Continued From Page 1

LATEST CHIP FOOSE CREATION–Such a shame you don’t publish cars man.. Just did this one a few hours ago..

BIKERNET CHARM SCHOOL ATTACKED–According to a news report, a certain private school in Washington was recently faced with a unique problem.
A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.
Every night the maintenance man would remove them, and the next day the girls would put them back.
Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night (you can just imagine the yawns from the little princesses).
To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.There are teachers…. and then there are educators.
–from Chopper Dave Monsoon

The Funeral Procession– A man was leaving a convenience store with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.
A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one.
Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash.
Behind him, a short distance back, were about 200 men walking single file.
The man couldn’t stand the curiosity. He respectfully approached the man walking the dog and said, ‘I am so sorry for your loss, and this may be a bad time to disturb you, but I’ve never seen a funeral like this.
Whose funeral is it?’
‘My wife’s.
”What happened to her?’
The man replied, ‘My dog attacked and killed her’
He inquired further, ‘But who is in the second hearse?’
The man answered, ‘My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog turned on her.’
A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passed between the two men.
‘Can I borrow the dog?’
The man replied, ‘Get in line.’
–Jim Waggaman

5-BALL RACING 2010 REPORTS REVIEW–Hey man, the article on the 45 is awesome! ?..that thing is gonna be SWEET!
Airtech is good stuff?.I was working on mounting one of their seats last nite?Removed that long red tank, then the seat was too short?.digging around, scrambling?..We are allowed to run a full fairing with WERA, just aint in the bank account?.but when it is, I?ll visit Airtech first! Departure is ledgendary. We will be running 4 days in a row of Vintage motorcycle racing, on 2 different courses at Virginia Intl Raceway (VIR), Aug 5,6,7,8 ??Tell those boys to come on down, should be a good time. Thumbs up Holmes?..that bike is gonna be NASTY!

I forgot to mention the event in Aug?..there will be H-D and Indian flathead 45?s, handshift class and non, racing on the road course for 3 of the 4 days. Virginia Intl Raceway, Danville Va?..near Departure?..Flat Rat will be there. Four days on 2 tracks, can’t wait?.first day (Thurs) is WERA on the big pro course, next 3 days are AHRMA on a smaller course?.flattys will run AHRMA.
–Charles Young

REPORT FROM BIKERNETMETRIC EDITOR–BikernetMetric is really growing! The site received more visitors in the past two weeks than in all of December. Another cool thing is that instead of everybody coming from the good folks at (which is still our #1 referral site) and Google, we’ve recently had many hundreds of readers from ChopCult, Bobbers East, the Kneeslider, the Chopper Underground and more. These are cool websites and I’m flattered as freak to get so many clicks from their fine establishments. I want to thank everybody who is helping build a killer metric community and tell them they haven’t seen anything yet!
We’ve got upcoming interviews with Garage Company Customs, Helrich Custom Cycles, Ardcore Choppers and more. I’m meeting some great builders and custom parts makers. Every week there is another article about somebody doing something very cool with metric bobbers, choppers and cafe racers. A lot of these parts work on custom v-twins, too, so all you Harley guys ought to stop by, pop open a beer and pee in a corner.
I’m slammed with paying design work but I swear the blog re-design is coming along, just slowly. Still hope to have it done by March 1st.
Thanks for the opportunity to help make BikernetMetric the #1 source for the underground metric revolution! Now I must get back to my world domination plans. I think I left them under the Cycle Source mag…

