Continued From Page 2
STROKER EXPOSES NHTSA PROPAGANDA–“I don’t much like the news this week….. accident rates going throughthe roof.”
NHTSA is up to the same old lies. Their recent ALERT stating “The rateof fatal U.S. motorcycle crashes per 100 million miles ridden increasedby 59 percent from 1997 to 2001” is another of their hand plucked datawet dreams. First, the actual number they came up with isstatistically insignificant considering the margin of error for thedata. Next, they do their famous trick of using a percentage of apercentage to make it sound like a statistically valid number.
There is no rising trend in motorcycle death rates. I compiled themost recent data from NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Facts Report datedDecember 2002 into the charts below.
In Chart A, you can see that each of the recent years injuries haveactually been less compared to 1997.

Chart B, shows the percentage of injured that die has been flat ,within the margin of error for the data, the last 14 years, andcompletely flat in the last 4 years, the period they claim to have a 59percent increase.

In Chart C the number of fatalities tracked with the number ofregistered motorcycles. With a consistently widening gap since 1986.

Chart C also shows the only data the does not correlate. Notice thatas the number of motorcycles increases from 1997, NHTSA claims thenumber of miles ridden decreases. How can we have over a million moremotorcycles on the road in 2001 than we did in 1998 and travel abillion less miles? NHTSA says the average rider traveled 1,943 milesin 2001. I know people that clock more miles than that running theirbike on and off the trailer. How do they come up with that number?When was the last time an official knocked on your door requesting toread your motorcycle odometer? The estimated number of miles ridden(VMT) is a complete SWAG (scientific wild ass guess). I don’t evenbelieve any science was involved, it must just be a WAG. The margin oferror for it is huge.
You can chart the statistics a dozen different ways with the data thatis recorded (not estimated) and it shows no alarming trends in fatalityrates. NHTSA completely ignores all of this information, uses the mostunreliable estimated data they have available and runs with it to themedia, law makers, and the public waving red flags.
In May of 2000, the former head of NHTSA admitted having used contrivedstatistical conclusions, and false or inaccurate claims, regarding airbags that caused injuries including the death of many babies. How longare we going to allow NHTSA’s lies to force us into wearing helmetsthat we know cause injury before we contact our law makers and demandthat this rouge bureaucracy be held accountable for what it does.Someone should be prosecuted.
The charts I have shown you are a small part of the information I’mputting together revealing that NHTSA is so obsessed with forcing us towear helmets that they will stop at nothing to do so. They are gettingcloser than you may think. My hope is, when I release this informationeveryone will take it to their law makers.

ROGUE REPORT FROM DAYTONA–DAYTONA — Charging $3 per day for off-beach parking could pour as much as $1 million into Volusia County coffers each year, a possible boon to the cash-strapped beach operation.
An analysis from the Central Parking System Inc., which operates the garage and surrounding lots in Daytona Beach, concluded 17 lots the county operates at parks and other locations would generate a profit of at least $700,000.
Members of the Beach Policy Advisory Board said Tuesday they were taken aback that charging, through meters or centralized lots, would result in such a windfall.
“I’m surprised it’s this much,” board Chairman Glenn Storch said. “To me it sounds very interesting.”
The board decided to continue investigating the matter before making a recommendation to the County Council.
The Central Parking analysis studied two sets of numbers, one assuming a fine for not paying parking fees would be $10 and the other, $20.
The cheaper fine would result in a gross of $975,000 and the more expensive would total $1.13 million.
Also Tuesday the board said it would have to address the issue of whether the county should remove traffic from the beach in the future, an idea that caused a stir when the County Council added it to its list of goals earlier this year.
Storch said it would require months of gathering information before the advisory board would make a recommendation.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This was 40 min ago…Tomorrow we finish details and I hope to try it out.

NO CHADS ON THIS ONE !!!–A couple, both over 65, went to a sex therapist’s office in Palm Harbor, Florida.
The doctor asked, “What can I do for you?”
The man said, Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?”
The doctor looked puzzled, but agreed. When the couple had finished, the doctor said, “There’s nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse,” and charged them $50.
This happened several weeks in a row. The couple would make an appointment, have intercourse with no problems, pay the doctor, then leave.
Finally the doctor asked, “Just exactly what are you trying to find out?”
The old man said, “We’re not trying to find out anything. She’s married and we can’t go to her house. I’m married and we can’t go to my house. The Holiday Inn charges $90. The Hilton charges $140. We do it here for $50 and I get $43 back from Medicare.
Is Florida great or what!
–from CarlR

1930 Peashooter–
PEASHOOTER ON DISPLAY–Hey if you out towards Yucca Valley stop in at Hutchins H-D. they have a 30.5 and a peashooter in there line-up there. They might have a parts bike, maybe sell you one of those????? They are very sweet looking. Stay away from the EL Knuck. Someday when in SoCal I’m gonna steal it and Sin too. Well, at least, I can dream. Sad about the peashooter and the 30/50 bikes, like the amf aermacchi’s they just faded away. Imagine when our grand kids get our age? People paying high dollars for an AMF 250 sprint. May you have luck in your venture and find a cherry peapopper.
–from Thomas Brown

REDNECK PRECISION MEASURMENTS–Here is a picture. I wonder how many bikernetters have done this before?
–from Thomas Brown
Continued On Page 4