Continued From Page 3

The Stealth’s assistant wearing new Bikernet ballcap.
BIKERNET DOOR PRIZE WINNER– Just received my T-shirt that I won as the door prize and it isreally great. The stickers were also a really nice touch.
As a guy that is always buying raffle tickets for this and that, butnever winning a damn thing, it was a hell of a nice surprise to win thedoor prize, especially at
It quickly became myfavorite site on the web, and I visit it daily. Thanks again for such agreat place for serious bikers to hang out,
–George H. Taylor

NEW SCREAMIN’ EAGLE 6-SPEED OVERDRIVE TRANSMISSION–Harley-Davidson owners can add a reliable overdrive gear to many Dyna, Softail and Touring models with the new Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Transmission ($2,699.95) and Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Gearset Kits ($1,999.95) which are direct replacement parts for the standard 5-speed transmission.

The Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Transmission incorporates a late-model shifting mechanism and a shift-ring system with forged-steel shift forks for smooth, precise shifting with less effort. The ratios of gears 1 through 5 are the same as those in the standard transmission, so installation does not affect the motorcycle’s exhaust emissions certification. Sixth gear is a 0.89:1 overdrive. The transmission was tested to the same standards as original-equipment Harley-Davidson transmissions. No modifications will be required to fit the stock exhaust. Chrome side covers feature a laser-etched Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed logo. The transmission is backed by a 12- or 24-month warranty (depending on model) when installed at the time of a new motorcycle purchase.
Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed Gearsets replace the stock gearset and can be installed without removing the transmission case from the motorcycle. The kit includes all required hardware, and a template guide for slight modification of the stock transmission case, which can be accomplished without removing the case from the bike. The kit includes new chrome-plated transmission side covers with a laser-etched Screamin’ Eagle 6-Speed logo.
WATCH THE OSBOURNE’S–Watch the “Osbourne’s” on MTV Feb 10 (that’s tonight) and see the presentation of Ozzy’s chopper with a Sugar Bear 30 over springer. Should be fun.

KERRY CANDIDATE TEAMS UP WITH HANOI JANE–Jane Fonda and John Kerry at an anti-war rally in Valley Forge, Pa. (Corbis Images)A photo seemingly showing Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry protesting the Vietnam War with anti-American actress “Hanoi Jane” Fonda – the photo Dems fear most – exists, and has been obtained by
On Labor Day weekend 1970, Kerry – then a rising star with Vietnam Veteran Against the War – teamed up with Fonda as the two headlined an ugly anti-war in rally in Valley Forge, Pa., railing against U.S. policy in Southeast Asia from the back of the same flatbed truck.
–Cody Schneider
Web Page

