site: Schedule information subject to change. Check the on-site Harley-Davidson activities guide for times and locations of seminars, entertainment, and other special attractions. NEW BIKETOBERWEST–Mission Bay, San Diego, Ca. While Biketoberwest 03 was originally scheduled for October 30th thru November 2, 2003,those dates were changed to March 17th thru 21st as a result of the San Diego Wildfires. Landlocked Pirate Enterprises could not in good conscience host an event in San Diego of this magnitude at a time when so many in our country were suffering such tremendous loses, nor risk the health and safety of participants, vendors, and entertainers. While the financial impact of this delay was substantial to Landlocked Pirate Enterprises, the support from the motorcycle community was tremendous. Now they?re ready to rock this 5-day event with tons of activities, including concerts featuring Rick Derringer, Dave Mason, Edgar Winter, 2000 LBS of Blues and many more. Not to mention the riding Beautiful San Diego, California with mountains and the ocean. Those two things alone would make you wanna ride out, but now you have Biketoberwest added to the mix to make one hell of a five day trip. For more information, follow this link, http:// and check back with us every Thursday for news and updates. BIKERNET CONTEST ATTENTION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!–Or anyone wanting to come to SoCal. The promoters of Biketoberwest have offered Bikernet two VIP passes to their event. Enter the contest like you normally would and whoever I feel is serious will get the passes. Please, don?t enter for the tickets if you know you can?t go. Let someone who wants to go have a chance. Here’s the link– What do you have to loose? Nothing. Enter the contest! Now for this weeks winners– TOM TROBAUGHfrom AUSTIN, TEXAS Tom didn?t say what he wanted so.. Tom, send me an email so we can talk about this. ( As for Billet Barges, we run what people submit and welcome the opportunity to feature home built bikes! Bring it on, baby. As for a job, sorry can?t help you there. Too many women here, not enough money AND FOR THE CANTINA WINNER– Keith W. Morgan from Walnut Cove, N.C. Keith gets a Bikernet Ballcap. See how easy that was? Now join the Cantina and enter!
Jose – Bikernet Caribbean Reporter
Wanted: Bikernet cap or Tee Shirt in large
Choppers Only website is up and running. Don’t be the last on your block to get the scoop! Click for all the details…
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