Hey goddamnit,
I beat the cold and now I’m back in full fuckin’ swing. Nothing like taking a couple of days off, to have the shit pile up like a rush-hour traffic jam. We’re looking for a translator to turn short German bike features from Horst into English for Bikernet. Let me know if you can help. We need to bring you a couple of features from the Padua AMD show in Italy. Outstanding bikes.

We’ve kicked off the Root Beer Float project bike by Kent Weeks for the lovely Sin Wu. Rivera/Primo wants us to put together another install tech. Berry Wardlaw is checking and tuning the Assalt Weapan in Dotham, Alabama. Next race, the Maxton Mile. Lee Clemens and the Departure Bike Works Crew have the 1940 Bonne Belle (above) in their shop (stop by and check it out). I’m about to start a series of techs on a Pro Street, touring bike build at the Bikernet Headquarters. I’ve been invited to attend a Pirelli Tire Night Dragon unveiling in Daytona and go for a ride along the coast with the Pirelli gang so I’m headed to Bike Week.

It’s my son’s Birthday today, and I made him a belt buckle, since he’s the president of a local Christian Club called the Saints. Plus we have a new set of Knockout Motorcycle Company Shovelhead pipes to install on Jeremiah’s bobber, if he ever shows up again. We will deliver the tech next week. Plus we have some killer features coming your way. So we’re back at it. Let’s hit the news:

SUCKER PUNCH SALLY PARTY’S WITH NEW DEALER–Here are some pictures from the Pikes Peak SuckerPunch Sally’s grand opening. Great turn out and hugeinterest here in snowy Colorado even though it will bea few months before we can ride.

Address isMichael’s Motorcycle Works
108. E. Hwy 24
Woodland Park, CO 80863
D&D Performance Enterprises are shipping the 2008 Fat Cat slip-ons exhaust pipes for the Harley-Davidson Fat Boy Softail and Deuce motorcycles. Enthusiasts can choose between a slash cut even cut or a staggered cut for one of Harley’s most popular models.
The Harley-Davidson Fat Boy and Deuce Softail slip-on pipes are manufactured with show chrome and full wrap heat shields, which keep all discoloration out of sight. Enthusiasts can also select the black coating option as an alternative to chrome.
The entire line of D&D performance exhaust pipes for the softail family of Harley motorcycles are built with direct fitment that requires no cutting, welding or grinding.
Every Harley-Davidson Fat Boy slip-on pipe is torture tested on D&D’s state-of-the-art in-house Super Flow Eddy Current Ram Air dynamometer. This is done in combination with the Super Flow Bench and the first in the industry, multi cylinder Lambda Fuel Air Ratio Sensors, which are interfaced with the dynamometer for real time meter and graph analysis.
This means that performance is always increased with a D & D exhaust pipe. They sound awesome because we tuned them that way.

SKID MARKS FROM FATBOB–At least they’re even.

BANDIT’S BEDROLL JOURNEY AND NO, THAT AIN’T SUSHI– I thought about the Old West and the bedrolls the cowboys used to carry their shit, and it came to me. Something over the headlight, as long as it wasn’t too heavy, could do the trick. The bike would maintain its nasty profile, I could still pack someone on the back, and carry my shit.
As I wound through the canyon, my mind went to work on the bedroll concept. Could it carry all I wanted to pack? Another question smacked me as I rounded another corner and caught a glimpse of the Pacific lapping the Malibu shores in the distance. What about a tool bag? The short answer is yes, the perfect bag for the job.
Bandit’s Bed Roll is the perfect combo of tool bag and weekender engineered by the man that delivers form and function and keeps your ride looking clean. So pull out your wallet and click here to get your official Bandit Bed Roll Today.

