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BIKERNET RADIO INTERVIEWS DONNIE SMITH–Donnie Smith has done it all from custom blown motorcycles to funny cars. The Old School Chopper is still chopping. Branscombe Richmond gets the latest details about Donnie’s latest project bikes, products and his Donnie Smith Bike Show coming in March.
The interview was handled by the master of Bikernet Radio, Branscombe Richmond of American Motorcycle 1902. American Motorcycle is the title sponsor of Bikernet Radio.

TICKETS ON SALE FOR CHARITY BIKE BUILD 2006–$20.00 ea gets you a chance to WIN a sick kustom motorcycle by South Side Kustoms that comes with a VIN#. You can STOP IN TO CLUB DIABLO 517 Washington St. Buffalo, NY to buy tickets or Stop by South Side Kustoms or order them thru the mail (just need your contact info and check or money order made payable to South Side Kustoms) and I will send you your stub!
Charity Bike Build 2006
South Side Kustoms and Club Diablo ( are proud to sponsor CHARITY BIKE BUILD 2006.
Bike will be raffled off August 31 st 2006 at Club Diablo. All proceeds will benefit The Western New York Food Bank and The Make A Wish Foundation ? of WNY (
Western New York Food Bank ( has been a big contributor of hurricane relief as well as a staple in the Western New York Area.
If you would like to be a part of this spectacular event by contributing motorcycle parts and/or funds for this build. Please contact one of the following.
Jason – South Side Kustoms email =
Jesse – Club Diablo email =
Lori Stachowiak- Western New York Food Bank email =
Leslie Lewis – Make a Wish Foundation of WNY =
THIS SUNDAY – FEBRUARY 26TH–It’s Texas Scooter Times’sSWAP MEET SAN ANTONIO,At the Freeman Coliseum Exhibit Building.
* REAL* Wall to Wall BARGAINS!!!!!!!
*Traveling Parts Discounters * Manufacturers ?Over-runs?
*Many Leather Vendors*Garage ?Clean-outs?*Jewelry?
*LOTS of Used & New Parts & Accessories*sum junk!!*
featuring- Mad Max & the Max ATTACK
?=Blues & Rock – Just Like We Like It!!
Show Hours: 10am – 5pm
Admission: $8 Adults, $5 5 thru 12, Under 5 No Charge
Location: From I-35 in North East SA, exit SBC Parkway, south thenright on Houston to West Gate – From I-10, exit Houston Street, go north
Information: 254-687-9066 or

MONTICELLO SWAP MEET THIS WEEKEND–The Swap Meet will be held this coming Saturday @ SKOOTERZ in Monticello, Ms.
February 25,2006
Hwy 84 W
Monticello, Ms
Begins @ 10:00a.m.
For more information you can call me @ SKOOTERZ 601-587-0055 or @601-587-4870

BIKERNET DYNA OWNER CAN WIN A SET OF PIPES–It’s true, women look for more performance. And D&D high-performance 2 into 1 Fat Cat DYNA Pipes can be yours for FREE! It’s easy? send us a picture with your name and telephone number to and we will post them on and have the community at vote for the ‘Most Desirable DYNA’ of Bikernet.
Experience up to 12 additional horses.
The 2 into 1 Fat Cat Pipes makes the best horsepower and torque. The stylish upswept design provides the performance rider with extra ground clearance. Each pipe is hand fitted and installed with heat shields.
To get a performance pipe for your Harley or custom V-Twin logon to

