Continued From Page 2

DUBLIN MOB PARTY–Daddy told us ” Boys find something your good at and become the best” so we found the nearest bar and became World Renound Professionals. Come join us for what we do best, throw a great party (and our chops aint half bad either) Sun March 9th Dublin Mob’ s PADDY RIDE & BBQ is back!
As usual the music is 1st rate The Farmers (san diego legends) The Downs Family (true Irish punk rock) & Deere Johns (honkeytonk rockabilly)
San Diego’ got our back with the best sponsors Hodads (the finest burgers in THE WORLD) Undisputed fitness & training club, Motorcult, Innes clothing, & Hooleys Irish Pub Ride 9-11 am (LEAVES at 9 sharp, be early) Rock Show & BBQ 12-5 Come bring the fam and join ours !
see ya there
–Slainte DMC

VOTED BEST JOKE IN AUSTRALIA– Charlie walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says:”Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache.”
His wife, lying in bed replies: “I think you’ll find that’s a sheep, you idiot.”
Charlie says: “I think you’ll find that I wasn’t talking to you.”
–from Rik

BIKERS IN AUSTRALIA BUST ROBBERY EFFORT–(CNN) — Two masked and machete-wielding men who barged into a club in Sydney, Australia, couldn’t have picked a worse night for their robbery — a monthly meeting of bikers.
About 50 burly bikers fought back with tables and chairs — pretty much anything that wasn’t bolted down. One would-be robber was tied up; the other in the hospital.
Police arrested both.
“These guys were absolutely dumb as bricks,” Jerry Vancornewal, leader of the bikers, told CNN Thursday. “I can’t believe they saw all the bikes parked up front and they were so stupid that they walked past in.”
Vancornewal and his buddies were at the Regents Park Sporting and Community Club in Sydney when the two men wearing ski masks stormed in Wednesday night. They yelled at patrons to drop to the floor as they emptied cash registers at the bar.
Hearing the commotion from an adjacent room, Vancornewal and his pals with the Southern Cross Cruiser motorcycle club stomped through to the bar area to intervene.
“They (the robbers) thought they had the upper advantage with their knives and their machetes,” Jim Webb, night supervisor of the club, told CNN. “They didn’t expect to run into a bunch of guys carrying chairs and tables.”
One of the would-be robbers crashed through a plate-glass door and jumped off a balcony.
“All he had to do was push the button and it automatically opened,” Webb quipped.
New South Wales police said they arrested the 20-year-old man a short distance away.
The second man made a break for it through the club’s service entrance, but the bikers tackled him near a neighbor’s fence.
“We just grabbed him, crash-tackled him to the ground, hogtied him with electrical wire and left him for the cops,” Vancornewal said.
Police confirmed in a statement that club patrons subdued the second man until officers arrived, but did not provide additional details. The suspect turned out to be a 16-year-old boy.
Both would-be robbers were charged with attempted armed robbery and “face disguised with intent to commit indictable offense,” police said.
A third person, who was waiting in a getaway car, took off when the bikers threw pieces of furniture at him, Webb said. Police have not located him.

HONDA TAKES THEIR MARBLES AWAY–Akio Hamada, CEO of Honda of America, announced this morning that Honda America Manufacturing will cease production of motorcycles at its Marysville, OH plant in 2009. All motorcycle production will be moved to a new facility in Kumamoto, Japan. “This move allows us to improve the competitiveness and appeal of our products,” said Hamada.
The Marysville facility was Honda’s first U.S. production facility and has produced more than 2 million motorcycles and ATV’s since 1979. It is the only facility in the world to produce the Gold Wing and VTX models. The facility employs 600 workers who, according to Hamada, will be reassigned to other area Honda facilities.
–from Nick Roberts

LEROY-THOMPSON TO SPONSOR ZERO 7 DESIGN CONCEPTS TO AMA SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP RACER AND ASRA LICENSED ROAD RACER–Mentor, OH, February 27, 2008 – Zero 7 Design Concepts, a division of Leroy-Thompson, today announced its sponsorship of Walt Sipp, AMA Superbike Championship racer and ASRA licensed road racer.
Scott Webster, Owner of Leroy-Thompson and Zero 7 Design Concepts, commented: “Having worked with Walt on several projects, it was a natural progression to support him in his racing career. I admire his drive and determination.”
Walt has been involved in some form of racing his entire life, beginning with cars and drag bikes. He began his road racing career in 1999 after attending Learning Curves Roadracing School. He also attended the Kevin Schwantz School. He finished second in his very first race and has been hooked ever since. Be sure to watch Walt compete in the 67th edition of the most prestigious motorcycle race in America, the Daytona 200. The race takes place at Daytona International Speedway on March 8th during Daytona Bike Week. The race will also be aired on The Speed Channel. Check your local listings.
Zero 7 Design Concepts, located just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, is an in-house graphic design and print facility equipped with the latest design software, full color printer and vinyl plotter. In addition to general print work, Zero 7 specializes in large format color banners, vehicle and trailer wraps and unique logo and graphic design. Leroy-Thompson specializes in handcrafted motorcycles and custom parts, and has been featured in the book The Art of the Bobber, in numerous motorcycle industry magazines and was featured on an episode of “Biker Build-Off” on The Learning Channel in 2007.
Visit Zero 7 Design Concepts and Leroy-Thompson on the web at and or call 440-266-1635.