AFTERMARKET OIL ADDITIVES ARE NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE WITH AMSOIL MOTORCYCLE OIL–For “on road” use in engines, transmissions and primary chaincases, change AMSOIL MCV and AMSOIL engine oil filter at twice the motorcycle manufacturer change interval or one year, whichever comes first. Change other brand oil filters at standard intervals.
For “off road” use in engines, transmissions and primary chaincases, change AMSOIL MCV at the standard motorcycle manufacturer change interval.
For racing or in engines modified from the original factory design, no change interval recommendation is made. Oil changes are at the owner’s discretion.
When you’re ready to buy Amsoil Synthetic Motorcycle Oil go to www.synthetic…h.com/1124190 where you can place your order online. Be sure to look at our EAA air filters and EaO oil filters as well, they are the best filters on the market today and will protect your engine better than any other filter available.

THE NEXT GREAT AMERICAN BUILDER COMING TO DAYTONA AT THE SEMINOLE ROADHOUSE–The Next Great American Builder is joining forces with stars Paul Cox and Billy Lane at the Hard Rock Roadhouse on Main Street during Daytona Bike Week every day beginning February 28th. Stop by and say hi to Billy and Paul, plus get up close and personal with our special guests throughout the week.
Precious metal and raw hide guru Bill Wall will be doing some of his one of a kind leather work. Custom painter extraordinaire Buck Wild is striping and airbrushing tanks. Kendall Johnson and Paul Yaffe will be hanging. And we got Russell Mitchell in the house plus many many many more! Anyone interested in competing on the TV show can enter on the spot at the Great American Builder booth.
Pop in and find out all the latest from The Next Great American Builder crew themselves. It is our first official outing together! So come check us out.
For more info: greatamericanbuilder.tv OR myspace.com/greatamericanbuilder

MRF STRONGLY OPPOSES US DOT ATTACK ON MOTORCYCLE TRAINING FUNDS–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that United States Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters sent letters to Capitol Hill with draft legislation outlining her intention to raid the 2010 motorcycle training and awareness funds set aside by Congress in the last Highway Bill (PL 109-59). Peters announced on Thursday, February 14 that she would like to see the earmarked training and awareness funds made available to promote the use of helmets in individual states.
“The MRF is extremely disappointed that Mrs. Peters would choose this small, yet critical, grant program to raid. We understand her desire to encourage helmet use, but couldn’t the Secretary of Transportation find a more suitable program to fund her personal helmet hunt?” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations for the MRF.
The 2010 funds were a direct result of years of intense lobbying by state motorcyclists’ rights organizations (SMROs) and individual motorcyclists from across this country, and were intended for two very specific aspects of motorcycle safety — motorcycle rider education and motorist awareness of motorcycles. These two aspects of motorcycle safety have been grossly under-funded at the state level for years, often solely at the direct expense of motorcyclists themselves through licensing and registration fees.
The 2010 funding program, in its second year, is a way for the motorcyclists of this country to get a little help from the feds to save lives. The fact is that helmet use has always been a major plank in the platform at the US Department of Transportation (DOT). So why now take away funds desperately needed for other areas of motorcycle safety? The training and awareness programs in statewide operation now are in jeopardy of reduced or zero funding every year. This federal program was designed to allow a trickle of cash to the states to at least keep current programs running. Should Peters get her way, that trickle becomes nothing but a drip. In addition, the current 2010 grant program is not funding failing programs. In order to qualify for the grant, each state has to demonstrate success in its programs by reducing fatalities.
Secretary Peters narrowly skates around an existing law that bans the federal government from lobbying states to enact statewide legislation. She does this by not asking that the money be used for helmet LAW advocacy, but by asking the money be used for helmet USE advocacy.
What’s actually happened and how concerned do we need to be? You may be asking yourself that very question about now. Here is the real worldscenario: Mary Peters has sent two letters to Congress – one to Speaker Pelosi and the other to Senate President Cheney. The letters include draft legislation that would amend section 2010 to allow funds to be used for the promotion of helmet use.
–Bruce Arnold

THE NEW HAWAIIAN BOBBER FROM KUSTOM FAB–Just thought I give you sneak peek of an article we?re putting together for Bikernet. The bike is called the Bar Hoppa ! It’s our shops version of Budget Bike. You know, not too expensive, but something Kool to ride.

