Continued From Page 2

THE BEST PERFORMANCE MUFFLER FOR DRESSERS AVAILABLE TODAY–We at Billet Boys have spent years developing our Performance First Mufflers.These slip-on mufflers were made for dressers from the ground up. They produce a strong torque curve while still maintaining good peak horsepower. By using a patented baffle, we were able to produce a broad torque curve with a high exhaust flow rate. Also, the full steel baffle lets the motor keep an exhaust note that will not change over time. We have tuned the exhaust note differently than traditional mufflers. The exhaust has a deep strong sound, like a healthy small block Chevy. Even though these mufflers are louder than OEM mufflers, they are not offensive or raspy.
The mufflers’ bodies are formed from heavy-gauge steel, hand polished and given a show quality chrome finish. The mufflers include mounting hardware. The Billet Boys Performance First mufflers fit all 1991-up Harley Davidson Dressers/Road Kings, including fuel-injected models.
Billet Boys parts are made in the U.S.A.
For further information and to find the closest Billet Boys dealer call, FAX or write: Billet Boys, 30872 Huntwood Ave. #6, Hayward, CA. 94544; Phone (510) 471-3026; FAX (510) 471-0605 or visit

A BIKERNET SCIENTIFIC STUDY-PRISON VS. WORK, A COMPARISON–Just in case you ever get these two environments mixed up; this should make things a little bit clearer.
you spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell
you spend the majority of your time in an 8X8 cubicle
you get three meals a day fully paid for
you get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it
you get time off for good behavior
you get more work for good behavior
the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you
you must often carry a security card and open all the doors for yourself
you can watch TV and play games
you could get fired for watching TV and playing games
you get your own toilet
you have to share the toilet with some people who wet on the seat
they allow your family and friends to visit
you aren’t even supposed to speak to your family
all expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required
you get to pay all your expenses to go to work, and they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners
you spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out
you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars
you must deal with sadistic wardens
they are called managers
THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!!!!Now get back to work. You’re not getting paid to check emails.
–from Tom Kellerstrass

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–As he headed over the Dames Point Bridge, the wind chill was cold enough to slice him in half but something made him remember it was Valentine’s Day…OH SHIT hope you didn’t forget.
Ride Hard,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

WORLD’S FASTES BAGGER CONTESTANT UPDATE–Finishing up the mock up.In my last update we mocked up the gas tank, made some mounts and welded them to the frame. This time around we’ve mocked up the front end. I’ve also adjusted the triple tree fork stops. We’re using a 41mm FL style front end so the stops on the trees needed to be tweaked to fit the pro street style neck on the bagger frame. In doing that we also had to keep in mind that we’re required to use a steering damper and the stops need to hit before the travel ends on the damper. The first picture shows the front end installed to check the stops.
In the second picture you’ll see the steering damper installed after the frame mount was modified to fit the larger diameter tubing. With all of the damper measurements set the fork stops work perfectly before the damper runs out of travel.
The modifications to the frame are completed and now we’ll tear the bike down and prep it for the powdercoaters. The next update will start with the frame, swingarm and related parts coming back from the powdercoaters and we’ll get started with the assembly of the rolling chassis.
Special thanks to our sponsors for being so generous. Daytec, Bel Ray, Hacker Pipes, Corbin, Avon Tires, DNA Specialty, BDL, Spyke and Custom Airbrush by Daneen.For more information about the Bagzilla bike and the California Customs attempt at the World’s Fastest Bagger title you can go to our web site at or call us at 650-254-0963.

