Talk about a year full of hopes, dreams and adventures. From Bikernet’s standpoint we have more readers than ever before, we’re headed to Bonneville and I hope to publish another book this year. Hell, I have the honor to work with Hugh King and Original Productions on the next Motorcycle Mania and the best one yet.
But as a group of street warriors we are facing some wild challenges this year with the EPA, Noise Police and the NHTSA. Twice in the news below I ran releases on new NHTSA’s thoughts for the future. I did that in hopes that more riders would take the time to check the government site and respond. I always try to look as these efforts as opportunities to educate the straight world to our plights and make suggestions that force officials to think out of the box.
For instance: Twenty years ago I suggested to the DOT that they create a biker lane on freeways and interstates. Since then bicycle and HOV lanes were instituted. This could be another opportunity to promote a lane between general traffic, or the number one lane and the HOV lane for motorcycles. This would also eliminate the need for lane splitting discussions, or in a sense be a lane-splitting test.
On some Los Angeles Freeways the buffer between the HOV lanes and number one are wide enough already for motorcycles. Anything we can do to raise the awareness of motorcyclists and allow us space away from the people who cause between 70-85 percent of all motorcycle accidents will save lives. Let’s hit the news, then I’ll hit on the noise issue:

BIKERS ROLL OT SOLDIER FUNERALS– FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – Wearing vests covered in military patches, a band of motorcyclists rolls around the country from one soldier’s funeral to another, cheering respectfully to overshadow jeers from church protesters.
They call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders, and they are more than 5,000 strong, forming to counter anti-gay protests held by the Rev. Fred Phelps at military funerals.Phelps believes American deaths in Iraq are divine punishment for a country that he says harbors homosexuals. His protesters carry signs thanking God for so-called IEDs – explosives that are a major killer of soldiers in Iraq.
The bikers shield the families of dead soldiers from the protesters, and overshadow the jeers with patriotic chants and a sea of red, white and blue flags.
“The most important thing we can do is let families know that the nation cares,” said Don Woodrick, the group’s Kentucky captain. “When a total stranger gets on a motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold a flag, that makes a powerful statement.”
At least 14 states are considering laws aimed at the funeral protesters, who at a recent memorial service at Fort Campbell wrapped themselves in upside-down American flags. They danced and sang impromptu songs peppered with vulgarities that condemned homosexuals and soldiers.
The Patriot Guard was also there, waving up a ruckus of support for the families across the street. Community members came in the freezing rain to chant “U-S-A, U-S-A” alongside them.
–> By RYAN LENZ, Associated Press Writer
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

BIKERNET SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH STUDY–Do Larger Breasts Equal Lower Grades? Online Voters Say ‘Yes’.
An unscientific survey on a popular Web site suggests that stereotypical beliefs about women hold true in 2006, at least among Internet surfers.
The Web site analyzed hundreds of votes that had been cast since May and found that there was a very strong correlation between female bra size and perceived grade point average.On average, voters guessed that “A-cup” students had GPAs that were 0.3 points higher than those of “D-cup” students. “B-cup” and “C-cup” students were voted to have GPAs in the middle of that range, each averaging about 0.2 points higher than the “D-cup” group. The study also found a correlation between race and grades. Specifically, voters guessed that Asian students had higher GPAs than their Caucasian and African-American counterparts by an average of more than 0.2 points (on a 4.0 scale).The site’s founders warned against interpreting the results of their survey as anything but entertainment. “We have no reason to believe that there is an actual link between any of these attributes and grade point average,” said WhatsMyImage.com co-founder Sameer Shariff. “This analysis simply suggests that our voters may subscribe to the stereotypes reflected in its results.” Bikernet research analysts don’t give a shit. “Our panel of doctors feel a strong attraction to boobs, no matter what the size or GPA,” said Dr. Wilburn Roach. –Rogue BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS STUDY–At the currency exchange window at the local bank, an Asian guy was trying to exchange yen for dollars, and he was a little agitated. He asked the teller, “Why it change? Yesterday I get two hunat dolla fo yen — today I get hunat eighty? Why it change?” The teller says, “Fluctuations.” The Asian guy snaps back, “Fluc you white guys too!” –from Joe Lankau BIKERNET INDIAN INVESTIGATION–Dear Sir, I recently purchased an Indian Chief roadmaster 2003 with a vin #5CDNRCAJ23GO11039. Do you know from this vin when this bike was produced? I have heard that the bike had some oil/lower end problems with this new PowerPlus engine and am wondering if I need to fix the possible flaws with my bike. Any help and references would be most appreciated. –David peters Tell David to get in touch with Mike Dolecki @ 321-952-9333 ….this is THE MAN on those motors- he handles ’em all. Tell David to mention that U.S. Choppers sent him- he’ll get the hook up. -Rick U.S. Choppers RED ALERT-NHTSA ANNOUNCED UPDATED HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM–Open Comment PeriodThe Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports the National Highway TrafficSafety Administration (NHTSA) has announced its intention to update theexisting guidelines for state highway safety programs. Guideline Three:Motorcycle Safety, is one of the six guidelines facing revision. NHTSA