NEW FROM AEROMACH – KNUCKLE LEVERS FOR H-DThe Knuckle Levers will add some ?attitude? to your bike. These aggressive levers are hand machined from T6 extruded billet aluminum and chrome plated. Will mount to all HD?s for 1984-2003 with manual clutch. And now available for PM Contour controls and Jay Brake. They are available in chrome and polished. HORSE MAGAZINE REPORT–I’m shipping this issue out on Monday and will start working on issue 42 soon afterwards. Please send me your submissions by the 1st of March. We’re going to have checkout space at Safeways for issue 42. I know for most of you that doesn’t mean much, but for us that means that we have to have a killer cover, taking advantage of the in-your-face location of the magazine. It was great seeing all of you that attended the Cincinnati show. We are going to be set up at the Detroit Autorama from the 27th to the 29th of Feb. That’ll be our next presence at a major venue. Then I think we’ll be set up at The Last Resort again in Daytona, but I won’t be going. I know that Kevein, Eric, Jose and a few others will be there, while Geno and Hank will be manning our booth a TLR.Oh, Chopper Dave is supposed to judge the bike show at TLR; I forgot to mention that. Only about 120 days until the Smoke Out! –Hammer ROGUE’S BAD COP FILES–You have read several articles, that I have received, about Bad Cops from around the country. They are just the Tip of The Iceberg. What hurts People More Than Any Thing is The Cop That Lies In a Police Report and or Court. It has reached Epidemic Conditions. Police charge people with all kinds of violations to promote the idea that they are out there really doing their job. Of course they are looking to impress their supervisors and certain groups in hopes of advancing their careers. THIS HAS TO STOP and ACTION TAKEN AGAINST COPS WHO FALSELY ACCUSE PEOPLE! –ROGUE EVIDENCE CUSTODIAN FACES FELONY DRUG CONSPIRACY CHARGES–DELAND — The former evidence manager for the Sheriff’s Office was on his way to jail Wednesday, charged with stealing nearly a half million dollars’ worth of drugs from the sheriff’s evidence compound. Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson watched as Timothy W. Wallace, 47, was led away in handcuffs. Wallace faces charges of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and conspiracy to traffic in marijuana. The first-degree felony counts each carry a 30-year prison penalty. Wallace’s bail was set at $300,000, according to the Sheriff’s Office. There may be additional charges, authorities say. Wallace, a three-year veteran of the department, has been under investigation for about a month in the theft of nearly 900 grams of cocaine and 370 pounds of marijuana, according to the Sheriff’s Office. He was fired Feb. 5, after a two-week unpaid suspension. The sheriff said Wallace was putting those seized drugs back on the street. Investigators have recovered a small portion of the narcotics, but Johnson is doubtful they will recover more. By KRISTEN MOCZYNSKIStaff Writer –from Rogue SOUTH DAKOTA JANKLOW STATEMENT– (MCNW) ABATE of South Dakota has issued a statement in response to the sentencing of Representative Bill Janklow. The motorcycle rights organization felt that the sentence should have included more jail time but that the courts were consistent in their penalties. ABATE’s research found that many states with similar accidents result in no penalty at all or at the most a small fine, and the penalty awarded to Bill Janklow was stiffer than in many similar cases in South Dakota. The ABATE statement said “Dakota justice system has clearly demonstrated that a person’s political, social or economic stature has little bearing on the final outcome of such a case and that the final outcome was based on the circumstances and evidence surrounding this case”. –from Rogue Another reason to support, introduce and pass the Randy Scott Motorcycle Right-of-Way law.–Bandit NEXT GOLIATH SEGMENT COMING SOON–I know, we’re running behind with these segments, but over the next couple of weeks we’ll complete this bastard on Bikernet. Watch for the next oil tank, oil line segment in the next couple of days.
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Staff Writer Mark Johnson contributed to this report.
Custom Chrome’s new offering for 2004. The California based distributor brings you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket! At over 1,200 pages and over 22,000 part numbers, their 2004 Catalog features the new RevTech 110 Motor, Hard Core II, Ares bikekits and noumious frames and forks–everything from nuts & bolts to performance products. It’s the Custom Bike Bible for the year.
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LET’S TAKE A BREAK–A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?”
The husband replied, “All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry.”
Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, “What are you thinking now?”
He replied, “It looks as if I did a pretty good job.”
–from S&C