HARLEY TO CUT WORKER INSURANCE IN UNION NEGOTIATIONS–After the second day of a federally mediated meeting, no plans to meetagain.Feb 8, 2007: At the end of a federally mediated meeting Wednesday,Harley-Davidson officials said the company will cancel on Monday thehealth and life insurance of unionized workers at the company’sSpringettsbury Township plant.
Harley officials gave a cancellation letter to negotiators of theInternational Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local175, which represents nearly 2,800 workers at the plant, as the twoparties met for a second consecutive day at the request of federalmediators.
Unionized Harley workers at the York County facility have been onstrike since Friday, standing on the picket lines in below-freezingtemperatures.
“It’s like sticking a needle in your eye,” said Tom Boger, a localunion business representative. “It’s not a positive step in the rightdirection.”
Harley’s action contradicts its often-touted statement that it hasgood relationships with its workers, added Boger, donning a whitebutton that proclaimed “NO CONCESSIONS.”
“The people will understand and know there’s no positive things aboutthis company,” he said.
But Bob Klein, Harley spokesman at the company’s Milwaukeeheadquarters, said that in strike situations most companiesimmediately cut off benefits along with wages.”However, the company continued the health-care coverage for 10 daysafter the strike began,” he said.
Affected employees have 60 days to sign up for continuation ofhealth-care coverage under COBRA, Klein said, and also may continuetheir life-insurance coverage. COBRA is a federal program thatprovides certain former employees and others the right to temporarycontinuation of health coverage at group rates.
Klein added that the company felt its health-care package proposal was”extremely generous and fair.”
Under the proposal, the plant’s hourly employees would be placed underthe same health-care plans as salaried employees, he said.
Salaried employees chose from three health-care plans, two of which donot require premium payments, Klein said. Most salaried employees areunder the plan where they do not pay a premium and have yearly maximumout-of-pocket expenses of $900 for a single person and $1,800 forfamily coverage, Klein said.
Under their now-expired contract, the hourly employees paid no premiumand had yearly maximum out-of-pocket expenses of $500 for a singleperson and $1,000 for family coverage, he said.
Last year, Harley paid $10,800 for each hourly employee’s health care,Klein said, amounting to tens of million of dollars. The same year,the iconic motorcycle maker reported earnings of more than $1 billion.
No further meetings between the three parties are scheduled; however,the two mediators with the Washington-based Federal Mediation andConciliation Service will be in contact with Harley officials andunion negotiators, service spokesman John Arnold said.
“The mediators suggested to the parties that they continue to identifyoptions to the open issues,” he said. “The meeting was adjourned bythe mediators, subject to recall by the FMCS or at the request ofeither party.”
Despite the fact that Wednesday’s meeting ended on a bad note, Bogerremained optimistic, saying he did not believe the strike would bemonths long.
“I still don’t believe it’s going to be a long distance,” he said. Headded that both Harley and the union “have options.”
Tom Buffenbarger, president of the Maryland-based InternationalAssociation of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, said companiessometimes cut off health-insurance coverage to striking workers as amethod of intimidation.
“Whenever they’ve needed help from the union they began by sittingdown and having discussions,” he said of Harley officials. “This timethey came (to) a concessionary agreement on us without anyforewarning. So it appears that the idea of partnership is a one-waystreet with them.”
Harley officials have partly credited the company’s partnership withits union for saving it from extinction in the early 1980s.
“It’s a betrayal of the principles of when we sat down and said,’Let’s make this a great American company again,'” Buffenbarger said.”The folks in York, Pennsylvania, make a product that’s enviedthroughout the world, and it speaks to their work ethic, their openmindedness and their vision.”
Daily Record/Sunday News
–from Rogue

KIM SUTER’S DIAMOND 3D SERIES WHEELS FROM FORGE-TEC–Oxnard, CA- Forge-Tec Motorcycle, an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end aluminum wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry’s leading wheel manufacturers is proud to introduce 3 new and exciting wheel designs created by world renowned bike builder?Kim Suter of KC Creations. Kim and his wife Cheryl have been riding bikes since they were kids and bought his first Harley at the age of 16.
His passion for bikes made him leave his family run gasoline business where he was Vice President and General Manager and decided to devote the rest of his life to building custom motorcycles. Kim has won numerous awards for his custom bike building “passion” and was one of the first bike builders to use a big inch motor in one of his bikes. Part of his bike line is now known as “Big Inch Motors.” K.C. Creations can be seen on TV or found gracing the pages of many of the industry’s leading magazines.

Kim stated, “I have been working with Forge-Tec on several exclusive 3D wheel designs and am proud to have my name associated with them. They are one “class act” and their manufacturing facility is second to none!” All processes are completed in-house, utilizing only state-of-the-art equipment and highly sophisticated process technologies. All Forge-Tec wheels are rotary forged utilizing one of their proprietary forge presses using only “virgin” aircraft grade 6061 aluminum?.there’s no recycled aluminum in their products.

The new Diamond 3D Series from Kim Suter include the Creations 3, Creations 5 and Creations 7 to suit the individual rider’s tastes. Forge-Tec Motorcycle wheels are available in a wide variety of popular sizes and applications (including the new 23″ x 3.5″ front wheel and 20″ x 10.5″ rear wheel), with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work at the dealer level and ensures that wheels arrive to their customers in perfect condition.

For further information, please contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 805-982-9820. Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. Dealer inquiries invited!

