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FAT MANS SPEED SHOP ? MILWAUKEE 6-SPEED TRANSMISSIONS– The worlds largest Milwaukee dealer announcedtoday a release to the general public the Milwaukee brand 6 speedtransmissions.
Milwaukee Wisconsin (16, February 2006) THE FAT MAN SPEED SHOPannounced today that they have been given the ok from the home officeto start selling MILWAUKEE BRAND 6 speed transmissions. MILWAUKEEBRAND transmissions will come polished or in black wrinkle and carrya retail price of $875.00. The Fat Man himself declared “This is oneheck of a deal” MILWAUKEE BRANDS parent company MILWAUKEE MOTORCYCLECOMPANY thinks they have a real winner for not only there dealersbut for the general public with this great price.
The MILWAUKEEBRAND transmission will fit most Harley Davidson soft tail productsand custom motorcycles. MILWAUKEE BRAND transmission will carry afive year 100% manufactures warranty.
The Fat Man also wants to thankthe Bandit and the staff at for the tremendous amountof business that was generated this week due to last Thursdaysrelease of the MILWAUKEES REVOLTION 330.
For more information go to

AMAZING, BIKERNET ARTICLE IS USEFUL–Just read your article on tying bandanas. Thanks for the info. I will be tying mine like you from now on. I was never shown the correct way by anyone, and I thought I was too cool to ask for advice on such a simple matter.
Anyway, thanks for this much needed info.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON RIDE-IN SHOW CUSTOM MOTORYCLE CONTEST REVS UP DAYTONA BIKE WEEK 2006– MILWAUKEE (February 13, 2006) – A show featuring some of the world’s best and most unique custom Harley-Davidson motorcycles will be a major attraction at the annual Harley-Davidson Ride-In Show on Wednesday, March 8 at the upcoming 65th annual Bike Week at Daytona Beach, Fla. Harley-Davidson owners are invited to compete for cash and trophies, while Harley-Davidson fans can stop by to get a close-up view of these eye-catching rolling sculptures.
Owners can enter their Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the Ride-In Show Contest on March 8 at the Ocean Center Arena, 101 N. Atlantic Avenue. Registration is from 8-11 a.m., with judging to follow by Harley-Davidson design experts and prize awards. The $10 entry fee is donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and each participant receives a special edition commemorative plaque designed by Willie G. Davidson. “Best of Show” winners in each of 16 judging classes will receive a $200 cash prize and a trophy. In addition, $500 cash prizes will be awarded to the top Sportster and top Big Twin motorcycles utilizing Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories.
“Many riders spend all winter customizing their motorcycles and Daytona is the first opportunity to show off their work,” said Art Gompper, Harley-Davidson Director of Marketing. “The passion and creativity that goes in to these custom Harleys is just incredible! It makes for a great show.”As one of the longest running bike shows at Daytona, the Harley-Davidson Ride-In Show has also been one of the biggest shows at Daytona Bike Week for more than 20 years. New this year, there will be Ball of Steel Stunt Shows and live entertainment outside the Ocean Center during the Ride-In Show, along with guest appearances by major custom bike builders.
More information on the Ride-In Show is available at Other Harley-Davidson events at various times during the week at the Ocean Center include the Harley-Davidson and Buell indoor show, Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Auction and Bike Raffle, Evel Knievel Display Trailer & Autograph Sessions, Harley-Davidson Trivia Game, Biker Billy cooking demonstrations, motorcycle product and technical seminars, the Ford/Harley-Davidson F-Series Truck Display and an Internet Cafe. There will also be Demo Rides at the Daytona International Speedway and activities at Harley-Davidson dealerships in the Daytona area.A full schedule of Harley-Davidson Bike Week activities will be posted on The site will be updated daily throughout the week with images of the Ride-In Show and other Bike Week activities. –from Rogue WINTER MOTORCYCLE SHELTER–Would ya just look at that, this is the cycle shelter I keep my ’03 flht in. Damn it ought to make you shiver to the bone. –Tom K BROKEN SPOKE BROKE AGAIN–Sturgis, South Dakota [February 15, 2006] Jay Allen,owner of the World’s Biggest Biker Bar, The BrokenSpoke Saloon, announces the development of a newSturgis venue, Broken Spoke Saloon at Sturgis CountyLine. Sturgis County Line is 600 pristine acres of SouthDakota property on Highway 79, just miles outside ofthe town of Sturgis. The property will house a 22,500square foot Broken Spoke Saloon featuring vintagebikes, memorabilia, ice cold long necks, the best rockand honky-tonk music, other unique entertainment and,of course, the lovely Broken Spoke bartenders. Thenew land will be primarily used for agriculture andwill be available for local community events when notin use for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Jay Allen’s Broken Spoke Saloon has been a favoritehonky-tonk for legendary bike builders and loyalpatrons for years. “Granted the Sturgis rally is agreat party,” tells Mr. Allen. “but experiencing theBlack Hills is much more than that; it’s a spiritualencounter. We intend to give the motorcycle touristsa more enchanting experience than ever before duringrally because the land is so beautiful and inspiring.” A unique and soulful experience is to be had at thisnew property that will host full RV hookups and tentcamping. Also on the premises will be a 24 hourdining facility, a large stage to host major musicacts, premiere vendors, motorcycle builders and custommanufacturers, and a Mexican