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, “When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?”
The husband replied, “All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry.”
Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, “What are you thinking now?”
He replied, “It looks as if I did a pretty good job.”
–from Jay Hodge
MYSTERY BUILDERS–Maybe you can help out a foggy old fart who can’t seem to remember things none to straight.
Back in the 60’s, there was a Bike shop on San Fernando Blvd.The guy that owned it built a couple of bikes that I recall seeing there as he was working on my old Knucklehead.One was a two wheeler called the Six Pack,Corvair powered,owned by Norm Grabowski.Norm claimed to have been the builder, but I always saw the other guy working on it.
The other was a Ford Cobra powered trike called The BoneShaker.Now, what I recall was that his name was Boyd De France. No one seems to remember him. Is he lost in history, or am I not remembering right ?
Bill (aka) Preacher
Madcaps mc.
You’re right about everything, but I don’t know what happened to those guys.
ONE MAN’S OPINION–Dear Mr. Walker, As a Republican, a biker and a parent of three, I resent the fact that the Congressman got off so easy. We in Connecticut, and many other states I have political friends and/or biker friends, have been watching the prpceedings of the Janklow case and I must say, no one is happy with the results. In fact, many are totally disgusted with the judge’s light sentencing.
As Republicans, we’re disgusted with his actions since in a position like his, he should be setting an example, not being the cause to do so.
As bikers, we feel it’s another case of where because it’s an accident invovlving a biker, the motorcyclist victim and victims family suffers at a loss of justice. Am I saying bikers get discriminated against or treated differently? Yes, I am. Ask any biker.
As parents, we feel that Randy Scott was our son too, killed by another driver who lacked respect for the law.
No matter what the excuse is or who you are, people are responsible for their actions. It was not the first time Janklow broke laws, laws that he was supposed to honor and uphold. Probably even helped to get enacted in his state. He above all should have accepted his responsibility instead of making his excuses and trying to weasel out of the punishment. He should have served at least a full year and the felony conviction should not be up for discussion. It’s permanent and after 5 years or whatever it is in SD, he can apply and ask for pardon as most convicted felons have a right to do.
His attempt to get a re-trial is another sign he has NOT accepted the responsibility for his actions and in my opinion shows his contempt for the law, the family of Randy Scott and the citizens of SD.
I’m sorry if I offend anyone in SD who support Janklow, but at least his family can visit, see and talk to their family member. The Scott family only have their pictures, their memories and a cold grave.
James R. Pace Jr.
Bethany, CT
–from Rogue

ORIGINAL RAKED TREES–Starting to shovel out the garage and get rid of anything I haven’t used in the past 10 years. I was wondering if you knew anything about the value of a 1950 side hack front end w/ adjustable chrome triple trees? Came on my Pan when I bought it back in ’72. Changed the lower legs to single disc in ’80 then took it off for a springer in ’82. Been sitting neglected in the garage since. I’ve been looking on ebay and swap boards for months to get an idea of value but haven’t seen one like it. Any idea what it may bring? With my luck I’d sell it for $500 then find out it’s gold. It’s been heavy chromed pre 1972 and it’s the bolt and castle nut model, not the cam type. heres a few pix, any thoughts?

VIRGINIA HELMET REPEAL–FREEDOM’S COMIN’–RICHMOND — Motorcyclists who show proof of insurance and are at least 21 years old would be allowed to ride helmet-free in Virginia under legislation that narrowly escaped a House committee.
The bill, sponsored by Prince William Delegate Scott Lingamfelter, passed the House Transportation Committee on a 10-to-9 vote Tuesday after a subcommittee recommended killing it.
Even though the bill escaped committee, it faces an uncertain future in the full House.
Should motorcyclists be allowed to ride without helmets?
Jim Cannon, director of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists, says 31 states have repealed helmet laws since 1996.
Doctors say statistics show a dramatic increase in motorcycle injuries and treatment costs after states drop the law. Nancy Martin, trauma program director at VCU Medical Center, said unhelmeted victims spend 50 percent more time in the hospital on average than helmeted victims of accidents.
Yeah, but accidents and overall injuries with decrease, goddamnit. I’d rather die free than chained and safe.
–from Rogue

WHATTA GODDAMN DAY–Real estate hell eased some. Drug addicts are still loose on the streets. Layla rode her first motorcycle yesterday, a new 1200 custom. Watch for reports. The Shrunken FXR project is waiting for wiring and I’m riding the 1928 Shovel around town.
If you’re life is as crazed as mine, find a good woman, a bottle of whiskey and an open road somewhere warm. Hide out for a couple of days. He’ll it’s Valentine’s Day this weekend. Make it memorable.
–Ride Forever,