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BIKERNET REPORTER IN MIDDLE EAST–Reporter goes to Israel to cover the fighting. She is looking for somethingemotional and positive and of human interest. Something like the guy inSarajevo who risked his life to play the cello everyday in the town square.
In Jerusalem, she heard about an old Jew who had been going to the WailingWall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long time. So she went tocheck it out. She goes to the Wailing Wall and there he is!She watches him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turns to leave,sheapproaches him for an interview.
“Rebecca Smith, CNN News. Sir, how long have you been coming to the WailingWall and praying?”
“For about 50 years” he said.
“What do you pray for?”
“For peace between the Jews and the Arabs. For all the hatred to stop.For our children to grow up in safety and friendship.”
“How do you feel after doing this for 50 years?”
“Like I’m talking to a fucking wall.”
–from RevCarlr

BILLY LANE CREATES A CAMEL–Here are some shots of the Camel Bike that Billy Lane of Choppers Inc isputting togother.Berry Wardlaw of Accurate Engineering in Dothan Alabama showed up with theKnucklehead engine Saturday. Note The Clear Pushrod Covers and the otherengine details.
Sunday was spent at Choppers Inc working on the motorcycle.The crew is there now hard at it and I will be there shortly to continueshooting the build

10. Opening argument in which he called the prosecutor a “Doo-Doo Head.”
9. Tries to cheer you up by saying how great you look in orange.
8. Giggles hysterically at the mere mention of the Penal Code.
7. Keeps trying to call a witness named “Johnny, the Trouser Troll.”
6. The only question she can come up with during cross-examination is, “Isn’t it true that you’re a lying bastard?”
5. Constantly raising objections to the “vibes” he’s getting from the jury.
4. Every time the judge sustains one of his objections, he screams, “Yahtzee!”
3. Instead of saying “Your honor, I object,” he now just rolls his eyes and says, “Whatever.”
2. Claims staring at your cleavage is a necessary part of the “discovery” processes.
1. Offers to waive his usual fees in exchange for your panties.
–from Al Friedman

BANDIT ARRESTED FOR SKIPPING OUT ON SUPERBOWL DEBT–Bandit,As you will undoubtledy remember, we had us a little Super Bowl bet……and you lost! While the whole world waited anxiously for you to post a pic of your bare ass in the Sunday News the week after, you conveniently took off to Cinci and no ass.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt and waited till last Sunday for you to pay off. BUT NO DICE!!! Hence, I’ll give you one more chance to pay up or I’ll be forced ask the female staff at Bikernet to hog tie you and obtain said photo–pay up sucka,
You talkin’ to me?
Iron Works magazine and Performance Machine present the 12th annualLos Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show–The Biggest Custom & Performance Streetbike Show in AmericaAdds Vintage Bikes, 2 major Charity Rides, and a National Super MotoRace for 2003
July 19-20th 2003 at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long BeachThe Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show weekend at the Queen Mary EventPark, Long Beach, CA, returns again this year for its 12th annualextravaganza on the edge of the beautiful Pacific Ocean overlookingLong Beach Harbor. Sponsored by Iron Works magazine, PerformanceMachine, Corona Beer,, The Buys, Publications, and the Motorcycle PinupCalendars, featured on the Speed Channel’s American Thunder, andbenefiting Olive Crest Children’s Homes and the Exceptional ChildrensFoundation. The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow everyyear to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in Americacatering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets. Always the 3rdweekend of July, the 12th Annual Show takes place Saturday July 19th andSunday July 20th, 2003.

FAST WEB SITE LAUNCHED–Welcome to your source for Local & National Motorsports Racing News, new technologies, Sport Riding, Motocross, Hot Rod & Drag Racing, classified want ads, aftermarket parts & accessories, interactive message boards, chat rooms, and much much more. In 2003′ we will be drastically expanding so look for lots of new stuff in the future.
We will also very soon be introducing our new Builtforspeed Motorsports Apparel line! Built For Speed Your #1 MotorSports & Motorcycle News, Free Classifieds & Accessories Shopping Cart! is also looking for sponsors, manufacturers, and local & international racing columnists. If you or someone you know is interested, please e-mail us at
BEACH RIDE UPDATE–The Beach Ride, a charity ride for the Exceptional Childrens Foundation, was shut down in Ventura last year after a successful ten-year run. The committee is still looking for a new venue, but there’s stuff in the works. They have discussed throwing in with Jim Gianitsis with the LA Calendar show. Jim has announced it in his release, but the deal is not signed.
This is a charity event that has stood on it’s own for a decade and may continue to do so with another date at the Queen Mary.
Here’s a report from Carmela from the ECF. We hope to have a date locked in within a couple of weeks:”I am waiting for the separate contract from the Queen Mary for August, 31. Then ASAP have a core group meeting to sift all the information about July 20 and August 31, then finally decide. Frazier Park is out, Malibu is out, San Buenaventura state park and beach (our old site) is under construction this year, and they told art to try again in 2004. Micah McCloskey, of M.M. Custom Motorcycles is still hanging on to the fairgrounds. Right now, it still looks like Long Beach.
CHROME SERVICES PARTNERS WITH MACHINE SHOP–Chris Hill of Chrome Services is now partner with a full service machine shop in Long Beach. They are currently manufacturing a line of billet products for BadGirls and about to launch their own line of products. If you need something manufactured, they may be worth a

ALMOST DONE.YAFFE X PIPES. WHAT DO YOU THINK? COLOR IS HOUSE OF COLOR ICE BLUE OVER BLACK–This is a project bike currently underway at Ken Miller garage. We’ll have a report on one of these bikes next week.
Continued On Page 3