Never a dull moment around the extensive Bikernet Headquarters. The V-twin Trade show rocked the industry last weekend. Our new supreme Advertising Director, Ben flew out with Doc Robinson of Australia’s Heavy Duty Magazine. Doc has been chasing women around the headquarters all week long between gathering articles for Australia’s premier bike mag.

Many of the aforementioned articles will also be featured on Bikernet including a feature on our own 5-Ball Factory Racer, soon to be featured in the Cycle Source, a feature on Aeromach’s new adjustable risers, and a Bike Feature on the new U.S. Choppers vintage build. We road tested the lastest Big Bear Choppers bikes in the pouring rain, Doc is writing the Cannonball bike story from Urban Hirsch, grabbing a feature from the Hirsch III collection of antique masterpieces, and we may come up with something else before he flies out Friday night on a red-eye to meet an island deadline.

Then finally we’ll get back to normal around here. Let’s hit the news:

BIKERNET SPONSORS VINTAGE ROAD RACING–Dean has received word back from Silkolene Oils, and they have committed to sponsoring Flat Rat Racing with their products?.Thanx Silkolene!!!
Also, in a twist with some good timing, he heard from an aquaintance here in town that is a professional photographer, Jason Maris, who says ?we spoke of wanting to start a vintage bike photo essay and video, which would include environmental portraits, motorcycle beauty shots, racing shots, mechanic shots, etc?..I would really like to explore this project from the garages to the the race track, with everything in between, so plan on me picking your brain soon.? He has been out to Fullers shop, and supposedly will make his way to my shop for some background shots soon. It appears we may have some decent pics for our Bikernet reports.
On the Bikes, my racebike will be on display as stated earlier, at the Great American Motorcycle show in Atlanta Jan 23,24.

Deans bike: We have the motor out, and replaced 5th gear in the tranny with a close ratio gear, a typical upgrade for our unlimited V1 class (not legal for the stock class). I?ve pulled his carbs, torn them down, and sent them to our Friend / Sponsor /and CB350 Guru Bill Moeller at Bore-Tech http://www.bore-tech.com/index.htm for some ?massaging?. Dean continues to make progress on his new chassis after hours at the shop.

My Bike: NOT a good evening last nite. Front drum brakes are required for the classes we run?.they are vintage bikes?anyhow, I run a Suzuki Titan 500 ( T500 ) front drum, which gives about twice the braking power of the stock CB350 unit. Well, these hubs are prone to cracking. This brake has been working exceptionally well, so I was scared to take it apart and have a look?..Well, I did, I used flourescent Penetrant NDI and a blacklight on it, and sure enough it was cracked, but not real bad. So, I deceided a touchup welding was in order, and I brought it to my good friend Jim Sweggar, a 40 yr pro welder. He did what he could, just as I asked,?.but the CRACKS progressed THRU the hub face!!!!!
Dang it, I?m 2 weeks from a race?..and BRAKE-LESS!!!….then I recalled a brake my boyeeee Dean had stashed, a ?Water Buffalo? brake?..yeah, one of the most AWSOME front drum brakes ever produced. I think I may be back in business. This brake wont be ready for Talladega on Feb 6, but it will for Daytona! Just a tid-bit of Vintage knowledge, but the old 2 stroke street bikes had HUGE drums because there is no Engine braking with a 2 stroke?.kinda like a sloppy farrt. J
More to come gents!
Flat Rat Racing (www.teamflatrat.com)
Charlie Young # 798
Dean Middleton # 418
Martin Middleton

NEW KUSTOM FAB WEB SITE–In case you missed it in the Bikernet Blog one of the finest builders in Hawaii just polished their web site:http://kfabhawaii.com/
“Aloha Bandit,” said Darren Ho. “We just re-vamped the website check it out…”

