It’s a different bit nowadays if you want to build a motorcycle you can be proud of and that will stand up to the guys on the street. You need specific talents. It needs to be a team effort. Other than a few very select builders, we all need to find people we can work with to reach the goal we’re after. It’s the same with this damn desk project. We’ve got shit spread everywhere.
The three key issues to building your bike are the performance package (engine rebuilding), fabrication and finish (chrome and paint). Not only will you need an engine builder, but you’ll need someone who understands what you want and is damn good at it. It’s not enough just to find a builder. What if you want a blower, and this guy has never attempted this installation. Fabrication is an art. Few are as good at it as Jesse James or Donnie Smith. Even Arlen Ness farms out much of his fabrication after he dreams it up. Then there’s paint and chrome. Chrome is reasonably basic, but make sure the place you go to has dealt with bike parts and they know what they’re doing. Also look at samples of their chrome. Chrome varies like crazy today. Finally, the finish. A paint job can make or break a bike. Find a guy who does it the way you like. Look at his portfolio and talk to shops that deal with him. No sense waiting six months for a paint job. We have a tech on painting from Al Martinez that will give you some notion of the immense work that goes into paint and what it will cost–check it out.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON NAMES JOHN HEVEYPRESIDENT AND COO OF BUELL MOTORCYCLE COMPANY– John A. Hevey, 43, has been namedpresident and chief operating officer for Buell Motorcycle Co.
Hevey, who joined Harley-Davidson in 1992, will assume the new position onMarch 1. He has served as vice president and general managerAsia/Pacific and Latin America for Harley-Davidson Motor Co. since 1998.
“John has a diverse business management background, and given hisaccomplishments in sales and marketing with the company, I believe hewill provide strong leadership for the continued growth of Buell motorcyclesales. The management team of John Hevey, as president and chief operatingofficer, and Erik Buell, as chairman and chief technical officer, will helptake Buell to a whole new level of achievement,” said JeffBleustein, chairman and chief executive officer of Harley-Davidson Inc.
Jerry G. Wilke, 49, has been named vice president and general managerAsia/Pacific and Latin America for Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Wilkepreviously served as president and chief operating officer of Buell.
A STREET WALKER WAS– visiting her doctor for a regular check-up.”Any specific problems you should tell me about?” the doctor asked.
“Well, I have noticed lately that if I get even the tiniestcut, it seems to bleed for hours,” she replied. “Do youthink I might be a hemophiliac?”
“Well,” the doctor answered, “hemophilia is a genetic disorder and it ismore often found in men, but it is possible for a woman to bea hemophiliac. Tell me, how much do you lose when you have yourperiod?” the doctor inquired.
After calculating for a moment, the hooker replied, “Oh, about $700 or $800 I guess!”
BANDIT’S CANTINA–Contrary to rumors spreading throughout the industry, Bandit’s Cantina is not a restaurant chain being built in several states by an Orange County culinary developer. The reports of ground breaking ceremonies in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Durango and Denver are premature.When asked to comment, the president of 5-Ball Inc., the company that owns, said, “I’m innocent.”The first Bandit’s Cantina is due to open its doors by March 16.
A number of folks asked how Bikernet is doing. My response: It’s got the best content onWeb, 1,330,000 hits last month and climbing fast.
Made the limo ride to the airport with Woman Rider Editor Genevive Schmidt. Cool lady.

The Cobra display featured Denny Berg ‘Cobra’ project bike entry into H-D pipemarket. Drop-fucking-dead get outta’ town gorgeous interpretation of H-Dflattrack/board racer.
The Lakers were in the house for b-ball with the Pacers Sunday. Stayed inCanterbury. Those guys are big! Really!
Most liked Cincy show, more said leaving Indy for Cincy. (I don’t want togo back there.)
Show was bigger(!!) than last year, seemed quieter, but it takes a lot ofpeople to fill six football fields worth of displays.
PM’s wide tire conversion: curious about that offset and handling.
TP and Chopper Guys had Baker’s right side tranny in frame.
Titan there. Ditto Ultra. Hope these guys make it.
If Indian was there, didn’t see them.
New entrant: Mancini Motorcycle in CT with Softail & Dyna line of XL frames.Nice looking stuff.
Talked with Paul Dean on question of why not standards (like SEMA) forframe, wheel builders? Becoming topic of discussion amongst some industryjournalists.
Wanted to ride over (to DB) today to see board. Interstate 4 betweenTampa/Orlando closed due to smoke from 11,000 acre brush fire.
Mid-USA: “new” one-piece crank with plain bearing insert auto-type rodsproprietary engine. Crank/rods/pistons by intown guy Tom Falicon. Offset rods/pistons retain inline cylinders.
Kenny Francis (now MidWest) working on new big-incher.
Mailing you press kit for new bike entry. Water-jacketed, f.i., 102-bhp1500 cc v-twin from Oz Land. Swoopy looking, 500 lbs., very well thoughtout, marketing is perfect, exciting.
Talked to Kreem president Jim Pierce, nice guy, lives in Somis. Told himabout your Sturgis tank adventures.
New product: 88-B replica Softail frame from Wilwert’s H-D ( inIowa seemed popular.
Blue Streak Electronics (Canadian) showed onboard diagnostic scanner forH-D, said to be coming out with comparable for aftermarket components.
–Agent Anonymous

HEY BANDIT–Tell yourfriends that I am not really that scary. I’m gonna attach a jpeg for you,to show them that the Dolls would love to give them a second chance…You know one thing that I am looking forward to? Meeting you in person.Thatwill be very cool.
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