BIKERNET COUNTDOWN TO FLORIDA BIKE WEEK–The NASCAR races were in Daytona Beach this past weekend and to many that means the start of the parties. The area bars and hotels are gearing up for the increase of people coming to the area.
Bike Week is only a few weeks away and already there are things in the newspaper, radio, bike shops and bars about what is happening where and wanting you to come visit them.
Typically Bike Week is the first full week in March which actually turns into 10 days and this year is March 3rd to March 12th and draws around 500,000 people. It has continued to spread through Volusia County and now includes Orange County (Orlando) to the West and Brevard County (Cocco Beach) to the South.
They are estimating that the numbers will increase to 700,000 this year by including other areas. Orlando is having a BIG PUSH and many people are opting to go there and take the hours ride to Daytona Beach for what ever they want to see.
Cocco Beach just South of Daytona off I-95 is a big attraction that draws 20,000 nightly to the area year round. With Florida Today newspaper reporting 292 Hotels and Motels, 198 Restaurants, 5.4 Miles of Shoreline and numerous other facts it is a hot spot. They left out the part about it being a Biker Friendly area. And those that chose to go there during Bike Week will tell you it definitely is.
There are more and more people doing the trip to Miami, FT. Lauderdale and Key West. There is a lot to do in Florida and No Snow.
Within the 10 days of Bike Week it has been estimated that the Bikers spend $300 Million Dollars. No wonder the surrounding areas want a piece of the action. 90% of the motorcycles that come to Bike Week are said to be Harley-Davidson but those numbers are changing as more imports roll into the region.
It does not matter who you are, doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, male, female, RUB (Rich Urban Biker) 1% or a momma’s boy or girl. Daytona Beach and the surrounding area is PARTY TIME.
I will write weekly reports on what is going on, statistics, locations, events, parties and place you just can’t miss. Of course I will definitely be holding court at the Last Resort Bar, 5812S. Ridgewood (US1) in Port Orange and the Highlander Caf? 1821 S. Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona.
A Must Visit is Bruce Rossmeyers Daytona Harley Davidson located at I-95 and US1, Exit 273. It is being called Destination Daytona and is understandable with its on site expo, live entertainment, manufacturers displays, food and fun. The entertainment is put on by Jim Betlach so you know it is going to be good.
Heading South on US1 is the famous Ormond Strip with the Broken Spoke, Iron Horse, Boot Hill Saloon and numerous other places of interest.
I have been invited to visit Softails Saloon at 2365 International Speedway (RT. 192) in Deland. Wet T-Shirts, Exotic Dancers and Full Liquor Bar, I guess you know I won’t miss it. Always had a good time!
I am open to Bikernet invitations from places in the area that think they have something going on that would be of interest to the people who visit Bikernet .com Contact me at
GET READY BIKE WEEK IS ON THE WAY. Look For The Most Updated Reports Of What Is Happening Right Here On BIKERNET. We are currently completing our Bike Week 2006 Guide right now.

EXHAUST NOISE DEBATE BRISTLES– I think the first thing iS to draft a letter to H-D asking them to stay out of the situation. What we do with their product after we buy it is none of their business. I’d be happy to work something up. After all, Ford doesn’t tell you not to take a 4WD truck off road because the environment needs protection.
Then, we have to address the idea that not only have these restrictions come up before, but where do they lead? I remember a community in Cali that didn’t allow pickup trucks, nice or not, to be parked on the street or in driveways other than work times of 8-5. This is a restriction on freedom of choice, but if you drive a truck you are free to live elsewhere. So where is the argument?
Research on noise levels and contributions is okay, but what is the specific goal? Will comparing our noise to a car alarm or garbage truck or leaf blower be an excuse? How can we utilize that info as a defense? The main problem is the idea that there will be an arbitrary standard that will target specific items (motorcycles) ONLY.
The slippery slope goes from there to a place we don’t want to be, so we must awaken the non-bikers to the calamity that awaits by making a direct comparison and fighting for it. If a lawn mower makes the same noise, then we must push for quieting average Joe’s devices as well as our own. Only by making the absurdity of the notion apparent can we make headway. I have no problem with the assertion that ‘loud pipes save lives.’ Today’s auto manufacturers do all they can to insulate the driver from the noise that is coincidental with the act of driving. Add to that the stereos, cell phones, tinted windows, and visibility is diminished. How can we equate our noise to a siren, for example, and use that comparison for greater visibility/notice from distracted drivers? Statistical analysis of bike/cage accidents, and, especially, tying the increased use of motorcycles as legitimate transportation devices that are energy efficient (Bush just said ‘reduce dependence on oil), could certainly help.
We need to acknowledge that this push for legislation and ‘legitimizing’ our activities is directly related to the success of The MoCo and THAT success stems from a number of factors. We have more disposable income. More successful people are seeking the ‘tough biker’ image. Television has found a gold mine in personalities like Jesse James, Billy Lane, OCC, Indian Larry (RIP), et al. Such adulation is bound to frighten those elements of our society that views them as a danger to ‘traditional values,’ regardless of the fact that each and every one of them, and many others, like you, Bandit, exemplify the American Dream and are self made men.
‘Bikers’ are no longer a fringe element, but with mainstreaming comes mainstream ideas of ‘social responsiblity’ which means self censorship.