69th DAYTONA BEACH BIKE WEEK – ATTENTION EXHIBITORS– Apply online and get proof of coverage in minutes. The Bikernet Insurance Center LLC has set up a “Special Group Policy” For Event Exhibitors attending Daytona Beach Bike Week. Exhibitors can purchase Event Insurance liability for their booth, exhibit or special event for only $75 for a $1,000,000 limit. This is the best insurance deal in the country and has been put together especially to help our brethren during this weak economy.
So, if you will be exhibiting at the 69th Daytona Beach Bike Week held from February 26, 2010 to March 7, 2010 and you need quality coverage at an excellent price, simply click on the link above and get your insurance quick.
Note the fine print Bros.
1. This is a Group Liability Insurance Policy For Exhibitors. This means all of the exhibitors who purchase this low-cost event liability coverage will be named on this one group policy, so share limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and a $5,000,000 aggregate. If a customer wants to purchase their very own individual policy with individual limits for them specifically, they need to go to our website link and click on #1-Event Liability Insurance to get their own policy online. Cost is similarly low at around $100. You choose, we provide cheap.
2. This Group Liability Policy For Exhibitors excludes certain high-risk events involving motorsports, racing and burn-outs. Always read the provisions, exclusions, conditions and limitations of any insurance policy to make sure it is right for your business.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact to connect with one of our licensed agents.
Your Trusted Agent, Marc J. Beaulieu, CPCU, ARM Chairman & CEO
For Fastest Service: Email: >
Fax: 858-693-8703
Phone: 858-566-8703

1. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech; also, an instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.
2. The quality or state of being twofold or double.
Perhaps Phil was a spy, working at Gagosian but secretly in the employ of White Cube. Actually, now that the idea of duplicity had entered Jeff’s mind, it occurred to him that his gallery was having a party to which Jeff had been conspicuously uninvited.
— Geoff Dyer, Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi
Here on the beach under a good sun Hiro-matsu forced himself into a polite bow, hating his own duplicity.
— James Clavell, Shogun
It didn’t occur to him that Laura might have had an ulterior motive in seeking him out. Laura had a direct gaze, such blankly open eyes, such a pure, rounded forehead, that few ever suspected her of duplicity.
— Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin
Duplicity comes from Middle English duplicite, from Old French, from Late Latin duplicitās, doubleness, from Latin duplex, duplic-, twofold.

BIKERNET BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB LOOKS AT Pieces of My Heart, By Katy O. Ishee– Talk about touching a nerve. This is a book that men and women will pass around to each other with a brief handwritten note tucked inside the cover, ?You have to read this!?
Sometimes you have to leave your life behind for awhile to see it and really live it freshly again. Sometimes heart breaking, sometimes humorous, always brutally honest and hardcore.
This memoir presents a powerful and unsettling series of memories that work simultaneity on a number of levels controlled by someone we all trust, a Mother.
Katy recalls her rebellious ways and crazy times of being a renegade biker chick. From insane asylums, she tells stories of unspeakable horror, ECT (electroshock, shock treatment, shock therapy. The most common side effects of ECT are memory loss and cognitive damage.) That has long been shrouded in secrecy and until now. Her quest to refusing to give up looking for a son would linger in her memory like a treasured photograph in this gut-wrenching story. Katy braids together past, present and the events of one desperate day in a haunting true story in which the sins of the past threaten to destroy a wicked red-blooded original; Mother?s fragile equilibrium of present.
A raw series of secrets of an ?unwed? mother and/or loose teenager as Katy?s mother paints her life canvas. From the secrecy of closed adoption and maternity homes she was warned not to reveal her sur-name, during an era when shame upon the family name was unbearable.
Her portrayal of her family and the ties that bind is sensitive, full of hate and betrayal, lost hopes and burning questions, freedom and bondage and love and laughter.
Katy will take you coast to coast and back again. There are plenty of laughs and hardcore knocks along the way and within a biker?s community.
She challenges herself to sail like a hawk as she reaches for freedom from the ?Seen or Be Seen? diverse crowd to never giving in to the ?principal? of searching for her beloved son.
Will she eventually find Michael Adams S., her son? If you haven?t ordered this book yet, what are you waiting for? This is a MUST READ! It made my eyes weld up and pulled my hamstrings. I found myself rereading it a week later. I haven?t read a biker book that rocks this good in a long time!

