Continued From Page 2

SHOVELHEAD MOTOR PLATES–qualizer motor plates are a requirement for open belt drives installed on pre-Evo cone motor bikes. The Equalizer bolts to both Primo’s alternator cover & bearing support to provide a strong structural link between the motor & transmission, allowing “open” belt drive installations. The Equalizer is adjustable for correct belt tension and is available with or without and idler.
PP-130 Includes polished alternator cover, polished Equalizer, idler kit & bearing support. Allows the ?open? use of any Primo belt drive system intended for enclosed Primary.
PP-140 Same as PP-130 less the idler bearing assembly.
PP-150 Primo Equalizer with idler bearing kit (no bearing support, no alternator cover).
PP-160 Primo Equalizer Plate only.
PP-170 Primo Equalizer Plate (polished) complete (no idler slot) with polished alternator cover & bearing support.
PP-180 Primo Equalizer Plate (polished)(no idler slot)
Call (562) 907-2600 for more information or to order
Rivera Engineering / Primo Belt Drives
12532 Lambert Road
Whittier, CA 90606

RIDERS TO LEARN TO WHEELIEDURING DAYTONA BIKE WEEK!–The world’s top motorcycle riding instructor, Keith Code, says “doingwheelies ranks high on the list of the most frivolous and decadent thingsin the history of Mankind!”
“I look at it from the perspective of skill and control,” says Code. “Itjust happens to be one of the skills every top rider I have ever workedwith has perfected.”
Riders have more confidence in themselves when they know they can handlethe motorcycle, especially in extreme circumstances and a wheelie is anextreme circumstance. “The Wheelie School, appropriately named On OneWheel ( will reduce fear… which is the best part,”says Code.
The highlight of the school is Code’s newest invention, the Wheelie TrainingBike which has two ANTI FLIP-OVER mechanisms: one kills the power andthe other applies the rear brake. “Your eyes will pop out of your headwhen it goes up–but flipping it won’t be easy,” says Code.
The first Wheelie Schools began in Nov/02 at the Irwindale Raceway, Irwindale,California. Each school holds a maximum of 8 students per school-daysession. All students are guaranteed to wheelie and will have the opportunityfor dozens of runs.

The first Wheelie Schools were so in demand they were scheduled for2003 & 2004! And expanded out to more states.
Along with the rest of his motorcycle training devices —the Brake Rig,the Onboard Camera Bike, the No B.S. Bike, the Braking Trainer and theLean/Slide Machine –the Wheelie Bike will give students a whole new levelof control over their riding.
Keith Code is founder of the the legendary California SuperbikeSchool, a travelling motorcycle academy that teaches state-of-the-artriding and safety techniques to cyclists in all skill categories – fromnational champion racers to weekend pleasure riders.
The direct phone to the school is: 818-957-7104

Ken Miller isn’t only a joke contributor but a talented bike builder. Here’s one of his current projects.
BIKERNET PARTY WARNING– As the mailman approached a home on Monday he notices that both cars are in the driveway, his wonder is cut short by Bob the homeowner coming out with a load of empty beer and liquor bottles.
“Wow Bob, looks like you guys had a hell of a party last night.” The Mailman comments.
Bob, in obvious pain, replies, “Actually we had it Saturday night, this is the first I have felt like moving since 4 am Sunday morning. We had about fifteen couples from around the neighborhood over for the party and got a bit wild. Hell, we even got so drunk that around midnight we started playing WHO AM I.”
The Mailman thinks a moment and says, ” How do you play that?”
Bob continues between hung over gasps, “Well, all the guys go in the bedroom ! and we come out one at a time with a sheet covering us and only our “units” showing through a hole in the sheet. Then the women try to guess who it is.”
The Mailman laughs and says, “Damn, I’m sorry I missed that.”
“Probably a good thing you did,” Bob responds, “your name was guessed four or five times.”
–from Ken Miller

