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BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Originally shot at Bikeweek 2004 recreated on this coldest day in Florida 2006.
Whiplash Biker Photog

WE NEVER WANT TO LOSE– It must be primeval. The way it touches us so deeply, we must have some ancient hardwiring inside us that’s a direct feed to our very core. Maybe it’s some leftover evolutionary seventh sense that’s triggered when we hit the ignition and fire brings our V-twins to life. Or maybe the rhythmic rumble reminds us of some distant thundering herd. The chase is on. And our hearts automatically race not wanting to be left behind. Or our soul goes hungry.
Whatever else it is, this authentic part of the Harley-Davidson experience really is something. And it’s something we don’t ever want to lose.
Now comes the troubling part. How can the sound that embodies so much of what we love about Harley-Davidson? motorcycles be so offensive to others? And it’s even more troubling that those negative feelings are spreading throughout the country and around the world. Some people just don’t like motorcycles. Period. We can accept that. But isn’t there something we can do to keep their numbers from growing?
Negative news stories regarding motorcycle noise have increased 400 percent over the past 10 years. In the last year, communities across the United States have upped their efforts to curb motorcycle noise. Some communities have instituted outright bans on motorcycles. Even traditional motorcycle rally locations like Laconia, Daytona, and Myrtle Beach have had controversies regarding noise at their events this past year.
Worldwide, motorcycle noise is becoming more heavily restricted. Europe and Japan now require lower than U.S. dB(A) levels for new motorcycles right out of the box. In Australia, for example, a permanent label must be affixed and remain on to signify legal pipes. Annual inspections are also required.
Looking into the science of sound, the perception of sound varies according to multiple factors; volume is the single factor that most often sends hearing from barely noticeable to unbearable. Understandable. That’s why many riders are fitting themselves with earplugs for longer rides. But what’s really interesting is that the sound impulses we generate ourselves seem less of a nuisance than those generated by others. We’re also more indulgent when it comes to a “friendly” sound or noise – music, for example, if you happen to be a musician yourself. So, the “friendly” sounds of our Harleys are not so friendly sounding to those who don’t share our passion for riding. We can’t change that. But what can we do?
It seems that we, not just the Motor Company, not just the Harley-Davidson dealers, not just a handful of riders, we all, every Hog lovin’ one of us, must do everything we can to protect our sport and keep it as strong as it is today. We must take our turn, as more than a century-worth of Harley riders has before us, in guarding our sport.
In those very early days, Harley-Davidson was born as a form of basic transportation. When you added a sidecar or a delivery box to the back, they became utility vehicles. Then the weekend was invented. Well, you were lucky if you got one day off. But you made the most of it and discovered the sheer joy of motorcycling. And you discovered that there were others just like you who carried that dominant riding gene. You were born with it. And proud of it. You owned your own kind of freedom. But even then, there were many who didn’t understand.
There were literally hundreds of motorcycle manufacturers in the early days. Far more than there were automakers. As the number of motorized vehicles grew, so did the issue of noise. The confounded machines were upsetting the still-main-means-of-transportation horses. Farmers complained about machines disturbing their livestock. And the general population became very vocal about their right to a good night’s sleep. To achieve social acceptability of their new modes of transportation, the manufacturers developed ? the muffler! The auto industry had plenty of space to carry all manner of bulky noise suppression devices. For motorcycles, it was an entirely different challenge. The Motor Company put its engineering staff to work and came up with the best mufflers in the motorcycle industry. So successful, in fact, that they built a motorcycle that became affectionately known as The Silent Gray Fellow. That moniker stuck, and during those early years the entire Harley-Davidson model line became known as The Silent Gray Fellows.
Today, Harley-Davidson motorcycles have more power and performance than our predecessors could have ever imagined, but with all due respect, we love to hear them coming. That doesn’t mean louder noise equals even more power, however. It’s an interesting misconception. Testing has proven that straight pipes do not necessarily outperform pipes with lower noise levels. Pick the wrong pipes and you can severely reduce your horsepower and/or your torque. And while you’re doing it, you’ll awaken the sleeping giant of social concern that lives next door to all of us.
So what if you’ve picked the wrong pipes?
Then you have a very important individual decision to make. We all do. No one expects everyone to change out their straight pipes overnight. But we all must consider changing out our thinking. We need to think about the consequences our actions have on others, before others take action against us. As tempting as it is, maybe we resist cranking up the revs at the next stop signal. Maybe we fall in love all over again with the unique and mesmerizing sound “quality” of our own V-twin, not just the volume. Maybe we think about how we can assure that all those riders coming behind us can enjoy the same level of freedom we do today. Maybe we just take a time-out to remember that this is really something. And it’s something we never want to lose.
–By the boss of Harley-Davidson
–from Rogue
I’m not giving up just yet. I read an article in HOT BIKE recently that also cried wolf. I spoke to Ronnie Powell who wrote this article and we’re working on another one based on three major principals: There’s noise everywhere, constant noise. By comparison, how much noise comes from Motorcycles? Very little. Motorcycles are extremely fragile vehicles compared to everything else on the road. How can we protect ourselves from motorists? We only have sight and sound. Our sound may be vital to our survival.
Finally, much of the public outcry is based on the same principal as second hand smoke. We need to research this from two levels. Is second hand noise that harmful and how much of that harm comes from bikes? Secondly, It may be time to point out that second hand motorists kill bikers everyday. Over 70 percent of all motorcycle accidents are the fault of motorists. I believe we have the right to defend ourselves, and if making noise helps-stand back. The research is underway.–Bandit