BIKERNET WORD OF THE WEEK SPONSORED BY BAKER DRIVE TRAIN–ignoramus ig-nuh-RAY-mus, noun:An ignorant person; a dunce.
My “perfect” reader is not a scholar but neither is he an ignoramus; he does not read because he has to, nor as a pastime, nor to make a splash in society, but because he is curious about many things, wishes to choose among them and does not wish to delegate this choice to anyone; he knows the limits of his competence and education, and directs his choices accordingly.
— Primo Levi, “This Above All: Be Clear”, New York Times, November 20, 1988
I am quite an ignoramus, I know nothing in the world.
— Charlotte Bronte, Villette
Only the crassest ignoramus can still hold to the old-fashioned notion that seeing is believing. That which you see is the first thing to disbelieve.
— Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Ignoramus was the name of a character in George Ruggle’s 1615 play of the same name. The name was derived from the Latin, literally, “we are ignorant,” from ignorare, “not to know,” from ignarus, “not knowing,” from ig- (for in-), “not” + gnarus, “knowing, acquainted with, expert in.” It is related to ignorant and ignore.

THE BIKERNET BLOG READER REVIEW–Hey brother bandit, like the blog a lot as I said before. Didn’t see much difference with the Thursday news content but keep up the good work as always.
Don’t know if I can contribute to the Bonneville project as last time but I’ll send you something. Things aren’t so hot here but we’re pushing ahead and won’t go down without a fight.
As always, keep up your great work for all us road warriors and ride hard but safe!pete(fromflorida)–
–Peter Gray

THE SWAP MEET UNCLE MONKEY DOCTRINE–Long before I “became” a biker I always enjoyed going to the annual swap meets. The curious dirt covered, oil soaked boxes always had a certain allure to them. They were boxes of old parts from strange vintage machines. They always held so much promise, so much potential. I would often wonder what radical machine could be revived from the scattered boxes under the tables.
As times changed so have the local swap meets. Today they are more a place for dealers to hawk their unwanted “New Old Stock”. The occasional frame, the occasional engine case is today harder and harder to find for that next project, which next gem in the rough, the next ?Hell?s Belle.? or ?Plain Jane?. Perhaps it is the times. What useful parts that were available have long been gobbled up, built into the real running machines that they were destined to be. Perhaps it is in the fact that most people, at least locally, only ride brand new machines. As my local dealer tells me my Evo Fat Boy is an antique. Harley has effectively weaned out the interchange ability and have dove into their own lines of custom accessories. Our warranties balancing precariously in the wings.
I still go to the swap meets even though whatever old parts I had have long found new homes, perhaps roaming the open highways as they have always been meant to. The day has become more of a social event. It is a chance to talk to old family and friends that I have lost touch with in the dreary winter months. We talk about our ambitions for the year, where the market is going, where the old dealers have gone. In the end it is still a chance to swap stories, to swap ideas.-bad Uncle Monkey

MORE ON TIG WELDING FOR THE BIKERNET WELDING SCHOOL– Weldcraft the 20 series is what I use. Water cooled 20 is good for up to 200 amps. It’s not the larger size one. The larger series 18 is what I use for welding engine and trans cases.
HTP doesn’t show the large size Pyrex cups I use on their website. I know I got mine from them though. Mine is at least 1 1/4 Dia.

AGENT ZEBRA QUICK MOVIE REVIEW–The film entitled Trumbo is worth watching. It’s well written. By Trumbo of course.
–Agent Zebra

LA CALENDAR SHOW SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM–Included with admission is the Calendar Girl Music Festival with beautiful girl performers including recording artist Sara Haze and her band, the AC/DC Tribute rock band Whole Lotta Rosies, singer songwriters Katie Cole and Elizabeth Nicole, and the world renown Purrfect Angelz song and dance show.
Spectators also get complimentary admission aboard the historic Queen Mary Ghost Ship, and entry to the Saturday Night Iron & Lace Calendar Builders Party with a live band in the ship’s Observation Bar. Spectators arriving by motorcycle receive reduced $5 parking in the Queen Mary secure motorcycle lot. Free shuttle bus rides are provided for overflow automobile parking at the downtown Long Beach Parking Garages, plus there are paid Taxi Boat rides from Shoreline Marina direct to the Show.
Russ Brown & Chuck Koro Motorcycle Attorneys present the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show with Associate Sponsors; Iron Works magazine, S&S Cycle, Mikuni Carburetors, California Harley-Davidson, CycleTrader.com, Bikernet.com, Meguiars Car Care Products, California Harley-Davidson and the FastDates.com Calendars.
For additional LA Calendar Motorcycle Show & Calendar Girl Music Festival weekend details including the show schedules, hotels and parking information visit http://www.FastDates.com