LAS VEGAS BIKEFEST? DESIGNATED AS “SIGNATURE EVENT” BY AMA–Las Vegas BikeFest? 2007 has been selected by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) as one of the organization’s Signature Events for 2007. Signature Events are part of the AMA Premier Touring Series, a collection of road-riding rallies and tours.
Las Vegas BikeFest was chosen to be one of the 10 Signature Events for 2007 as a result of its unique features and activities, as well as the growing size and importance of the rally. AMA Signature Events must meet stringent AMA Road Riding standards based on their broad appeal, unique theme and location, and overall prestige. By selecting an event for the Premier Touring Series as a Signature Event, the AMA is telling its members and the motorcycling population that this is an event not to be missed.
AMA is a nationwide organization with more than 250,000 members. All AMA members will be entitled to special member benefits at Las Vegas BikeFest.
The 7th annual Las Vegas BikeFest will be held September 27-30 in the most famous 24-hour city, Las Vegas, Nevada. The event will consist of the Vendor Village at Cashman Center with over 300 manufacturers and vendors, and activities such as Poker Runs and competitions, and non-stop entertainment. Artistry in Iron, Master Builders’ Championship will also take place at Cashman Center. 40,000 bikers and enthusiasts are expected to be in attendance.
Las Vegas BikeFest is produced by Las Vegas BikeFest, LLC a joint venture of ConvExx and Full Throttle Events. Las Vegas BikeFest information is available at, or call toll-free 866-BIKEFEST (866-245-3337) or e-mail

BIKERNET’S AMAZING SHRUNKEN FXR FOR SALE, DEAL OF THE WEEK–The new bike designed by Bandit is available this week for the low price of $19,500. Valentines Day his me hard and I need some cash. Call (310) 830-0630.–Bandit

HARLEY-DAVIDSON FORCED TO LAY OFF 440 EMPLOYEES DUE TO STRIKE–Harley-Davidson Inc. on Monday temporarily laid off 440 employees at plants where key motorcycle parts such as engines and windshields are made as a strike at its largest production plant entered a second week.
Some 240 employees were temporarily laid off at a production plant in the north central Wisconsin community of Tomahawk, said Bob Klein, a spokesman for the Milwaukee-based motorcycle maker. About 200 workers were laid off at plants in southeast Wisconsin as well, he said, and the company could lay off an additional 300 workers in that region.
Some 2,800 union workers in York, Pa., have been striking since Feb. 2 at the plant where top-selling, heavyweight Touring and Softail bikes are made. Harley employs about 7,600 people at plants in the U.S.The temporary layoffs in Wisconsin were both voluntary and forced, Klein said, though he declined to say how many were forced. He said it’s unclear when the employees will return to work at the plants.
“It just depends on how long the strike lasts,” he said.Klein said negotiations over a contract proposal will continue Wednesday in York with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 175. These will not be attended by a federal negotiator, he said. Two federally mediated sessions last week failed to produce a solution.
Harley said last week that the strike would cause it to miss shipment expectations for the first quarter. The company had expected to ship between 82,000 and 84,000 bikes during the first three months of the year. Harley declined to provide updated shipment expectations for the first quarter and would not say whether the strike will affect financial guidance for the full year.
Union members overwhelmingly rejected the company’s three-year contract proposal Jan. 31. It offered annual raises of 4 percent but would have reduced pay rates for new hires, required employees to begin paying part of their health insurance premiums and forced pension concessions.A message left at union headquarters on Monday was not immediately returned.
Analysts said that although the strike is costing Harley up to $11 million a day in sales, they expect it to be short-lived and have little impact on the company’s full-year performance.
The strike has caused many outside Harley suppliers to do their own temporary layoffs. Stambaugh Metal, a York company that polishes the metal used in Harley motorcycles, said it has laid off 35 of its roughly 50 workers. Surtech Industries, which finishes metal for bikes, has laid off nine full-time and 10 part-time workers, company president Terry Spisak said.
A Tenneco plant in Lincoln, Neb., that makes exhaust products for Harley bikes is laying off about 35 of its 100 employees, said Jim Spangler, a spokesman for the Illinois-based company.
Shares of Harley rose 47 cents to close at $68.27 on Monday on the New York Stock Exchange.On the Net: Harley-Davidson:
–from Rogue

QUICK THROTTLE SHOW SPONSORED BY BIKERNET AND JUDGED BY BANDIT– Don’t miss it. Bandit will be there to judge the show.Sign up now for the next QT Expo, March 17th-18th at OC Fairgrounds. Click on the link for highlights of our first Expo: And see our 9-11 Patriot Ride on Speed Channel’s American Thunder. Click Here: Publisher, Continued On Page 4
Quick Throttle Magazine
Free Wheelin’ Magazine