….Big Dave

AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE 1902 INTRODUCES THE “APACHE” —Perhaps the first of its kind in the market, a fully customized and highly detailed OEM bagger has been introduced to the public at the recent V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati. The “Apache” Bagger by American Motorcycle 1902 is a totally unique motorcycle built for the rider who wants a long haul two up motorcycle built to put the miles on in comfort and above all else in customized style. This motorcycle rocked those in attendance and created a stir throughout the event.
Built with an S&S 113 cu in engine and trick shift six speed transmission on a stretched pro street softail chassis this bike will ride in comfort with an aggressive look that will make people take notice. The motorcycle shall be available for delivery beginning in late April 2006.
American Motorcycle 1902 worked with their strategic partners on this project to build a show stopper that can be delivered as an OEM product to its dealer partners. They worked with Corbin USA to develop custom parts made specifically for this chassis inclusive of Corbin convertible two up seating, Corbin high styled front faring, Corbin engine shroud, and Corbin hard bag’s. And, Gary Crisp of Crisp custom paints put the paint to the metal to show the world an amazing motorcycle.

Use of the name “Apache” is licensed under agreement with the Choctaw-Apache nation, 2005, of Louisiana. American Motorcycle Co. 1902 has the exclusive use of this name and its related marks in this category, and others. A licensing fee is being paid for its use with the intent to benefit the Choctaw tribal nation and its people.

TEXAN PATENTS FLYING MOTORCYCLE– How much time do you spend stuck in traffic on your way home from work?There may be a solution – flying to work.A North Texas man has patented a flying motorcycle.The transportation breakthrough comes from a small aeronautics lab near Bridgeport.It’s called the Sky Cycle.
The top half, is something like a helicopter. The bottom half, a three-wheeled motorcycle, which is able to leap stacked traffic in a single bound.
Larry Neal calls this a fly drive vehicle.”It is easy to fly. I can fly it hands off. I can leave the ground and put my arms out like this. It’s autostable,” he says.
An unpowered rotor on top creates enough lift for it to fly. A propeller on the back pushes it through the air. It takes off quickly and can fly as fast as 70 miles an hour in complete safety, Neal says.
“I can shut the engine off at 500 feet and come down in total control slower than a parachute,” he adds.
But that’s only half the story.Back on the ground, the rotor folds up. And the vehicle becomes a motorcycle, with a range of about 300 miles.Neal has patented all of this and says the Sky Cycle will go on sale in a couple of months for $25,000, assembly required.
Neal’s company, Butterfly LLC, has other models in the prototype stage. All are designed to fit through a seven foot garage door. He says it won’t be long before that beep you hear on the highway could be coming from above as well as behind.
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