LEE PARKS RIDING SEMINARS–We’re neck deep finishing up with the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows and it’s been great seeing so many of you, quite a few for the first time. With the final show this weekend in Chicago I wanted to invite any local Chicagoans (my old home town!) to stop by and see us before the big drive back to SoCal.
As you know, we rarely have sales here so I’m happy to announce that while supplies last we’re blowing out our natural colored bamboo t-shirts for only $15. Buy one or a bunch but when they’re gone, they’re gone.
In Total Control news, we’ve been very busy opening up new locations for 2010. We’re proud to announce dates in:
? Tampa, FL
? Lakeland, FL
? Jacksonville FL
? Topeka, KS
? Columbia, SC
? Midwest City, OK
? Spokane, WA
? Geneva, IL
Of course, check out the schedule on the right (or on the site) for the latest dates at all our locations.Ride well,

Retail Price: $2,495.00
The BAKER DD6 is the ultimate transmission for serious touring, bagger, Softail or Dyna riders. The ones who really put the miles on appreciate the silent smoothness with our helical highway gears and direct drive engineering. All steps have been taken to dampen vibration so you, your motor and the rest of the bike can go for the long haul for years to come.
– Fits 1990-2006 Big Twin FLT-FLH, ST, FXR and DYNA (except 2006 Dyna)
– The end-all, proven and perfected helical gear design for smooth and silent operation in the cruising gears.
– 99% efficient in 6th gear with a 400-500 rpm reduction depending on application.
– Fixed spindle shift drum for smooth, low inertia, drum indexing. Anti-overshift ratchet pawl prevents mis-shifts.
– Full width BAKER ground gears finished in diamond-coated tooling are strong and dependable.
– 5 year, 50,000 mile warranty

BAKER/Dakota Digital Recalibration Box!
Retail Price: $135.00
Your Price: Free! (with the purchase of a DD6 builders kit)
Starting in 1994, the factory started using electronic speedos on some of the models. Today, all models use this. If you are changing the transmission pulley, rear wheel pulley, rear tire or installing one of our transmissions, you will need a recal box. You can dial it in dead-nuts after you install it in-line with your existing wiring harness. Not required for Sportster and Buell if you re-use the existing 5th gear.

BAKER High Torque Bearing Kits!
Retail Price: $40.00
Your Price: Free! (with the purchase of a DD6 builders kit)
The 34091-85 inner bearing race has been used on Big Twins since 1985. The inner primary bearing rides on this race. By design, this race press-fits onto the transmission mainshaft. This system works fine for stock engines. 100 HP+ engines will make this bearing walk on the mainshaft. If it walks inboard, it will damage the maindrive gear seal and cause a transmission oil leak. If it walks outboard, it will cause a primary oil leak. Our high torque bearing kit eliminates this condition. Kit includes a precision honed bearing and seal.

DIAMOND POSSE UPDATE–Vicki is riding out to San Antonio in May for the start of the Diamond Posse Ride to benefit the Center for the Intrepid, a wonderful privately funded facility that cares for and rehabilitates some of our wounded heroes coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq. They?ll ride back to Wisconsin, stopping at a number of VA hospitals to visit veterans and thank them for their service.
They?ll arrive back in Wisconsin in LaCrosse to join the LZ Lambeau event, a huge ride culminating at Lambeau Field, home of the Packers football team. The ride is a recognition and thank you to Viet Nam veterans and thousands of vets and citizen bikers are expected to attend. The Diamond Posse has been invited to ride into Lambeau Field with the lead group of Viet Nam Vets, about 500 of them, led by Gary Wetzel, Medal of Honor Recipient. That?s a special honor for the girls.
Check out
What a week that will be. The Executive Ride ends on Thursday of that week, and Friday, I?ll be joining the County Executive as he rides back up to Green Bay to join in the festivities at LZ Lambeau. Vicki will join us there with the Posse after being on the road for two weeks. Lot?s more rides coming up after that, but what a way to kick off the riding season in Wisconsin.
–Tony Pan

