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BIKERNET ROCK AND ROLL EVENTS–Davie Allan & The ArrowsWith “Slacktone” and “The Deoras”
Lava Lounge
1533 No. La Brea Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90028-7072
(323) 876-6612
New Interview (plus album pick of the month, “For A Few Guitars More”):,
LOST CHILD NEEDS HELP–A small boy was lost at a large shopping mall. He approached a uniformed policeman and said, “I’ve lost my dad!”
The cop asked, “What’s he like?”
The little boy replied, “Beer and pussy!”

100TH ANNIVERSARY ART RELEASE–Mr. Uhl continues to amaze us with his ability to capture on canvas the essence of the Harley-Davidson experience. This captivating image has been selected as David’s second and final painting for the Century Collection for release around May. If you ordered Century you will get the matched number on this piece. Ron Copple 800-999-1297
BIKERNET SEXUAL RESEARCH COLUMN–A couple from the United States took a vacation to Africa and, while there, heard about a tribe whose men all had penises 24 inches long. Well, the couple could not believe this, so they engaged a guide to take them to find this tribe in a remote part of Africa.
When the couple arrived at the tribe’s camp, they were permitted to inspect the male natives’ genitalia and, sure enough, each native had one 24 inches long!
The couple asked the chief how this all came about and they were told that, when each male child became a certain age, a string was tied around his penis and on the other end of the string was a weight. After a while, the weight had the effect of lengthening the penis to 24 inches.
After the couple returned home, the husband was getting out of the shower one day and his wife looked at him and said, “What would you think about your trying the African native string-and-weight procedure so that you can have one like those natives?”The husband agreed and he attached the string and weight.
A few weeks later, the wife asked the husband, “How is our tribal procedure coming?”
He replied, “Well, we’re half way there.”
She asked, “You mean it’s getting longer?”
He said, “No, but it’s turned black
–from Buckshot

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES NEW SYNTHETIC MOTORCYCLE LUBRICANT–Screamin? Eagle SYN3 Designed for Engine, Transmission and Primary Chaincase Lubrication.MILWAUKEE, WIS. – (January 30, 2003) Harley-Davidson recently announced it has developed a new synthetic lubricant designed to meet the unique needs of Harley-Davidson and Buell engine, transmission and primary chaincase lubrication. Screamin? Eagle Synthetic Motorcycle Lubricant (SYN3) can take the place of engine oil, transmission lubricant and primary chaincase oil, making SYN3 a multi-purpose synthetic lubricant in a category of its own.

Developed by Harley-Davidson engineers in conjunction with industry leaders in the lubricant business, SYN3 was created and extensively tested for maximum performance in Harley-Davidson and Buell engines, transmissions and primary chaincases. The versatile SAE 20W50 lubricant will be sold exclusively through Harley-Davidson and Buell dealerships starting in February (Part Number 99824-03/00QT, MSRP $8.25/quart bottle).
SYN3 is especially appealing to two groups of riders: Performance-minded riders whose motorcycles run hotter when pushed to the limit and those who ride in areas with warmer temperatures. Both types of riders know how crucial it is to ensure proper oil cooling to maintain performance and reliability.
CANADIAN AUTHORITIES TRY TO ASSIGN TERRORIST LABEL TO BIKERS– I just read the bit on the H.A. being considered terrorist. We all know that is just plain stupid.Anyway……..picture this……Would you rather be on a plane with a bunch of towel heads or a bunch of “Hells’ Angels”.
Picture this…..You’re on a plane and some towel head pulls out a blade or a gun, would you rather have a bunch of suits trying to disarm this asshole or a bunch of “Hells’ Angels” trying to disarm the asshole?
Maybe that’s something them dip-shits oughta think about up there in Canada.
BAD WEATHER, BAD NEWS– One Saturday morning he gets up early, dresses quietly, gets his bike out of the garage to ride to meet his friends for their customary Saturday morning ride. Coming out of his garage rain is pouring down; torrential downpour. There is snow mixed in with the rain, and the wind is blowing 50 mph and it is only 35 F.
He returns to the garage. He comes back into the house and turns the TV to the weather channel. After a short time, he finds it’s going to be bad weather all day long, so he puts his bike back into the garage, quietly undresses and slips back into bed.
There he cuddles up to his wife’s back, now with a different anticipation, and whispers, “The weather out there is terrible.” To which she sleepily replies, “Can you believe my stupid husband is out riding in that shit?”
Sanford, NC.
–from Mary Ann Hart

BIKERNET MOVIE CRITIC PREVIEWS BIKER BOYS– Sadly, lots of reviewers and critics have slammed the movie and I say to the contrary, don’t listen to the reviewers and whiney critics who nitpick at every little thing and deem it WRONG while sipping a double decafe no foam no fat latte.
The movie should be supported by bikers no matter what you ride because after all it is a biker flick albeit in a different culture, and it’s based upon a true story in the lifestyle.”The story is about the world of underground motorcycle clubs, with the undefeated racer known as Smoke as the undisputed “King of Cali.” He’s challenged by a young motorcycle racing prodigy called Kid who is determined to win Smoke’s helmet and coveted title. Of course, all this means costly stunts and special effects — something the production didn’t have.” reports Teresa Contreras of the movie internet site, Zap2it. Apparently, studios were concerned about a movie featuring African American motorcyclists. So, Biker Boyz wasn’t an easy movie to get launched. It was a damn mountain to get made. And, no, it wasn’t some brilliantly engineered story line, but it didn’t need to be. And most likely there wasn’t any time or budget to really cultivate the original intentions of the flick. The movie is about the culture, it’s about the bikes, the racing and the stunts. A deep story line would take away from the bike’s screentime anyway. It’s more like a shut up and ride and trick flick. –Sasha PS: baby, the bikes from the movie are for sale. Continued On Page 3