Life is nuts. I?m sitting in the Primedia headquarters, the phones are ringing, deadlines are screaming, the mail says ?No Girls In Hot BIKE?, the corporate types demand meetings daily? you get the picture. But there?s hope. I picked up my S&S 93-inch Shovel engine from Phil?s Speed Shop in Anahiem. He handled rebuilding the heads in his wild shop. Felt good to load it in the back of my pick-up truck.
Imagine a small shop in out of the way industrial area. He has a retail side that?s been boarded up for over a decade. It?s 2000 square feet and 30 years of experience, parts, rigids, Pans, fade parts sleaves and event posters from the ?80s. Right in the middle on one side was my Shovelhead engine on a partial crate poised on a parts counter. On the otherside beyond a wall of cinderblocks, surrounded by lifts hoisting partial project build, mostly Shovels and Pans is a new massive CNC machine. He must have cut a hole in the roof to get it in. Let?s hit the news. Then I have some Hot Bike Cover Stories.
BILL WOULD GIVE FREED FELONS IMMEDIATE VOTE– Maryland felons would have the right to vote immediately after being released from prison, under a bill that received a hearing yesterday in a House of Delegates committee. The measure would eliminate a three-year waiting period mandated by state law that Del. Salima Siler Marriott (D-Baltimore), the bill’s sponsor, said, ?undermines democratic principles.” Pennsylvania and Ohio recently enacted similar measures, proponents of the bill said. Advocates said that stiff drug sentences in the 1980’s and 1990’s vastly expanded the nation’s prison population. Allowing felons to vote when they return to their communities is one way to ensure that they become productive members of society, supporters argued.
Opponents of allowing felons greater access to voting say that felons have long been forced to surrender the right to vote and that disenfranchisement serves as a continuing reminder of the societal damage caused by crime. “The damage done to communities just by drug dealing is not undone” after a felon’s sentence is served, said Del Jean B. Cryor(R-Montgomery) in a hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee yesterday. “There has to be some recognition that the harm they have done to the community continues.” Maryland law mandates that felons must finish their prison terms and then complete parole or probation before beginning a three-year waiting period.
At the end of that period then they are allowed to register to vote. Thirty-five states prohibit felons from voting immediately after they are released, including seven that prohibit most felons from ever voting. In 13 states and the District, felons are eligible to vote after leaving prison. Two states–Maine and Vermont– allow incarcerated felons to vote. This is the article in full, it was written by David Snyder for the Washington Post under the Annapolis Notebook and the date was Jan 27 2005

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– Hurry and get your Sons of Liberty T-shirts. I’m getting ready to place another t-shirt order…ANYONE wanting some,visit:http://region3.solriders.com/Get%20your%20shirts.htm
Let me know what you want via email, fill out the form and send to mewith the money.
Latest on Virginia’s helmet billHere’s the message I sent out to VA today about our committee meeting:
First, a big thank you to those who made it today to the House Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee meeting – Wendy, Steve, Bob, and Doc. Bernie spent the week in Richmond working with Jim and we joined the two of them and Tom McGrath at the General Assembly Building for the meeting.
Unfortunately, HB1979 was not heard today, but I would not call it a waste of time for those of us in attendance. Our presence was noted and there was no question who and what we represent. We got to sit through some interesting legislation and watch the process of it being given thumbs up or thumbs down. Much of it was gun issues and if you are interested, check out the VFR website (www.vfr-race.com) this weekend. I’ll post some info about it there.
As I mentioned, Bernie spent the week with Jim working with the delegates/senators and Bob joined them for 2 of those days. These guys did a great job firming up votes and asking for support and we all owe them a big thank you!
Where do we go from here? Well, HB1979 should be heard next Friday, Jan. 28th at 9AM. If you can make this meeting PLEASE plan to be there. While your presence there is much needed and appreciated, when (let’s all think positive) we make it out of the House, your presence is REALLY needed for the Senate Transportation Committee meeting. We won’t know the date until we know we are out of the House, but we’ll let you know as soon as possible what that date is.
Keep up the good fight! We’re so close this year, let’s do what we need to do.
Penny Adams
Virginia Freedom Riders – Legislative Officer
MRF – Virginia State Representative
Member – Sons of Liberty Riders
540-636-2004 (home)
540-539-9300 (cell)

Riders Want Right Not To Wear Helmets–Riders Want Right Not To Wear HelmetsOne motorcycle association is fighting for the rights of riders to decide.
As of right now, Texas has a helmet law where it is only mandatory forriders under the age of 21 to wear a helmet in any instance.
The Texas Motorcycle Rights Association II says they will meet at thecapitol in Austin Monday to talk to Texas Lawmakers about preserving theirright to decide whether or not to wear a helmet.
Critics of Texas’ helmet law suggests that states with universal helmetlaws have a lower percentage of deaths due to motorcycle accidents.
El Pasoans we spoke with say helmet says should apply to everyone.
Sanjay Gowda from West El Paso says, “Wearing a helmet has nothing to dowith the age. It’s got to do with protection. So what difference does itmake if you’re 21 and above or below? It’s about your safety.”
Texas didn’t always have a weak motorcycle helmet law.
From 1968-1977 and again in 1989 – the law was universal.
It required all motorcycle riders to wear helmets.

1. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, have a little beverage, good food and companionship. She goes on Tuesdays, I go on Fridays.
2. We also sleep in separate beds. Hers is in Calif. and mine is in Texas.
3. I take my wife everywhere…..but she keeps finding her way back.
4. I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. “Somewhere I haven’t been in a long time!” she said. So I suggested the kitchen.
5. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.
6. She has an electric blender, electric toaster and electric bread maker. She said “There are too many gadgets and no place to sit down!” So I bought her an electric chair.
7. My wife told me the car wasn’t running well because there was water in the carburetor. I asked where the car was; she told me “In the lake.”
8. She got a mud pack and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off.
9. She ran after the garbage truck, yelling “Am I too late for the garbage?” The driver said “No, jump in!”
10. Remember: Marriage is the number one cause of divorce.
11. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always.
12. I haven’t spoken to my wife in 18 months. I don’t like to interrupt her.
13. The last fight was my fault though. My wife asked “What’s on the TV?” I said “Dust!”

STEALTH REPORT–This week I am going to tell you about a new shop here in the Charlotte area. The shop is called Down South Customs.Russell Smith is the owner and his mom Karen works the front end of the shop. I have known Russell for a while and he is a cool guy. His shop reminds me of the shops I grew up seeing. Nothing fancy just all business. Two bike lifts in the back and all the tools he needs. Out in front of the shop there are always bikes parked and people hanging in the parking lot. It seems in the short time they have been opened it has become a meeting spot for rides and friends. That in part is due to how Russel makes everyone feel, WELCOMED! Although he is the only wrench at the shop he is never too busy to stop and talk to a customer. Down South Customs does engine performance work complete ground up builds and routine service work.

Russell is good friends with Kendall Johnson and Russell has learned a few tricks of the trade fromKendall. Russell and Kendall team up on the headwork. The shop is catching on around the Charlotte area as Russell says he already needs more space. This is one of the friendlier shops around. You don’t have to buy to stop in and say hello.Down South Customs is also the newest sponsor for the 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory Of Justin Pullin.”
Give Russell a call at Down South Customs 704-888-1434. You won’t be disappointed. Tell them you heard about them on Bikernet from the STEALTH report!
Until Next time!

“It’s true, hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?”
“If Worms Had Guns, Birds Wouldn’t Fuck With Them”
Helen Wolfe
Another Red River Accident… I was just reading an article published, and was very sorry to hear that two men were tragically killed and their wives were injured in Red River on May 30th, 2004. My heart goes out to them because I too was hit by a pick-up truck on the same day while attending the Red River rally. Here’s what took place. My father was a retired Army Officer buried in the National Cemetery in Santa Fe. I go to Santa Fe on Memorial Day Weekend to honor him and to tend his grave. I was just returning to Red River from the cemetery when a pick-up truck driven by James Boswell turned left into the path in which I was riding my motorcycle. I was legally passing a slow moving vehicle on my 2000 Harley-Davidson Road king (I’ve been riding 27 years with no accidents). I was passing at 55 MPH, under the speed limit which was 60 MPH when a pickup truck made a left turn in front of me from the same lane I had been traveling in. Needless to say I struck his pick-up on the rear bumper. My Road King was of course totaled.
After being stabilized at Holy Cross Hospital Emergency Room in Taos I was air lifted to the University of New Mexico Trauma Unit in Albuquerque the afternoon of May 30th, 2004 I woke up three days later in the Intensive Care Unit. My injuries were numerous, in fact I had almost been killed. My left lung had collapsed (I had to have a chest tube placed to reinflate it), my left shoulder had been dislocated, L-1, L-2 and L-3 of my lumbar vertebrae were fractured. 5 ribs (4 on the left side and 1 on the right) were broken. My spleen was also ruptured. The meniscus in my left knee was badly torn and my right heel was crushed. I had a few other injuries that were considered minor. My surgeon said the heel bone was “dusted” but I had surgery last June and I have started putting weight on it since. I suppose I’ll be lucky to not have a bad limp in the coming years. The Orthopedic Surgeon inserted a bone graft and placed a titanium plate with 10 screws in the new heel bone. I just had another surgery two weeks ago to repair the left knee and will undergo another surgery in January on the right foot. I have a long way to go but I think I’ll be ok.

