Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET INDIAN RELATIONS–The old Cherokee chief sat in his hut on the reservation, smoking the ceremonial pipe, eyeing the US government officials sent to interview him.
“Chief Two Eagles,” one official began, “you have observed the white man for 90 years. You have observed his wars and his material wealth. You have seen his progress and the damage he has done.” The Chief nodded that it was so. The official continued, “Considering all theseevents, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?”
The Chief stared at the government officials for over a minute, and then calmly replied, “When white man found this land, Indians were running it. No taxes. No debt, Plenty buffalo and Plenty beaver. Women did all work. Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing, all night screwing women.”
The Chief leaned back and frowned, “White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”
–from A. Friedman

AMERICA’S OLDEST MAN PASSES ON AT 113–February 25, 2003 at 10:12PM
John McMorran of Lakeland, Florida, died of heart failure on Monday, the daily Lakeland Ledger reported.
McMorran quit smoking at the age of 97 but continued to enjoy coffee and life. During his last few years, he was a celebrity of sorts, frequently making headlines marking yet another birthday.
McMorran was born on June 19, 1889, in a log cabin in the state of Michigan.He was the fourth-oldest person in the world. Japan’s Kamato Hongo is the world’s oldest person at 115, the paper said.
In his last years, his eyesight had failed, and he was hard of hearing, but he otherwise enjoyed good health until developing complications related to pneumonia last week. Sapa-DPA
–from Bob T.

BIG BUILDING JOKE–Two men sit drinking in the bar at the top of the Empire State Building. One turns to the other and says: “You know, last week I discovered that if you jump from the top of this building, by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window.”
The bartender overhears this, and just shakes his head.
The second man says: “What are you, a nut? There is no way in hell that couldhappen.”
The first man says: “No, it’s true, let me prove it to you.”He gets up from the bar, jumps over the balcony, and careens toward the street below. When he passes the 10th floor, he whips around the building and back into the 10th floor window, where he takes the elevator back to the bar.
The second man tells him: “You know, I saw it with my own eyes, but that must have been a one-time fluke.”
The first man says: “I’ll do it again.”And again, he jumps and hurtles toward the street until he again slows near the 10th floor, where he circles the building and ends up going through the same window. He returns to the bar.
The second man says: “Well, what the hell, it works, I’m going to try it.” He jumps over the balcony, plunges downward, passes the 11th floor, 10th floor, 9th floor … and hits the sidewalk with a splat.
Back upstairs, the bartender turns to the other drinker and says: “You know, Super man, you’re a real jerk when you’re drunk.”
–from Art F.

DAYTONA H-D OWNER FED UP WITH DAYTONA–Fed up with rising special events fees, Bruce Rossmeyer also is planning to build a 100,000-square-foot, 24-hour satellite dealership north of Ormond Beach city limits at U.S. 1 and Interstate 95.
The new site is where Daytona Harley-Davidson will stage its Bike Week and Biketoberfest events, which include all-day concerts.
“What’s on Beach Street will stay but I am relocating,” Rossmeyer said.
Rossmeyer said city officials here have made it difficult for him to stage biker events. He doesn’t like the ongoing controversy over special events and the city wanting to charge high fees to make events pay for themselves.
City Commissioner Darlene Yordon, a strong proponent of higher fees, called Rossmeyer’s decision “unfortunate.”
“Bruce was one of the best (businesses) that we have when it comes to paying. But, the city has got to cover its expenses,” Yordon said. “Maybe, if the Main Street merchants had been paying their fair share, Mr. Rossmeyer wouldn’t be leaving.”
Rossmeyer paid $250,000 to use North Riverfront Park, located across from his Beach Street dealership, during Bike Week and Biketoberfest last year and will pay that much this year, he said. “I am not going to pay that outrageous price that the city wants anymore.”
When he built his Beach Street dealership five years ago, he was told he could use the park for $1 a year.
So, “I just resolved my problem. Maybe somebody else will rent that park, but I doubt it,” Rossmeyer said.
–from Rogue and News Journal

LAWRENCE OF ARABIA FOUND–The attached photo is of Gerge Brough (using a cane because he had crashed one of his bikes shortly before) and T.E. Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia) taking delivery of a Brough in 1932. Lawrence was killed in a bike crash in 1935, perhaps on this machine.
STROKER’S POLL–A bikernet reader, Stroker, decided to take a poll and extended the proposal to us. It’s simple. Put in your number and we’ll tally the poll for next week.

LEATHER JACKET LOBBYISTS MINGLE WITH HARTFORD REGULARS–By KEN DIXON.Tuesday, February 25, 2003 – HARTFORD – It’s common to see people in uniform at the Capitol complex, whether it’s National Guard troops in camouflage at the cafeteria’s salad bar, or uniformed police officers testifying on pending legislation.
It’s not very often, however, that members of the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club, in full black leather regalia, are seen standing in the Legislative Office Building among the lobbyists in pinstriped suits.
But like any other special-interest group, members of the Connecticut chapter of the original outlaw bikers descended on the Capitol Monday in an attempt to beat down the latest attempt to enact a helmet law for motorcycle riders.They joined dozens of other ridersweekend yuppies on the latest recreation fad or longtime bikers who’ve fought before for the right to shun “brain pans”in asking lawmakers to leave them alone.
“We feel most of the people who are trying to get the helmet law aren’t riders,” said Santo Bazzano, 35, of Hartford, one of three Hell’s Angels who stood in the LOB’s atrium, watching the parade of noontime humanity. “It should be the rider’s choice.”
–from Rogue

MAY RETURNS EARLY– I have been out of touch for a while reorganizing my life. Here is a shot of the hardtail Sportster I made for under 2,500 dollars. I sent the story to Hammer but I don’t think the pics were good enough.
There is a story on that frame. My friend Jeff in Boulder City found that frame in the city dump several years ago. He took it home and stuck some old wheels on it and made a yard ornament till his wife wanted to clean up the yard so he threw it behind the garage till I came along. It is totally homemade by who knows? I cut the neck off and redid it with less stretch and rake and there you have it. I will try to scan the construction pics and send you the whole story. It’s finally raining in vegas.
–Bill May
Continued On Page 3