Continued From Page 3
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Another week has gone by, so what’s new..I’m still checking my messages at 5:00 am every morning, yeap when I get home! The new chopper is a little on the scheduled side, but we’ll make it. No sleep for 3 or 4 days… By the way, while checking those late night/ early morning, I want to thank all those who always take the time to write and like or dislike what I do here every week and even about the stuff going on in the Bikernet letter to the editor department: It’s your shot!
Again I’m going to get a bit distracted from what I was saying to get something off my chest (don’t I always!!). I enjoy making harmless fun of stuff and people in general. I try not to downgrade or humiliate another person. I don’t think this is the proper forum for that, and I’m sure Bandit and the ladies don’t think so either, There’s always a bunch of outlets on the internet for this kind of things…just use the search engines and type the word HATE.
Anyway, enough of that…. Let’s get back to what I was trying to say.I was reading last weeks News (yeap I do read them and Your Shot as well) and was sort of interested in the sudden increase of motorcycle accidents and deaths….Guess why ??.. No not the Twinkies..well……. Let’s see….Rallies and events have multiplied their attendance in the past years, which means there’s a lot more riders on the roads, many of this riders are inexperienced, or they buy a bike because it’s cool and their friend has one, follow the Rubbie-bashing-road fellow readers.. And motorcyclists are getting older (perhaps I should use the word bikers….Naaahhh) It’s a very simple matter of quantity and quality.
Like in any other events I see a lot of brand new riders in Sturgis, fine, go have fun in Main Street, but once you mix the sweeping turns and inexperience that’s were trouble starts. Let’s add a few beers to the equation, and Voila ! Guess who is going to hit the pavement ? Or add a 1,500 pound bike with the wife atop, all the latest communication and gazoo helmetry, the bags loaded up with all the gee gaws and the latest wares and souvenirs, plus the mechanical ability of a Totem post….” Honey those tires look flat” Yeah wait for the check up at the ” Official” dealership to solve that…Kapow ! There goes Humpty…
Again getting a bit out of the line of thought. Why is it that people go to a motorcycle event and they become insta assholes ? What seems like normal people (to me which is really simple) have to outdo themselves in “trying” to be the badest of the bad asses…The more drinking, shouting, leather stuff, whacking the fucking pipes, the happier. I guess these people just try to bring attention unto themselves. I swear that the drag pipes scream ” look at meee.” Every time someone whacks the throttle on Main St anywhere. People don’t seem to try to be themselves, they play an acting role in a charade.
Now my junction to the previous blurb. Some people have limited abilities. Stuff has to be learned, no one gets on a bike and wins a Grand Prix in the first try. like I said, add a few too many alcoholic beverages, overconfidence and inexperience and just wait for the accident to happen, as simple as that. I also have to be fair, a lot of stuff happens on the road, but more experienced riders are aware of these hazards and ride on the offensive and have been lucky enough to learn from previous mistakes.
What is really sad about this is that these people are loosing their lives by acting foolishly or not. I bet all the families don’t give a rat’s ass if dad want’s to go play bad ass Captain America, as long as he comes back home. What if he ain’t coming back? Yep, just like in the movie, is it fair to them, or even to all the other motorcyclists who will live with the statistics and insurance hikes. Anyway, rather read the ” statistics” than being one. That’s for fuckin’ sure. Not only that, and to top it off. Many of these newbie riders cause accidents to other riders. I’ve seen people miss a turn and plow into the oncoming bike. It’s imperative that you think of other people. I tell you, if someone hits anyone I’m riding with because he was doing stupid shit, I can assure you he will get a beating, no matter his condition.
I might be wrong, but then again, it’s my opinion and it counts even if only to me.Okay, enough rant…Let’s get to then news:

As you might know Choppers Inc, The Horse and Caribbean Custom Cycles (yours truly) will have a booth in Daytona Bike Week, we will be at the Galaxy Buick dealership two blocks North of Daytona Harley in Beach Street. If you see the big ass Performance Machine trailer, we are close by. It promises to be a lot of fun, since all our chopper riding friends have promised to visit and help out.

I have received photos of Billy Lane’s, Choppers Inc., Camel chopper. The bike is insane and bad ass. I am saving the photos for a later date, although you can see a sneak peek at my web site

The report on my Daytona Chopper (which looks like a Twinkie after seeing Billy’s bike) I’m putting it together as you read this, but I’m going to share the photo with you, (right before I took it apart and moved it to the spray booth). I have moved into the Next Day and Red Ups zone. All my friends are working their asses off for the completion. And I’m going to mention each and everyone here, in a mega plug,(if the Bikernet Vixens permit) in a following report. No matter what people say, few builders can do the whole thing by themselves, I’m lucky to be able to call all this people and small shop friends who always assist me:Shamrock Fabrication, PDQ upholstery, Boar Batteries, Twisted Choppers, West Coast Choppers, Choppers Inc, Accutronix, Avon, Exile Cycles, Forking by Franks, Clayton Machine works, Custom Chrome, Rivera Primo,Spyke….and whomever I forget…Sorry. Thanks to all.
I heard that Cincy show was a blast, and heard about a lot of new stuff going on, but I will let Bandit get into that, since he was there. I took care of Bikernet headquarters and the Vixens.Next is the Indy show. Maybe I can make it there, doubt it very much, but I might…
Chica has an open house February 9th, be sure to go visit Chica San and the crew, it will be a fun time and they always have cool stuff under the sleeves to show. Even if it’s Chica’s magic hammer.