NEW COMBINATION DIGITAL SPEEDOMETER/ANALOG TACHOMETER–A Plug-In Fit for Late-Model Harley-Davidson Softail, Dyna and Road King Models.
MILWAUKEE (January 26, 2010) ? The new Combination Digital Speedometer/Analog Tachometer (P/N 74717-10, $299.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories offers the rider a way to monitor engine speed without cluttering the handlebar area with a separate tachometer.
This five-inch-diameter gauge has a spun-aluminum surface and features an easy-to-read central LCD display with a digital speedometer. An analog, 8,000-rpm tach sweeps the perimeter of the face. The digital reading can be toggled between MPH and KPH to simplify cross-border touring.
The unit mounts in the stock dash opening and is a direct, plug-in installation for 2008-later Softail models with a five-inch speedometer. A similar instrument is also available to fit 2008-later Road King and 2009-later Dyna models.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

Texas challenges EPA’s global warming findings–
Texas on Tuesday became the first state to challenge the Environmental Protection Agency’s finding that gases blamed for global warming threaten public health.
Gov. Rick Perry and other Texas officials said the federal finding is based on flawed science and would harm the state’s economy.
The EPA issued the finding two months ago in an attempt to regulate carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases as pollutants under the Clean Air Act.
Such rules would have a profound impact on Texas, which pumps more carbon dioxide into the air than any other state because of its scores of coal-fired power plants, refineries and other industrial facilities.
?The EPA’s misguided plan paints a big target on the backs of Texas agriculture and energy producers and the hundreds of thousands of Texans they employ,? Perry said in a statement. ?This legal action is being taken to protect the Texas economy and the jobs that go with it, as well as defend Texas’ freedom to continue our successful environmental strategies free from federal overreach.?
Texas asked the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., to review the finding, with its petition coming on the heels of similar filings by business and conservative groups.
Al Armendariz, the EPA’s administrator for Region 6, which includes Texas, said he isn’t surprised by the state’s legal challenge but chided Texas leaders for not doing more to reduce emissions.
?Instead Texas officials are attempting to slow progress with unnecessary litigation,? Armendariz said. ?EPA is confident the endangerment finding … will withstand legal challenge.?
The Supreme Court gave the agency legal authority to regulate such emissions in a landmark 2007 ruling.
Bashing the panel
The state’s petition argues the EPA improperly relied on the scientific conclusions of other groups, particularly the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to make the endangerment finding on heat-trapping gases.
The IPCC has admitted that its most recent report significantly overstated how quickly Himalayan glaciers will melt, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said, and there have been assertions of other errors as well.
What’s more, pirated e-mails show climate scientists attempting to suppress dissent, he said.
As a result, Abbott said there is a legal rationale for a court to order the agency to reopen its scientific analysis.
?There clearly is lying, falsification, cover-ups, et cetera that are going on here,? he said. ?We’re not saying the science is wrong, we’re looking at this information and saying this information is troubling.
?The course of American commerce cannot be altered when there are this many faults with the underlying analysis.?
Richard Faulk, who heads the environmental practice at the firm Gardere Wynne Sewell, endorsed the state’s stance, saying the EPA only can make an endangerment finding after determining ? independently ? that ensuing rules would improve existing conditions.
?No regulations the U.S. unilaterally adopts can possibly reverse global warming by themselves,? Faulk said. ?Their impact on the global climate will be minimal, especially when China, India and other major emitters continue to release gases without any restrictions.?
But Victor Flatt, the Taft professor of environmental law at the University of North Carolina, found the petition ?essentially baseless? since EPA referred to ? but did not totally rely on ? the findings of the IPCC.
?The scientific basis of EPA’s endangerment finding is overwhelming,? Flatt said, ?and certainly rises above the level of evidence they need to make the finding.?
The EPA moved to regulate carbon dioxide and five other heat-trapping gases in December in the absence of congressional action to cut emissions. The agency does not expect to propose an air quality standard for the gases, as it does for smog-forming ozone and other pollutants, because the emissions aren’t localized.
Instead, the Clean Air Act would require that industries use the ?best available control technology? ? which the EPA hasn’t yet defined ? to reduce those emissions.
Senator agrees
U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Perry’s main rival in the Republican primary for governor, also questions the EPA’s finding. She has joined other senators in seeking to strip the agency of the power to regulate climate-altering emissions.
?The EPA’s actions represent a sweeping mandate that will cost jobs and cannot stand,? Hutchison said.
Environmentalists said they wish Texas officials would work with the EPA to reduce emissions through new, cleaner energy sources, rather than fight the agency in court.
?Not only is it legally unsound,? said Jim Marston, director of the Environmental Defense Fund’s Texas office, ?it puts Texas on the side of the 1950s economy, against the clean energy economy of the future.?
Chronicle reporter Eric Berger contributed to this report.
— By Matthew Tresaugue, Houston Chronicle, February 17, 2010
–from Charlie Peters