WELD INTRODUCES NEW OEM SIZES AND STYLES IN CHROME–Kansas City, MO – Another first from Weld is their new 17″ x 6.25″one-piece forged billet wheel that was designed, engineered and manufactured specifically for Harley-Davidson’s new “wider” tire bikes. These wheels are available in a wide variety of styles and have matching front wheels, rotors and pulleys for that complete custom look. Mark Finnie, Vice President/GM of Weld’s Motorcycle Division stated, “We developed the new 17″ x 6.25″ for the new Softails that come equipped with a 200mm tire, as a stock replacement. This wheel is made to accept the stock Dunlop tire that comes on the motorcycle. (200/55/R17). You may also use the 18″ x 5.5″ which gives a bigger, cleaner look, and more tire options”, Finnie added.
What new Harley-Davidson’s does it fit on? FXST (Softail Standard) FXSTB (Night Train) and FXSTS (Softail Springer) are all the ’06 models with the new 200 tire fitment. The new 17″ x 6.25″ is available in the following styles: Starburst, Recluse, Venetti, Blade and all of the Master Builder styles.
Weld has also just released a new 18″ x 4″ rear wheel for the new ’06 Dyna’s so that more of the wheel will show. A stock ’06 Dyna comes equipped with a 160/70B17 rear tire which is mounted on a 17″ x 4″ wheel. “Going from a 17″ wheel to an 18″ wheel on these Dyna’s will not require any custom work?it is a straight bolt-on application” stated Rich Albertson, Weld’s Motorcycle Division Product Manager Albertson added, “All of the styles mentioned are available in luxurious chrome with a 5 year warranty or a show polished finish. We also have the new matching 70 tooth, 7/8″pulleys and rotors.” Weld has also added all of the new front end fitments for the different models that Harley-Davidson recently introduced for ’06, including the Wide Glide single disc front hub to fit the new ’06 Harley-Davidson front end.
Please call 866-753-4289 to receive Weld Racing Motorcycle’s ’06 catalog featuring their complete line of wheels, rotors, pulleys, sprockets, billet calipers and apparel or visit www.weldmotorcycle on the internet. Weld Motorcycle, 6600 Stadium Drive, Kansas City, Mo. 64129
(Pictured is the optional 18″ x 5.5″ chrome Blade wheel with a 200 tire on the rear of a FXST Softail Standard)

OVER ABUNDANCE OF ATTORNEYS ROAMS US STREETS FORCES NEW HUNTING SEASON–Bill to Regulate the Hunting and Harvesting ofAttorneys,370.01. Any person with a valid in-state rodent orsnake hunting license may also hunt and harvestattorneys for recreational and sport (non-commercial)purposes.
Senate bill 370.02, Taking of attorneys with traps or deadfalls ispermitted. The use of United States currency as bait,however, is prohibited.
House Bill 370.03, Stuffed or mounted attorneys must have a statehealth department inspection for rabies, and vermin.
SB 370.04, The willful killing of attorneys with a motorvehicle is prohibited, unless such vehicle is anambulance being driven in reverse. If an attorney isaccidentally struck by a motor vehicle, the deadattorney should be removed to the roadside, and thevehicle should proceed immediately to the nearest carwash.
HB 370.05, It is unlawful to chase, herd or harvestattorneys from a power boat, helicopter or aircraft.
370.06 It is unlawful to shout, “WHIPLASH”,”AMBULANCE”, or “FREE SCOTCH” for the purposes oftrapping attorneys.
Finally on the governor’s desk House bill370.07. It is unlawful to hunt attorneys within 100yards of BMW, Mercedes or Porsche dealerships, excepton Wednesday afternoon.
–from Chris T.

TAMPA BAY SNEAK PREVIEW OF “JESSIE’S RIDE”–Brought to you bySantiago Chopper & “Choppers for Charity”. TAMPA – Join Santiago Chopper of Tampa Bay in unveiling its first “Choppers for Charity” award at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino’s Biker Bash, Feb. 26, 2006 12-5 PM. The award, a custom chopper Trike, is being granted to Mark Lunsford of the Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation at approximately 3 pm during a special presentation at Biker Bash. It also marks the year anniversary of her disappearance and subsequent death.**
Santiago Chopper was moved by the senseless tragedy that befell the Lunsford family. They were further inspired by the work of Mark Lunsford in making tougher laws concerning child sexual predators and wanted to help. They decided to create “Choppers for Charity”, an award program that donates a fully custom motorcycle to non-profits for use in creating greater awareness to their issues and to use in fundraising. “It is our hope that this Trike will move people to do something. Whether they call their local representative’s or they make a donation to the JML Foundation, it is our intention that this Trike will help Mark continue his work on behalf of all children,” says Alan Bernard, owner/builder at Santiago Chopper.
The Tampa Bay community is being given the chance for a sneak preview of the Trike, aptly named “Jessie’s Ride” before the rest of the world because they have supported Mark tremendously this past year. The official presentation along with a national press conference is taking place during Bike Week 2006 in Daytona Beach.
Biker Bash is open to the public and all ages are welcome. Doors open at 12:00 pm with the Bike Show Awards Ceremony at 5:00 pm. This months Bash includes an Indoor/Outdoor Bike Show, Live Entertainment, MC’d by Radical Randy from Born to Ride, Dealers, Builders, and Accessory Vendors On Site and 10 Class Bike Contest-trophies and prizes in each class. $6 BBQ at the Pool and $2 Bud & Bud Lights For more information log onto: , or call 813-671-9097.
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