NEW BIKE FICTION PUBLISHED ON BIKERNET AND WRITTEN IN INDIA–Yes, the ‘Bullet’ and ‘Road’ were published by a localmag back in 2004. It was for a short story competitionheld monthly. The name of the magazine is ReInforceand it has no online publication or website so yourwebsite is the only one which has it on the internet.
In India, bikes are not just a style statement, its anecessity. It is the most affordable vehicle for themiddle-class and saves money on petrol. Most of thesuccessful bike manufacturers are Japanese jointventures like Honda (Hero Honda) and Bajaj (KawasakiBajaj) because they give good mileage.
There is no toll on bridges and inter-state fortwo-wheelers and it is a very common mode oftransport.
I ride to work everyday for the convenience of nothaving to wait for the bus and getting an empty roadduring my odd shift hours is a bonus. (7am – 3pm, 3pm- 11pm and 11pm – 7am).
I would love to do a piece on Indian bikers and havequite a few ideas – road trip, accidents during awfulIndian monsoon (potholes and truckers), daily commute,etc.
–Ujjwal Dey

BIG DOG CHROME PARTS AVAILABLE AT AEROMACH– Finally, a new source for aftermarket parts for the 2004 and newer Big Dog Motorcycle. By now you realize that normal aftermarket pegs, grips and other accessories will not fit the 2004 & up BDM. The folks at BDM were good enough to increase the dimensions so that only the BDM Parts and Accessories would fit the bikes. Well that monoply is over!Aeromach Mfg. Inc. is proud to present a line of US made, CNC machined parts specifically designed for the factory Big Dog Motorcycle controls.
Diamond Design Footpegs – Diamond design foot pegs, shifter and brake peg for 2004 & newer Big Dog Motorcycles. Fits the factory controls. Chrome plated
Diamond Design Grips – Diamond design billet grips for the 2004 & newer Big Dog Motorcycle models. Fits the factory controls. Chrome plated
Smooth Footpegs – Smooth design foot pegs, shifter and brake peg for 2004 & newer Big Dog Motorcycles. Fits the factory controls. Chrome plated
Smooth Grips – Smooth design billet grips for the 2004 & newer Big Dog Motorcycle models. Fits the factory controls. Chrome plated
Horizontal to Vertical License Back Plate – Tired of tripping on the horizontal license plate on your Big Dog Motorcycle? This Back Plate allows you rotate your sidemounted license plate into a vertical position. Re-use your BDM license mount, frame and LED. The new Aeromach Back Plate is polished aluminum and looks clean on the back, without all of the various holes BDM has in theirs.
Iron Cross Oil Cap – The Iron Cross Oil Filler Cap replaces the stock oil cap on select Big Dog Motorcycles.
–Jeff Schwen
Tech and Design
619 258-5443 fax 619 631-0637
Aeromach Mfg Inc.
look for us at Laughlin River Run-April 26th – 30th

SAMSON INTRODUCES BIG GUNS 3–Samson Exhaust® revolutionizes motorcycle exhaust with this 3rd generation of the famous Big Gun line. BG3 brings the timeless good looks and superb sound that Samson is best known for to the needs of today’s owner. These pipes have seamless one piece heat shields that will absolutely prevent seeing any discoloration. Intergraded smooth flow baffles, delivers a deep rumble and assures the tuning requirements of today’s motors. The classic look of Cannons, Street Sweepers, Rip Saws and Slashers confirms that Pipes Make the Bike.

When compared to double wall pipes, intergraded shields weigh much less and sound better. Seamless one piece heat shields are the hot look riders are looking for, and broken tab brackets are a thing of the past. These pipes include intergraded Baffles which meet the needs of today’s fuel injected motors and overcomes objections to straight pipes. These stepped pipes go from 1_” to 2_” and improve the flow of spent exhaust gases. Each set of pipes are stamped with the BG3 logo.
Big Guns 3 have applications to fit 2006 Dyna’s! Samson placed the 02 sensor bung in the same exact place as OEM. Choose from 4 popular styles to make your bike stand out and sound better.

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