I have the latest in gas tanks, made by my friends at Twisted Choppers, (I’m pretty lucky to get all this exclusive stuff) if you like those or the gas tank on my bike give this guys a shout or try

–Jose Bikernet Caribbean report and super secret updates extraordinaire. —,
Visit our Web Site NEW MEXICO SENATOR BOWS TO PRESSURE FROM MOTORCYCLISTS, WITHDRAWS OUTRAGEOUS LEGISLATION– PICKERINGTON, OHIO — The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has announced that New Mexico state Sen. Allen Hurt (R-Waterflow) has informed the AMA that he will withdraw Senate Bill 239, which could have forced some motorcyclists to become organ donors. AMA leadership learned of Sen. Hurt?s intentions this afternoon in a message which read, in part: ?You win … I?m pulling New Mexico SB 239.? Late last Thursday, the AMA had expressed its outrage at SB 239, which, if it had passed, would have allowed the harvesting of organs from any motorcyclist who didn’t wear a helmet and was declared brain dead as a result of an accident. ?This victory demonstrates how powerful our voice can be when American motorcyclists speak together,? said Sean Maher, AMA Director of State Affairs. “When New Mexico state officials received more than 1,100 e-mails opposing SB 239, they got the message, and Sen. Hurt acted quickly to withdraw his proposal.” The AMA organized opposition to the bill, urging motorcyclists to use the AMA Rapid Response Center — part of the Association?s website, — to send a message to Hurt and the New Mexico Legislature?s leadership. –from Helen Wolfe HORSE TRADING–A guy calls his buddy, a horse rancher, and says he’s sending a friend over to look at a horse. The buddy says, “How will I recognize him?” His friend answers, “That’s easy, he’s a midget with a speech impediment.” So, the midget shows up and the guy asks him if he’s looking for a male or a female horse. “A female horth.” So he shows him a prized filly. “Nith lookin horth. Can I thee her eyeth?” So the guy picks up the midget and he gives the horse’s eyes the once over. “Nith eyeth, can I thee her earzth?” the midget asks. So he picks the little fella up again and shows him the horse’s ears. “Nith earzth, can I see her mouf?” The rancher is getting pretty pissed off at this point but he picks him up again and shows him the horse’s mouth. “Nice mouf, can I see her twat?” Totally pissed at this point, the rancher grabs him under his arm and jams the midget’s head as far as he can up the horse’s you-know-what, pulls him out and slams him on the ground. The midget gets up, sputtering and coughing,”Perhaps I should rephrathe that. Can I thee her wun awound a widdle bit?” –from Al friedman

FIRST VICTORY CHOPPER–Was built in the back woods of Iowa where Don Hotop lives in a cave. He didn’t actually build this clean ride, he harrassed the owner/builder during the process and loaned him tools. The bike was constructed from a 2000 Sport model and the frame was modified for a Harley tank. You’ll see more in the near future when we get it out of the owner’s garage and feature it.

RUN FOR BREATH 2003 FIRST MEETING–We had the first meeting last night and we set the date for July 27th. By unamious vote we decided that the bikers of Charlotte would prefer to have Randy Simpson of Milwaukee Iron attend our charity run for the American Lung Association, than have you come and drink all our Jack again. Besides Randy will bring a display of his cool bikes for the crowd to see and you just come out and try to steal my girl.
–Mike Pullin
Founder and Run For Breath President
For more information contact Harley-Davidson of Charlotte.

SCOTT JACOBS GOES TO THE RACES–This work of art by Scott Jacobs is the grand finale of the racing series. Jacobs captured the exhileration of the most thrilling finish in all of racing; the 1998 Springfield Mile. Only 99 plus 25 APs are produced on canvas @$750 per and 250 plus 25 APs on paper @ $375 per. All of the pieces are hand-signed by Parker, Springer and Carr. Call before these run out! (canvas 30×30, paper 21×26)Ron Copple 800-999-1297

CYRIL HUZE BUILDS NEW TEES– The tribal pattern used on these tees is the one designed by Cyril Huze for his Chopper called Tattoo Chop. Back of tee shirt is screen-printed with the slogan “Absolute Customs”. Front is printed with horizontal tribal logo. Men long sleeves or women baby doll. Black, white or red..
Cyril Huze Custom
Motorcycles & Parts
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

BIKERNET MEDICAL ADVICE–I’m so depressed… My Doctor refused to write me a prescription for Viagra. He said it would be like putting a new flagpole on a condemned building.
–from Kris J.

THAT’S ALL I CAN MUSTER–The week has been exciting, non-stop action, but I’m still pulled back to the slim redhead at the show and the way she whispered to me about my phone number. A blush crossed my face as I gawked at her glistening lips and wondered.
I was surrounded by my bros and had to maintain my business-like composure, when I would have rather followed her out the door to her room. It was damn good to see the bros, drink too much and trying to remember every new innovation and concept hungry to reach the market.
Buck Lovell sent me shots of the old school clean Pan above. I’ll try to have a feature prepared for next week. While at the show I was invited by the two competitors, Dave Perewitz and Billy Lane to ride with them to Dallas for the next Discovery Build-And-Ride adventure. What if I ride the Easyriders of Dallas 1926 Shovelhead rigid from Florida to the Easyriders show in Dallas? The sheet metal is currently at Harold Ponteralli’s H-D Performance for paint. I may make it. Ya just never know. Have a helluva week.