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NEW T-SHIRT DESIGN COMING FROM LARRY GROSSMAN, HE NEEDS YOUR HELP–How’s it goin’? I wanted to get your opinion on something. I’m doing some new T-shirt designs and one is created from a portion of one of my posters, “Hot Pursuit”. The poster hasn’t been one of my best sellers, and I’ve heard a comment once or twice that bikers don’t want to see a chick on a chopper, no matter how hot she is!
I’ve been getting some comments from friends that the “Poon-Tang’s” could limit sales (what’s the world comin’ to!).
What’s your thoughts and howya like this instead (old one’s underneath). Got any better title ideas?? How about:
Jeez Loiuse Choppers
Holy Hell Choppers
Oh Lordy Choppers
Save my Soul Choppers
Hot Snapper Choppers
What’s your thoughts on all this …I guess the bottom line is, would you wear this on a black T-shirt? Any and all thoughts are appreciated! Drop me a line with any comments.

LET’S PAUSE FOR A BRIEF BANDIT’S CANTINA RELIGIOUS INTERLUDE–Leroy goes to the revival and listens to the preacher.After awhile the preacher asks anyone with needs to be prayed over to come forward to the front at the altar.
Leroy gets in line, and when it’s his turn, the preacher asks: “Leroy, what do you want me to pray about for you?
Leroy replies: “Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing.”
The preacher puts one finger in Leroy’s ear, and he places the other hand on top of Leroy’s head and prays and prays and prays.
After a few minutes, the preacher removes his hands, stands back and asks Leroy: “Leroy, how is your hearing now?”
Leroy says, “I don’t know, Reverend, it’s not until next Wednesday.”
–from Rik

THE AMBUSH BY RUCKUSRODS.COM–You’ll love this one.You can check out all the metal art at

RICK FAIRLESS’ EYEBALL GRIPS AND PEGS–Rick Fairless and the master craftsmen at Strokers Dallas are ready to unveil their newest, coolest set of Eyeball Grips and Pegs to date! These handmade grips are carved from solid billet Aluminum to fit your 1″ bars.
For a totally new look you haven’t seen before, get a set of these show chromed beauties for your rad ride. Eyeballs are also available in different styles and colors.
–Rick Fairless’ Strokers Dallas
9304 Harry Hines
Dallas, TX 75235

CHOPPER DAVE COMES TO BIKERNET WITH FIRST X-WEDGE CHOPPER–Peter Linney just shot Chopper Dave and his new X-Wedge Chopper for S&S on the beach in Long Beach. You’ll see the full feature here on Bikernet and perhaps in the Cycle Source if the esteemed editor gives us the Green light.

BIKERNET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MANNERS TRAINING– During one of her daily classes, a teacher trying to teach goodmanners, asked her students the following question: ‘Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice younglady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?’
Michael said, ‘Just a minute I have to go pee.’
The teacher responded by saying, ‘That would be rude andimpolite. What about you Sherman, how would you say it?’
Sherman said, ‘I am sorry, but I really need to go to thebathroom. I’ll be right back.’
‘That’s better, but it’s still not very nice to say the wordbathroom at the dinner table.’ And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and showus your good manners?’
‘I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? Ihave to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.’
The teacher fainted…
–from Rik

RAY WHEELER BRINGS W8LESS ROTORS AND BIKERNET TO DAYTONA–Ray Wheeler is setting up his W8Less display at Bruce Rossmeyers Destination Daytona. If you get a chance handle one off the rotors. They’ll blow your mind, they’re so light. No more squeaking!
Tell Ray “Hey” for me, in case I never leave a downtown bar.
Also look for the Bikernet banner at the Two-Wheelers shop in downtown Daytona.

GENO’S NEW PROJECT BIKE FOR HIS CLASSIC CAR MAGAZINE, CAR KULTURE DELUXE–Ol School Choppers in Miami and I am building my ’39 Knuck project “Morfene.”Here’s the tank paint from Robert Pradke attached-whattaytink?
I will send you full pics when it is done if you wantshould be very cool when its done

KRYPTONITE CREATES “RIDING ESSENTIALS FOR WOMEN” CLASS– Jody Perewitz & Nicole Hoffman to Share Knowledge and Expertise with Women.
Canton, MA February 16, 2008 – Kryptonite, a brand in Ingersoll Rand’s Security Technologies Sector, announces the creation of a women’s only riding essentials class. Team Kryptonite members, Jody Perewitz and Nicole Hoffman will visit select shops sharing their extensive experience and knowledge with women riders who may be just starting out. Both women have years of experience riding and racing or building motorcycles. The series of classes will kick off in June at Perewitz Cycle Fabrications in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
“Kryptonite knows from both published reports and our own experiences on the road, that more women are riding motorcycles than ever before,” said Karen Rizzo, Director of Marketing. “We also understand that these women may be new to riding and have questions or need some advice that they might not want to ask of “the guys.” We have a solution for that with our accomplished women riders, Jody and Nicole, who will share their expertise, tips and general information with these women.”
Both Perewitz and Hoffman will lead the 1-2 hour class. They will talk about their backgrounds and educate the attendees about safety, simple maintenance, riding gear, resources available and security tips. The ladies will be treated to snacks, raffle prizes and receive a certificate at the completion of the event.
“This isn’t about just creating a pink product and hoping women buy it,” continued Rizzo. “We are offering women the chance to walk into a dealer for the first time and really learn about riding from women with invaluable experience.”

