February 15, 2007 Part 1


News lead


It’s a hot news today, plus here’s a couple of hot tips. The Bobber debate is on-going since most tight, old school customs are labeled bobbers. Actually bobbers were ’40s stock bikes, bobbed for racing with different bars and shortened fenders.

There’s the Frisco style bike with a stock rigid frame, springer, ribbed rear fender, Sportster or Peanut tanks and highbars. But the other day a term came up that I believe fills the missing link, Bar Hopper.

Jeremiah’s Bar Hopper.

Bar hoppers are also short, tight bikes with small tanks and rigid frames. That sorta covers anything retro or even new that’s not meant for long distances, just hitting it to the bar. Whatta ya say?

One more tidbit. I’m helping a kid build a Bar Hopper rigid with a stock wide glide and a mustang tank, no front fender and we’re fabricating all the brackets, mounting the solo seat, the fender, you know, all the shit. He mentioned that if you can’t have a frame or front end magnafluxed for cracks, his dad told him to sandblast the part and set it in the sun. “It will seep through the crack and you’ll spot it.”

Let’s hit the news. It’s packed:

Lepera Banner

COMING THROUGH! THE NAFTA SUPER HIGHWAY–The planned NAFTA Super Highway would radically reconfigure not onlythe physical landscape of these United States, but our political andeconomic landscapes as well.

All across America, mammoth construction projects are preparing tolaunch. The NAFTA Super Highway is on a fast track and it’s headedyour way. If you don’t help derail it, you may soon be run over by it- both figuratively and literally.

The NAFTA Super Highway is a venture unlike any previous highwayconstruction project. It is actually a daisy chain of dozens ofcorridors and coordinated projects that are expected to stretch outfor several decades, cost hundreds of billions of dollars, and end upradically reconfiguring not only the physical landscape of theseUnited States, but our political and economic landscapes as well.

In Texas, the NAFTA Super Highway is being sold as the Trans TexasCorridor. In simplest terms, the TTC is a superhighway systemincluding tollways for passenger vehicles and trucks; lanes forcommercial and freight trucks; tracks for commuter rail and high-speedfreight rail; depots for all rail lines; pipelines for oil, water, andnatural gas; and electrical towers and cabling for communication andtelephone lines.

One of the proposed corridor routes, TTC-35, isparallel to the present Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), slightly to theeast, running north from Mexico to Canada. Its present scope is 4,000miles long, 1,200 feet wide, with an estimated cost of $183 billion oftaxpayer funds. It runs through Kansas City.

Integration vs. Independence

How would all of this affect you, your family, and your community? Letus count the ways. One of the most striking features of the proposedSuper Highway is the plan to do away with our borders, as evidenced bythe joint U.S.-Mexico Customs facility already under construction inKansas City, Missouri. A U.S. Customs checkpoint in Kansas City? Butthat’s a thousand miles inside America’s heartland; isn’t the purposeof U.S. Customs to check people and cargo at our borders?Tell your representative and senators to “Stop the NAFTA Super HighwaySteppingstone to a North American Union” by phone, fax, or e-mail. Goto www.capwiz.com/jbs/home/ for contact information and a sampleletter.

By Kelly Taylor

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

st frances grinding

TEAM CHOPPER UPDATE FOR DONNIE SMITH SHOW–The last time we touched base with Team Chopper from St. Francis High School in Minnesota we found them building a gas tank and adding spikes.

Currently they have been making tools to get the spikes cut off the bars and another tool to hold the spikes so they can put threads in them to screw on to the gas tank.

They are continuing the tank build and tig welding it together. In addition, students have been machining different designs for their foot pegs.

st frances rear

The class got a 10.5 rear wheel from Cycleworks of Elk River. They also got a front end on order, American Construction (local company) purchased one through Spyke, they gave them a huge discount on the part. Spyke is also going to throw in a starter and cables! Things are coming together!

Donnie Smith High School Chopper Class Challenge

The bike debut will be at the annual Donnie Smith Bike Show in St. Paul. Last years’ chopper won the peoples choice award in the 2006 Donnie Smith High School Chopper Class Challenge.

On the Hunt

Team Chopper is looking for intake, air cleaner, front brake rotor, front and rear caliper, carb, NOS purge kit. Motorcycle enthusiasts can check out Chopper High by clicking here.

Industry Assistance
Some of the companies and individuals that have assisted in the project include Bob Osias of Metric Thunder, Donnie Smith, Brian Klock, Billy Lane, Jaz from R-MAX USA by Roadmax, Kokesh Motorcycles, S&S, Denvers Chopper, Crane Cams, BAD Creations, Hardtails, Isanti Performance Cycle, Mutha Country Choppers, Olson Radiator, House of Color, Precision Line Motorsports, Extreme Paint, Stacks Creative Customs, Wreck Bros Auto Body & Paint and Zylstra Harley Davidson.

