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Two New Books from Wolfgang Publications–January 2003, Stillwater, MN Advanced Sheet Metal Fabrication Techniques, available in May, is a photo-intensive how-to book. See Rob Roehl create a motorcycle gas tank and Ron Covell form a Deuce grille shell. Methods and tools include English wheel, power hammer, shrinkers and stretchers, and of course the hammer and dolly. Both titles are over 50% color, 144 pages in length and sell for $24.95 each plus $5.50 S&H (per order). Order one or both by mail, phone or from the web: Wolfgang Publications MORE DARWIN AWARDS– A young Canadian man, searching for a way of getting drunk cheaply,because he had no money with which to buy alcohol, mixed gasoline with milk.Not surprisingly, this concoction made him ill, and he vomited into thefireplace in his house. This resulting explosion and fire burned his housedown, killing both him and his sister.from Redhorse MILITARY RULES forNON-MILITARY PERSONNEL–The current state of affairs in our great nation have many civilians upinarms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can’t join,youcan still lend a hand. The Military suggests these few areas in whichyourassistance will be helpful: 1. The next time you see an adult talking during the playing of theNationalAnthem … kick their ass. 2. When you witness firsthand someone burning the American Flag inprotest… kick their ass. 3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highestamount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise,quietly pull them aside and explain how these Veterans fought for theveryfreedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrificesthese Veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down whileaDisabled Veteran kicks their ass. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day.Without them, our country would get ITS ass kicked. TMRA LEGISLATIVE DAY– This year there were many new state representatives due to the elections as well as redistricting. Sputnik, a Texas Motorcycle Riders Association (TMRA) leader, jumped right in getting people headed in the proper direction. After making my rounds I began trying to get shots of all the clubs that had sent their own representatives to speak on the behalf of the TMRA 2 and Texas bikers. I believe I have images of (23) different clubs and I estimate there were probably (30+) easy. It is such a rush to be wandering through the halls of our State Capital and see all of the black-leather clad folks going in & out of the offices of their elected officials. With all the club representation as well as the individual riders in attendance, the bikers once again seemed to outnumber the rest of the groups that had come to state capital that day. Each chapter sets aside funds so that two members can spend a week at the capital and interact with Sputnik as he makes his rounds and works the Bills through committees and onto the Floor. This year the TMRA top issues are: Equal Access, Failure to Yield and an Insurance Coverage Bill (HIPAA). I do not make every monthly meeting, but I have made sure I was able to attend the last two Legislative Days and am trying to learn more. –RFR Oh yeah, there are a bunch of cute girls working at the Capital! BIKERNET ON SHEEP FARMING–There was once a sheep farmer who needed help with the difficult task of castrating some of his inferior male sheep to keep them from breeding with the females.He hired a French guy who didn’t speak much English, but was a very good worker. After the first day, they had successfully castrated 14 sheep and his French worker was just about to throw away the “parts”. But the sheep farmer yelled,”No! Don’t throw those away! My wife fries them up and we eat them.They’re delicious and we call them’sheep fries’.” Later that day, the French hired hand came in for supper, and indeed the ‘sheep fries’ were tasty.The next day,they castrated 16 sheep, and the following evening they all settled down to another supper of ‘sheep fries’.The third day, however, when the sheep farmer came home,he asked his wife where the French hired hand was, and she said,”You know, it’s the weirdest thing! I told him since there weren’t very many ‘sheep fries’ this evening, we were also going to have French fries,and he ran like hell!!” –Jim W Williams, from Buckshot HAMSTER INDUCTED INTO HALL OF FAME–The following are being inducted: Max Bubeck, Jay Springsteen, Douglas Bingham, Dave Perewitz, Allen LaFortune, Branscombe Richmond, Cristine Sommer-Simmons. Also the dates for the Redwood Run have changed to July. Please click this link for further information –Patty STURGIS PLANS ARE AFOOT–The 2003 West Coast Hamster ride to Sturgis has a tentative route as follows, contingent upon rooms being available. Sat. July 26th meet in Barstow LOW, WIDE AND FAT–New Beach Bars From Harley-Davidson Offer the Latest In Custom Style Beach Bars are offered as a kit that also includes a chrome handlebar clamp, risers, a braided steel brakeline and all mounting hardware. For the 2002 and later FLSTC Heritage Softail Classic (P/N 56364-02) the kit has a U.S. MSRP of $429.00. For 2003 and later FLHR/C/I Road King models (P/N 56529-02) has a suggested U.S. retail price of $539.00 For additional information on Beach Bar Handlebars and other Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the USA or Canada. Continued On Page 4
1310 Sunny Slope Ln
Stillwater, MN 55082
651 275 9411
Sun. to Williams, AZ
Mon. to Kayenta, AZ
Tues. to durango, CO
Wed. to Aspen, CO
Thurs. layover day Aspen
Fri. to Denver for Arlins Party
Sat. Aug. 2nd to Spearfish