Like the 16 year old, Gerald Bailon, that killed Timothy Serles, Les Walker and injured Kathleen Pullara & Jennifer Serles, James Boswell, the man driving the pick up truck, was not charged with anything at all. As far as I know the Taos County Sheriff’s Deputy that responded to the accident (Jason Rael) did not even run a breathalyzer on him to check for alcohol. I did, however, get checked for alcohol at the hospital and was cleared for both drugs and alcohol. As a matter of fact, the Taos County Sheriff’s Deputy accused me of causing the accident by stating in the Police Report that I had been passing in a no passing zone. My insurance company hired an independent investigation firm to take pictures of the accident site. The truth is that I was traveling in a free passing zone (dotted yellow, not double yellow) as the attached pictures show. The Deputy also reported in the Police Report that I was speeding and careless driving. Both the witness’s listed in the accident report have made recorded statements in which they said that I was passing at a rate of speed under the speed limit. I was passing at 55 MPH in a 60 MPH zone and was not driving carelessly. When Deputy Rael was questioned by Army Investigators ( I am a 27 year veteran of the U.S. Army still on Active Duty) as to why he erroneously reported the traffic situation he stated that Mr. Boswell, the DRIVER of the pickup had told him what happened. An interesting point would be why did the Deputy allege that I was passing in a No Passing Zone on his police report? All he needed to do was to simply look down at the road and determine that the broken yellow line painted on the road indicates that it is a free passing zone. Further, there was absolutely no No Passing signs posted anywhere near the accident site. When asked about the witness’s statements (the witness’s the Deputy had listed on the Police Report) Deputy Rael said he never got statements from them because he was “too busy”. Too busy to ask unbiased witness’s whom he got contact information from but not too busy to ask the biased driver (Boswell) who obviously would be interested in protecting himself.
Deputy Rael now admits that it was a free passing zone but still has no plans to issue the driver of the pickup, James Boswell, a ticket. At this time my attorney tells me that Boswell’s insurance company is considering settling out of court but that remains to be seen. So, as the article in Southwest Scooter News asks, “What’s up in New Mexico”? I think a blatant disregard and very poor attitudes toward motorcycle riders rights is what’s up. As for the Red River Memorial Run, New Mexico can keep their motorcycle event if they are not willing to protect the rights of the guests (namely the motorcycle riding public) they invite into their state to generate revenue.
Sincerely yours, Paul Johnson
Sent by Rogue

NEW FACE AT S&S–VIOLA, WI (January 14, 2005) Hired as the Logistics & Customer Systems Interface Specialist in June of 2004, Brian Conyers has now been promoted to Senior Manager of Communications & Marketing.
Brian came to the company with a variety of technical and customer service experience ranging from retail sales to telecommunication specialties. Prior to his employment at S&S, he worked in information technology, managing telecommunications systems for a regional Midwest bank.
Brian’s role at S&S initially had him working on customer interface technologies with the IS department. Systems that help deliver product to the customer such as bar coding and computer implementation at our new distribution facility were top on the list. He also took an active role in the startup of the new S&S web site and online purchasing project with S&S Web Designer Kevin Sather. This allowed him to make a natural transition to the Communications & Marketing Department in December of 2004.

“I have a great team to work with here at S&S,” said Conyers. “From web site development to catalog production, I’m looking forward to this new creative challenge. I’m very pleased with my transition to S&S Cycle and most recently joining the Communications & Marketing crew.”
“Brian has clearly demonstrated an ability to problem solve, mentor, and get the job done,” said S&S President, Brett Smith. “Having someone of his caliber, passion, and enthusiasm at S&S is a blessing. Here’s a guy that didn’t get his motorcycle license until July and rode over 2,500 miles the rest of the summer. Whatever he has lacked in industry knowledge, he very quickly obtains through close observation and communication with his peers.”

Minnesota Inhabitants– Ole is a farmer in Visconsin. He is in need of a new milk cow and hears about a nice one for sale over in Minnesota. He drives to Minnesota, looks at the cow, reaches under to see if she gives milk. When he grabs the teat and pulls, the cow farts.
Ole is very surprised, looks at the farmer who is selling the cow, then reaches under the cow to try again. He grabs another teat, pulls, and the cow farts again. Milk does come out, however, so after some discussion, Ole decides to buy the cow and take it home.
He calls over his neighbor, Sven, and says, “Hey Sven, come and look at dis here new cow I yust bought. Pull her teat, and see vat happens.” Sven reaches under, pulls the teat, and the cow farts.
Sven looks at Ole and says, “You bought dis cow in Minnesota, yah?” Ole is very surprised and says, “Yah, dats right. But how did you know?”
Sven says, “My wife is from Minnesota.”
Florida Assistant Attorney General & Hookers —ASSOCIATED PRESSTAMPA ? An assistant attorney general was hit with pepper spray and mugged after he called an escort service to a hotel, police said.
Assistant Attorney General John Rimes, who works in Tallahassee, was beaten and robbed of about $500 on Thursday while staying at the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore, according to a city police report released Monday.
Rimes, 54, was treated at St. Joseph?s Hospital until Sunday, hospital officials said.
The police report states that two women arrived at Rimes? hotel room late Thursday after he called an escort service I female companionship.
Police said Rimes had $200, but the women told him he needed more. He went to an ATM and withdrew $300.
After Rimes returned, some one knocked on his hotel room door.
That?s when the man used pepper spray on Rimes, beat him and took the money, police said.
Attorney General Charlie Crist said he will ask the inspector general o office to 1ook into the incident.
I wonder if it will be about the assistant hiring hookers or the robbery. Rogue
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