Psycho Sid artwork

PSYCHO SID STORY–I always think of my “The Return Of Psycho Sid” picture as a scene from an old ’60s biker flick. The scenario goes something like this: Sid, the “Devil’s Advocates” long time leader, has just returned from a stretch in the joint, where he got word that his woman was two timin’ him. The snub-nosed .38 in his back pocket and the switchblade in his right hand help explain his “Psycho Sid” nickname. The question is, is he going to do her in (she doesn’t know he knows), or will the two dudes (either of which may be the new guy she’s been messing around with) stop him cold (notice the 12 gauge next to the guy on the left).

This picture started with a photo I’d shot of an old deserted bar/motel on the outskirts of Vegas (I hear it’s since been torn down). The only sign was the word “Eats” on the wall, I added all the rest, including the rusty neon signs (both of which came from a beat-to-shit motel in Fresno, CA). I also relocated the stone archway motel rooms, and added the cactus, palm trees, iguana, and trailer, and also changed the sky.

As for the bikes and 50’s style rod (all of which I added), they’re all combinations of parts that I put together. For instance, the three wheeler didn’t have slicks, ape hangers, or flames, and the rod didn’t have the Moon tank, flames, pinstripes, Duval windshield, or the tuck n’ roll (all of the elements come from my own photos).

And as for Sid, he’s a combination of three people. The head is from one guy (I added the shades), while his arms (with added tattoos) and torso are from someone else (his legs and butt are mine). I added the vest and colors (I made up the “Devil’s Advocates” name), and added the Jack Daniels bottle and .38 to his back pockets. All of the other people were modified as well.


I knew I’d nailed the authenticity I was after when four Hells Angels (in colors) came by my booth at a show last year and loved it, saying “it totally took them back to the good ‘ol days”! You can buy a print, no problem.

Larry Grossman

Click to see morefrom Lucky Devil

SEASON THREE LAUNCH!!–The Bikertv.ca Team is thrilled to announce the startof our new season. We videotaped from coast to coast – The Cabot Trailto Vancouver – Grand Praire, AB to Windsor, ON – and all points in-between.Tech Tips, Racing and much, much more.

Special thanks to our motorcycling friends who made it happen.

10:00am and 12:30pm
The Outdoor Life Network

March 31/07 4pm Midnight

CAW HALL LAMBETH – Hwy #401 and Hwy #4info@bikertv.ca

Bikertv.ca Limited
51025-1593 Adelaide Street North
London, Ontario, N5X 4P9

ralph matt bike

THE SEMINOLE HARD ROCK ROADHOUSE 2007 TOUR —FT LAUDERDALE, FL (February 9, 2007) – Showcasing the rides of various celebrities the 2007 Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour Sponsored by Bikernet.com is making waves with the new tour and gearing up for another exciting year.

With new flare this year, the 2007 Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour will feature custom builders and manufacturers as well as the rides they built for celebrities of all avenues, from rock n roll, film, TV, NASCAR and sports. The tour will kick-off at Daytona Bike Week March 2nd – 11th with live entertainment day and night at their Main Street location.

hr russell

Daytona will feature the rides of Russell Mitchell from Exile Cycles in California and his custom bike created for the rock n roller Billy Joe of Green Day; Ralph Randolph from Ralph Randolph Designs in Arizona and his custom bike created for actor Matthew McConaughey; and two of NASCAR’s rock’n drivers with Dave Perewitz of Perewitz Cycle Fab in Boston and his custom bike built for NASCAR’s? #20 Tony Stewart; and NASCAR #43 driver, Kyle Petty and his customized Victory Motorcycle.

hr ralph

In addition to the featured builders and showcase of bikes, the Roadhouse will feature a touring photo exhibit of top builders photographed by world-renown photographer, Michael Lichter. The photos displayed have been taken over the years by Michael at various events, rallies, and in the studio. The Roadhouse will also feature daily ride-ins by a long list of builders & friends, hot models, bikini pageants, great entertainment, a hard rock’n time and more during the following bike rallies:

MARCH 2ND – 11TH / Daytona Bike Week (Daytona Beach, Florida)Main Street & Wild Olive

AUGUST 6TH – 12TH / 67th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (Sturgis, South Dakota)?Thunder Road

OCTOBER 3RD – 7TH / Myrtle Beach Fall Bike Week (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina)?TBA

