Continued From Page 1
BIKERNETTERS IN PARADISE– If you missed out on this trip, is planning another ?Bikernetter’s Escape To Tahiti?, this comingNovember to help support the needy kids in Tahiti. Don’t miss out on thatone! Keep checking the news for further details.
From: Layla
To: TBear
Hello Poppa Bear,
We received our tickets to Tahiti from Fed Ex today, thank you for theacct #. As I pulled the tickets out of the envelope, I closed my eyes andimagined rocking in a hammock, sipping a fruity cocktail, crystal blue waterin front of me and white sand beneath me… Then I opened my eyes andthought of you in below 0 New York. Brrrrrrrr… I thought you could use acocktail more than me!
From: Tbear
To: Layla
Thank you kindly for the Martini, I sure need it about now.We had an additional 2 feet of snow on Monday bringing the total still onthe ground to appx 6 feet.The good news is that it hit 35o today and will do so again on Friday. Thebad news is that we’re getting another major snowstorm on Saturday thenagain on Monday. I know Bears like cold weather but this hibernation isstarting to get old, fast.36 more days and maybe I’ll start to thaw out.Here is a pic of the beach well be hanging out on. I already have my hammockpicked out.Ted

BIKERNET WORDS OF WISDOM–My neighbor was bit by a stray rabid dog. I went to see how he was and found him writing frantically. I told him rabies could be cured and he didn’t have to worry about a will. He said, “Will!? What will? I’m making a list of the people I wanna bite.”
–from Kristine J.

MORE DAYTONA DESPERATION–DAYTONA BEACH — Seeing new luxury hotel rooms spring from a blighted beachfront gave local tourism officials hope. Watching a parking garage and water park swim in debt has given county officials pause.Now they face a decision about expanding the Ocean Center, the anchor that could either boost Daytona Beach’s $200 million redevelopment dreams — or drag it under.
The Volusia County Council plans to meet with the county Tourism Development Council at 11:30 this morning to discuss the proposed expansion, which has been bandied about for the last two years. The idea seemed like a no-brainer at first. Outside consultants have recommended tripling the Ocean Center’s existing 46,000-square-foot exhibit space to compete in the conventions industry market. But that was before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the slowdown in the economy that has put a stranglehold on convention business throughout the country. That has some county officials questioning the timing of a $50 million expansion.
Some local hoteliers said the convention industry is going through tough times. Hotel-Motel Association Chairman Bob Davis said 67 convention centers are being built across the country, and city officials in Los Angeles, Houston and Boston were disappointed recently when newly-expanded convention centers failed to attract the number of visitors hoteliers expected.
“We hope that the expansion will bring more people into our area,” Davis said. “We hope that’s the truth. But the reality is that the convention industry is not doing well at all. If we expand ours, how are we assured that people will come here?”

SEATTLE MOTOR OFFICER TO RIDE HARLEYS–SEATTLE, Washington (AP) — Police officer Jerry Hicklin was tired of catcalls like “get a real bike” as he rode his department-issued Kawasaki.
Now he’s in hog heaven since the department’s motorcycle unit switched to Harley-Davidson Road Kings with 1,450-cc engines. Seven of the new Harleys are in service and the rest are expected by this summer.
Seated on his new bike, Hicklin, a motorcycle officer since 1981, joked about “pigs on hogs” as a small crowd gathered to admire his new wheels.
“They’re gorgeous, aren’t they? Man!” Hicklin said. “I’ve been waiting 21 years for this.”
The brass is happy, too.Officials estimate the city will save $40,000 a year by leasing Harleys rather than buying Kawasakis, which typically were used for three years and then sold at auction.
Then there’s the morale boost.”It’s kind of like we just gave them a big Christmas present,” Assistant Police Chief Harry Bailey said.
–from Bob T.
I admire your strength,
I admire your spunk;
But the thing I like best
Is getting you drunk.
–from Ken Miller

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN DIALS SU CARBURETOR–But after 3 weeks of 18 to 20 hour days..what would you expect in my garage, but a mess.I’m having problems with the SU. First it did not want to start, now it starts briefly and dies. Later it started for some time but sounded like one plug was fouled. I assume it has a leak on the manifold. The rubber slides off really easy, and the fouled plug thing should give me a hint..
I’ll do the wd-40 thing.I’m waiting on the seatand small details.Gotta shit load of stuff that was made for it and that we made. Hours and hours.
— Jose De Miguel
– Visit our Web Site,
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY–A good friend will come bail you out of jail……….But, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying,”Damn…we fucked up.”