BIKERTOBERWEST–For more information, follow this link, http:// and check back with us every Thursday for news and updates. Bikernet Contest– Last week we announced we had two VIP passes to Bikertoberwest. We haven’t chosen a winner yet, but will soon. Aaron Pritchard, please send me an email…
RIGHT-OF-WAY (ROW) LAWS IN DEMAND–I cannot believe what I have read. A man, Gary Lee Butler kills people, and permanently injures others by loosing control of his vehicle and he has to pay less that $200.00 in fines, and that is all!?! Either the attorney for the victims was asleep at the wheel, or the attorney for the accused was that good. Either way, can this be related to motorcycles?
The fact that the victims were on motorcycles, should have nothing to do with the outcome of this situation. I cannot realize how a person can take the life of another through negligence, and not have to do time. Not to mention the families of those who were killed. I tell you, that if someone killed my wife or son like this, and the justice system let then walk, they wouldn’t be walking on this earth for long!
I can’t believe this story isn’t bigger than it is! If I didn’t read bikernet, I’d never know about it. Do you really believe that this is related to the victims being on motorcycles?
David Marathas (

THE STEALTH REPORT–This past Saturday, Valentine’s day (2-14-04), we held our annual Valentine’s Day event at the shop. There was food, music, a hot lips contest and a poker run, the usual event day happenings. As the day unfolded I watched from a distance at a mini view of our society. You see we had our local generic HOG club, two nationally known clubs, one of those being a one percenter club. There were newbies, rubs, and long time riders. At first each group stayed with their own, sort of feeling things out. As the day wore on and everyone got more comfortable with each other, everyone mingled together and if wasn’t for colors on their backs, you couldn’t tell who was who.
As I thought about this for a while, I tried to think what these people had in common, very little I suppose. There were people from all walks of life, with different incomes and different races. It seemed as though all of the differences had faded out of sight for a short time. The only thing these people had in common was riding motorcycles, in this case Harley-Davidson motorcycles. As to whether or not you are a H-D fan, you have to admit they are doing something right to have survived now for over 100 years. I don’t agree with everything they do, but there is nothing that draws people together like the motorcycles that roll out of Milwaukee.
On this day I saw people who would normally not associate with each other shake hands and wish each other well. On this day people didn’t see colors, color of skin, or income level, they saw each other as a fellow rider, even if some of them were as green as apples. The last event of the day was a 50/50 raffle and a one percenter won it and guess what! The HOG club congratulated him along with everyone else there.
I thought and wondered how it would be if the leaders of countries all rode bikes and attended an event like this once a year and forgot about boundaries and all the political crap they usually fight over and put it all aside, how the world as a whole would be a better place.
I am sure most of our readers remember a song by John Lennon called “Imagine.” If I’m not mistaken that is the title. The song pretty much summed up the day.
I know a day like this is not realistic every day, but it was nice to see for one day, no differences, no conflicts, just talking bikes and talking about the upcoming rides of the season to come, Daytona,Laconia, Sturgis, and the one I am personally proud of, the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.”
See you down the road!
But what about the women?–Bandit

BUELL AND BRAG ANNOUNCE F-USA THUNDERBIKE SUPPORT PROGRAM–$70,500 Contingency Program Offered to Privateer Buell Roadracers.
MILWAUKEE (February 17, 2004) – Buell Motorcycle Company and Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG), the factory sponsored club for Buell owners, recently announced a new roadracing support program for 2004, with $70,500 in contingency paid to racers aboard Buell motorcycles in the eight-round national Formula USA Thunderbike class. Buell and BRAG will offer Buell racers $8,000 per race in contingency paid back to 15th place, in addition to Formula USA?s $2,000 Thunderbike purse, plus a $6,500 championship bonus for Buell racers paid back to 5th place, supplemented by Formula USA?s $5,500 championship bonus.?We?re proud to support the efforts of privateer Buell racers in Formula USA?s National Thunderbike class, and with BRAG?s help, we were able to increase the purse of our contingency program by 15 percent,? said Erik Buell, Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of Buell Motorcycle Company.
The Formula USA Thunderbike class will be a featured event at all eight Formula USA National Road Race Series rounds. The events will be held at Daytona International Speedway, February 26-29; Road America, April 23-25; Summit Point Raceway, May 29-31; New Hampshire International Speedway, June 18-20; Virginia International Raceway, June 25-27; Barber Motorsports Park, August 13-15; Las Vegas Classic Course, September 24-26; and the Daytona finale, October 22-24. Buell?s Henry Duga and the Buell Racing Support Van will be present at each F-USA National event to provide assistance to Buell racers.
Call 1-800-490-9635 for the Buell dealer nearest you. To learn more about BRAG go to
DAYTONA TRAFFIC WARNINGS–Local traffic, from neighboring cities, should use roadways such as Nova Road, Ridgewood Avenue (US-1), and Atlantic Avenue for routine travel during peak event times when one-way patterns are in effect.
Local traffic wishing to go west on International Speedway Boulevard (US-92) or to the areas west of the Speedway, County and State facilities as well as the Daytona Flea Market and other businesses; from the south, use Tomoka Farms Road from Dunlawton Avenue; from the north, use I-95 to US-92, exit west to International Speedway Boulevard. Please check the peak event times and dates listed to plan your travel. Please take a moment to plan your travel and check your local newspaper for updated event traffic information.
ORLANDO TRAFFIC WARNING–Orlando has announced that it will crack down on aggressive drivers.The city is receiving $85,000 in state money to fund the program.The main target is going to be I-4.
This will be just in time for BIKE WEEK and with activities in both Orlando and Daytona Beach a lot of Bikers will be traveling this road.
Is it planed to get more of the Bikers money or just a coincidence?
I personally think that the State of Florida does not do any of these programs unless they make money on them.
Hey it is big business in Florida. The Brevard County Counterattack Program Instructor told me it costs the average person, arrested for DUI, $16,000.00. Hey that is arrested. Pretty much the same thing if you are found not guilty.
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles say 69,551 people were arrested in 2002. The last year I could find records for. Just Do Your Math. Some One Is Making A lot of Bucks Here. That does not count how they have hurt people by refusing to let them drive and earn a living.
Bikernet will continue to let you know ,as best we can, where some of these checks are going to be as well as announce road closures. Check Back Regularly.

