It’s pre-Daytona week and the rumors are flying. Daytona Vendor spot sales are down 40 percent, so maybe the traffic won’t be as harried, but the party action is just as fierce. There’s a party, display, grand opening, run or show every goddamn second.
I’m going to sneak in under the radar, check out new Pirelli Tires, go for a ride to the Keys, hide in Ernest Hemmingway’s basement, drink a lot of rum and touch her thigh for an entire day. Then I’ll slip back on a plane back to the other coast. Let’s hit the news:
This just in from Daytona:Friday morning I received a call from Rick Raus telling me the bad news. Chet Burozski died last night in his hotel room of natural causes. I met Chet in Vegas when he represented the new 360 Degree Brake folks. What a terrific, passionate guy. He was just about to start representing Bikernet. He will be sorely missed by folks who knew him.–Bandit

WILLIE G. DAVIDSON SUPPORTS PINSTRIPERS WITH ANNUAL CONVENTION–What a rush, and I’m going to try to cover the next convention for Bikernet readers. What a cool eye-candy weekend. I have tremendous respect for the talent and creativity involved in pinstriping. Bikernet is currently working with a Kurt in Holland to cover a Scandinavian pinstriping contest on some old school helmets.
We’ve also heard a rumor that someone out there is working very hard to see that pinstriping becomes an excepted art form capable of art museum quality exhibits. It’s sorta like some of the art from Tattoo artist finally reaching the stature of fine art. Look up Bob Roberts art. It’s amazing and he is still a member of the Galloping Goose MC and a renowned tattoo artist. We will bring you additional reports in the near future.

BIG DOG 2009 WOLF PREVIEW– Big Dog Motorcycles used the annual V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati to provide dealers with a ‘sneak peek’ of the first of the new models for its proposed 2009 model range. Big Dog’s Wolf is due for an official release in September of 2008. However, at the time of going to print the final specification has not yet been clarified.
What is known about the bike is that the frame will feature a single downtube fit with a radical swingarm design. The tire sizes will be 130/60R-23 front and 220/50R-20 rear. The narrower rear tire follows a trend which company founder and CEO, Sheldon Coleman, outlined at the company’s recent dealer presentation in California, and which has been set by this year’s Mutt, with its 250-section tire deviating from the company’s more normal fitment of a 300.
Motive power for the Wolf will be provided by an S&S 121ci X-Wedge, with electronic fuel injection, mated to a six-speed BDM Balance-Drive transmission.
The company says an extensive chrome package will be offered as standard and there will also be an optional highly-styled saddlebag.
Wichita, Kansas, USA
Tel: 316 267 9121
Fax: 316 267 2597
We will also deliver a feature on the new special edition Mastiff in the next couple of weeks.–Wrench

BIKERNET MEDICAL MALE TESTING SERIES– 2. If you have a cat, you are a Flaaaaming homo. A cat is almost like a dog, But gay– it grooms itself constantly but never scratches itself, has a Delicate touch except when it uses its nails, and whines to be fed. And just Think about how you call a dog… ‘Killer, come here! I said get your ass over here, Killer!’ Now think about how you call a cat…
‘Bun-bun, come to daddy, snookums!’ Jeeezus, you’re fit to be framed, you’re so gay.

WILLIE G. SUPPORTS PINSTRIPERS–Okay, here we go and our Bikernet Pinstriping investigation unfolds. It’s . It’s run by Ray Drea the head stylist for Harley. Barry Quackenbush pin striper and Dave Jefferies who also paint are involved. They give a lifetime achievement award and Alan Johnson will be receiving it next year.

Willie G. Davidson actually works the crowd at the World of Wheels Show and is one of its biggest supporters. He is very approachable for this event and signs autographs and actually gets on the stage and works the crowd. 50-75 invitation-only stripers paint all weekend and hold 7 auctions for the pieces they create. 100% of the money goes to the Cancer Unit of the Milwaukee Children’s hospital. They average about $60,000.00 each year.
–Chet B.

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK, TWIN CAM INNER CAM BEARING INSTALLER–Use this tool to press in the two inner cam bearings, JIMS No.8991K new cambearings. This tool has been designed to press from the letter side of theinner cam bearings, by putting all the pushing pressure to the very outerwall of bearing shell. Eliminating any damage to the bearings, cam andcases.
This tool will stop at the case and set the bearing depth to .023 to.028 below the case surface.
Use with JIMS Tool No.993 to removebearings. A must use for the longest bearing and cam life.
No.991 – Use on all T/C, 2006-present Dyna and 2007-present FL & FXST.
Suggested Retail Price $182.35

BIKERNET TECH ADVICE–A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite.
He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to earth. He tries this a few more times with no success. All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window, muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything.
She opens the window and yells to her husband, “You need a piece of tail.”
The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, “Make up your mind! Last night, you told me to go fly a kite.”

INSIDER DAYTONA REPORT FROM ROGUE– Orlando H-D is putting on plenty for motorcycle riders to do and continuing to draw people from Daytona Beach
Check out their web site
There are also plenty of other places looking for the motorcycle money.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

RONNIE’S BOARD TRACK CUSTOM–Hey guys- check this one out- I knew Ronny’s idea was going to be wild- but check this out….. is that some “bling” or what! Jump back!
U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

NEWS FROM B.U. (BIKERNET UNIVERSITY) MEDICAL RESEARCH–In a recent medical news brief, it was announced that many men who live in rainy, cold climates are showing symptoms of PMS. What, you ask, is male PMS? It’s PARKED MOTORCYCLE SYNDROME. Made perfect sense to me!