Shannon Davidson Chopp Shop
Jerry Burrow Rodhawgs
Cecil Tipton
Bruce Mullins Skunkworks
John Dodson Gangster
Tempest Cycles

Billy Lane won all the marbles at Columbus, with his unbelievable 1917 Henderson tied to a BMW trans and shaft drive
–John Green

DON’T MISS THE DAYTONA BIKE WEEK BUILDERS’ BREAKFAST–Have breakfast with your favorite builder. Each builder will chow down at his own table.
Just confirmed, Vinnie and Cody previously with OCC, will attend Breakfast. Limited tickets available now at one of two places.
Tickets Available at:1. J&P Cycles Store located at Destination Daytona(tickets sold inside, at register up until Monday 3/3)
2. http://www.brucerossmeyer.com,Online sales only until Monday 3/3
FYI: We have less than 100 tickets available as of tonight.
Darcy Betlach
Chrome Marketing

ABATE OF FLORIDA IN TROUBLE–ABATE needs your help to continue these efforts! Currently, less than 1 percent of Florida’s 900,00+ endorsed motorcyclists are among the 7,500 members, in 30 Chapters that make up ABATE of Florida, Inc. These dedicated motorcyclists represent and work to preserve and protect the rights of all Florida bikers; sport riders, cruisers, organized riders and free-riders alike. Come for the party! Stay for the mission! For additional information on ABATE of Florida, Inc. visit us on the web at www.abateflorida.com.

TERRY O’BRIEN PROMOTED TO PUBLISHER OF AMERICAN IRON RETAILER AND TO VICE PRESIDENT OF TAM COMMUNICATIONS, INC– STAMFORD (February 18, 2008) – Terry O’Brien has been recently promoted to Publisher of American Iron Retailer – a leading trade publication for the V-Twin industry, and to Vice President of Sales for TAM Communications, Inc.
“Over the years Terry has taken on greater responsibility here, and he has always risen to the challenges.” TAM founder and president Buzz Kanter said. “Starting in ad sales, Terry quickly rose to Advertising Manager, and then to Advertising Director for all of our magazines. Now we are pleased to announce Terry has added Vice President of Sales and Publisher of American Iron Retailer to his responsibilities.”
“Thanks to our very low staff turnover we have built strong editorial and advertising teams.” Stated Kanter. “Our American Iron Magazine is the world’s best selling Harley-oriented motorcycle magazine on the newsstand, RoadBike is the fastest growing motorcycle magazine on the newsstand, and American Iron Retailer is the most respected trade magazine for V-Twin dealers. We are always looking for our next venture, and as we continue to expand I am counting on Terry’s impressive leadership abilities.”
You can contact Terry O’Brien at
NEW ILLINOIS LAW–Wow: Illinois has no helmet law. Now, the government is coming in as surrogate parent in that you have to obtain a child passenger permit, for $100, to allow your child under the age of 16 to ride without a helmet. Michigan started with an opt out bill, allowing them to ride without a helmet if they purchased the $100 dollar a year permit.
Now Illinois is following suit with children under 16. Michigan’s bill died and I hope this one does too.

BIKERNET READER MAKES SUGGESTION TO ERIC BUELL–Just read about Eric’s Buell rotor install. It’s a great idea and thework in very good looking. Unfortunately he put the rotor on the wrongside for the caliper to work correctly. He now has the tire rotatinginto the wrong end of the caliper. This will make the pads wearexcessively fast.
Buell used a progressive design to maximize thebraking force as well as make the pads last longer. Eric has itinstalled backwards. In his install the largest pot gets the leadingedge.
If he mounted it on the opposite side it would work properly. That’s thesame reason I can’t use my Buell rotor and caliper now that I switchedto a springer. The caliper won’t be installed correctly. To make it workEric needs to buy the after market calipers that the Buell ones lookjust like (you know the brand). They can be purchased in the correctorientation for Eric’s bike. I don’t believe the Buell ones areavailable for the opposite side.

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