BIKERNET HISTORY DEPARTMENT HISTORIC QUOTE OF THE DAY SPONSORED BY BARTELS’ HARLEY-DAVIDSON–“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
–Thomas Jefferson

SHOVEL/EVO CONVERSION NOTE From Lee at Departure Bike Works– The evo lifter block will bolt on and oil properly– past that you willhave some problems:
1. The evo lifter block tappet bore is at a different angle than the Shovel
2. The tappet roller wheel is larger than the Shovel wheels, these two elements combined change the approach angle to the cam-thus altering the valve event timingof the cam
3. You could use an Evo cam in place of the Shovel cam.
4. Keep in mind the event timing will be that of the Evo and you will loose approx 10% valve liftdue to the difference in r/arm ratio
5. The Evo top-end is taller than the Shovel, plus the base in the lifter block the pushrod tube sets in is at a different angle. This also creates a problem.

Normally the reason someone wants to move to the Evo style lifter assembly is for the automotive style lifter and to feed the oil to the top-end throughthe pushrods. This can be handled by way of the Jims or S&S conversions. We have used the JIMS kits for several years and found them to be an excellant kit.
Lee Clemens , Pres
Departure Bike Works
804 231 0244

CUSTOMS FROM JH CHOPPERS–Check out or 1997 FXSTC Chopper Build and a 2006 FXSTI (EFI) Chopper build.www.jhchoppers.com
–Joel Harrison

NEW HAMPSHIRE UNDER ATTACK- – New Hampshire is one of three states at this point that allow all riders to decide what types of personal protection equipment they want wear with the exception of eyewear. So it?s troubling that this last bastion of freedom has been attacked by the same state representative for the past two years. Judith Day, a democrat representing the touristy sea coast area of New Hampshire, has introduced a mandatory helmet law and a motorcycle sound emissions law (more on that later) two years in a row.
Both bills were heard in the New Hampshire House Transportation Committee last Thursday, and MRF Vice President of Government RelationsJeff Hennie testified in opposition to both bills at the request of the New Hampshire Motorcyclists? Rights Organization (NHMRO). Attendance at the hearing was expected to be so large that they had to schedule it to take place on the actual House floor in the state capitol building. Approximately 400 motorcyclists were in attendance. There was the usual support for the helmet bill (HB 1162), the hospital associations, victim?s family, the bill sponsor and a handful of her colleagues (although she was never able to convince any of her fellow members of the NH state house to co-sponsor the bill). At one point during her floor speech, she defended her lack of support from her constituents and her colleagues by speculating, ?Because they probably feel intimidated.?
Representative Day?s second motorcycle bill, HB 1261 to reduce motorcycle noise, was also heard that day, and once again the MRF testified before committee. Day decided last year that motorcycles make too much noise in her touristy beach district, so she wants to overturn state law and drastically reduce the allowable sound from 106 decibels to 82 decibels. However, she doesn?t want to use an actual sound test at the point of inspection as is the case now. Instead she wants law enforcement to look at stopped, standing, or parked motorcycles for the manufacturer-required EPA stamp to determine that their pipes meet all federal standards. This is, of course, problematic for a number of reasons, all of which were pointed out to the committee. Visibility of the stamp and tampering with stock pipes, not to mention giving law enforcement the ability to issue $300 dollar citation for noise to bikes that aren?t even running, were just a few of the many points raised. The four hundred plus bikers were respectful of the Chairman?s requests, stuck to the allotted speaking time, and refrained from boos or hisses. Those in attendance were a classy, effective group of motorcyclists from the New England region.
Feb 2, 2010 the NH House Transportation committee voted unanimously ?Inexpedient To Legislate? or ITL on both bills. In New Hampshire, the full house votes on every bill. However, a state house committee vote of ITL essentially kills the bill, and packages it with a group of other bills also labeled ITL, once it reaches the house floor. But the bill?s sponsor still has the ability to force discussion on the bill and give it a stand alone vote. As of press time, the bill?s sponsor had not done that. The House is expected to consider the measure the week of February 8, 2010.
As expected, the CPSC issued its report to Congress on Friday January 15, and unfortunately did not change its position on the exemption of youth off-road motorcycles and ATVs from the ban of sale in the USA. The stay of enforcement on the issue has just over a year remaining. This will continue to heat up as we put pressure on Congress to address this issue.
The MRF will keep you updated on these and any other issues effecting motorcyclists.