undergoes an amendment process every four to six years to expand itsareas of focus. NHTSA’s charter favors the promotion of highway safetyhowever, if a topic is not specifically mentioned in the safety programguidelines, NHTSA can not advocate on its behalf. The twelve amendments to the motorcycle safety component are generated byNHTSA behind closed doors with no input from the riding community. The opencomment period affords our nation’s motorcyclists the only opportunity theywill have to voice their opinion on the potential revisions. To inspect the amendments printed in the Federal Register and to submitcomments to the Docket go to the following website: http://dms.dot.gov. Toview the amendments perform a “simple search” for Docket number 23090. Inorder to submit comments, register on the government’s site and proceed byfollowing the on-screen instructions. You may also mail hard copies to: Docket Management Room PL-401, 400 SeventhStreet, SW., Washington, DC 20590. “The Motorcycle Riders Foundation commends NHTSA for putting a strongemphasis on the development of sound rider education and training. The MRFalso appreciates the Administration’s attempt to address the growing backlogin rider education programs. However, we are troubled with NHTSA’s positionwhich contends all states should have a mandatory helmet laws” says JeffHennie, MRF Vice President of Government Relations. “The US Senate voteddown a mandatory helmet measure, the Lautenberg Amendment, just last May.The resulting veto should have sent a message making it clear this is asubject NHTSA needs to stay away from” Hennie added. “The Motorcycle RidersFoundation supports states rights and contends each one should be able todetermine the type and extent of helmet use law in their particular state.” The Motorcycle Riders Foundation encourages all motorcyclists to read theproposed amendments and use this unique opportunity to submit clear,straightforward comments. The current submission deadline is March 13th,2006 but MRF is requesting a deadline extension to allow additional time fora complete review of these important items. The proposed amendments do notplace any restrictions on the motorcycle safety grant program contained inthe recent Highway Bill (PL 109-59). For any additional information contact the MRF Washington DC office by phone202-546-0983 or by email at jeff@mrf.org. ANOTHER MADD, BUT IT’S MOTORCYCLISTS AGAINST DUMB DRIVERS– I appreciate reading your bikers rights page, and now have a recommendation which I hope you would consider. At the outset of your bikers rights page you say that we must get involved in the bikers rights movement. I believe that M-A-D-D provides one good way in which every biker can get involved, and make a difference on an issue common to all of us, reducing the dangers we face on the road as the result of the dumb ass moves of auto drivers. M-A-D-D supports ABATE in its defense of our right to chose by refocusing the motorcyclist safety issue where it belongs – on the overwhelming majority of accidents and injuries caused by auto drivers ignorant of motorcycle safety issues, and the driving strategies which auto drivers must adopt for the protection of motorcyclists. Please just consider the content of the web site, http://www.m-a-d-d.com/ we ask merely that you consider the merit of its mission, and if you agree to please (1) bring the site to the attention of your readers on your bikers rights page; and (2) please provide a permanent link from your web site to ours so that the site itself will be more readily available to those searching the Internet for the answer to how we can reduce the dangers we face as motorcyclists. In the last paragraph of this e-mail I provide link language in html to describe M-A-D-D and its mission. Motorcyclists Against Dumb Drivers – the Premise. The premise of the web site is that auto driver “ignorance” of motorcycle safety issues including auto driver “ignorance” of motorcycle accident avoidance strategies is the root cause of most of the dangers we face as bikers – hence the name of the site, “Motorcyclists Against Dumb Drivers,” http://www.m-a-d-d.com/ ANOTHER GODDAMN BIKERNET SURVEY–RECENT STUDY FOUND OUT WHICH DAYS MEN PREFER TO HAVE SEX. IT WAS FOUND THAT MEN PREFERRED TO ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY ON THE DAYS THAT STARTED WITH THE LETTER “T”.EXAMPLES OF THOSE DAYS ARE AS FOLLOWS: TUESDAY –from Chris T. HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS NEEDED FROM BC!–The new Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum is asking for YOUR nomineesfor induction. Do you know of someone, or an organization that has madesignificant contributions to motorcycling in Canada? Is there a competitor,or an aftermarket manufacturer who deserves to be recognized? Maybe along-established club or organization that’s made a significant difference.You can print your nomination form from this link:http://www.supershowevents.com/museum/nomination.html How many inductees are planned for 2006?In this inaugural year, at least ten (10) inductees are planned for. What are the categories?Nominees can be Individuals, Dealers, Clubs, Organizations, Corporations,Media, Associations, Volunteers, Authors/Journalists, Track Owners,Officials, Sponsors, Competitors, Team Members. You can also buy your tickets for the Banquet now. Click on this link forthe order form http://www.supershowevents.com/museum/banquet-ticket.html BIKERNET MARITAL COUNSELING–My wife left me…. I don’t understand. After the last child was born, she told me we had to cutback on expenses, I had to give up drinking beer. I was not a big drinkermaybe a 12 pack on weekends. Anyway, I gave it up but I noticed the other day she came home from groceryshopping and when I looked at the receipt and saw $45 in makeup. I said, “Wait a minute I’ve given up beer and you haven’t given up anything!” She said, “I buy that makeup for you, so I can look pretty for you.” I told her, “That’s what the beer was for!” I don’t think she’ll be back. –from Rick Savenko Continued On Page 2
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