He had a little spell last night so we both administered mouth-to-mouth onhim. For some reason he thought he needed both of us to do it at the sametime. Well, whatever keeps him going, that’s all that counts.We’ll try to muddle through the news:
MAXIM SLAMS WEB SITES– The dork editor, Keith Blanchard, of popular Maxim magazine saw fit to slam Web sites in general while the ad next to his ramblings was for AskJeeves.com. While Maxim causes entire forests to be mowed to the ground to print one issue, so that half of the copies are destroyed and the rest hang around on the piss-soaked floors of frat outhouses, the Internet will live and grow at an alarming rate without harm to precious resources. Go for it Keith. You sound like a candle maker throwing stones at Edison.
TWIN-CAM CHOPPER FRAME– Choppers are the craze, but the sensible rider wants to build a reliable scoot, so it would make sense to dream of a Softail-style frame with rubbermount capabilities. If the dream contained shapely women, it would also reach for a stretched chopper with Twin Cam reliability and technology. Well, that dream can come true. I just ran across Will Phillip’s stretched rubbertail frame in American motorcycle dealer. It features a 4-inch backbone stretch, 7-inch rise and 42 degrees of rake. With a three-point, rubber-mounted powertrain and monoshock situated under the seat, a 240 rear tire can easily push that puppy across the country. I’ll try to pop an image in here next week or check our new products section or call (818) 554-6204.
BANDIT’S CANTINA–Somewhere around the end of this month we’ll launch a new department on Bikernet. It will contain all my books in their entirety, games, sexual advice, personals, antique techs, contests for valuable prizes and something completely off the wall–the first Internet weekly drama, a biker whodunit that takes place in the cantina. OK, here’s the catch. You’ll have to join to climb into this section. Hell, we can’t do everything for free. It will cost less than the price of a beer for an entire month. Less than a pack of smokes even. You’ll get to see whatever new books we’re building and more. Yes, for less than $2 a month you can join the cantina and have a blast. No, it won’t impact the free section. We’ll still be piling on the latest news here, but my first two books nearly sold out and this allows us to continue sharing them with the world.
BANDIT AND SUNDANCE–Thanks for the trophy and two books. I put the trophy on my H-D shelf andstarted reading the books.I was the Vintage Chopper winner for December.
–Ray Carter
To see the rest of this bike and more, visit the Bikernet Cyberspace Bike Show.
Jeff Schneider
Dallas, Texas
Radical Custom
Jerry Tomczak
West Bend, Wis.
EZ Rat
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Roy Berry
Frederick, Md.
Street Custom-Stock
Lucky Dave McCrostie
Charlotte, N.C.
Vintage Chopper
F.C. White
Wasilla, Ark.
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN AMERICA– If a woman burns her thighs on the hot coffee she was holding in her lap while driving, she blames the restaurant.
If your teen-age son kills himself, you blame the rock ‘n’ roll musician he liked.
If you smoke three packs a day for 40 years and die of lung cancer, your family blames the tobacco company.
If your daughter gets pregnant by the football team captain, you blame the school for poor sex education.
If your neighbor crashes into a tree while driving home drunk, you blame the bartender.
If your cousin gets AIDS because the needle he used to shoot heroin was dirty, you blame the government for not providing clean ones.
If your grandchildren are brats without manners, you blame television.
If your friend is shot by a deranged madman, you blame the gun manufacturer.
God bless America, land of the free, home of the blame.
EASYRIDERS DEALER SHOW IN CINCINNATI A MAJOR HIT–Thanks to the leadership of Jim Betlach and the veteran show producers Jim and Debbie Lewis, the first ER dealer show was a success. Now for the first time in decades the industry has a show devoted to the H-D aftermarket. Here’s a report from our cub reporter in Charlotte:
One of the first places I stopped was at D and D Metal Works. They make the “Fat Katz” aluminum gas tanks and some really cool custom fenders.Don showed me the mounting for the tanks. The Heli-Arc welding was some of the best I’ve seen in a long time. The metal forming was very well done also. Their e-mail address is www.fatkatz.com. Daytec also has a new line of steel tanks.
I met up with Trock at the Rivera booth. While we were talking, Dennis Manning from BUB came by. Dennis was talking about his Bonneville engine. There’s some really neat high-tech stuff going on with that project.George Roeder came by for a chat. We talked some about racing and what his sons are up to for the coming season. George is a true motorcyclelegend and it was cool to see him again.
I also ran into “Red” Reiser of hill climbing fame from Ohio. He is T.R. Reiser’s dad. T.R. is from T-Man Performance in N.C. T.R. does some really cool work on the Twin Cam engine. He is also a very good head porter.
I saw Barrie Gerolamy from BC Gerolamy at the Chopper’s Inc. booth. Everybody was checking out the bike they had there. It was the Pan Head with the 1940 Indian girder front end that was at the Charlotte Easyriders show. The bike is really cool.I would say there was a good size crowd there. Saw a lot of old and new friends. Lots of new stuff, with EMC EFI being one of my favorite bolt on deals.
I talked to my friend Joe Pederson from American-V-twin, which is located in Myrtle Beach, S.C. I met him at the CCI product review in Charlotte last month. Joe was telling me he already had used the Horizon 2000 financingprogram for one of his customers and was pleased with how that was going. Joe is good people and I’m hoping to see him on the way to Daytona. Their Web site is www.american-vtwin.com
I also ran into Donnie Smith. We were talking Girders and such. He gave me some leads for shocks for my Girder project. We also did some reminiscing about the old days of drag racing and what the people are up to now.I guess that’s about it for the show, though I could go on and on. There wasso much happening and so much stuff to see, it’s hard to get it all in.
–Later, PaulStreetware:
STREETWARE ON BIKERNET–We’ve been attempting to launch this section for a couple months. I flew out to Texas to review the catalog and meet with the people of Chrome Specialties. It’s an upbeat group of bikers who have their hearts in the right place and I like their line of apparel and accessories. It has attitude, style and says what us crazed bikers are all about. We’re excited to offer this line, so check it out, goddamnit.
Continued on Page 2