ATKINS DIET APPROVED BIG FAT 280 MM SPOKED WHEEL AND STAINLESS SPORTSTER FRAME–Fat?s where it?s at! This all meat industry first features a massive 7-inchhub (3/4″ or 1″ axle) that securely anchors the 18? x 10 1/2? rim with 80cross?laced drop dead gorgeous spokes, finished in powdercoat or chrome or acombination of both.
Designed for Chopper Unlimited?s drive-side brake setup, there’s plenty ofstopping power to go with the great looks and proven reliability. Alsoavailable as conventional drive/brake setup (1″ axle version only). Pricingstarts at only $1,100.00, for genuine, made in the U.S.A. quality.

Also new is this fresh rigid Sporty frame, starting at only $995.00. Itaccepts wheels (3/4″ or 1″axle) up to 250mm, in carbon steel or polished (13/8″ thick wall 304) stainless. Any rake, any stretch, at no additionalcost.
Get in touch with Kjell Bjerke at Choppers Unlimited, 256 S. Marine Blvd. inJacksonville, NC 28540. Give ’em a ring at (910) 938-3375, or check theirweb site at
OCC CUSTOM FIREFIGHTER BIKE RAFFLE–Go to And while you’re there, don’t forget about our upcoming 2004 BVFD Interstate Fair, June 28th – July 4th 2004. Pictures from our previous fairs are on the site. The winning number for the OCC bike will be drawn on the last day of the fair and OCC will be there! If you’re interested in the fair, or know someone who might be, please let us know! We’re looking for vendors and sponsors and entertainment! Micky Martin CHOPPERS ONLY HAWAIIAN BIKE RENTAL CONNECTION–My name is Larry Valle I own and operate a small motorcycle rental shop here in Honolulu called Big Kahuna Motorcycle Rentals.You were referred by Chris Tronolone (Choppers Only Hawaii) & your aussie connection, Glen Priddle, who owns the no 1 hasting street penthouse rentals in Australia. He was here in Honolulu for the Discovery Channel Biker Build off, between Arlen Ness vs Cory Ness. He rented a bike from me.We will have lots of bikes available for the Choppers Only Show on the 4th of July Weekend. Aloha,
Bedington Volunteer Fire Department
Martinsburg WV
Larry Valle
Big Kahuna Motorcycle Tours & Rentals

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Yeap I’m as lost as bat in a baseball stadium. I have totally lost track of time, dates and all the regulated shit that divides our life. All I know is that it’s time to ship everything across the Atlantic to the Daytona shores. The builds have been headache after headache and just when we thought it was almost done, some wicked-evil shit lurks.
Which reminds me; I really fucking hate when other mechanics do a shit job, leave it there and when it’s time to work on a bike, you are surprised by their incompetence. I tend not to take work when someone else did it before, and I really hate doing it, but sometimes you get fooled. I always leave everything to do my new chops for Daytona, this time I left my stuff to work on customer?s chops that are going to the US. We have been trying, but it’s not easy. We are still trying to get the new place together, and the fucking clock is ticking in a crank stupor. I swear I’ve never seen that fucker turn around so fast. Well, what’s done is done and what not is not, there’s nothing we can do.

