Continued From Page 2

NEW BOOK FROM LITTLE BRITISH GUY–Just drive around the streets with a PA system telling everyone in earshotthat this is 1000% better than Sex and The City and will outsell Dr Spockand J K Rowling’s Harry Potter so buy now . Sales are through the roof so far but that is offthe MAG product site and our shows plus a few Harley dealers around London.
I am launching my own website soon and my second book, a pictorial overviewof the growth of MAG and the biker lifestyle in general from 70s up to thepresent time. Thanks for the offer of help, ideally what I would like to dowould be to find a US publisher for the book and then re- work it a bit.There were some parts where I feel I was too mean and where I could haveinjected humour to offset my critical comment.
Liked your revenge book. Bike theft is a major issue for us. I’m going to an antitheft meeting tomorrow with police bodies insurance companies and otherinterested parties. Never sure if we are getting anywhere. Capital punishmentis what is needed.
This book ‘Looking For America’ details my trip across the USA in ’89when I did the interview with you which gets described in some depth.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–We are out in Daytona, yeap, already there, time flies, just last month we were working our asses off to get the bike together and now we are trying to ride, it’s cold (to this Caribbean guys) and a 50 % chance of rain looms, but we are setting the booth up. Choppers Inc and The Horse should be arriving pretty soon (during the week end) We have a lot of stuff to do here, people to meet and deeds to do.I’m still working on the SU and waiting for Primos response to my questions, maybe I’ll get lucky and find an SU guru here that can help me dial it. For now it has an S&S and it’s running great, too bad I want the other carb , it looks good and I like the way they perform.
We are expecting a lot of friends from overseas and hoping that this will be a fun time for all, I will take some photos when the chopper is done and will send them to Bandit.Don’t forget to come by our booth and say hi, it’s always good to put a name and a face together.I’m just watching the weather report and it states gloomy weather for the week end, but clearing for next week which should be great. Remember, be safe if you are heading down here, enjoy the ride and try not to freeze your balls (or nipples) on the road.One thing is for sure, one big ass report will follow this trip, like always, and if I manage to sneak into someones computer will do some of Your Shots…
This one is short and sweet, gotta go work…Fuck ! don’t I always.Get better pops, we are tuning for the long ride…
Jose, Caribbean Report from the shitty shores of Daytona Beach
BIKERNET GYPSY SCUTTLEBUTT-THE BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL–It is always a treat for me to see friends come backinto my life. Ashame you could not avail your self ofsome timely bargains. But, you will get the friendlytreatment when you need that from me.
The Gold Wing I was riding, when I saw you in CarsonCity, checked out on me about a year ago. Seems I blewa hole in the case. That bike was pretty worn out WhenI acquired it for $100.00 several years ago. So now Igot another Honda, 1978-750SS with Vetter Fairing,bags, and Trunk. Last summer I journeyed from the California Coast toKenniwick, Wa. for the Hydroplane races, then over themountins to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and into Sturgisto work for some friends there. Then off to Minnesota,Wisconsin, and Illinois for my 45th high schoolreunion. and finally back thru Missouri, Oklahoma,Texas, etc to SoCal and home. Great trip, good viewsand fantastic folks along the way. Ended up with about4500 miles on the odometer and many great memories.
Looking forward to another fantastic year and thisyear I want to traverse the AlCan highway to Alaska.
Any way I gave your address to American Diabetes Assnand told Lori Stevens about you, she remembers you andlooks forward to seeing you again. They are sendingyou a package for Sponsorship and I expect to see yourlogos on our flyers very soon. There is a B.A.D. ridecommittee meeting at Bartels on Wednesday evening at6.30 pm. I would go, but I have an ABATE meeting inPomona, that same evening. I usually go to the PomonaValley and Orange County meetings. This is for thefolks that help with the ride as we plan and executethis years Ride.
Anyway, Bandit, get involved and support this cause.Diabetes is curable, all we need is money and yourhelp to find the CURE.

ANOTHER DAYTONA TEASE–This is Jesse Rooke’s latest creation, and it’s headed toward Daytona for Bike Week. Jesse is a hot, new, up-and-coming builder. Check his site for new products: JESSEROOKECUSTOMES.COM.
10th – Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass! – Noah, 4314 BC
9th – How the @#$% did you work that out? – Pythagoras, 126 BC
8th – You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling? – Michelangelo, 1566
7th – Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from? – Custer, 1877
6th – It does so @#$%ing look like her! – Picasso, 1926
5th – Where the @#$% are we? – Amelia Earhart,1937
4th – Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that. – Einstein, 1938
3rd – What the @#$% was that? – Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
2nd – I need this parade like I need a @#$%ing hole in the head! – JFK, 1963
And,….. drum roll……..The number 1 most appropriate time for using the *#*$ word……Aw c’mon, Monica. Who the @#$% is going to find out? – Bill Clinton, 1997
–from Rev CarlRNo problem- don’t let Jose give you too much shit, he’s awfully bitter for a young guy. I love my chop too, but used to make Atlanta to Fort Lauderdale in just over 9 hours and be ready to party when I was still riding my King. If I did that on my chop, I’d have a shot of Jack and pass out after gettin’ into town. I’ve still done a couple of 400-mile days, but it hurts considerably more.