Cantina. Future plansinclude other saloons on the property such as TheSchool House, The Builders Bar, and other diningcuisines. “It amazes me that at the time, I had no idea thatDave Iversen would hand me the torch in 1993 to carryon with the Broken Spoke Saloon legacy!” explains Mr.Allen. “Since then, we have evolved to become theBiggest Biker Bar in the World. With locations inDaytona Beach, Florida; Myrtle Beach, South Carolina;Laconia, New Hampshire and of course Sturgis, SouthDakota. Not to mention our semi-tractor trailers thatdo several rallies around the country. I’m so excitedabout the new 600 acre location. Over the years, wehave not only bonded with the biking culture, but wehave learned to serve them well.” The original Broken Spoke Saloon will also continue atits legendary position on Lazelle Street featuringexclusive entertainment. A veteran and legend in themotorcycle culture, Jay Allen also owns Jay AllenProductions, a television production company, andBroken Spoke Saloon Racing, whereby he professionallyraces drag bikes. For more information contact: CMDRA EXPANDS OUT EAST WITH NEW SCREAMIN’ EAGLE V-ROD DESTROYER CLASS–In 2006 the Canadian Motorcycle Drag Racing Association will sanctionseveral races in the Ontario and Quebec. The only class they will besanctioning at these events is the new Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod “Destroyer”class. The eastern races will be combined with bike races that are alreadyin place with the intention of growing these races to include all of theirclasses over time. The CMDRA will be sanctioning the Screamin’ Eagle V-Rod Destroyer Class atfollowing events in 2006:June 18th is the Season Opener at Grand Bend, ON( 9th at Cayuga, ON ( 27th is the Season Finale at Sanair Dragway, St-Pie, QC( of dates to be determined. “I would Rather Hunt with Dick Cheney than Ride with Ted Kennedy!” Rogue BIKERNET AWARDS SET OF D&D PIPES TO DYNA OWNER–WIN a new set of high-performance Fat Cat DYNA Pipes from D&D Performance Exhaust for your Dyna. It’s easy – send us a picture with your name and telephone number to D& and we will post them on and have the BIKER community at vote for the ‘Most Desirable DYNA’ of Bikernet. The 2 into 1 Fat Cat Pipes makes the best horsepower and torque. The stylish upswept design provides the performance rider with extra ground clearance. Each pipe is hand fitted and installed with heat shields. Experience up to 12 additional horses. To get a performance pipe for your Harley or custom V-Twin logon STEELS DREAMS VIEWER LOOKING FOR FRAME–I saw the tail end of your show on Sat. Feb. 11th in El Centro, Ca. You said you built a 1948 Panhead bike to take to Sturgis. I have all the original parts for a 1948 Panhead except for the original frame. I’ve been looking for one for years. Can you help me? I don’t want an aftermarket. HELP HELP. Please reply to –Panhead Jim Mount STURGIS SHANTY CONNECTION– Anyone looking for some cool places to rent for the Sturgis rally, check out Black Hills Real Estate, We have three houses in Deadwood, all beautifully restored to their 1890’s condition, and a 3 bdr. modular on 1 acre 2 miles out of Sturgis with a great view of the valley. See you there! For more info call Mike Stevenson at 818 8919055 THE BIKERNET BARBER SHOP– A New York woman was at her East Side hairdresser getting her hair styled prior to a trip to Rome with her boyfriend. She mentioned the trip to the hairdresser, who responded, “Rome? Why would anyone want to go Rome? It’s crowded and dirty and worse yet, full of Italians. You’re crazy to go to Rome.So, how are you getting there”? “We’re flying on Continental,” was the reply. “We got a great rate!” “Continental,” exclaimed the hairdresser. “That’s a terrible airline. Their planes are old, their flight attendants are ugly and they’re always late. So, where are you staying in Rome”? “We’ll be at this exclusive little place over on Rome’s left side called Trieste…” “Don’t go any further. I know that place. Everybody thinks its gonna be something special and exclusive. But it’s really a dump. The worst hotel in the whole city! The rooms are small, the service is surly and they’re way overpriced. So, whatcha doing when you get there?” “We’re going to go to see the Vatican and we hope to see the Pope.” “That’s rich,” laughed the hairdresser. “You and a million other people trying to see him. He’ll look the size of an ant. Boy, good luck on this lousy trip of yours. You’re sure going to need it.” A month later, the woman, all smiling, came in for her hair appointment. The hairdresser asked her about her trip to Rome. “It was absolutely wonderful,” explained the woman. “Not only did we arrive on time in one of Continental’s brand new jets, but it was overbooked and they bumped us up to first class. The food and wine were wonderful and I had a handsome 28-year-old steward who waited on me hand and foot.” “And the hotel. It was fabulous! They’d just finished a $5 million remodeling job and now it’s just a jewel, the finest hotel in the city. They, too, were overbooked, so they apologized and gave us their owner’s suite at no extra charge!” “Well,” muttered the hairdresser. “I know you didn’t get to see the Pope.” “Actually, we were quite lucky. As we toured the Vatican, a Swiss Guard tapped me on the shoulder and explained that the Pope likes to personally meet some of the visitors and if I’d be so kind as to step into his private room and wait, the Pope would personally greet me. Sure enough, five minutes later, the Holy Father walked through the door and shook my hand! I knelt down and he spoke a few words to me.” “Really,” asked the hairdresser. “What’d he say?” He said, “Where did you get that horrible haircut?” –from CarlR Continued On Page 3
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