This week we even took two precious days out of our busy schedule to participate in the largest car show in the Caribbean, if not Latin America. We brought our bikes as a display for a local cleaning products company called Angel Guard. We were the only ones with custom bikes there, amid a sea of old cars and dealers trying to sell the latest four wheeled fantasies. I had a really good time walking down aisle after aisle of classic cars and we even managed to score a 63′ Impala for Wicho. I wish I had more moola to spend and more time; there were some sweet deals. The show claimed to have over 100 thousand in attendance during the two days, which is pretty impressive, if not almost unbelievable.
I tell you I can’t wait to get out of here and head to the Hawaiian shores. I want to see my friends over there and do nothing but surf & hang out, and I really don’t want to wait ’til July 4th to do so.

Speaking of Impalas, I’m doing a 64′ and Wichos 63′ and I was wondering if anyone here can hook me up with some info on airbag suspension for them. There?s no such place here and I have been surfing the web, but before forking out the $$$ I really want to know as much as possible. You can send me an e-mail at .
House Of Kolor hooked me up with some kick ass paint, and LA Wire wheels have a set of 100 spokes on the way (thanks George), so all I need are those damn bags……
Getting back to Daytona? in case you don’t know, we will be at the end of the Main street bridge accross from West Coast Choppers. Our little compound will be chock full of chopper stuff, like Choppers Inc, Indian Larry, Fabricator Kevin, Hank Young, BikerSpot magazine, us, and some others will be there as well. If you happen to be in Daytona come by and say hi. If you have any gripes or whatever, I will be the guy with the white hair in the flying pan.
The Horse Magazine will be stationed at the Last Resort, the chopper show will take place the last Saturday with Chopper Dave as a judge and we will be going back and forth with some free Horse magazines for those who buy shirts. They don’t know it yet but Bikernet is going to send some stickers to give away as well.We also have information on this years Puerto Rico Bike Week-end, so if you come by, there will be a lot of goodies to get. I’ll even give you a sneak preview; the cover on the new BikerSpot issue is my bike and a very hot (yeap big boobs) local chick.
I have been gun point appointed to be the Bike Week reporter, so I hope I’ll get some wicked shit to write about (I mean, there’s always stuff) but meeting people is always fun (more so if single good looking chicks with a sex -aholic problem who dig Caribbean chopper builders who enjoy Hawaii in the summer and have a fetish with sand and sun…..).

Speaking of breast, I have been away from TV lately but I certainly hope that all the stupid nonsense with Janet Jackson’s boob is over. Land of the Free my ass, I really can’t believe a single (human enhanced) boob covered by a piercing could cause so much raucous. The fucking puritans are long gone and dead. Every single place in the world welcomes partial nudity as a part of life, what’s up with that? I know most people did not see it, since we all turned away from the TV when Justin whatever showed up, but come on…..I really believe that topless and nude beaches are way overdue in the US. Also, swearing and boobs on TV. These days where being a part time lesbo is cool, and you can get dressed up by gay guys or be a metro sexual, what the fucks up with some cleavage, with some good ol’ usda saline enhanced mammary glands? Jeezzzz, what’s next? There will be a space law between the strippers and customers…..Oh fuck that already happened, what no more smoking in bars…..Oh, that too….Watch out World…. we are loosing our freedoms one by one.. Are we going to have to buy an island and rule it ourselves, like we please?
Oh well down from the soap box and back to the sweat shop…..That’s all for now, see ya next week, or in Daytona…
Jose “clueless” Caribbean Bikernet reporter…… (at least cruising in the fucking Impala, burning lots of gas and damaging the ozone)

MORE FROM LUCKY DEVIL–well it’s time to put the 95 bad boy conversion back together. We just got all the items back from paint & chrome. We?ll keep you posted, (she is nice)
Take care Lucky & the Devil

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