Continued From Page 3

FALCO’S EAST COAST WINTER PROJECT–Hope you are getting to ride out on the west coast, cause the east coastsucks right now.
Wanted to drop you some pics and a note on my winter project (project isdone but it’s still winter – gotta work on that next time).
Besides my rigid Evo chop, I was riding a stock 1977 FL around. I bought itfor rainy days and to cart the wife and son around, cause the Evo has noback seat and an Avon tire that is like a drag slick.
To be honest, I neverreally liked the Shovel anyway. It was way too comfortable! It was one ofthe few swingarm bikes I have ever ridden, and it felt all wrong. I couldride it over railroad tracks and road hazards without even slowing down. Itwas just too weird. Some guys like women to abuse them. I guess I like mybikes to abuse me, ’cause the wife is a sweet-heart.
Told her I needed another rigid with a solo seat. Sheknows what she got when she signed up to marry me, so she took it prettywell. I always wanted an old bike (pre 50’s &60’s). I was looking for aKnuckle or Big Twin Flathead, but I just couldn’t find something in myprice range. I had the money from selling the ’77 Shovel to play with butthat was it. I started looking at 45 flatheads. I talked to a few peopleand decided I could make a decent bar hopper out of an old 45.
I found a 1949 flathead 45 in New Jersey. It was pretty much a stocker andin good shape. The motor was fresh and so was the tranny. I got her for$6,700 bucks. I already knew what I wanted the bike to look like. I wanteda 40’s-50’s style bobber, like some of the bikes in the movie the WildOne. When I got the bike home, I watched that movie a couple of times torefresh my memory. So with air grinder in hand I chopped, bobbed, paintedand modified that baby until she was all mine. It came out like I had hopedit would.
The bike has a 33-tooth motor sprocket, larger throat Linkert carb withadjustable high and low speed jets, less restrictive exhaust and lessweight (thanks to the bob job). She’s good for cruising at 65-70mph all daylong and can reach 75. It has very little chrome so she’s easy to clean up.I’m having a blast riding her even with the snow on the ground.
It’s Valentines day tomorrow and I’m talking the wife out for a niceromantic dinner. Even though I’m a selfish ass sometimes, I’m notheartless.
–Frank Falco
Thanks for the reminder.
AD AUTHORITY SLASHES SPRING BREAK PROMOTION SPENDING– The Halifax Area Advertising Authority, stung by criticism of its continuing promotion of Spring Break, voted Wednesday to slash funding for the event.
Marketer wants Spring Break promotion continuedCutting the funding for marketing Spring Break to college students wouldn’t slow down or even kill the event, according to the firm hired to promote it for the past several years.
Beachside residents, on the whole,want Spring Break to stayThis year Spring Breakers partied like it was 1989. But despite the outrage local politicians and residents expressed over the destructive behavior, public drunkenness and bared breasts of the Breakers just passed, the 2002 version came nowhere close to that rupturing pustule of wall-to-wall puking, peeing and pugilism 13 years ago that propelled beleaguered residents to cry “Enough!”
–from News Journal and Rogue

VANSON LEATHERS AT INDY DEALER SHOW–This is the new Big Savings Voucher, the most important part of our continuing VanBucks program. In addition to the three discount levels of the previous program we?ve added a new fourth tier to further increase the savings on some of our most popular styles. As with the previous program you provide the retail discount to the customer and return to us a copy of the sales receipt and filled out warranty card for the garment sold. We then credit you your portion of the discount as a credit going forward on future orders.
New to this pricelist is the Medium Weight Firenze Leather section. The styles in this section will be stocked in our new full-finished cowhide that provides an alternative for the customer who feels that the standard weight Vanson leather is too stiff for their tastes.The leather for the garments in the Firenze section is already broken in for the feel of instant gratification that a favorite old coat can bring.
Come see us at the Motorcycle Dealer Powersports Expo in Indianapolis on February 15th-17th. We are in booth #3100 with exciting new styles and new leather. We look forward to your visit there and to a profitable 2003. Check
BIKERNET WORDS OF WISDOM–It used to be only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of course, there’s shipping and handling, too.
IMPROVED SEAL FOR 5-SPEEDS– (Dealer Expo, Big Twin Expo, Booth 3564).Johnson Engineering will introduce new technology to alleviate the age oldproblem of leaking transmission oil seals at the Dealer Expo IndianapolisTrade Show, Big Twin Expo, Booth 3564.
Improved products include a significant upgrade to the company’s exclusivetriple lip design for 5-speeds. The new design features a hybridrubber/metallic compostition that prevents the seal from popping out of thebore after installation. Other improvements include a major upgrade in thespring that reduces tension pressure without affecting sealing capablity,for even longer lip life.
New products include the introduction of a combination spacer and O-ringfor older Big Twin 4-speeds. Long a problem, Johnson Engineering has solvedthe problem of sealing the mainshaft by integrating an O-ring with thespacer. Installation is accomplished with a unique, disposable tool thatprotects the O-ring during installation.
Also featured will be a new installation tool for the use on 5-speeds.Research has shown that the vast majority of leaks actually begin duringinstallation, even though no apparant damage can be detected.
Johnson Engineering is the new leader in V-Twin drivetrain performance,including their signature products TwistGear, SportGear, and WideGear closeratio helical gear designs.

GASOLINE SOLUTION!–We CAN buy gasoline that’s not from Middle East. Why didn’t George W.thinkof this? Gas rationing in the 80’s worked even though we grumbled aboutit.It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods.Weshould return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott theirGAS.Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money intothecoffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don’t importtheiroil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling thatevery time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who aretrying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might beinteresting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gasfromand which major companies import Middle Eastern oil (for the period9/1/00-8/31/01):
Shell……………………….205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco………144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil…………….130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway…117,740,000 barrels
Amoco…………………….62,231,000 barrels
If you do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18BILLION!Here are some large companies that do not import Middle Eastern oil:
Citgo………………..0 barrels
Sunoco…………. .0 barrels
Conoco…………. ..0 barrels
Sinclair…………… 0 barrels
BP/Phillips………. 0 barrels
Hess……………….0 barrels
All of this information is available from the Department of Energy andeachis required to state where they get their oil and how much they areimporting. They report on a monthly basis. Keep this list in your car;share it with friends. Stop paying for terrorism………….

GIGGIE’S HANGOVER CURE AND ACID RECOMMENDATIONS–Hangover Cure–don’t stop drinking. Giggie knew he had a problem when he brushed his teeth with a Pabst Blue Ribbon in his hand.
Preparations for Acid Trips. Pump the Vitamin C all week, then take some Valium before the Acid. Curbs the anxiety, let’s the colors flow.
Sprinkle the Magic Mushroom in Spaghitti sauce. Buy Mushrooms in their own juice. Do shots of the juice with Kesslers for a killer high.
SUE HAPPY–A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.
THE END OF THE LINE–I confess. There’s two women in the house, a new bottle of Jack and my American Rider deadline is somewhat under control. I think you’ll like how the King will turn out. I tried to black out 90 percent of the bike. I need to see Henry Figueroa around the corner about filling the holes in the tip of the rear fender and painting it. I’m using a Street stalker fender on the front (no rivets and bobbed). I will need to paint the taillight which is plastic.
I will kneel to the gods tonight in prayers that the parts arrive safely in Texas. Now, the girls and jack are waiting. Tomorrow, it’s Friday and the sun is threatening to show up. I’ve got some plans which I hope will include a ride on the Pan. Have a helluva weekend.