BOYD CODDINGTON PASSES–At 63.World renowned tuner and hot rod king Boyd Coddington died at 6:20 am this morning of as-yet-unknown medical causes. Coddington, founder of Boyds Wheels and designer of prize winning custom cars, had recently been twice hospitalized for an undisclosed medical condition.
Thought to be in recovery, rumors began circulating today about his untimely death. A spokesperson for Boyd Coddington’s Corporation has confirmed to Jalopnik that those rumors are true. The company will be releasing a statement later today.

2008 STURGIS MOTORCYCLE RALLY EVENTS REQUEST–STURGIS, S.D. – The Sturgis Rally Department has announced it will begin collecting event information for the upcoming 68th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
We invite any and all submissions of 2008 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally events. Submitted event information should include the following: Event Name; Event Date; Event Time; Event Location. Due to space constraints only the event name, date, time and location can be included in the events listing. Other information submitted will not be included.
Events will be listed free of charge in the Official 2008 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Schedule of Events Pocket Guide and on the Official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally website
Events can be submitted electronically to, by telephone 605.720.0800 or fax 605.720.0801.

HOTTEST LOCATION IN DAYTONA–Just wanted to send out this flyer that talks about the Limp Nickie lot in Daytona. The flyer pretty much says it all, but just to sum up: the builders at the lot are Bareknuckle Choppers, Bling’s Cycles, Detroit Bros., Duane Ballard Leather, French Kiss Kustoms,Guilty Customs, Keino Cycles, Led Sled Customs, Lucky Charm Choppers, Rich Phillips Cycles, Street Smart Cycles and Sucker Punch Sally’s.
The Cycle Source bike show will take place on Friday March 7th 12-6 p.m., and will feature a Sucker Punch Sally’s Roller as the Grand Prize for Best of Show. There will also be a skateboard demo by Benji Galloway and the Bacon skate team on Weds March 5th 12-4, as well as throughout theweek.
–Ken Conte

MAJOR PINSTRIPING CONNECTION COVERED ON BIKERNET–Here is my “Kustom 2 Canvas” YouTube link… mission statement is in the bioarea.This is as far as Alan and I have gotten… This concept combined with theYouTube of AJ’s fine art is helpful explaining this project to others.
I have been filming AJ for a few years now, in addition to all the crazyplaces we end up… Car shows, drag strips, etc.
I am a painter/pinstriper also… Attached are a few of my recent paintprojects…

The basic info on the, 2002 Softail, Lucky Geisha Girl bike is:
Builder: Nial Andrews
South Side Cycles, Brooklyn
Owner: Jeff Blanchard
Lucky 13 Saloon, Brooklyn
Hand painted by: Carol Mittelsdorf
YouTube link:
Rat Out of Hell, front engine dragster
Builder/Driver/Owner: Kenny “Jitterbug” Capraun
Capraun Custom Chassis, Jackson, NJ
Painted by: Carol Mittelsdorf and Alan Johnson
YouTube link:
–Carol Mittelsdorf
Dedicated to Preserving the
Art of the Hot Rod
P.O. Box 1117
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008
Cell: 917.763.1334
YouTube Channel:
We are going to work with Carol on two Charity efforts, our Veterans’ efforts and efforts to promote and safeguard pinstriping art, in the near future.–Bandit

BIKENET WEEKLY TECH ADVICE–What to do with a spare Dodge Viper V10 engine.
–from Bob Clark

THE CYCLE SOURCE MAGAZINE QUESTION OF THE WEEK– Is this a bobber? No, the title of the issue is “Choppers Rule,” and I was asking if that bike fits the definition of a chopper. I think it does but some of the other guys think it’s closer to a bobber. I pointed out that in the traditional sense, since this was not done to a stock chassis, that the frame rake and stretch alone take it completely out of the bobber category.
Chris Callen
Editor Cycle Source Magazine
I responded that there’s nothing bobber about this Chopper. Bobbers have stock or stock configuration frames, stock front ends and bobbed stock fenders and tanks. Plus bobbers don’t have highbars. Lately there are a lot of bobber styled custom bikes that generally have stock configuration frames, stock length traditional front ends and bobbed custom sheet metal. And that’s how it’s written in the Code of the West.–Bandit

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