I just want to send you a letter to wish you and you staff at Bikernet.com the best of luck in 2010 and all the years to come. I can’t begin to express our gratitude to you for all the help you and the folks at Bikernet have given us through our association with you. I have said many times that you have repeatedly gone above and beyond the call of duty when it came to providing us the extra coverage and exposure we needed to be successful.
Being a relatively new Internet-based company, we have faced the first-year struggles we expected to face and have come out the other end as a growing company with a very loyal customer base. I firmly believe this is in no small part to our association with Bikernet. As you can imagine, we are a very data-driven company and we study our analytics and data on a daily basis. We can always monitor a significant spike in out traffic following the Thursday News on Bikernet. We are loyal believers in what you are doing and what you bring to your advertisers.
Count on K and G Cycles to be a part of Bikernet for many years to come.
George M. Marakas
K and G Cycles, LLC

COPPER TOOLING COMES TO BIKERNET.COM– I thought you might like this. My girlfriend Terri is an artist that works exclusively in copper. I asked Terri if she would put my 1980 shovel in to copper. This is what she ended up with. The finished product is 22″x26″.

The entire thing is made from copper which she hand tools and when I say hand, I mean hand! The only tools being used are old empty pens and her fingers. It gives the work a 3 dimensional look as the end product is a bas relief called Repousse’.

The colors come from patinas just like the custom guys use on a lot of the Rat Bikes, paints and metal waxes. Terri took a photograph and used that to make her art.
Enclosed please find the pic, the sheet of copper before the colorization and the finished product. We are going to have booth’s in Laughlin for the “River Run”, Red Lodge in July and Sturgis in August to hopefully sell her work.
She has other finished pieces including Rat Bikes and British classic’s.

moshe kalik

Heart Health: Worst Foods for Your HeartTip of the Day 2/10/2010–Last Wednesday’s Daily Tip discussed the best foods for your heart; today we cover some things found in foods that are not so heart-healthy. Minimize these inflammatory aggravators in your diet to help promote optimal cardiovascular functioning.
1. Saturated fats. They can contribute to high cholesterol; avoid whole-fat dairy foods such as cheese, cream and milk, as well as red meat.
2. Trans-fats. Found in most margarines, snack foods, heavily processed foods and some cooking oils, these fats (often listed on food labels as “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oil) can reduce HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels.
3. Animal protein. Excessive animal protein has been shown to raise levels of homocysteine, a toxic amino acid. Instead of animal protein, try whole soy protein – aim for two servings of whole soy, such as tofu or edamame, per day.
4. Refined carbohydrates. A diet full of cookies, cakes, crackers, fluffy breads, chips and sodas can increase triglyceride levels and lower HDL.
5. Sodium. Excessive sodium has been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease. Avoid processed and canned foods, taste foods before you salt them and do not add salt while cooking, avoid foods that are visibly salted and read labels (aim for no more than 1,500 mg sodium per day).

CLASSIC AMERICAN MADE LEATHERS FROM Little Joe leathers–We have worn and covered Lil’ Joe Leathers for decades. They are still the classic design and toughest product made.

Continued On Page 2