BIKERNET MADE IN USA CODE–Keep up the good work with the made in the USA stuff, I recently finished a project built around a Santee D&D 180 frame it took me a while because I tried to use as much USA made stuff as possible. But I had to make a couple of hard choices and bought three parts made in taifukinwan. All three have given me problems !!!
They will be UPGRADED to USA parts when I reassemble after powder-coating. Imagine what our economy would be like if we all bought AMERICAN.
–Ron in Texas

2008 DESIGN ENGINEERING CATALOG–Design Engineering Inc. has just released its 2008 Motorcycle Products catalog, which features products to control and eliminate heat and in some cases protect riders from extreme heat while increasing performance.
New products added to the 2008 catalog include three different Pipe Wrap Kits, white HT silicone coating used to seal and protect pipe wrap and Heat Shield-perfect for reflecting heat up to 1750? F for the lining fairings, gas tank covers and spot protection with a super-aggressive adhesive backing.
Also included is a line of safety products including vision, ear and arm/palm protection for use when performing bike repairs and maintenance; Radiator Relief, a performance coolant additive for liquid cooled motors, and even a line of apparel that includes DEI T-shirts, caps and sunglasses.
Avon Lake, Ohio, USA
Tel: 440 930 7940
Fax: 440 930 7967

DONNIE SMITH SHOW COMING AT THE END OF MARCH–Heads up! If you haven’t booked your room yet for the Winternationals and Donnie’s show, you need to do that today!! The show is the 28th and 29th of March.

THE LATEST SHK NEWS–– A big number of magazines have agreed to publish the “B-72” bike.- The website includes now a FORUM too. Check it out! – We lowered the shirt prices 25% to an unbelievable $15 (shiping included!)- The newest SHK creation “Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Love” is just about done. A first peak pic is attached. – With lots of help from Cadillac Bob of – We are currently able to take on new Customer projects! Stay gold! THE MRF RIDERS’ REPORT–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is taking action in light of whatappears to be an alarming trend with high-level government agency andcabinet-level appointees of President George W. Bush. President Bush campaigned for the presidency on a platform of”compassionate conservatism.” During his campaign he often spoke of hisdesire to reign in big government and his commitment to personal freedoms.His message resonated with many in the motorcycling community and with theleadership of the MRF at that time. While the president continues to speak of his conservative approach topublic policy and respect for the rights of the states during thiselection cycle, the practices of a growing number of his appointees seemto be in marked contrast with his rhetoric. Both Mark Rosenker, Chairmanof the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and Mary Peters,Secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT) have embarked on acourse that at first glance would seem out of place in a conservativeRepublican administration. Mr. Rosenker appears to be enamored with 1960s era “Great Society” styleprograms. He is using his agency and his position to pressure every statein the Union to adopt mandatory helmet laws for all motorcycle riders. Ms. Peters must have a battalion of Philadelphia lawyers on her staffwatching over her as she walks on the edge of federal regulations. The DOTsecretary is on a budget-busting spending spree that would make a “NewDealer” blush. She is not content to just spend the DOT’s budget on socialengineering, she is crafting ways to legally skirt the letter and theintent of SAFETY-LU (the highway funding act passed by the 109th congress)to scoop up what ever monies she can to advance her personal mission, evenif such funds are a meager amount dedicated to aiding motorcycle ridereducation. The MRF finds this to be rather peculiar behavior in an administrationthat bills itself as “compassionately conservative.” Perhaps even morepeculiar is the fact that the president appears to be comfortable with hisappointees’ actions. The MRF is certainly not comfortable as we watchthese presidential appointees lining up against us. Our level of discomfort increases as we recall other issues withappointees of the president. An unpleasant tussle with the EnvironmentalProtection Agency set the tone early on in this administration, followedby Dr. Runge at the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administrationreferring to motorcyclists as the scourge of the highways. While the MRF will aggressively fight any negative legislation that may beintroduced at the behest of these presidential appointees, we will notwaste time wrestling with the current lame duck administration that hashistorically low approval ratings with the American public; we are lookingto the future. The MRF is calling on the leadership of the Republican Party to explain tous and to six million motorcycle-riding Americans if this is the type ofpublic policy that we can expect in the future should a Republican beelected president in November. We will be writing a formal letter to MikeDuncan, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, expressing ourdispleasure over the course that the current administration has taken andasking for assurances that this is not the direction that his party isgoing to follow. –Michael Kerr REMEMBER THE OOMEGA EUROPEAN WINNER?–Here’sa short film for the dis-believer who didn’t think Oomega was a runner. Duncan Moore BRITAIN IS REPOSSESSING THE U.S.A. A MESSAGE FROM JOHN CLEESE–To the citizens of the United States of America: In light of your failure to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas , which she does not fancy). Your new prime minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed. To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect: You should look up “revocation” in the Oxford English Dictionary. 1. Then look up aluminum, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. 2. The letter ‘U’ will be reinstated in words such as ‘favour’ and ‘neighbour.’ Likewise, you will learn to spell ‘doughnut’ without skipping half the letters, and the suffix -ize will be replaced by the suffix -ise. God save the Queen. Only He can. –by: John Cleese Continued On Page 4
–Svenmeister & Logan
PO Box 140358
Edgewater,CO 80214
United States
MRF Vice President
Contact: Michael “Boz” Kerr, MRF (e-mail)
Associate Editor, American Motorcycle Dealer>
Tel: +44 (0)1892 511 516
Fax: +44 (0)1892 511 517
American Motorcycle Dealer
Dealer World
International Dealer News