DEVIL DOLLS–GOOD VS. EVIL PARTY–OK everybody! The time has come to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the beginning of The Devil Dolls. The terror continues! We have great things planned for this year’s party. Unfortunately we’ve heard through the grapevine that Tan Girl may try to crash the party again, so be on the look out. She is a very devious adversary. As GOTHGIRL’s evil nemesis, she does everything she can too undermine GOTH and turn everyone into sun worshippers under the guise of “spirituality.” We have a plan for her if she dares to show up!
Everyone but Tan Girl is invited! GOTH will be playing piano, we will have a raffle (minus harnesses) 50/50, and food. The Dolls will sign calendars, and we plan to just have a whole lotta fun!
The proceeds from this party will benefit one of our VERY close friends who broke his leg and is about to run out of benefits. We don’t want to him to lose his house. So we are going to help him out.
We hope to see you there!
7:00PM to 1:00AM
The Double Play
16th and Bryant
San Francisco, CA
FOLKS ATTENDING EVENTS OUTSIDE OF TROUBLED DAYTONA– For business owner Kevin Rosa, “Do in Korona what you can’t do in Daytona” is a business slogan he has used for years. For Flagler County commissioners, it’s a call to battle. The words were on a recent flier advertising Bike Week activities at Rosa’s White Eagle Lounge in Korona. It touted performances by popular bands, spaghetti wrestling and a wet T-shirt contests. But what caught the County Commission’s attention, other than the slogan, was the advertisement for primitive camping.
Commissioners say Rosa, one of the owners of the White Eagle Lounge, is violating county codes with the primitive campground, and told County Attorney Carl Kern on Monday to seek an emergency injunction, if necessary, to stop the event.
“I want to give the county attorney the power to seek whatever action necessary to ensure that the laws of this county are followed,” Commissioner Pat McGuire said.
Kern told commissioners he had prepared a letter to send to Rosa. However, Tuesday, Rosa said he had not received such a letter.
Rosa said the commission is overreacting.
” ‘Do in Korona’ has been the motto for years. It’s just a motto,” he said. “It’s not like that at all. I hope it’s not going to be a problem. We just have to play it by ear.”
Flagler County officials have struggled for years over how to deal with special events. But they began last March to create a special events ordinance that would limit activities not only during Bike Week, but also Biketoberfest, Spring Break and Black College Reunion.
Meanwhile, Daytona Beach officials have taken a tough stance on special events, passing new ordinances that increase police authority to arrest bikers who rev engines. They also have stepped up efforts to arrest boisterous drunks and indiscreet partiers. Daytona Beach also raised vendor fees and restricted vendor and sidewalk sales.
–from Rogue

–Joke from Rev. CarlR
BIKERNET HAS CAJUN TRIPLETS–Way down in dat old swamp known as Louisiana, Bubba’s old lady had beenpregnant for some time, and now the time had come.So, he brought her to the doctor, and the doctor began to deliver the baby.
She had a little boy, and the doctor looked over at Bubba and said, “Hey,Bubba! You just had you a son! Ain’t dat grand!!”
Bubba got excited by this, but just then the doctor spoke up and said, “Holdon! We ain’t finished yet!”
The doctor then delivered a little girl. He said, “Hey, Bubba! You got you adaughter!!!! She a pretty lil ting, too….”
Bubba got kind of puzzled by this, and then the doctor said, “Hold on, westill ain’t got done yet!”
The doctor then delivered another boy and said,”Bubba, you just had yourself another boy!”
When Bubba and his wife went home with their three children, he sat downwithhis wife and said, “Mama, you remember dat night what we ran out of Vaselineand we had to use dat dere 3-in-1 Oil?”
She said, “Yeah, I do.”
Bubba said, “Man, it’s a damn good ting we didn’t use no WD-40!!”
–from Rogue
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