BEHIND THE SCENES AT BIKERNET CARIBBEAN–Greetings from Lauderdale, where I wish I was leaving for Daytona this morning. My ’57 chop is ready to roll, and Jose’s buddy Wicho’s ’52 Pan is only a few days from being mobile again after installation of a new 3″ BDL primary and jockey shift. Should be interesting watching him learn to ride this, but better in South Florida than back home in San Juan.
Saw your note on Sunday’s news about changing the location of your license plate, see the attached photos of my ’98 King. Moving the plate was the first thing I did in October ’97 after picking up the bike. Once you pull the rear fender light the original backing plate was able to mount in the already-drilled holes with minimal grinding. I used some bullet lights to cap off the empty holes in the original mount, held in place with JB Weld and wired to the brake lights. The turn signals were remounted using some $80 CCI kit, with the “tits” added for some side visibility. I used plastic end caps from Ace Hardware and some black silicone to plug the holes in the fender underneath the taillight. Easy fix for minimal cash, cleaned up the back end a lot.

Also note the smooth Corbin Warbird fender. I don’t think it was more than $100 and really cleaned up the front of the bike. It seemed to handle a bit better too due to the lighter weight, and I didn’t notice much of a decrease in wet-weather protection.
Still miss this sled, had over 80K miles on it when I street-luged down 95 outside of Pompano in December ’01 after a gal cut in front of me in the rain. Of course, it was 3AM. Guess that’s why there’s drunk bikers, and there’s old bikers, but there are no drunk old bikers. Fortunately, a good jacket & gloves saved me except for some road rash on my knees and losing some hair on the back of my head. State Farm gave me enough cash to finish the chop and pick up my ol’ lady’s ring.
I’m on the road for Daytona March 6th, same hotel as Jose and his gang of misfits. Should be a hell of a weekend…
FREE CONTEST, CONTEST FREE, AND THE WINNER IS– We have quite a few winners since we took so long in choosing. I?m not going to post exactly what they won in today?s news cause I have ten pages of winners and it would take up too much space. I?m gonna do a ?Special Report ? that will be posted in the next couple of days. Here?s a few of the winner?s submissions for a teaser. Just so you know, you do win at Bikernet and prizes will be shipped out soon. You may not get exactly what you asked for but what you do get will be cool. We have prizes from Johnny Suede, Straight Pipez, Samson and many other Bikernet contributors.
Michael Reida – Des Moines, IA
Suggestion: More bike features for those of us living in the real world…and that don’t include $50K freaking bar hoppers. (That’s the same bitch I blasted American Iron Magazine with recently, whose subscription I’m dropping)
Wanted: Wanted: #1 Nothing from Bandits underwear drawer, thanks… (Good Gawd, y’all). #2 Anything for the old Pan. It has over length springer of unknown origin, Mustang tank, bobbed rear fender, drag bars, no front brake, drum on rear, and is black (of course)
Suggestion: Biker tattoo section
Wanted: Some good head!
Denny Vander Woude – Waupun, Wisconsin
Suggestion: More articles, like the personal stories of rides and runs
Wanted: a Bikernet Tshirt and an old Harley piston I can use for a pencil holder
I learned a lot from some of the suggestions that were entered (thank you for taking the time), but there seems to be some confusion about what is available to you here at Bikernet. Lots of people suggested we have a place where you readers could submit your stories and your rides. Shit, that?s what we?ve been asking for. We also received quite a few suggestions for a Tattoo Section. I would love to get images of tattoos to post seeing how I?m the tattoo queen. ? for stories and bike builds. ? for tattoos and any other images. – for Readers Rides.
Our address is:
PO Box 1168
San Pedro, CA 90733-1168
Not to mention ?It?s Your Shot?. You can always leave a message there.
We have Event Coverage, Event Calendar, Bike Shops, Bars and Hangouts, etc?
So there you have it. No more excuses for not sending your stories, bike builds, tattoos, event coverage or just your thoughts. We wanna hear from you, even criticism. Oh, Mo Smock, you are a winner too. You get a special prize for the most entries.
The Bitch
Continued On Page 4