VERY RARE, VERY PERFECT 1931 BMW COMING TO THE CANTINA ANTIQUE DEPARTMENT–I’ll have the1931 BMW story for you in later today or by tomorrow.I hear you’re getting a 1902 Indian for your XXX birthday coming up next month. Mine too.
Remember in L.A. 60 is the new 35. and that’s official according to the L.A. Times.

BIKERNET GIFT BOX ARRIVES JUST IN TIME– Just got done with my first long day of riding in 2008. Got home and there was my package of gifts from you and your team. Well, just wanted to say thanks, not only for the gift bag but for a great website too. Keep up the good work!
–Matt Holman
Iron Lightning, Inc.
Tulsa, OK 74133

PEREWITH “THE LOOK” POINT COVERS–There is little doubt that Dave Perewitz is and has been one of the most innovative and influential figures in the custom motorcycle industry since the late ’60s. Now you can highlight your scooter with The Master’s signature logo by fitting one of these sanitary engraved point covers.
Offered in 2 and 5 screw patterns for both EVO and TC machines the covers are precision machined from billet aluminum, engraved with the unmistakable PEREWITX “THE LOOK” logo and finished in flawless chrome.
As shown the covers retail for just $34.95. Perewitz also offers the covers a variety of powder coat colors or highlighted to match your bike’s finish.
Call direct to 508-697-3595 or visit the shop on the Web at www.perewitz.com
RALLY IN THE ALLEY NEEDS SPONSORS AND PROMO ITEMS–Hey Bandit,We are having a Rally in the Alley on April 26th here in little ole Sierra Vista, AZ. Want to know if you have anything we can give away to promote Bikernet.com or just to give as door prizes. This event is open to all makes of bikes so it will be a good way to introduce your new site (forgot the name since I ride a Harley). We should have around 200 bikes attending. Poker run, live music, food, and a bunch of Bros and biker chicks hanging around.
Stickers, decals, magazines, promotional items, t-shirts, or anything you have just lying around will be fine. If you can’t, totally understand.
–Rocky Boatman

FALCON MOTORCYCLE WEB LAUNCH–Amaryllis has spent the past few months building our website and I am very excited to direct you to link below:
This also marks the official launch of Falcon Motorcycles LLC, so please spread the word.
–Ian Barry

ANOTHER CROCKER CONNECTION IN SOLVANG, CALIFORNIA– Read the article on Crocker motorcycle today. There is a motorcycle museum not far from my place in Santa Maria CA. The town is called Solvang. They have bike museum there only open on the weekends. They have a black Crocker that is just badass. The attendant had no information on where the bike came from, it just showed up. Guess you can’t get much good help these days. They have a large collection of most every bike manufacturer.
Your Bikernet web site is great, it is so POLITICALLY INCORRECT, keep up the good work.

FLORIDA REPORT REVIEW–Just read Rogue’s article on ABATE of Florida. Very right on. Things are getting a little out of hand here in Florida and we aren’t getting any representation to speak of. I have been riding since 1969 and have been thru it.
In the early ’70s when I spent some time in so-cal, it was a simple matter to go to the DMV, take a short test and be on your way with a motorcycle license. Years later I am back in Florida and getting a drivers license after a number of years of suspension. I was never asked about needing or wanting a motorcycle endorsement.
Now, at the age of 56 and having ridden most of my adult life, I will have to go to school. Three years ago, I had a need for a commercial license. I read the hand-book, and practiced for a few days pulling a trailer with my brothers dump truck. I passed the written test at DMV. I was sent to a school to take the driving test. There are only three state run testing sites and none are close.
Passed the driving test first try and was given a Class A license. Ain’t that a kick. I have never driven a tractor-trailer but I get a license without going to school. Kind of pisses me off that I will have to be schooled to ride when I have been doing it for years.
Good luck at Maxton. Hope you put a hurt on Carl’s Speed Shop entry.
–Big Bill

DAYTONA FUSION PARTY, DON’T MISS IT!–— Tuesday evening, March 4th, at the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse/Dog House Saloon on the corner of Main and Wild Olive, the Motorcycle Industry will get together for a cause. Hosted by Paul Cox and Billy Lane, we will start partying at 8 p.m. with plenty of food, Budweiser, and a P.I.N.K. Vodka Bar.
The general public can get into this industry elite party by making a $50 (cash) per person at the door with all proceeds going to Soldiers’ Angels to help build a Convoy Support Center in Iraq.
We will also be doing a live fundraiser during the party to raise additional funds for Soldiers’ Angels.This party has been generously supported by P.I.N.K. Vodka, R&R Promotions, Baker Drivetrain, Sucker Punch Sally’s, Broward County Motorsport, Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse, The Doghouse Saloon and Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson.
Hope to see you there!
–Ken Conte, Rise Above Consulting
–Carrie Repp, R&R Promotions

MICHAEL LICHTER, FAMOUS PHOTOG, FINDS SOLDIER IN PHOTO IN IRAQ–Thanks for your help with my search for the Harley tattoo. I appreciate you putting it up on Bikernet, but now I have to tell you we found Gunnery Sergeant James Schmarje yesterday.
I personally spoke to him when he called me from Camp Fallujah in Iraq to say it was OK to use his photo. As I write, Harley-Davidson is going to press with that photo on the cover of their annual report and our subject is very happy.
–Michael Lichter Photography, LLC
Boulder, CO 80304 USA

Continued On Page 2