OCTOBER 18TH – 21ST / Biktoberfest? (Daytona Beach, Florida)Main Street & Wild Olive

DECEMBER 3RD / The 2007 Hard Rock Roadhouse Tour Year-End Finale at the 19th Annual Toys in the Sun Run in Sunrise, Florida. hr dave n tony

Title sponsor of the Roadhouse, the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is a destination for rock n’ rollers from across the nation to discover their rock n’ roll dreams. The 86-acre resort in Hollywood, Florida, located between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale is pure paradise, featuring a colossal 130,000 sq. ft. casino, a lush 4-acre lagoon tropical pool area, a legendary Hard Rock Caf?, sensational European-style spa and fitness center, and the famous Hard Rock Live concert hall.

Seminole Paradise, South Florida’s newest entertainment destination for savvy shopping, delicious dining and explosive entertainment offers a little something for everyone, both day and night. Other sponsors include Budweiser, Michael Lichter Photography, Baker Transmission, Bikernet.com, Automatic Slims, ThunderRoad and Keyboard Carriage.

For more information and a complete listing of scheduled events, please visit www.hrroadhouse.com.

windvest 2007 Fatboy (6)3

FAMOUS WINDVEST WINDSHIELDS FOR CUSTOM BIKES–We offer a windshield that is constructed of the finest materials on the market. Unique in its simplicity, the windscreen is made of thick genuine GE Plexiglas. The mounting hardware is aircraft billet machined aluminum with chrome-plate finish.

The bolts are high-grade stainless steel. We believe we have a superior product, surpassing many on the market today, and are constantly researching and developing new bracket configurations for all new models.

We have designed our screen to enhance your riding experience without taking away from the look of the motorcycle. The WindVest is available in different sizes. The Wide Body works especially well on large cruisers.

Our windshields are designed to get the wind pressure off of your chest and out of your face while still giving you the full effect of the open ride.

windvest 2007 Springer SE (15)2

Also, if you have any questions, please give us a call at 408-377-7323, or check us out on the web www.windvest.com.

–WindVest Motorcycle Products

Hooker darkside banner

HUMBLE JOHNNY’S PROJECT BIKE WISH LIST–1. WCC Dragon custom chopper-piece by piece
2. Big tittied, small waisted, single foreign maid to clean my house
3. Roller toolbox filled with tools like the ones given away on Monster Garage.
4. A jar of peanut butter for my dog to remove
5. New jacket from ICON roadwear.
6. A new 135 tooth rear belt.
7. White Bro’s suspension kit for front and rear of my bike.
8. Jaybrake forward controls-black
9. 180*5.5 spoke wheel with an avon tire wrapped around it.
10. Front avon tire to match.
11. New motor and transmission for my truck.
12. Radio for my truck.
13. Ceramic tile for the living room of my house.
14. A hammock.
15. A new computer.
16. A better digital camera-Canon Rebel.
17. Sunglasses.
18. New jeans and some socks.
19. Cash for food, drinks, and fun at the rallies.
20. 95″ kit and 6 speed tranny set up.
21. New paintjob.
22. Internally wired 12 inch apes.
23. Spiked axle covers.
24. New Bowie Knife with an antler handle.
25. Binelli shotgun.
26. Browning 9mm.
27. Choppertown DVD’s.
28. ANd maybe a room when I come to see you in Wilmington in May or June.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a ring. I will be anxiously waiting by the mailbox every day like a nerd awaiting his college acceptance papers.


american rider

BIKERNET LOOKS FOR LONG DISTANCE RIDERS FOR AMERICAN RIDER MAGAZINE–That’s right. I have the opportunity to celebrate the lives of long distance riders in American Rider Magazine. Just send me a jpg image of you and your bike and a paragraph to Bandit@bikernet.com. I’ll work with you on a feature and submit it to the slave-driving editor Buzz Buzzelli.

Mags secret placeweb1

LONG DISTANCE WOMAN RIDER ON A BUELL BLAST–I loved the piece by Nyla Olsen on the Buell Blast. However, I wish forriders everywhere to know this: If you really want to be a “highway honey”and ride cross-country – it can be done on a Blast. In fact, I refer to mybike as a 500 ST. For those with very very short legs – the Blast can beyour answer to sport touring.

My Blast is a 2005 with nearly 28,000 miles including a trip last summerfrom Florida to Michigan and back. I can easily ride a 500-600 mile day withno problem.

–Margaret Ireland
The ride goes on…you can see & read all about it atwww.whereismaggiemae.com

customecycle eng.

Continued On Page 2

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