BLACK OUT LEVERS FROM GMA/BDL–Belt Drives LTD, manufacturer of the elite line of GMA components, has just released these super sanitary, rugged, high performance BLACK OUT lever controls. The master cylinder has a 5/8? bore and integrates a threaded ball end plunger.
This design provides positive engagement and, precise movement of the piston and rubber cup reservoir seal for positive, smooth stopping performance. GMA controls are secured to bars with camlocks and the switch housing blends in for an exceptionally clean profile. Available hydraulic clutch master features a 9/16? bore to match common aftermarket slave cylinders.
Designed for use with 1? bars the super clean GMA/BDL levers start at just $180.00. For complete details call BDL direct at 714-685-3333. Be sure to catch them on the Web at

QUICK THROTTLE HUNT, Who Is This Mystery Girl?– Quick Throttle Magazine takes great pride in the covers we choose for you. We can’t tell you how we pick them, we simply see something that strikes us and we know it’s the cover.
That’s exactly what happened with this picture. Our photographer extraordinaire, George Childress, was in Oatman during the Laughlin River Run ’09 when he snapped this candid shot of a cute girl on her bike. The next thing we know she has become one of the most talked about covers we’ve had in a long time. Everyone wants to know “Who is she?”. We’d love to know who she is!
If you can help us identify the mystery girl that has graced the cover of 4 regions of Quick Throttle Magazine, send us a note. Better yet, have her drop us a line!
Email us at with any information.

BIKERNET DEAL OF THE WEEK, A ROCKET–The X-2 Skylimo rocket is for sale before the jump over the Colorado River – the attempt will be an even longer jump than the Evel Knievel jump at the Snake River
909 254 1200

KING DEAL OF THE WEEK–Bikernet’s bitchin 2003 Road King is for sale, quick, $10,500. Low mileage, 88-inch with cams, gear drive update, D&D exhaust and highbars. This bike is sweet. Drop me a line if you’re interested:

FANTASTIC FINISH–We are all facing uncertain times, but there’s never a dull moment around the Bikernet Headquarters. Just in the last couple of days two new bike features flew into the shop, plus Rogue’s oil cooler tech, and more fiction.

Mike Pullin, out of Charlotte, is trying his hand a featuring this ER Show contestant.
We may not have any cash, but we’re always faced with a vast plethora of bike projects. I’m selling my King and I need a long distance cruiser, so I’m building a classic Frisco style FXR with a Paughco Frame and Redneck bags. It’s the mudflap girl bike.

I’m a big fan of Evos for a couple of reasons. To me there are the epitome of the classic V-twin, the final refined stage, the last bastion of Freedom. Let’s fight to keep them alive. Think about it. Every manufacturer outside the evil factory still uses the classic Evo configuration, including Big Dog, Brass Balls and Sucker Punch.

I will start to work with Ron at Paughco next week on the frame configuration. You’ll see it come together on Bikernet.
Ride Forever,